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08-14 投稿


presumptive 发音

英:[pr??z?mpt?v]  美:[pr??z?mpt?v]

英:  美:

presumptive 中文意思翻译



presumptive 词性/词形变化,presumptive变形

副词: presump-tively |

presumptive 短语词组

1、presumptive taxation ─── 推定征税

2、presumptive signs ─── 推定标志

3、presumptive address ─── [计] 基本地址, 基准地址

4、presumptive diagnosis ─── 推定诊断

5、presumptive income ─── 推定收入

6、presumptive epidermis ─── 预定表皮

7、presumptive definition ─── 推定定义

8、presumptive region ─── [医] 推定区(囊胚)

9、presumptive trust ─── 推定信任

10、heir presumptive ─── 假定继承人 [法] ─── 假定继承人

11、presumptive liability ─── 推定赔偿责任

12、presumptive instruction ─── [计] 假定指令

13、presumptive tests ─── [医] 推定试验(检饮水中大肠杆菌)

14、presumptive positive ─── 推定肯定

15、presumptive evidence ─── [法] 推定证据

16、presumptive disability ─── 推定伤残

17、Davidsohn presumptive butter ─── [医] 达维逊氏推定试验(检传染性单核细胞增多症)

18、presumptive waiver ─── 推定弃权

19、presumptive heir ─── [法] 假定继承人

presumptive 相似词语短语

1、resumptive ─── adj.取回的;概括的;再开始的

2、presumptively ─── adv.假设地

3、presumptions ─── 假定;推定

4、transumptive ─── 反倾销

5、preemptive ─── adj.优先购买的;先发制人的;有先买权的

6、pre-emptive ─── adj.优先购买的;先发制人的;有先买权的

7、prescriptive ─── adj.规定的,规范的;指定的

8、presumption ─── n.放肆,傲慢;推测

9、resumptively ─── adv.概括地

presumptive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、detection and enumeration of coliform organisms, thermotolerant coliform organisms and presumptive escherichia coli [ part 2:multi tube(most probable number) method] ─── 大肠杆菌有机物、耐热大肠杆菌有机物和推定大肠杆菌的检测与计数 - 第2部分: 多管(最大可能数)法

2、The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee also vowed to use his what he called all the tools of statecraft to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. ─── 民主党总统候选人也发誓用他所谓的管理国家的所有工具来阻止伊朗发展核武器.

3、Seen as the presumptive heir of an oil-rich North African country, he became a fixture in London society. ─── 赛义夫被外界视作利比亚这个富产石油的北非国家的假定继承人。他曾是伦敦上流社会的座上客。

4、Senator John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee ─── 可以确定的民主党总统候选人,参议员约翰·克里

5、presumptive region ─── [医] 推定区(囊胚)

6、presumptive heir ─── [法] 假定继承人

7、presumptive taxation ─── 推定税制

8、presumptive map ─── 原基分布图

9、Keywords system of criteria of tortious liability;fault principle;principle of presumptive fault;principle of strict liability;principle of equitable liability; ─── 侵权责任归责原则体系;过错责任原则;错推定责任原则;无过错责任原则;公平责任原则;

10、a presumptive diagnosis of bowel cancer ─── 对肠癌的初步诊断

11、The regulations of the voidable administrative act are proposed accompanied with the traditional theory of presumptive legality in order to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the relatives. ─── 无效行政行为制度是伴随公定力理论的出现而提出的,是从保护相对人合法权益的角度对传统公定力理论的一种修正和完善。

12、Public opinion polls give Democratic B.O. a narrow lead over Republican J.M., so the upcoming conventions are important for both presumptive nominees. ─── 民意调查显示民主党的B.O.以微弱优势领先共和党的J.M.,因此接下来的竞选大会对两个总统候选人来说非常重要。

13、presumptive employer liability ─── 推定雇主责任

14、presumptive successor ─── 假定继任者

15、Ornstein expects the presidential race to remain close and says both presumptive nominees have challenges at their respective conventions. ─── 他预计总统竞选会难分伯仲,还说两名假定的被提名者会在他们各自的大会上受到挑战。

16、presumptive disability ─── 推定伤残

17、Senator John McCain arrived in Bagdad today.The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has been a strong supporter of the US invasion of Iraq. presumptive adj. ─── 假定的nominee n.被提名的人, 被任命者About a thousand anti-war protestors marched in Hollywood yesterday to mark the 5th anniversary ...

