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08-14 投稿


asthmatic 发音

英:[?s'm?t?k]  美:[?z'm?t?k]

英:  美:

asthmatic 中文意思翻译



asthmatic 短语词组

1、asthmatic attack ─── [医] 气喘发作

2、asthmatic shock ─── [医] 气喘性休克, 气喘状态

3、asthmatic cxr ─── 哮喘性cxr

4、asthmatic kitty ─── 哮喘猫

5、asthmatic pft ─── 哮喘性pft

6、asthmatic aid ─── 哮喘辅助

7、asthmatic episode ─── 哮喘发作

8、asthmatic bronchitis ─── [医] 气喘性支气管炎

9、an asthmatic ─── 哮喘

10、asthmatic crisis ─── [医] 气喘危象, 气喘状态

11、asthmatic dog ─── 哮喘犬

12、asthmatic kitty records ─── 哮喘猫记录

13、asthmatic sob ─── 喘息性抽泣

asthmatic 词性/词形变化,asthmatic变形

形容词: asthmatic |副词: asthmatically |

asthmatic 相似词语短语

1、automatic ─── adj.自动的;无意识的;必然的;n.自动机械;自动手枪

2、astigmatic ─── adj.散光的;乱视的;矫正散光的

3、stomatic ─── adj.口的;气孔的,呼吸孔的

4、athematic ─── adj.无词干之音的;无主旋律的;外加的

5、asthmatics ─── adj.气喘的;似患气喘的;n.气喘患者

6、astatic ─── adj.不安定的;[物]无定向的;不稳定的

7、antasthmatic ─── [药]止喘的;[药]镇喘的;[药]止喘药;镇喘药

8、asthmatical ─── 哮喘

9、astigmatics ─── adj.散光的;乱视的;矫正散光的

asthmatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can Asthma Patients Do The Exercise? ─── 哮喘病者可否做运动?

2、She's got another attack of asthma. ─── 她的气喘病又犯了。

3、Doctors have helped Rohan and his mother learn how to control his asthma. ─── 医生们帮助Rohan和他妈妈了解如何控制哮喘。

4、He's having an asthma attack. ─── 他有哮喘。

5、I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports. ─── 我从小就是个哮喘病人,从来不能参加任何体育运动。

6、Lionet:Touch my heart,I am asthma pat... ─── 丁丁是个废材:只要把心释放,美好的记忆随时...

7、Immune-related conditions such as asthma, hayfever and even ME. ─── 免疫相关的症状如,气喘、乾草热甚至ME。

8、Did infantile cough become long can you cough asthmatic? ─── 婴儿咳嗽久了会咳成哮喘吗?

9、However, there was no difference in the ADCC functions of dendritic cells between asthmatic mice and the normal controls ( P

10、This cast of the bronchial tree is formed of inspissated mucus and was coughed up by a patient during an asthmatic attack. ─── 通过粘液和模仿咳嗽建立哮喘发作时病人的支气管树模型。

11、The poor little boy even got asthma . ─── 可怜的男孩甚至得了哮喘。

12、at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity . ─── 此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。

13、Evaluation of the efficacy of low-dose oral theophylline combined with inhaled corticosteroid in the treatment of asthmatic children. ─── 小剂量茶碱配合吸入皮质激素治疗小儿哮喘的疗效评价。

14、Many respiratory problems are caused by allergy, such as asthma. ─── 不少气管问题都是因为过敏而引致的,如哮喘等。

15、Viral infections are associated with up to 50% of asthmatic attacks in children. ─── 受气喘病侵袭的儿童中,有高达50%的人与病毒感染有关。

16、TIV has unknown effects on patients with asthma. ─── TIV对于气喘病患的效果未明。

17、The expression of Ehf is higher in asthmatic model group, ESE-3 may play an important role in human bronchial asthma. ─── 哮喘组Ehf明显较对照组表达高,ESE-3可能是人类哮喘发病过程中一个重要的因子。

18、Did he eer hae asthmatic attacks in your country? ─── 他在你们国内时喘过吗?

19、Is there any association between asthma and drug allergy? ─── 哮喘和药物过敏间是否有联系?

20、Her son developed asthma when he was two. ─── 她的儿子两岁时患了哮喘。

21、In an attack of asthma, she breathed hard. ─── 哮喘发作,她感到呼吸困难。

22、Asthma has grown into an epidemic now. ─── 哮喘病现在已发展成为流行病了。

23、Phil Katz was a quiet, asthmatic child whose athletic pursuits as a kid went no further than riding dirt bikes in his Glendale neighborhood. ─── PhilKatz是一个安静的患有哮喘的孩子,他最高的运动成就,不过是在Glendale附近跑跑越野摩托车。

24、SFA accounted for 1.3 percent of all asthmatic patients. ─── 2 96例哮喘患者中突发性致死性哮喘占 1.3%。

25、Over-inhalhation may lead to tumorigensis and tumor of sinus of nose, causing ulcers, spasms and asthmatic bronchitis. ─── 大量吸入可导致肿瘤和鼻窦肿瘤,可引起溃疡、挛及哮喘性支气管炎。

26、Asthmatic patients are especially sensitive to odor. ─── 哮喘病人对气味特别过敏。

27、Live the Rural Life, Avoid Asthma? ─── 住在乡下生活可避免气喘?

