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08-14 投稿


flagstone 发音

英:[?fl?ɡsto?n]  美:[?fl?ɡst??n]

英:  美:

flagstone 中文意思翻译



flagstone 网络释义

n. 石板;[岩] 薄层砂岩

flagstone 词性/词形变化,flagstone变形


flagstone 短语词组

1、renting a house at flagstone ─── 在flagstone租房

2、flagstone lyons colorado ─── 科罗拉多州里昂石板

3、flagstone price ─── 石板价格

4、flagstone steps ─── 石板台阶

5、flagstone step ─── 石板台阶

6、flagstone pavement ─── 板石铺砌

7、flagstone bank ─── 石板堤

8、flagstone patio ─── 石板庭院

9、flagstone pattern ─── 石板图案

10、flagstone pavers ─── 石板铺路机

11、flagstone cleaner ─── 石板清洁器

12、flagstone foods ─── 石板食品

flagstone 相似词语短语

1、Blackstone ─── n.百仕通集团(即黑石集团,全球最大私募基金公司);布莱克斯通(英国前文化部长);黑石镇(美国马萨诸塞州的一个镇)

2、slabstone ─── n.板石;铺路石

3、flagstones ─── n.石板;[岩]薄层砂岩

4、flowstone ─── [地质]流石

5、lapstone ─── n.(鞋匠等用的)垫石

6、ragstone ─── n.硬质岩石

7、Gladstone ─── n.一种轻型旅行袋;格拉德斯通,格莱斯顿(英国政治家)

8、floatstone ─── n.浮石;磨砖用的磨石

9、claystone ─── 黏土石

flagstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nevertheless, I'll fix it in my mind how you held my hand, when I was traipsing, barefoot, on the flagstone walkway touched with hints of emerald moss. ─── 但我会记着的。记着你如何拉着我的手。当我赤着脚踝。踩在长着翠绿苔藓的。青石板路。

2、Flagstone Creek State School - Government primary school provides overview, search facility, chat room and guestbook. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

3、I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars. ─── 我跪在大柱子旁边的一块大石板上。

4、In the town, watercourses and flagstone streets extend in all directions and intercross here and there. ─── 镇上的茅盾故居是茅盾的出生地,现为国家级重点文物保护单位。

5、Xie Jing Lian, a retired calligrapher, stoops over a flagstone walk as he draws Chinese characters with a large wet brush. ─── 谢景连是一名退休的书法家。他弯著腰,用一把巨大的刷子,蘸著水,在石板路上书写汉字。

6、We are able to provide natural split pavers , slate, sandstone, quartzite products, etc. Flagstone mats, pavers on mesh, cobblestone, etc. ─── 我们可以提供自然分裂摊铺机,板岩,砂岩,石英制品等石板垫,摊铺机上的网格,鹅卵石等。

7、Please kindly inform us of the function and size of the flagstone you ordered. ─── 麻烦您告知我你需要的这个石块的用途以及您要的尺寸的大小。

8、Construction quality of mortar flagstone in protection works ─── 浅论浆砌片石防护工程的施工管理

9、irregular flagstone ─── 不规则铺面石板

10、It's quite good to use flagstone as background.Is it necessary to insert a sword into rib to show the love? ─── 使用石地作为背景,感觉摄影效果很好,不一定非得两肋插着刀来表示心爱吧.

11、Can you please kindly forward me the picture of the flagstone for outside wall.I'm looking for the easy installation one with less than 1" thick and may be already put in together as blocks. ─── 能不能把外墙壁的石板照片传给我,我们所需的是厚度不超过1英尺并且可以是已经拼好成型的墙壁,以易于安装。

12、These flagstone streets stand the test of time and remain well preserved as of today.Every flagstone tells story. ─── 遥望嘉陵江水东去,真有时过境迁,流水依旧之感叹。

13、You can't get specific because the flagstone will act as a jig saw puzzle. ─── 因为你不能得到具体石板将作为夹具看到谜。

14、Flagstone mats introduces a new concept in stone flooring.Selected stones of slate and quartz are adhered to a rubber mat to form panels . ─── 网贴石给石地板引入了一个新的概念,是精选各种板岩和橡胶网粘合而成的。

