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depopulated 发音

英:[?di??p?pjule?t?d]  美:[?di??pɑ?pjule?t?d]

英:  美:

depopulated 中文意思翻译



depopulated 词性/词形变化,depopulated变形

动词现在分词: depopulating |名词: depopulation |动词过去分词: depopulated |动词第三人称单数: depopulates |动词过去式: depopulated |

depopulated 短语词组

1、depopulated define ─── 定义人口减少

2、depopulated jtag ─── 人口减少的jtag

3、depopulated the birds ─── 鸟类数量减少

4、depopulated cities ─── 人口减少的城市

5、depopulated zone ─── 无人区

6、depopulated the bird ─── 减少了鸟的数量

7、depopulated areas ─── 人口减少地区

8、depopulated bga ─── 人口减少的bga

9、depopulated zone award ─── 人口减少区奖

10、depopulated def def ─── 人口减少

11、depopulated land ─── 人口减少的土地

12、depopulated zone rose ─── 无人区玫瑰

depopulated 相似词语短语

1、depopulate ─── vt.使人口减少;vi.人口减少

2、-populated ─── adj.有人口居住的;(印刷集成电路板)安装有元件的;粒子数增加的;v.居住于……中;构成……的人口(populate的过去式和过去分词)

3、repopulate ─── vt.使人重新住入

4、repopulated ─── vt.使人重新住入

5、demodulated ─── v.解调;使检波(demodulate的过去式和过去分词)

6、populated ─── adj.有人口居住的;(印刷集成电路板)安装有元件的;粒子数增加的;v.居住于……中;构成……的人口(populate的过去式和过去分词)

7、depopulates ─── vt.使人口减少;vi.人口减少

8、repopulates ─── vt.使人重新住入

9、depopulator ─── 去人口器

depopulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“The hyaenas became vegetarians, the zoo was depopulated and even the tigers had only sweet potatoes and a bit of cassava to eat. ─── “鬣狗成了素食者,动物园的动物开始灭绝,就连老虎都只有甜土豆和一些树薯可以吃。”

2、sometimes ,only one person is missing,and the whole world seems depopulated. ─── 有时候,只是一个人消失了,却如同整个世界人口减少一般。

3、Following the establishment of Mongol rule in the thirteenth century, wars and famine decimated and depopulated the province. ─── 十三世纪蒙古统治中国之后,该省因战争与饥荒人口锐减。

4、a country depopulated by war, famine, disease, etc ─── 因战争﹑ 饥荒﹑ 疾病等而人口下降的国家.

5、The rotational levels of the ground vibrational level may be depopulated by radiation. ─── 基态振动能级的各转动能级的粒子数可能因幅射而减少。

6、the zoo was depopulated and even the tigers had only sweet potatoes and a bit of cassava to eat. ─── 鬣狗成了素食者,动物园的动物开始灭绝,就连老虎都只有甜土豆和一些树薯可以吃。

7、On the 6th of June, 1832, about eleven o'clock in the morning, the Luxembourg, solitary and depopulated, was charming. ─── 一八三二年六月六日上午十一时左右,卢森堡公园杳无人迹,景色迷人。

8、The conquerors depopulated the enemy's country by destruction and expulsion. ─── 征服者用毁灭和驱逐的方法来减少敌国的人口。

9、Mini break - the weaner department is depopulated and cleaned. The area of depopulation is then moved up-farm as the pigs grow. ─── 小中断–将断奶仔猪单元清空并消毒。之后清空区域作为生长肥育猪舍。

10、In cases of colony collapse disorder, flourishing hives are suddenly depopulated leaving few, if any, surviving bees behind. ─── 若遭受损失的蜂农超过百分之二十,情况便须予以关注了。

11、According to pseudo-scientific discourse, the white races were also being depopulated by selfish feminists refusing to have babies. ─── 一些伪科学理论称,白种人的人种正在减少是由于一些自私的女权主义者拒绝生孩子。

12、The rotational levels of the ground vibrational level may be depopulated by radiation ─── 基态振动能级的各转动能级的粒子数可能因幅射而减少。

