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08-14 投稿


Gatling 发音

英:[?ɡ?tl??]  美:[?ɡ?tl??]

英:  美:

Gatling 中文意思翻译



Gatling 短语词组

1、gatling jmeter ─── 加特林米

2、gatling ogre ─── 加特林食人魔

3、bloodied ultracite gatling laser ─── 带血超晶格激光器

4、gatling gun inventor ─── 加特林枪发明者

5、gatling pea ─── 加特林豌豆

6、gatling pea without the repeater ─── 不带中继器的加特林豌豆

7、gatling guns ─── [军]格特林机枪

8、Gatling Weapon System ─── 加特林武器系统

9、Gatling gun ─── [军] 格特林机枪

10、gatling combo ─── 加特林组合拳

11、gatling gears ─── 转管齿轮

12、Richard Jordan Gatling ─── [网络] 理查·加特林;乔丹·加特林

13、gatling academy ─── 加特林学院

14、gatling gun for sale ─── 出售的加特林枪

Gatling 常用词组

gatling gun ─── 格特林机枪

Gatling 相似词语短语

1、goatling ─── n.小山羊(尤指一到两岁的母山羊)

2、gatlings ─── n.格林机关枪(初期的机关枪,为美国人R.J.Gatling所发明)

3、gabling ─── n.三角墙,山墙;(坡顶墙的)三角形建筑部分;三角形顶棚;三角形饰物;n.(Gable)(美、英、法、加拿大)加布勒(人名)

4、catling ─── n.肠线;小猫;两刃切断刀

5、fatling ─── n.养肥待宰的幼畜

6、gating ─── n.闸,选通;v.给…安装门;用门控制(gate的ing形式)

7、gnatling ─── 咬人

8、gaoling ─── n.监狱,监禁(同jail);v.把……投入监狱,监禁(同jail);n.(Gaol)(美、印)高娅乐(人名)

9、ratling ─── n.横索的梯绳;索梯

Gatling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Theoretical Investigation on a New Type of Gatling Weapon Driven by Gas Flow from Jets ─── 新型喷管气流反推式转管武器的研究

2、In 1862, Gatling patented the Gatling gun, which was accepted by the Union Army in 1866, and proved devastating when turned on the enemy. ─── 一八六二年,加特林取得加特林机枪专利权。一八六六年,北军采用了加特林机枪,用以对敌,有如摧枯拉朽。

3、Kinematic Performance and Dynamic Analysis of Gatling Gun System[A]Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Test and Measurement(Volume 1)[C], 2003 . ─── 王旌生,吴有生.考虑芯层横向变形复合材料粘弹性夹层板结构的特性分析[A]2005年船舶结构力学学术会议论文集[C],2005.

4、shipborne gatling gun correction ─── 舰炮转管修正

5、Gatling's gun sent some 200 shots per minute out of six barrels, which were rotated by means of a hand crank. ─── 加特林的机枪每分钟需要6盒子弹,可发射出200发子弹,是通过一个手柄来旋转射击的。

6、” The Gatling gun was used most successfully to expand European colonial empires by ruthlessly mowing down native tribesmen armed with primitive weapons. ─── 格林机关枪最成功的运用是欧洲殖民帝国对只有原始武器的原住民的冷酷杀戮以扩张他们的领土.

7、Dynamics model of a certain external energy Gatling machine gun is established by means of ADAMS/View simulation software. ─── 随着机枪质量的大幅度降低,机枪的动态特性是否合理成为影响武器射击精度的主要因素。

8、Influence of Feed Belt Parameters on Gatling Type Weapon Fire Rate ─── 弹链的某些参数对转管武器射速的影响

9、Gatling estimated that debris from the destroyed Chinese weather satellite was travelling at some 17,000 miles an hour (27,000 kilometers an hour) and would stay in space for three to five years. ─── 格林估计,被摧毁的中国气象卫星碎片每小时的速度大约是17000英里(每小时27000公里),并且会留在太空3到5年的时间。

10、Just like on her Double Gatling Tank, Leang prefers to have the aircraft killing of her AA and AI defense not interrupted by cannon fodder. ─── 就想到他双管加特林坦克那样,凌将军希望自己的人工智能防空系统是飞机杀手而非炮灰。