15、He couldn't have weighed more than 150 pounds, but while working in his yard he carried around big chunks of flagstone that I could hardly lift. ─── 他的体重应该不会超过150磅,但是在院子里干活的时候,我几乎抬不动那些大块的石板,他却能把它们移来移去。

16、After the analysis and the research,one kind of acid baths which is made of the ordinary concrete as the mainbody and lined with the granite flagstone had been voluntarily designed and manufactured. ─── 经过分析和研究,自行设计制作了一种以普通混凝土为主体,内衬花岗岩石板的酸洗槽。

17、It has been said that the flagstone here is the longest in the ancient villages all over the country. ─── 据说渣济村的石板路是全国古村落中最长的,走过这一条条石板路,找一家特色小店,安顿下来再说!

18、We turned left into the entranceway, which is nicely paved in sand colored flagstone and the discrete sign is simple bronze lettering on sand colored stone. ─── 我们转向左边来到入口,入口用花色的砂岩铺设得很好,而且在花色砂岩上有间隔开的青铜印字。

19、Diane and I followed a flagstone path down the side past a hedge of miniature lilacs that stood naked for winter. ─── 我和黛安娜沿着一条石板路走下去,路边一小丛丁香花正赤裸裸地等待着寒冬的到来。

20、The Cholla Catus Lamps are made from the wood of the Teddy Bear Cholla (choy-ya) cactus and flagstone from Arizona and Mexico. ─── 描述: 仙人掌灯采用的木材是由仙人掌和来自亚利驿那州和黑西哥的石板。

21、Fixed: Flagstone description lists wrong requirements. ─── 固定:石板描述列表错误的要求。

22、Still on the old streets in Chengdu, I followed you and walked through flat flagstone road step by step, I watched you from the back and thought comfortablely that my father is still so healthy. ─── 还是成都的那些旧街道,我跟着你一步一步地走过平坦的石板路,我望着你的背景,心里安慰地想:父亲还很健康呢。一种幸福的感觉使我的全身发热了。

23、The floor of a fireplace,usually extending into a room and paved with brick,flagstone,or cement. ─── 壁炉,地面通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面。

24、The floor of a fireplace, usually extending into a room and paved with brick, flagstone, or cement. ─── 壁炉地面通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面

25、4.I walk down the old street of flagstone road, rain drops make a beautiful tune, but which is the best that I sing with my friends? ─── 4.我走过青石板路旧街小巷,雨落瓦檐响成美丽的歌谣,可是和小伙伴最爱唱的那首?

26、The birdbath that was to be her resting place was highlighted with a circular flagstone path. ─── 那个作为她栖息地的水盆则放在一条圆形古板路的突出位置。

27、The knife did not drop to the flagstone floor. ─── 刀没有落到石板的地面上。

28、Because in the family is very narrow and small, the kitchen can only in the wrong side of the door, the casual several stones put up is a top, simple builds with the flagstone keeps out wind and rain. ─── 由于家里很狭小,厨房只能在门外,随便几块石头搭起算是灶台,用石板简易搭盖一下以遮风挡雨。

29、From is rubbed on the shining flagstone by the years to enter slowly the old city, two side each shop free is always attracting my eyeball, each shop is selling the different local characteristic. ─── 从被岁月磨得发亮的石板上慢慢走进古城,两边每一个小店总是招摇地吸引着我的眼球,每一个小店售卖着不同的当地特色。

30、Zhaji is famous for a lot of ancient bridges and lanes,it is said that the national longest flagstone road of ancient villages is here. ─── 渣济多古桥、古巷,还有据说是全国古村落中最长的石板路。

31、“at that time behind the flagstone heard a female schoolmate's weeping sound. ─── “当时石板后面传来一个女同学的哭声。

32、The study shows that SC1 sandstone and SC2 flagstone are favorable reservoir sand bodies and could he as key targets for exploration of stratigraphic and lithologic oil-gas pools. ─── 研究认为,SC1,旋回滨岸砂岩及SC2下降半旋回的潮间带薄层砂岩为有利储集砂体,是地层-岩性型油气藏的重点勘探目标。

33、Thurso flagstone group ─── 瑟索板层岩群

34、On the flagstone road shining blue moonlight of Lijiang city, ─── 在丽江月光下泛青的石板路上,