28、But the opposite was true for children with mothers who had asthma. ─── 但哮喘母亲所生儿童却相反。

29、Evaluation of ECP Level Determination Under Different Temperature for Asthma. ─── 不同温度测定血ECP水平对支气管哮喘的结果评价

30、The peripheral eosinophil count or the sputum eosinophils can be increased during an asthmatic attack. ─── 哮喘发作时外周嗜酸细胞计数或痰嗜酸细胞计数增加。

31、Will Your Child Outgrow Asthma? ─── 你的孩子长大就不会气喘了吗?

32、How to treat asthmatic disease the most effective? ─── 怎样治疗哮喘病最有效?

33、EBCG can restrain the secretion of IL 4 and contribute to the secretion of IL 12 in asthmatic patients. ─── 卡介苗素可抑制Th2 型细胞因子IL 4分泌 ,促进Th1型细胞因子IL 12的分泌 ,从而调节Th1/Th2 平衡 ,对哮喘患者有明显的免疫调节作用

34、Madam, how long have you had asthma? ─── 夫人,您患哮喘有多长时间了?

35、Other studies found that asthmatic disposition and propensity to wheeze increase the risk of RSV hospitalization. ─── 其他研究还发现哮喘倾向和喘息倾向会增加RSV感染住院治疗的风险。

36、Aerosol inhalation of "Chuan Xe Zhi" is quite effective for asthmatic bronchitis and acute attack of asthma. ─── 喘可治雾化吸入辅助治疗儿童喘息性支气管炎及哮喘急性发作效果明显,同时有增加呼吸道抵抗力的作用。

37、Follow-Up Studies on the probability of the infants suffer asthmatic. ─── 2.对患儿进行随访,并对两组患儿并发哮喘的几率进行比较分析。

38、Did he ever have asthmatic attacks in your country? ─── 他在你们国内时喘过吗?

39、My asthma tends to flare up on smoggy days. ─── 在烟雾天我的气喘往往会加剧。

40、Everyone would be getting asthma, but the environment would be cooler. ─── 大家都气喘,环境会变得更冷。

41、His illness left him subject to asthmatic attacks. ─── 他的病使他容易出现哮喘发作。

42、BCG can inhibit the expression of GATA-3 in lung of asthmatic mouse,which resulted in TH2 cytokine decrease and relief of airway inflammation. ─── BCG能抑制哮喘小鼠肺组织GATA-3的表达,导致IL-4等TH2型细胞因子的减少,从而减轻呼吸道的炎症反应。

43、Drug causing asthmatic and radioimmunoassay were used in the determination of the contents of cAMP and cGMP of blood plasma in young mice. ─── 为了探讨治喘伏贴灵对幼鼠的平喘作用 ,采用药物引喘法和用放射免疫法测量幼鼠血浆中环腺苷酸(cAMP)与环鸟苷酸 (cGMP)的含量。

44、What symptom does asthmatic disease have? ─── 哮喘病有哪些症状?

45、Together, these data implicate GPRA in the pathogenesis of atopy and asthma. ─── 总而言之,这些数据将GPRA引入到变态反应和哮喘的发病机理中来。

46、It also endangers children with asthma, even make them sicker. ─── 二手烟也会增加儿童气喘的次数,且加重病情。

47、An answer to the question: can promethazine be routinely used in asthmatic disease in childhood? ─── 关于异丙嗪能否常规应用于小儿喘息性疾病问题的答复?

48、Did He Suffer from Allelgic Asthma? ─── 他患的是过敏性哮喘吗?

49、You should see a doctor, attacks of asthma are quite dangerous. ─── 你应该去看医生,哮喘病发作是很危险的。

50、"Aspirin asthma" will be allowed to use nimesulide. ─── “阿司匹林哮喘”者可使用尼美舒利。

51、Your wheezing breathing suggests asthma or bronchitis . ─── 你的哮喘显示你可能患有气喘病或支气管炎。

52、Over-inhalhation may lead to tumorigensis and tumor of sinus of nose, causing ulcers,spasms and asthmatic bronchitis. ─── 大量吸入可导致肿瘤和鼻窦肿瘤,可引起溃疡、痉挛及哮喘性支气管炎。

53、Cough Medicine Dangerous For People With Asthma? ─── 咳嗽药物触发哮喘病发?

