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unicellular 发音

英:[?ju?n??selj?l?r]  美:[?ju?n??selj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

unicellular 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 单细胞的


unicellular 短语词组

1、unicellular animal ─── 单细胞动物

2、unicellular definition ─── 单细胞定义

3、unicellular sclerosis ─── [医] 细胞间硬化, 细胞间纤维组织增生

4、unicellular algae ─── 单细胞藻类

5、unicellular operator ─── 单胞算子

6、unicellular organism ─── 单细胞生物

7、unicellular eukaryotes ─── 单细胞真核生物

8、unicellular rubber ─── 闭孔泡沫橡胶

9、unicellular stage ─── [医]单细胞期

10、unicellular analogy ─── 单细胞类比

11、unicellular gland ─── 单细胞腺

12、unicellular eubacteria ─── 单细胞细菌

13、unicellular plant ─── 单细胞植物

14、unicellular hair ─── [医] 单细胞毛

15、unicellular animals ─── 单细胞动物

16、unicellular organisms ─── [生物]单细胞生物单细胞机体

17、unicellular type ─── [医]单细胞式(藻)

18、unicellular glands ─── [医] 单细胞腺

19、unicellular model ─── 单细胞模型

unicellular 反义词


unicellular 词性/词形变化,unicellular变形

名词: unicellularity |

unicellular 同义词

unicellular 相似词语短语

1、noncellular ─── adj.无细胞的;非细胞的

2、multicellular ─── adj.[生物]多细胞的;多空隙的

3、intracellular ─── adj.细胞内的

4、unicellularity ─── 单细胞性

5、subcellular ─── adj.亚细胞的

6、acellular ─── adj.[生物]非细胞的;非细胞组成的

7、univalvular ─── 单瓣膜

8、cellular ─── adj.细胞的;多孔的;由细胞组成的;n.移动电话;单元

9、intercellular ─── adj.[细胞]在细胞间的

unicellular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unicellular animal ─── 单细胞动物

2、unicellular biomass ─── 单细胞生动量

3、Any of various unicellular green algae of the genus Chlorella, easily cultured and often used in studies of photosynthesis and other experiments. ─── 小球藻小球藻属任何一种单细胞绿藻,易于培养且常被用于光合作用研究及其它实验中

4、Mature prothalli are cordate -shaped. Profuse unicellular hairs occur on the surface and margin of the prothalli. ─── 原叶体边缘及表面均可产生毛状体,数量丰富,为单细胞。

5、A Tentative Study on the Measuring of the Numbers of Unicellular Algae by Spectrophotometer ─── 分光光度法测定单胞藻数量初步研究

6、For example, in the unicellular chlamydomonas the vegetative cell is haploid, and the only diploid cells are the zygospores, which germinate to produce haploid zoospores. ─── 例如,在单细胞的衣藻中营养细胞是单倍体,唯一的二倍体细胞是接合孢子(应为孢子,译者注),萌发后能产生单倍体的游动孢子。

7、Goblet cells (unicellular glands) are found between the columnar epithelial cells of the duodenum. ─── 杯状细胞(单细胞腺)被发现十二指肠之间的柱状上皮细胞。

8、2. A unicellular protoctist of the phylum Ciliophora, whose members are usually covered in short undulipodia (cilia) and have two different kinds of nuclei, micronuclei and macronuclei. ─── 2纤毛虫:纤毛虫纲的一类原生单细胞生物。该类生物具有短的纤毛,还具有两个细胞核,一个是大核,另一个是小核。

9、Plant trichome is a specialized unicellular structure that develops on surface of organs. ─── 摘要 植物表皮毛是一种特化的单细胞表皮结构。

10、unicellular sclerosis ─── [医] 细胞间硬化, 细胞间纤维组织增生

11、unicellular culture ─── 单细胞培养

12、unicellular organism ─── 单细胞生物

13、Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms, considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems. ─── 原生物任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中将它分为一个单独的界

14、Keywords waste liquid and material;unicellular acbument;experiment;r esult anyalyse; ─── 废液废料;单细胞蛋白;试验;结果分析;

15、An autotrophic, unicellular, green alga presents the minimum of specialization ─── 一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。

16、unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms: regarded as distinct from plants and animals. ─── 与动植物截然不同。