35、Walking on the road made of flagstone, visitors could feel a rhythm of silence.And following the rhythm, you can look down the whole sight downstair, where involves in the peaceful lighting. ─── 脚下已是青石板铺路,且夹杂着黄色的榆木板,青黄相接之间,形成了一种轻快安静的节奏,目光就被这节奏一直带了过去,在明快安谧的灯光下,楼下的天地尽收眼底。

36、Moreover, on a piece of giant blue flagstone, The image of Namtso Goddess is seen clear. ─── 而且在一块巨大的青石板上纳木措女神像清晰可见。

37、According to the local resident says, this man from 1:00 am starts not to stop downward throws the flagstone, but can also smell a wine taste. ─── 据当地居民讲,该男子从凌晨1时就开始不停的往下扔石板,还能闻到一股酒味。

38、3. the ground multi-shop terra-cotta or the flagstone, the mosaic crustification, spells pastes calculates a more magnificent decoration in the Mediterranean Sea style. ─── 3.地面多铺赤陶或石板,马赛克镶嵌、拼贴在地中海风格中算较为华丽的装饰。

39、In a sunny afternoon, visiting a field of Lavender in Provence, walking on the flagstone and waiting for the train on a way station; i'm wearing a long skirt. ─── 一起去看法国的薰衣草田,一起走石板路在小站边等车,我穿纯棉长裙。

40、Northeastern Pennsylvania's finest quality flagstone, fieldstone, and landscaping stone.Supplied and delivered. ─── 主要产品:花岗石荒料,大理石板材。

41、flagstone paving ─── 石板铺面

42、Have you got the flagstone in the 100 floor? ─── 高级矿场第100层的石板有没有挖??

43、Changed: Flagstone is crafted from and repaired with Cobblestone Rocks. ─── 改变:石板是制作和修理的鹅卵石石头。

44、flagstone walk ─── 石板路

45、Typical representatives of construction culture in Liwan District include Chen Clan's Academy, Xiguan Residence, Arcade-houses, and Flagstone Street. ─── 我区作为岭南文化的中心地,有建筑文化的典型代表,如陈家祠、西关大屋、骑楼街、麻石巷等;

46、There are natural patterns in the products.You can find that each is different because the material is crude flagstone and wooden board. ─── 所有产品所用石板、木板均为天然产品,会有天然的花纹,每一块都可与另一块不同。

47、I found myself in an ancient temple.I had the body of a man.I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars. ─── 我发现自己在一个古老的寺庙里,我是一个男人,跪在一个巨大柱子旁的一个巨大的石板上。

48、My love for you had been carved Before God on a flagstone. ─── 我给你的爱写在西元前。

49、Wick flagstone group ─── 威克板层砂岩群

50、The women are now being trained at the Flagstone Winery in Somerset West in the art of wine making, production and marketing as well as management of a winery. ─── 这些妇女现在正在索默塞西边的酿酒厂受训,从事酒的艺术制造、出产和行销,还有酿酒管理等。

51、They walked along a black flagstone road, round to the left of the assembly hall.After passing through a large grove of bamboos, they came to a level terrace. ─── 教主和夫人沿着一条青石板路,向厅左行去,穿过一大片竹林,到了一个平台之上。

52、flagstone pavement ─── 板石铺砌

53、As the flagstone need to be packed by wood boxes which the supplier does not provide with, we have to prepare by ourselves with RMB 75 each. ─── (因为那个石板打包装的时候要用木箱装,而卖石板的地方没有帮包装的服务,所以我们还要自己买木箱装货。)一个木箱的价钱约为75元。

54、My love for you had been carved Before God on a flagstone. ─── 我给你的爱写在西元前。

55、You are standing at the flagstone ─── 你在橱窗前

56、Zhai hauled 40 tons of sand up the mountain for the foundation, then located rough green flagstone for the floors from a Chinese manufacturer that made goods only for export. ─── 翟先生将40吨沙拖上山,用于做地基,再从一个专营出口的厂家那儿买了粗糙的青石板,用于做地面。

57、Every flagstone tells story. ─── 石板路上的每一个脚印,都留下一个传说,石板路上的每一块青石,都讲述着一个故事。

58、Was not I pounds the flagstone to run away in fear it, you already let it eat. ─── 不是我砸了石板把它吓跑了,你早就让它吃了。

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