18、The structure of syllogism decides that the proving standard of basic fact must reach or exceed the "high probability".Only by this way can we guarantee the accuracy of the presumptive fact. ─── 事实推定的三段论逻辑结构决定了它的基础事实必须达到甚至高于“高度盖然性”的证明标准,只有这样才能保证推定事实能够具有较高程度的盖然性。

19、Obama's speech brought he equiped a quick response from the presumptive republican cantidate senator Republican candidate, Senator John MacineMcCain. ─── 奥巴马的演讲很快迎来了共和党候选人,参议院约翰*马肯的回应。

20、presumptive liability ─── 推定赔偿责任

21、Conservative commentators who have been hammering away at McCain for weeks have switched gears to defend the presumptive Republican nominee. ─── 几周来一直阻碍麦凯恩的保守派评论家调转枪口保卫这位假定的共和党候选人。

22、Japan commenced in the presumptive rightfulness of administrative act theory is not the traditional administrative law fictitious myth,but a basic concept with rich meaning. ─── 发轫于日本的行政行为公定力理论并非传统行政法学虚构的神话,而是一个具有丰富内涵的基本范畴。

23、presumptive evidence; a strong presumptive case is made out. ─── 推定证据;提出了非常合理的假设。

24、Body with presumptive identification by personal objects ─── 以个人物品对尸体推断性鉴定

25、The presumptive democrative Democratic presidential nominee also vowed to use what he called all the choose tools of State price statecraft to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. ─── 已经选定的民主党总统候选人也发誓要用他所谓的工具来阻止伊朗发展核武器。

26、Underscoring Kerry's status as the presumptive Democratic nominee, President Bush called Kerry to congratulate him on his wins. ─── 在得知克里基本成为民主党的总统候选人后,布什总统打电话向克里表示了祝贺。

27、presumptive bearing pressure ─── 推断承载力

28、In the magazine interview, al-Maliki did not indicate that he was endorsing Obama over Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. ─── 在杂志的采访中,马利基并没有表明自己会支持奥巴马多于共和党候选人麦凯恩。

29、presumptive tissue in development ─── 发育中的假定组织

30、presumptive instruction ─── 假定指令未修正的指令

31、The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, says he is a "realistic idealist" on U.S. foreign policy positions and goals. ─── 即将获得美国共和党总统候选人提名的约翰.麦凯恩参议员说,在美国外交政策的立场和目标方面,他是个“现实的理想主义者”。

32、The Kastle-Meyer test is a forensic presumptive blood test, where the chemical indicator phenolphthalein is used. ─── kastle-米勒测试是一个法医推定验血,而化学指标酚是突飞猛进.

33、presumptive trust ─── 推定信托

34、presumptive reasoning ─── 假设性推理

35、Davidsohn presumptive butter ─── [医] 达维逊氏推定试验(检传染性单核细胞增多症)

36、having a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance; the presumptive heir (or heir apparent). ─── 为相信或接受而提供合理的证据的;假定的后嗣(或有确定继承权的人)。

37、Whether this form of lending has led to peace, the presumptive reasoning behind the award, is just as big an unanswered question. ─── 不管是否这种形式的借贷能带来和平,奖项背后蕴含的道理同样是大的未解决的问题。

38、Obama said he's ready for what would be the next phase if he becomes the nominee: a matchup against Sen. John McCain , the presumptive GOP candidate. ─── 奥巴马说他已经为当选总统候选人以后的下一步做好了准备:与傲慢的共和党议员约翰。麦凯恩展开竞争。

39、Limited presumptive legality ─── 有限公定力

40、Oppugnation to the theoretic base of presumptive legality of administrative act ─── 对行政行为公定力理论基础的质疑

