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08-14 投稿


arsenide 发音

英:  美:

arsenide 中文意思翻译



arsenide 词性/词形变化,arsenide变形


arsenide 短语词组

1、Indium Arsenide Infrared Detector ─── 砷化铟红外探测器

2、chromium arsenide ─── [建] 一砷化铬

3、chromic arsenide ─── [化] 砷化铬

4、gallium arsenide phosphide ─── [化] 磷砷化镓(半导体发光材料)

5、arsenide poisoning ─── 砷化物中毒

6、lithium arsenide ─── [化] 砷化锂

7、Gallium Arsenide LASER ─── 砷化镓激光器

8、nickel arsenide ─── [化] 砷化镍

9、copper arsenide ─── 砷化铜

10、antimony arsenide ─── 砷化锑

11、gallium arsenide semiconductor ─── [电] 砷化镓半导体

12、indium arsenide ─── [建] 砷化铟

13、arsenide hydrogen ─── [医] 砷化 ─── [三]氢, 胂

14、magnesium arsenide ─── [化] 砷化镁

15、gallium arsenide ─── [机] 砷化镓

16、barium arsenide ─── [机] 砷化钡

17、ferrous arsenide ─── [化] 二砷化三铁

18、aluminium arsenide ─── 砷化铝

19、Gallium Aluminium Arsenide ─── 砷化镓铝

arsenide 相似词语短语

1、Parmenides ─── n.巴门尼德(前苏格拉底时期哲学家)

2、arsenite ─── n.亚砷酸盐

3、arsenolite ─── n.砷华,信石

4、arsonite ─── 砷铁矿

5、arseniates ─── 砷酸盐

6、arsenate ─── n.[无化]砷酸盐;砒酸盐

7、arseniate ─── 砷酸盐

8、arsenic ─── n.砷;砒霜;adj.砷的;五价砷的

9、arsenites ─── n.亚砷酸盐

arsenide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Single crystal gallium arsenide wafers are for applications that are extensively used in the opto-electronics and microelectronics industries. ─── 公司注册地址在北京经济技术开发区,总占地面积24000平方米,注册资金1500万美元,总投资金额4500万美元。

2、Investigation of a Case of Acute Hydrogen Arsenide Poisoning ─── 一起急性砷化氢中毒事故的调查

3、Due to its toxicity and extensive application, arsenide has already caused serious pollution to the environment, especially to the aqueous environment. ─── 摘要由于砷化物具有较大毒性并且目前应用广泛,它对环境特别是水环境造成的污染已较为严重。

4、Keywords Water;Arsenide;Trace elements; ─── 水;砷化物;微量元素;

5、The inspecting method of AB microscopic defect in gallium arsenide single crystal ─── 砷化镓单晶AB微缺陷检验方法

6、Used in bipolar chipmaking in place of the more expensive gallium arsenide process, SiGe allows for significant improvements in operating frequency, current, noise, and power capabilities. ─── 在二极管芯片制造中用来代替功耗更高的砷化镓,SiGe可以显著地改善操作频率、电流、噪音和电源容量。

7、gallium arsenide diode ─── 砷化镓二极管

8、hydrogen arsenide ─── 砷化(三)氢; 胂

9、indium arsenide detector ─── 砷化铟探测器

10、Determination of carrier concentration in gallium arsenide by the plasma resonance minimum ─── 砷化镓中载流子浓度等离子共振测量方法

11、Silicon, germanium and gallium arsenide are popular materials used in ICs and semi-conduct devices, while silicon is the most popular one. ─── 集成电路和各种半导体器件制造中所用的材料,目前主要是硅、锗和砷化镓等单晶体,其中又以硅为最多。

12、chromium arsenide ─── 一砷化铬

13、Keywords quasicrystals;ion implantation;gallium arsenide;electron microscopy; ─── 准晶体;离子注入;砷化镓;电子显微术;

14、To produce the electron beam, a laser will fire at a target made of gallium arsenide, knocking off billions of electrons with each pulse. ─── 产生电子射束的方法,是利用一道雷射轰击用砷化镓制成的标靶,每个脉冲会打出几十亿个电子。

15、Silicon undergoes more Auger recombination than does gallium arsenide because it needs more electrons to be pumped into the upper band to overcome its low light-emission efficiency. ─── 矽的奥格重合发生率高于砷化镓,因为矽需要推送更多电子到上层能带,才能克服过低的发光效率。

16、nickel arsenide structure ─── 砷化镍结构

17、Hydrogen arsenide released unavoidably during electrowinning with copper electrolyte purified conventionally pollutes the environment seriously. ─── 传统的铜电解后液净化方法电积时不可避免地析出砷化氢,严重污染环境。

18、Toproducetheelectron beam, a laser will fire at a target made of gallium arsenide, knocking off billions of electronswitheach pulse. ─── 产生电子射束的方法,是利用一道雷射轰击用砷化镓制成的标靶,每个脉冲会打出几十亿个电子。