17、Unicellular green alga chlorella is kind of important eukaryotic microalga. ─── 摘要单细胞真核藻类-小球藻是一种重要的微藻资源。

18、2. The swelling produced by a unicellular organism that is reproducing asexually by BUDDING. ─── 单细胞生物体体旁或体后端长出的小突起,能形成子体,是一种无性生殖。

19、Typical bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic organisms that have no organelles except ribosomes ,no membrane-enclosed nucleus and have normal peptidoglycan。 ─── 典型的细菌是单细胞型的原核生物,除核糖体外无其他细胞器,无核膜,有肽聚糖。

20、A microscopic fossil, as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism ─── 微体化石一种微小的化石,如花粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石

21、Unicellular gland - a goblet cell mucus-secreting. (H &E stain. ─── 单细胞腺--分泌粘液的杯状细胞。

22、unicellular stage ─── 单细胞期

23、a microscopic fossil,as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism ─── 一种微小的化石,如花粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石

24、primordial unicellular organism ─── 原始单细胞生物

25、an asexual reproductive process in which a unicellular organism divides into two or more independently maturing daughter cells. ─── 裂殖,分裂生殖单细胞组织分裂成两个或多个独立的成熟子细胞的无性生殖过程

26、Unicellular culture in vitro of Actinidia arguta, A, kolomikta and A. polygama was carried in MS, the basic medium, and supplemented the 2,4-D or NAA and ZT to induce the callus. ─── 以软枣猕猴桃(Actinidia arguta)、狗枣猕猴桃(Actinidia kolomikta)和葛枣猕猴桃(Actinidia Polygama)为试材进行单细胞培养,以MS为基本培养基,附加生长素(2,4-D、NAA)和玉米素(ZT)诱导愈伤组织。

27、Leaves opposite or alternate, petiolate, estipulate, simple, margin entire or rarely undulate, leathery to thickly papery, often pubescent with unicellular 2-armed trichomes, pinnately veined. ─── 叶对生和互生,具叶柄,无托叶,单叶,边缘全缘和很少波状,革质或厚纸质,通常具有单细胞的毛,叶脉羽状。

28、unicellular fibre ─── 单细胞纤维

29、Think again. This unicellular diatom (diatom Arachnoidiscus), a type of algae, reveals an intricate rainbow pattern under 40x magnification. ─── 再想想,这种单细胞的硅藻(网状硅藻属的硅藻),是一种类型的海藻,放大了40倍后,显示了像“彩虹”那样的错综复杂五彩缤纷排列。

30、It occurs in some unicellular fungi, such as the yeasts. ─── 在一些单细胞的真菌中较为常见,例如酵母。

31、Fungi are generally saprophytic or parasitic, and may be unicellular or composed of filaments (termed hyphae) that together comprise the fungal body or mycelium. ─── 在它们的生活史的任一阶段都未发现鞭毛。

32、a unicellular animal ─── 原生动物

33、Application of Unicellular Algae in Artificial Propagation of Crab ─── 单胞藻在河蟹全人工育苗中的应用

34、Study on the Thermal Simulation for Hydrocarbon Generating by Unicellular Algae ─── 单细胞海藻热模拟生烃研究

35、These three plasmids were transformed into the unicellular eukaryotic S. cerevisiae BJ1991 and the galactose induced transformants were analyzed with the SDS-PAGE. ─── 将此3种质粒分别转化单细胞真核生物酿酒酵母BJ1991,得到的转化子经半乳糖诱导表达后进行菌体全蛋白的SDS-PAGE分析。

36、Comprehensive methods on control of enemy organisms of unicellular algae ─── 单细胞藻类敌害生物的综合防治方法

37、Enemy organism of unicellular algae and microbe destroy harmful algae ─── 单细胞藻类的敌害生物与有害藻类的溶藻微生物

38、Herbs annual, with unicellular, vesicular hairs, becoming furfuraceous when dry. ─── 一年生草本,具单细胞,囊状的毛,变得软鳞片状干燥时。

39、Rhizoid A unicellular rootlike structure found in certain algae and in the gametophyte generation of the bryophytes and some ferns. ─── 假根:在一些藻类、苔藓植物和裸子植物配子体中存在的由单个细胞形成的类似根的结构。

40、Evaluation of Environmental Water Quality by Application of Comet Assay with Unicellular Protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila ─── 四膜虫彗星实验在环境水质检测中的应用