41、presumptive tissue ─── 假定的组织

42、Presumptive Ideas of Carrying out the Project of National Cultural Information Resources Sharing ─── 太原市图书馆实施全国文化信息资源共享工程的设想

43、presumptive evidence; a strong presumptive case is made out ─── 推定证据;提出了非常合理的假设

44、presumptive tests ─── 假定试验

45、Thus it is most likely to avoid the theoretical extreme and to make the theory of the presumptive legality and the concept of equity and justice match each other. ─── 合理的认定是,行政行为的公定力不是绝对的,而是有一定限度的,即行政行为公定力具有有限性。

46、The dissertation pays more attention to the construction of presumption, the refutation of the presumptive facts, presumption of guilty and presumption of innocence. ─── 本文重点研究了推定的构成、推定事实的反驳,推定有罪与无罪推定。

47、complete presumptive legality ─── 完全公定力

48、presumptive legality ─── 公定力

49、Public opinion polls give Democrat Barack Obama a narrow lead over Republican John McCain, so the upcoming conventions are important for both presumptive nominees. ─── 民意调查显示民主党的奥巴马以微弱优势领先共和党的麦凯恩。因而,接下来的大会对两位假定候选人都非常重要。

50、When drill bar reaches down to the presumptive rock surface, it will be lifted up at certain speed to make grout be mixed with weathered sand forcedly;when grout consolidates, a wall has been formed. ─── 当钻杆到达预定岩面后,以一定速度向上提升钻杆,使浆液与土体强制混合,待浆液凝固后便形成防渗墙。

51、John McCain, the presumptive Republican candidate, opposes abortion, and the possibility that Roe could be overturned is likely to galvanise Democratic voters in the autumn. ─── JohnMcCain,共和党总统候选人提名人是反对坠胎的,RoevWade判决如果逆转,将会在今秋极大地刺激民主党选民。

52、an heir presumptive ─── 假定继承人

53、take sides at a later point would be to suggest that the earlier presumptive impartiality was a sham. ─── 在以后的某一时刻偏袒某一方,就意味着先前假定的公正只是一种假象。

54、presumptive test ─── 推定试验假定试验

55、The party's presumptive presidential nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona, used a speech in Houston on Tuesday to say he now favors offshore drilling. ─── 共和党的总统提名候选人,来自亚利桑那州的麦凯恩在周二休斯敦的演讲上提议恢复海上石油开采。

56、Extraembryonic mesoderm migrates through primitive streak to the presumptive yolk sac between days 6.5 and 7.0 of gestation. ─── 胚外中胚层在妊娠的第6.5至7.0天之间通过原始条带迁移到推测的卵黄囊。

57、The presumptive legality of administrative act is a part of administrative effectiveness. ─── 摘要行政行为的公定力是行政行为效力的一部分。

58、For Republicans, Sen. McCain may be the presumptive nominee but outside Democratic interest groups wasted no time in aligning the Arizona senator with President Bush. ─── 共和党参议员麦凯恩,可推定被提名人,但外界的民主利益集团浪费任何时间在调整亚利桑那州参议员与布什总统。

59、The two men spoke to reporters and Obama, the presumptive nominee of the U. S. Democratic Party, pledged strong support for Israel. ─── 会谈后双方都对记者发表了讲话,奥巴马表示将给予以色列坚定的支持。

60、Obama's speech brought a quick response from the presumptive Republican candidate, Senator John McCain. ─── 奥巴马的讲话很快得到了共和党总统候选人--参议员约翰麦凯恩的回应。

61、presumptive method ─── 假定法

62、Sen.Biden, 65 years old, used his speech Saturday to praise the presumptive Democratic nominee and paint Sen.McCain as elitist. ─── 65岁的拜登在上周六的讲话中对奥巴马大加赞赏,并将麦凯恩形容为脱离民众的精英人士。

63、presumptive heterophoria ─── 假定隐斜视

64、presumptive addrees ─── 假定地址

65、According to laws in operation, the former is liability for presumptive wrongs, and the latter is general liability for wrongs. ─── 依现行法,前者为过错推定责任,后者为一般过错责任。

66、heir presumptive ─── n. 假定继承人

67、How to Construct Presumptive System in Civil Procedure ─── 我国民事诉讼推定制度的建构

68、presumptive dermatophyte ─── 推测的(假定的)皮肤真菌

69、The presumptive heir/the heir presumptive,ie the person who will inherit the throne unless sb with a stronger claim is born ─── 假定继承人(除非有更具继承权资格的人出生,否则即由其继承王位).