11、Dynamics of Gatling Weapon with Coupling Double Assembly ─── 基于耦合双联装的转管武器动力学研究

12、Super-high fire rate external power Gatling gun needs a huge of driving power,and it has the problem of weapon applicability. ─── 外能源超高射速转管炮所需驱动功率巨大,存在武器适用性问题。

13、Indeed, part of the problem with the book is that we do not seem to know very much about Gatling's internal life. ─── 的确,本书中存在的一些问题是我们似乎对加特林的内心世界并不十分了解。

14、Numerical Simulation of the Initial Driving Process of the Self-energizing Gatling Gun ─── 内能源转管机枪首发起动过程数值模拟

15、During the American Civil War, an Ohio doctor named Richard Gatling witnessed almost daily the departure of troops to the front and the return of the wounded, sick, and dead. ─── 美国南北战争期间,俄亥俄州一位叫理查.加特林的医生几乎天天都看见军队开赴前线,以及从前线回来的伤者病者死者。

16、Influence of Rotating Effect on Initial Bullet Disturbance In Gatling Guns ─── 转管炮旋转发射惯性对弹丸起始扰动的影响分析

17、Gatling gun: Hand-cranked multi barrel rotary gun. It was invented by Richard J. Gatling (1818-1903) during the American Civil War. ─── 格林机枪: 一种手摇多管旋转机枪,在美国南北战争期间由理查?格林发明。

18、Study on General Technique of Gatling Gun ─── 转管武器总体技术的若干问题

19、Rotating velocity is a significant parameter to confirm the relationship between the configuration parameter of Gatling gun and its capability. ─── 摘要转管武器转速是确定转管武器的结构参数与武器性能关系的重要参数。

20、The test of Gatling gun shows that the method is feasible. ─── 通过对转管机枪的射频检测试验表明该方法是可行的。

21、As mentioned before, due to Leang's focus on technology, she is granted improved Gatling cannons from the beginning and does not need to upgrade these. ─── 就像前面说到的那样,由于凌将军致力于技术,她从一开始就致力于提高加特林机炮的性能,并且不需要升级。

22、Gatling is designed for high performance. ─── Gatling是为高性能设计的。

23、gatling gun ─── 转管炮

24、Gatling did divert his attention to steam-powered ploughs. ─── 加特林到了晚年,他确实将注意力转移到了蒸汽式的犁。

25、Research of Fire Rate Fluctuation of Gatling Weapon and Its Buffer's Adaptability ─── 内能源转管武器缓冲装置对射频的适应性分析

26、Gatling weapon ─── 转管武器

27、The theoretic cam curve of AK630 Gatling naval gun was obtained from the analysis of discrete points. ─── 从离散数据点入手,得到了AK630舰炮理论凸轮曲线。

28、Gatling peas shoot four peas at a time! ─── 加特林四个豌豆豌豆芽的时间!

29、The test, which was reported by US officials, would show that spy satellites "are now potentially vulnerable to Chinese destruction," said Lance Gatling, an aerospace consultant based in Tokyo. ─── 位于东京的太空顾问兰斯-格林说,这次试验显示间谍卫星“现在在面对中国的破坏时可能会不堪一击。”美国官员报告了这次试验。

30、Theodore Roosevelt was relieved to hear "Gatling music" in support while fighting the Spanish-American war. ─── 西奥多?罗斯福在指挥西班牙-美国战争时,也因听到“加特林协奏曲”而大为宽心。

31、Gatling machine gun ─── 转管机枪

32、Gatling Weapon System ─── 加特林武器系统

33、Gatling's gun sent some 200 shots per minute out of six barrels, which were rotated by means of a hand crank. ─── 加特林的机枪每分钟需要6盒子弹,可发射出200发子弹,是通过一个手柄来旋转射击的。

34、An animation of a War Machine suit can also be seen in the closing credits with a Gatling gun attached on a shoulder. ─── 一个战争机器的图片也出现在了结尾字幕的画面里,并且盔甲的肩部装上了格林机关枪。