19、Keywords gallium arsenide;lithium iodate;crystal;growth in space;microgravity; ─── 砷化镓;碘酸锂;晶体;空间;微重力;

20、Acute hydrogen arsenide poisoning - Analysis of 17 cases ─── 急性砷化氢中毒17例病例分析

21、nickel arsenide ─── 砷化镍

22、Gallium arsenide, silicon, and germanium are all examples of semiconductors, the type of material used in virtually all modern electronics. ─── 镓砷化物,硅,和锗元素都属于半导体,而如今半导体在所有的现代电子元件中都会用到。

23、Determination of the equilibrium temperature on the surface of gallium arsenide crystal in VGF system ─── VGF结晶法中砷化镓表面平衡温度的计算

24、One phage is specific for the semiconductor gallium arsenide and is insensitive to its close cousin gallium nitride, giving it a power of discrimination that might allow it to detect flaws in chips. ─── 例如有一种病毒就对砷化镓半导体具有专一性,但对其近亲氮化镓却毫无反应,这种辨识力或许可用来侦测晶片的瑕疵。

25、Lattice defects in a compound semiconductor, gallium-arsenide are evaluated by two-dimensional nutation nuclear magnetic resonance. ─── 晶格缺陷的化合物半导体,镓砷化评价二维章动核磁共振。

26、This protects the rigid gallium arsenide components from strain, but the system as a whole is flexible and stretchable. ─── 这样就可以避免张力对于砷化镓元件损伤,但整个系统却表现出一种柔性。

27、"Some common intrinsic semiconductors are single crystals of silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide." ─── 常用的本质半导体是硅、锗以及砷化镓等的单晶。

28、[Result] Among eight poisons,the incidence of hepatic injury,caused by chlordimeform,hydrogen arsenide and mushroom poisoning,is the highest ( P

29、In this paper, polyferric silicate sulfate (PFSS) was prepared and arsenic-containing wastewater from gallium arsenide plant was flocculated by it. ─── 用自制的无机高分子聚合硅酸铁(PFSS),对砷化镓生产中的含砷废水进行了混凝处理。

30、arsenide hydrogen ─── [医] 砷化[三]氢, 胂

31、lead arsenide ─── 砷化铅

32、ferrous arsenide ─── 二砷化三铁

33、gallium arsenide ─── [化]砷化镓

34、The upper bands (or buckets) in good lasing materials such as gallium arsenide are narrow and have steep sides, so they tend to hold relatively few electrons. ─── 在砷化镓等发光效率较高的雷射材料中,上层能带(或桶子)相当窄,两侧曲线很陡,因此可容纳的电子数目比较少;

35、Micro-distribution of carbon in semi-insulating gallium arsenide ─── 半绝缘砷化镓单晶中碳微区分布的研究

36、a nickel ore,essentially nickel arsenide,NiAs,found in America and Europe ─── 一种镍矿石,主要是砷化镍组成,元素符号NiAs,存在于美洲和欧洲

37、indium arsenide photodiode ─── 砷化铟光电二极管

38、The photocathode is coated with sensitive gallium arsenide, which allows for a more efficient conversion of light to electrical energy at extremely low levels of light. ─── 其表面镀上一层很敏感的砷化镓光电阴极涂层,,在极弱光线下它能使光更有效的转化为电能。

39、galinium arsenide ─── ph. 砷化镓

40、iron arsenide ─── 砷化铁

41、Survey on an arsenide hydrogen poisoning in a moistening workshop in a factory ─── 某厂湿法车间浸出槽砷化氢中毒事故调查

42、Some of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) contain arsenide,such as realgar.The total amount of arsenic in the TCM exceeds the limits according to related regulations. ─── 在传统中药中有不少处方含有砷化合物如雄黄等,其砷总量超过有关重金属限量。

43、The required reagents of this method is common, and the the cost is low, the operation is easy, and no poisonous hydrogen arsenide is produced in the experiment. ─── 本方法所需设备与化学试剂较为常见,成本较低,操作上容易实现,而且测试过程中不会产生剧毒的砷化氢气体。

44、Keywords Gallium arsenide;Field effect transistor;Burnthrough;Failure mechanism;Analyzing.; ─── 砷化镓;场效应晶体管;烧毁;失效机理;分析。;

45、indium arsenide ─── 砷化铟

46、gallium arsenide semiconductor ─── 呻化镓半导体

47、copper arsenide ─── 砷化铜

48、Coffa's group has demonstrated light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that operate at room temperature with efficiencies as high as those of gallium arsenide devices. ─── 寇法的研究团队已展示可在室温下运作的发光二极体(LED),效率和砷化镓装置不相上下。

49、Indium Arsenide Infrared Detector ─── 砷化铟红外探测器

50、barium arsenide ─── 砷化钡

51、Keywords Devise producing hydrogen arsenide Tympanic belly absorption tube Rectify Degree of preciseness; ─── 砷化氢发生装置;鼓腹吸管;校正;准确度;

52、X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrocopic Analysis of Native Oxides Layer on Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor Surface ─── 砷化镓半导体表面自然氧化层的X射线光电子能谱分析