70、The scrotal abscess developed progressively following appendectomy.Scrotal exploration was carried out under the presumptive diagnosis of abscessed epididymo-orchitis. ─── 此患者是在阑尾切除手术后不久出现阴囊脓疡,原本被诊断为化脓性睾丸副睾丸炎而接受阴囊探查手术。

71、With the recovery of hyphal growth, Calmodulin accumulates at the presumptive site of tip formation before new growing tip emergence. ─── 当药物作用解除、菌丝恢复生长时,可以看到钙调素先于新的生长点出现之前在相应的部位出现聚集。

72、presumptive evidence ─── 推定证据

73、The presumptive D emocratic presidential nominee also viewed vowed to use what he called all the two tools of statecraft to prevent Iraq Iran from developing nuclear weapons. ─── 我译:这位民主党候选人也立誓要用他所说的管理国家的两种方式阻止伊朗发展核武器。

74、presumptive Democratic nominee ─── 准民主党候选人

75、If the confirmatory tests (glucose fermentation and oxidase reaction) are not performed on typical colonies (of presumptive Enterobacteriaceae) on VRBG agar, the results should be referred to as "presumptive Enterobacteriaceae". ─── 如果对VRBG上的典型菌落(假定的肠道杆菌)没有执行验证实验(葡萄糖发酵和氧化酶反应),结果应记为假定的肠道杆菌。

76、This was seen as an attempt by the presumptive Republican presidential candidate to distance himself from the Bush administration. ─── 此举被认为是共和党总统推定候选人同布什政府保持距离的一种企图。

77、Most of these systems provide simpler and more rapid presumptive identification of Salmonella in foods. ─── 大部分的方法可更快速及简易地筛检食品中的沙门氏杆菌。

78、presumptive income ─── 推定收入

79、Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS or FBS had higher blastocyte yield than that in culture medium with free serum. ─── 受精卵在含血清 FBS 或 OCS 培养液中的囊胚发育率明显高于在无血清培养基中的囊胚发育率。

80、List and discuss the presumptive, probable, and reliable signs of pregnancy. ─── 列举和讨论妊娠的假定徵象、可能徵象和可靠徵象。

81、presumptive diagnosis ─── 推定诊断

82、presumptive signs of the pregnancy ─── 妊娠可疑征

83、Going into Tuesday's four contests his position as the presumptive nominee was indisputable. ─── 在本周二四个州的初选之前,他终将获得提名实际上已经勿庸置疑。

84、Reacquaintance with the Presumptive Legality of Administrative Act ─── 对行政行为公定力的再认识

85、clinical examination can give only a presumptive diagnosis ─── 临床检查只能作出初步诊断。

86、We conclude that presumptive adaptation of knowledge assets could be detrimental to performance. ─── 我们认为,知识资产的假定的适应对绩效是有害的。

87、Barack Obama has long been his party's presumptive nominee. Now he's becoming its presumptuous nominee. ─── 巴拉克。奥巴马曾经一直是民主党的预定的总统候选人人选,而现在他已经成为既定总统了。

88、Presumptive Enterobacteriaceae colonies are further subcultured on non-selective medium, and confirmed using appropriate biochemical tests. ─── 假定的肠道杆菌在非选择性培养基上再次培养,并使用适当的生化实验验证。

89、Underscoring Kerry's status as the presumptive Democratic nominee, President Bush called Kerry to congratulate him on his wins. ─── 在得知克里基本成为民主党的总统候选人后,布什总统打电话向克里表示了祝贺。

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