41、unicellular eubacteria ─── 单细胞真细菌

42、A small,light - sensitive patch of pigment in certain algae and unicellular organisms. ─── 地球上的生命是从一些很小的单细胞生物进化而来的。

43、Blastocystis hominis is a unicellular protozoan commonly found in the intestinal tract of human and mammal. ─── 人芽囊原虫是一种常见的人和哺乳动物肠道寄生原虫。

44、An autotrophic, unicellular, green alga presents the minimum of specialization. ─── 一个自养的单细胞绿藻表现最小程度的特化。

45、"Chlorella:any of various unicellular green algae of the genus Chlorella, easily cultured and often used in studies of photosynthesis and other experiments." ─── 小球藻:小球藻属任何一种单细胞绿藻,易于培养且常被用于光合作用研究及其它实验中.

46、Earth was just over 2 billion years old, and home only to unicellular life-forms. ─── 年前地球刚刚诞生,地球上只有些单细胞生物。

47、We cannot be certain that Gonium, pandonina, Eudonna, and Pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular Volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas. ─── 我们不能肯定盘藻、实球藻、空球藻和杂球藻代表从单细胞衣藻到多细胞因藻的各进化阶段。

48、Some of the commoner orders include:Volvocales, unicellular and colonial plants, e. g.Chlamydomonas, Volvox; ─── 一些常见的目有团藻目,其中包括单细胞类型或群体类型,例如衣藻属或团藻属。

49、reproduction of some unicellular organisms by growth and specialization followed by the separation by constriction of a part of the parent. ─── 一种无性繁殖形式,其中外部生长物在母体中发育,然后脱离产生一个新的个体。

50、The fungus is unicellular and exists in both haploid and diploid phases ─── 它是单细胞真菌,有单倍体和二倍体两种存在形态。

51、Hormonal Imprinting of Unicellular Animals and Multicellular Animals ─── 单细胞动物和多细胞动物的激素印迹

52、Technique on preservation of unicellular algae cloned in soft agar solid culture medium ─── 单胞藻软琼脂克隆固体培养基保藏技术

53、Organs, tissues and unicellular culture could be used not only to reproduce and keep genetic resources, but also induce somatic cell variation, produce mutant. ─── 器官、组织和单细胞培养不仅可用于繁殖和保存种质,而且已用来诱导体细胞变异,产生突变体。

54、unicellular gland ─── 单细胞腺

55、Unicellular Describing organisms that exits as a single cell. Such a state is characteristic of most protoctists and bacteria and is also found in many fungi. Compare multicellular; acellular. ─── 单细胞生物:描述以单个细胞形式存在的生物。

56、Unicellular eukaryotes lack the ability to regulate nutrient concentrations in their extracellular environment. ─── 单细胞真核生物缺乏调节能力养分浓度的细胞外环境。

57、A new liquid fertilizer make use of the industry by-product the unicellular to ferment the liquid to withdraw the liquid, and imply the living creature foundation the material etc. ─── 摘要用生物化学的方法,将生产庆大霉素的废液-单细胞发酵液的小单孢菌提取液转变成新型生物质液肥。

58、69. plantlike flagellates containing chlorophyll; often considered unicellular algae. ─── 含有叶绿素貌似植物的鞭毛虫;通常被认为是单细胞藻类。

59、Diatoms A phylum of the protoctista whose members are unicellular algae found in freshwater, the sea, and soil. ─── 一类藻类植物。藻体一般为单细胞,有时集成群体。普遍分布于淡水,海水以及土壤中。

60、Typical bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic organisms that have no organelles except ribosomes, no membrane-enclosed nucleus and have normal peptidoglycan. ─── 典型的细菌是单细胞型的原核生物,除核糖体外无其他细胞器,无核膜,有肽聚糖。

61、unicellular plastics ─── 单孔塑料闭孔泡沫塑料

62、unicellular hair ─── [医] 单细胞毛

63、unicellular alga ─── 单细胞藻类

64、any of various unicellular green algae of the genus Chlorella,easily cultured and often used in studies of photosynthesis and other experiments ─── 小球藻属任何一种单细胞绿藻,易于培养且常被用于光合作用研究及其它实验中

65、unicellular type ─── 单细胞式(藻)