54、He's got another attack of asthma. ─── 他的气喘病又犯了。

55、On the other hand, loose stools and the stoppage of fu-qi may affect the descent of lung-qi, giving rise to asthmatic cough and chest distress. ─── 另一方面,便溏和腑气郁滞可以影响肺气的肃降造成喘咳和胸闷。

56、Hospital admissions for asthma attacks have doubled. ─── 哮喘发作入院人次已成倍增加。

57、Immunohistochemical staining of lung sections showed that expression of GATA-3 in asthmatic mouse was stronger than that of BCG-treated mouse. ─── BCG治疗的哮喘小鼠其肺部组织GATA-3的表达较哮喘小鼠明显减弱。

58、"Auntie told me not to run," he explained,"on account of my asthma. ─── ” “阿姨叫我不要跑,”他解释道,“因为我有气喘病。”

59、CaCC 1 may play an important role in mucus overproduction in asthmatic airway. ─── CaCC1 在哮喘患者气道上皮表达增加 ,可能与哮喘患者的气道黏液高分泌密切相关。

60、As industrialized process and the aggravate that the environment pollutes, asthmatic incidence of a disease has ascendant tendency greatly. ─── 随着产业化进程和环境污染的加剧,哮喘的发病率大有上升趋势。

61、child in ten is asthmatic. ─── 10个孩子中有1个是患哮喘病的。

62、An asthmatic patient coughs so much that he keeps gasping for breath. ─── 哮喘病人咳嗽得很厉害,以至于不停地喘气。

63、She felt an asthma attack coming on. ─── 她感觉哮喘要发作了。

64、Examination of the Psychological Models of Asthmatic Patients. And Its Role in Asthma. ─── 哮喘患者的神经类型测试及对哮喘的影响。

65、There are two major clinical forms of asthma that can overlap. ─── 哮喘有2种临床类型,它们彼此相关。

66、Asthma tries him a great deal. ─── 哮喘折磨得他够受的。

67、For best effects, take allergy drugs at bedtime and asthma. ─── 增强过敏、气喘药效的时间。

68、Your wheezing breathing suggests asthma. ─── 你的哮喘显示你可能患哮喘病。

69、He is an asthmatic who is also anaemic. ─── 他是一个哮喘病人,并且还贫血。

70、The assay and clinical value of ECP in the children of bronchial asthma. ─── 哮喘患儿血清ECP的测定及其临床意义

71、Conclusions CVA about asthmatic children should be recognized enough, treated early and continuously, treatment should not be given up . ─── 结论对儿童CVA应有足够的认识,做到早期治疗,坚持治疗,防止中途停药或放弃等。

72、Why do not feel hobbled asthma non-stop? ─── 不然为什么觉得步履蹒跚,气喘不停?

73、Asthmatic disease should notice some of what thing, for instance of dietary respect? ─── 哮喘病要注意些什么东西,比如饮食方面的?

74、Asthma has been a severe problem for him for a long time. ─── 哮喘病是他的长年沉疴。

75、Phoebe: You know, the asthma guy was really cute. ─── 呵呵,那个得哮喘的家伙真的很可爱。

76、Furry and feathery animals are a common trigger of asthma symptoms. ─── 动物的毛发(包括羽毛)是一种常见的哮喘过敏原。

77、Do heart disease and asthma have those symptoms? ─── 心脏病和哮喘都有那些症状?

78、Hospitalisation following a severe asthma attack. ─── 在哮喘发作的情况下请尽快就医。

79、He is an asthmatic. ─── 他是个哮喘病人。

80、The roles of IL 8 were discussed during the onset of asthma. ─── 并对血清IL-8在哮喘发病中的作用进行了初步探讨。

81、Its presence in allergic asthma is well known. ─── 它在过敏性气喘中的存在是大家很熟悉的。

82、Perinatal outcome in pregnancy women with asthma in 14 cases. ─── 妊娠合并哮喘14例分娩结局分析。

83、How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks? ─── 您如何评价你在过去4周控制哮喘?

84、IL-10 production in asthmatic children tends to ascend. ─── 哮喘组IL-10有升高倾向;

85、Asthma is a common airway disease in HK. ─── 哮喘是常见的呼吸系统过敏疾病。

86、A frail asthmatic, he took up arms with Fidel Castro's guerrillas in Cuba's Sierra Maestra. ─── 身为虚弱的哮喘病人,他拿起武器,在古巴的Maestra山区和卡斯特罗的游击队并肩战斗。

87、Perhaps one in 10 adults with asthma contract it through exposure to occupational agents such as reactive dyes. ─── 也许十个成年患者中就有一个是因为职业而接触到某些媒介诸如易起化学反应的染料等而患病的。

88、An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies such as asthma and hay fever. ─── 反应素个体血液中的一种抗体,可以对诸如气喘病和光粉热这些变态反应产生预先的基因处理

89、Does anyone in your family have suffered from Asthma or allergies? ─── 你的家庭成员中是否有人患有哮喘或过敏症?

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