35、It was me, Gat [Chris Gatling] and Sam [Cassell] that really hung out that night," Jackson said. ─── 那天晚上我和加特(克里斯.加特林)和萨姆(卡塞尔)在一起,”杰克逊说。

36、The Gatling gun changed the odds wherever it was used. ─── 无论加特林机枪在哪里使用,它都能突破射中的几率。



39、Indeed, part of the problem with the book is that we do not seem to know very much about Gatling's internal life. ─── 的确,本书中存在的一些问题是我们似乎对加特林的内心世界并不十分了解。

40、Gatling was rather good at selling his guns. ─── 加特林很懂得买卖他的枪械。

41、There are rumors that Leang is working on the development of even more accurate and efficient Gatling cannons. ─── 有消息说,凌将军正在致力于发展更加准确和高效的加特林机炮。

42、However like in any shooter game, when your Gatling gun overheats, you know it's gonna jam and nasty things will happen. ─── 然而,正如打枪一样,如果枪过热了,你就知道容易卡壳,烦恼也就不期而至。

43、4 Plant these on your repeaters to turn them into gatling peas! ─── 4植物这些在您的中继器,以使他们成为加特林豌豆!

44、How can people forget the deadly expression on the defenders' face after Thiery scored?Henry is just like such a Gatling Gunner. ─── 谁可以忘记亨利进球后后卫们那苍白的面孔亨利就像这么的一杆连击炮,在你站起来之前把你再次击倒。

45、Breechblock Guidance Angle Influence on Performances of External Energy Gatling Weapon ─── 闭锁机导引倾角对转管武器性能的影响

46、Doctor Richard Gatling patented his design of the "Gatling Gun", a six-barreled weapon capable of firing a (then) phenomenal 200 rounds per minute. ─── 医生理查德转管他的专利设计的"转管炮" ,六桶装武器,有能力发射了(当时)以惊人的200发每分钟。

47、Electromotor Startup Analysis for High-rate-firing Cyclic Gatling Weapon ─── 高射频转管武器电启动分析

48、This paper simply describes the working principles and the process of the initial driving device of the self energizing gatling gun. ─── 该文简要介绍了内能源转管机枪首发起动装置的工作原理和工作过程。

49、But they had Gatling machine guns which poured a stream of bullets at the enemy. ─── 但是他们有加特林机枪,这种机枪可以象泼水一样向敌人发射子弹。

50、Gatling peas shoot four peas at a time! ─── 加特林四个豌豆豌豆芽的时间!

51、After a late entry into the American Civil War, delayed by suspicions of newfangled weapons among some senior soldiers, the Gatling gun was put to use at home and abroad. ─── 加特林机枪在美国内战晚期被用于了战场,这场战争由于某些高级官员对新式武器忧心忡忡而被拖延,之后加特林机枪便在国内与国外得到广泛使用。

52、Machine guns have gone on to become a most efficient means of killing, while the idea of saving lives has long since been buried along with Gatling. ─── 机枪渐渐发展成为杀戮利器;至于减少死亡人数的想法,则早已和加特林一起长埋地下。

53、Optimization of Gatling Weapon System Driven by Jet ─── 喷管驱动的转管武器系统参量优化设计

54、A helicopter was heading for us, gatling guns mounted on either side. ─── 一架直升机正在去我们,gatling 枪装在任一边上。

55、Keywords: projectile, initial dispersion, Coriolis inertial force, Gatling gun, ─── 关键词:弹丸,起始扰动,科氏惯性力,转管炮


加特林机**是一款手动型多管旋转机关**,是由美国人理查·乔登·加特林(Richard Jordan Gatling) 在1860年设计而成的。其人名一译格林,故此**也被译作格林机**或译作盖特机**/机炮,是在世界范围内大规模第一支实用化的机**。加特林机**输入中国,当时称其为"格林炮"或"格林快炮"。



是美国陆军型号称为M134型加特林(Gatling)速射机枪,7.62毫米弹药速射机枪(minigun)用途广泛,美国空军型号称为GAU-2 B/A型,美国海军型号称为GAU-17/A型。目前,这种速射机枪最高射速高达6,000发/每分钟,被称为世界上射速最快的机枪,人称\"火神炮\"。

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