66、Through microscope observation, the cytoplasm of unicellular Microcystis is dissolved while colonial Microcystis disorganized after 24h Microcystis- lysing. ─── 24小时后在光学显微镜下表现为细胞质溶出死亡,微囊藻群体瓦解。

67、The eyespot of unicellular and colonial algae and their gametes and zoospores contains globules of orange or red carotenoid pigments. ─── 单细胞生物和群体藻类的眼点、配子和孢子含有橙色或红色的类胡萝卜素。

68、Keywords comet assay;unicellular protozoan;Tetrahymena thermophila: evaluation of water quality; ─── 分子生物学;彗星实验;原生生物;四膜虫;水质检测;

69、A temporary projection of the cytoplasm of certain cells, such as phagocytes, or of certain unicellular organisms, especially amoebas, that serves in locomotion and phagocytosis. ─── 伪足某些细胞质的暂时突起,比如吞噬细胞,或是单细胞有机体胞质突起,尤指变形虫为移动和吞噬的突起

70、In unicellular organisms whole individuals may unite but in most multicellular organisms only the gametes combine. ─── 单细胞生物常发生整体的融合,而多细胞中只有配子发生融合。

71、Reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts. ─── 单细胞组织分裂成两个或多个独立的成熟子细胞的无性生殖过程。

72、reproduction of some unicellular organisms by growth and specialization followed by the separation by constriction of a part of the parent ─── 一种无性繁殖形式,其中外部生长物在母体中发育,然后脱离产生一个新的个体

73、Adaptation to the DNA damage checkpoint is a phenomenon long thought to be confined to the unicellular world. ─── 适应DNA损伤检查点的现象长期被认为仅限于单世界。

74、any of the eukaryotic,unicellular organisms of the former kingdom Protista,which includes protozoans,slime molds,and certain algae. The protists now belong to the kingdom Protoctista,a new classification in most modern taxonomic systems ─── 原生生物界中的真核单细胞有机体中的任何一种,包括原生动物、粘菌和某些藻类原生生物现在属于原生生物界,它是大多数现代分类系统中的一个新的类别

75、It may be unicellular, as in simple algae and fungi, or multicellular, as in plants. ─── 可以是单细胞,如在原始的藻类、真菌中;或者为多细胞,如在植物中。

76、unicellular glands ─── [医] 单细胞腺

77、Spore A unicellular or multicellular plant reproductive body. ─── 孢子:单细胞或多细胞植物体的繁殖单位。

78、unicellular organisms. ─── 单细胞组织

79、PCC6803 is a unicellular cyanobacterium that is able to grow either autotrophically or heterotrophically on glucose . ─── PCC6803是一种单细胞蓝藻,在自养和异养条件下均可以生长。

80、any of the typically unicellular microorganisms that lack a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles and that are classified as a kingdom. ─── 意思就是一类没有明显细胞核和带膜的细胞器的单细胞生物。

81、unicellular operator ─── 单胞算子

82、Mature prothalli are cordate-shaped.Profuse unicellular hairs occur on the surface and margin of the prothalli. ─── 原叶体边缘及表面均可产生毛状体,数量丰富,为单细胞。

83、A temporary projection of the cytoplasm of certain cells,such as phagocytes,or of certain unicellular organisms,especially amoebas,that serves in locomotion and phagocytosis. ─── 伪足,某些细胞质的暂时突起,比如吞噬细胞,或是单细胞有机体胞质突起,尤指变形虫为移动和吞噬的突起。

84、any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms,considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems ─── 原生物,任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中将它分为一个单独的界

85、unicellular plant ─── 单细胞植物

86、Why need - unicellular organisms: by diffusion (transport O2, CO2, nutrients, waste ─── [单细胞生物:用扩散作用(运送氧,二氧化碳,养料,废物

87、unicellular green algae that reproduce by spores. ─── 单细胞的绿藻,通过孢子繁殖。

88、By searching for genetic sequences similar to regA in the burgeoning databases of genes that now exist, they found one in a unicellular alga called Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. ─── 他们在现有的尚处于萌芽阶段的基因数据库中搜索与regA的基因序列相似的基因,并找到了一种属于单细胞藻类Chlamydomonasreinhardtii的基因。

89、Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that do not develop or differentiate into multicellular forms. ─── 原核生物是不会发展为或无法与多细胞生物区分的单细胞生物。

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