13、The 15th century plagues left vast areas of Europe depopulated. ─── 15世纪的瘟疫使欧洲广大的地区人口减少。

14、According to pseudo-scientific discourse, the white races were also being depopulated by selfish feminists refusing to have babies. ─── 用娃娃提高生育率这一用途上的改变反映了中产阶级妇女战后在家庭角色上的显著变化。

15、When she is missing, it seems the whole world is suddenly depopulated. ─── 她如果不在,就像世界突然变得空无一人。

16、Whole stretches of land were laid waste and depopulated. ─── 一片片土地荒芜,人口减少。

17、Tatar raids depopulated whole areas of Ukraine. ─── 鞑靼入侵使得整个乌克兰地区的人口减少。

18、This area was greatly depopulated during the period of the last major ice age as were other regions of the British Isles. ─── 经过最后一个大冰河时代,像英国很多岛屿一样,这些地方因为战争或者疾病,而没有了人迹。

19、Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated. ─── -----Alphonse de Lamartine 只有当一个人不见时,才发现这个世界少了什么。

20、However, in areas where numerous journalists, that "depopulated" and only see on the property inspection personnel everywhere, but have not seen a live our farmers work. ─── 然而,记者在小区里穿行时,感觉到“人烟稀少”,只看见值勤的物业人员四处巡视,却没有看到一名住进来的农民工。

21、I didn't know it at the time, but I was experiencing London at almost its most depopulated in 50 years. ─── 那时候我并不了解伦敦,但我正在经历伦敦近50年最严重的一次人口减少。

22、The village was depopulated, most of the resident dead or moved, but the livestock remained untouched。 ─── 如果大部分村民已亡故或迁徙,那么村庄只能是“人烟稀少的”。

23、63. The country has been depopulated by war and disease. ─── 该国因战争与疾病而人口减少。

24、Or will neither of these scenarios come to pass, when overpopulated China simply swallows up depopulated Siberia? ─── 或者以上的情节都不会发生,而是人口暴增的中国将会吞没人口稀少的西伯利亚。

25、The house of the Petit-Picpus was becoming rapidly depopulated. ─── 小比克布斯院里的人口减得很快。

26、Keywords The Ecological immigrants;Trans-Provincial Area arrange for;The ecological depopulated zone; ─── 生态移民;跨省区安置;生态无人区;

27、Ever higher dues ruined trade and depopulated towns. ─── 越来越高的苛捐杂税使商业凋敝,城镇人口减少。

28、As one of four depopulated areas in China, the Altun Mountains is also the largest nature reserve, though an untrod area, yet a paradise of rare animals. ─── 阿尔金山,是中国四大无人区之一,也是中国最大的自然保护区。

29、The depopulated village has got one place of interest - a deserted school. ─── 这个人口稀少的村庄有一个有趣的地方-一个已荒废的学校。

30、depopulated islands ─── 无居民海岛

31、Talking About Trans-Provincial Area Arrange for Ecological Immigrants in the Western Minority Area and the Issue of Programming the Ecological Depopulated Zone ─── 试论西部民族地区生态移民跨省安置与生态无人区的划定问题

32、1.Sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated. ─── -----有时只有一个人失踪,整个世界也会如同人口缺失一般。

33、This area was greatly depopulated during the period of the last major ice age as were other regions of the British Isles. ─── 经过最后一个大冰河时代,像英国很多岛屿一样,这些地方因为战争或者疾病,而没有了人迹。

34、The epidemic depopulated the countryside. ─── 瘟疫使乡下变得荒无人烟。

35、Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated. ─── 有时候,有时候,一个人的失踪,孤独了一个世界。

36、stretches of land were laid waste and depopulated. ─── 一片片土地荒芜,人口减少。

37、As rural Japan becomes increasingly depopulated, many villages and hamlets like Ogama, along with their traditions and histories, risk vanishing. ─── 由于日本农村人口不断减少,许多像大釜这样的村庄连同它们的传统和历史面临着消失的危险。

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