53、bulk gallium arsenide device oscillator ─── 砷化镓体效应器件振荡器

54、acute hydrogen arsenide poisoning ─── 急性砷化氢中毒

55、magnesium arsenide ─── 砷化镁

56、Use in manufacturing of glass, enamels and lead crystals, raw material for arsenic alloys, arsenide semiconductors, wood preservative. ─── 用於製造玻璃、搪瓷和铅晶体,砷合金原料,砷化镓半导体,木材防腐剂

57、semi-insulating gallium arsenide ─── SI-GaAs

58、Investigation of 3 Cases of Acute Hydrogen Arsenide Poisoning in Shijiazhuang ─── 石家庄市3起急性砷化氢中毒事故的调查

59、gallium arsenide diode mixer converter ─── 砷化镓二极管混频变频器

60、strontium arsenide ─── 砷化锶

61、Arsenic- molybdenum blue spectrophotometric determination of arsenic in tungsten mine using separation of hydrogen arsenide ─── 砷化氢分离砷钼蓝分光光度法测定钨矿中砷

62、sodium arsenide ─── 砷化钠

63、Cadmium germanium arsenide ─── 砷化锗镉

64、The development of microwave Gallium Arsenide Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MESFET) devices has enabled the miniaturization of pagers, cellular phones, and other electronic devices. ─── 在电路设计上,元件的小讯号特性对于电路设计工作者而言是十分重要的。

65、Keywords molecular beam epitaxy;quantum dot;quantum well;spin relaxation;Gallium Arsenide;Aluminum Gallium Arsenide;inverse spin Hall effect; ─── 关键词分子束外延;量子点;量子阱;自旋驰豫;砷化镓;砷化铝镓;自旋霍尔逆效应;

66、Among eight poisons,the incidence of hepatic injury,caused by chlordimeform,hydrogen arsenide and mushroom poisoning,is the highest ( P

67、Test method for carbon concentration of semi-insulating monocrystal gallium arsenide by measurement infrared absorption method ─── 半绝缘砷化镓单晶中碳浓度的红外吸收测试方法

68、lithium arsenide ─── 砷化锂

69、2. a gray mineral consisting of cobalt arsenide and nickel; an important source of cobalt and nickel. ─── 一种灰色矿物,由砷化钴和镍组成,是钴和镍的重要来源。

70、gallium arsenide ( GaAs ) photodiode ─── 砷化镓光电二极管

71、The crystal layer on early LEDs was gallium arsenide or gallium phosphide, which lent that reddish color. ─── 早期LED的液晶层是砷化镓或者磷化镓做的,所以发出红光。

72、for FFT computation and its implementation using gallium arsenide technology; Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 6, Issue: 1, March 1998 ─── 注意:如果您发现此文章出现影响您的阅读的状况,请从浏览器地址栏里复制本文的链接到留言本报告给站长解决!

73、New base materials for integrated circuits, such as composite layers of gallium arsenide and gallium aluminum arsenide, may contribute to faster chips. ─── 为像含有种种要素数层的金家砷化物和金家铝砷化物这样的集成电路的新基础材料,可能成为较快速的薯条因素。

74、Common lasing media such as gallium arsenide, in comparison, feature emission efficiencies some 10,000 times larger. ─── 相比之下,砷化镓等常用雷射材料的发光效率则是矽的一万倍。

75、arsenide gallium monocrystal ─── 砷化镓单晶

76、chromic arsenide ─── 砷化铬

77、Investigation of a Case of Hydrogen Arsenide Poisoning ─── 一起砷化氢中毒事故的调查

78、Moreover, gallium arsenide is much more expensive than silicon in the first place. ─── 另外,最重要的是,镓砷化物比硅贵得多。

79、Keywords Gallium oxide;Gallium arsenide;Scrap;Recovery; ─── 氧化镓;砷化镓;废渣;回收;

80、silver arsenide ─── 砷化银

81、Because gallium arsenide has a high emission rate (it amplifies light efficiently because its bands line up), its total photon emissions easily outpace its absorptions. ─── 由于砷化镓发光效率很高(因为能带呈正对排列,所以可以很有效率地放大光),因此其光子发射总数很容易就可以超过其吸收总数。

82、This thesis extracts a small signal equivalent circuit model from a Gallium Arsenide MESFET device. ─── 因此本论文研究在槽线架构下,不同馈入方式在频率响应上的影响。

83、Diffused red, gallium arsenide phosphide red. ─── 功能应用: Discrete LED indicator.

84、Silicon dioxide;Liquid phase deposition (LPD);ULSI;Microwave device;Gallium arsenide ─── 二氧化矽;液相沈积法;极大型积体电路;微波元件;砷化镓

85、antimony arsenide ─── 砷化锑

86、aluminium arsenide ─── 砷化铝

87、Keywords nickel arsenide;laser;clinical application; ─── 砷化镍;激光;临床应用;

88、Keywords Gallium arsenide;X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; ─── 砷化镓;X射线光电子能谱;

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