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08-14 投稿


emending 发音

英:[i?mend??]  美:[i?mend??]

英:  美:

emending 中文意思翻译



emending 词性/词形变化,emending变形

名词: emender |动词现在分词: emending |动词过去分词: emended |动词过去式: emended |动词第三人称单数: emends |

emending 短语词组

1、emending mollycoddled ─── 温顺的

2、emending counseling ─── 校正咨询

3、emending meaning ─── 校义

emending 相似词语短语

1、depending ─── v.依赖;信任(depend的ing形式)

2、reamending ─── 铰孔

3、emendating ─── v.修订;校勘;修改

4、remending ─── 重熔

5、expending ─── 花费;支出(expend的现在分词)

6、mending ─── n.修补;修补工作;v.修补(mend的现在分词);修理

7、demanding ─── v.强烈要求;需要;逼问(demand的现在分词);adj.(工作)要求高的,费力的;(人)苛求的,难满足的

8、defending ─── adj.防御中的;防守型的;v.防护;防卫;为……辩护;竞赛中保护(头衔);防守(defend的现在分词)

9、amending ─── v.修改(amend的现在分词)

emending 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to emend the professional standards on the basis of professional investigation and job analysis; ─── 以职业调查和工作分析为基础开发职业标准;

2、It is suggested that this problem should be dealt with in the emending of the Construction Law. ─── 建议在《建筑法》修订时应妥善处理此问题。

3、Emend the royal journals to remove his name ─── 修改了皇室议事录取消了他的名字

4、I am going to emend the second passage in this book. ─── 我打算对该书中的第二节进行修改。

5、The first, translating and emending foreign achievement goal orientation scale, working out teacher and student's relationships questionnaire and teacher's helping scale. ─── 翻译修订的成就目标定向问卷适用于国内相关问题的研究,自编的师生关系问卷和教师支持问卷具有良好的信度和效度。

6、Editors emend old literary texts, ─── 意思是编辑修订旧文学文本。

7、to emend a passage in a book ─── 修改书中的一节

8、Doubtful Points on Emending of Ancient Books of Yunnan ─── 疑义相与析

9、Technology Development of Metal Hot Sawing Blade and the Standard Emending ─── 金属热切圆锯片的技术发展和标准修订

10、Keywords pedestal;localization handspike;emending bending mechanism;bending die; ─── 基座;定位推杆;校正弯曲机构;弯曲模;

11、Part IV set forth how to improve knowledge structure, strengthen learning means direction, develop picture"s effection, improve exercises design and emend mistaken historical facts. ─── 第四部分从完善知识结构、加强学法指导、开发图表效果、改进习题设计以及订正史事错误五个方面来阐述新历史教科书继续完善的问题。

12、By emending corporate law, securities law,law of tax, accountingstandards and so on,the present legislation has provided rooms for development ofstock option in china. ─── 近年来,通过修订公司法、证券法、税法、会计准则等相关法律法规,我国已经为股票期权制度的推广创造了基本的法律环境,股票期权拥有了更为广阔的发展空间。

13、emend v. ─── 修正;

14、Emend a faulty text. ─── 校订一篇错误百出的文章

15、to improve by critical editing 校订,修改The professor is emending a faulty text. ─── 那位教授在校订一篇错误百出的文章。

16、The related function section fail to constitute or emend means on time ─── 相关职能部门没有及时制定或修订办法

17、Objective To emend the grading methods of the hypertension prevention and cure effect in a year. ─── 目的修订高血压病一年防治效果的评估方法。

18、This part has highlighted "the Liezi Note" with compiling, emending and thought three aspects'value. ─── 本部分重点突出了《列子注》的辑佚、校勘和思想三方面的价值。

19、resume:the thick-and-thin obligation of spouses is rifely payed a attention to , at the emending procedure of the wedlock law . ─── 先来头两句,其他的有时间继续。比较无聊的东西,需要法律专用词汇。否则会被笑话的。

20、correct, modify, emend, adjust, remedy, readjust ─── 修改。修订。纠正。矫正。校阅。审阅。

21、That's why every law need constantly emending. ─── 综合特征:创作中艺术与技术的结合;

22、He is emending classical authors. ─── 他在校勘古典著作。

23、Emending and verifying the table of interest of students'studying in physics ─── 中学生物理学习兴趣量表的修订与检验

24、So we must strengthen the study and use of epitaphs while emend the dictionary in future. ─── 关键词:五代墓志;

25、To emend or reinforce the content of the rule in time to catch up with the step of era. ─── 八、 为使我国的具体准则能够跟上时代的步伐,建议及时对相关内容进行修订和补充,以做到真正的与时俱进。

26、By means of comparison some pieces proposal of emending textbooks in the future can also be provided. ─── 通过比较亦试图为将来教材修订工作提供一些建议。

27、This part has highlighted "the Liezi Note" with compiling, emending and thought three aspects'value. ─── 本部分重点突出了《列子注》的辑佚、校勘和思想三方面的价值。

28、a correction by emending; a correction resulting from critical editing. ─── 因改正而正确;从改正的编排中得出正确的结果。

29、Establishing, emending and carrying out the logistics standard become the one of the most important task for the government to promote logistics development. ─── 制定、修订与贯彻物流标准就成了政府推动物流行业发展的首要任务之一。

30、People in the Song Dynasty are praised by posterity for their sincere emending, good writing, exquisite carving, superior papers and ink, and delectable effects when engraving. ─── 宋人刻书,校勘认真,写善镂精,纸墨上乘,赏心悦目,因而颇受后人的称誉赞美。

31、The main creative points of this essay are: 1) It verifies the time of rising of Song poetry, emending and propelling the research by preceding scholars. ─── 本文主要创新之处有:一、清初宋诗风的兴起是清诗史最引人瞩目的事件之一,本文对清初宋诗风兴起时间的考证,修正和推进了前人的研究;

32、emend an author ─── 订正某作者的著作

33、The paper is reading notes, not emending excursus, so don't stick to scope and form. ─── 此文是校读丛劄,非校记,所以范围、形式上有些不拘旧格。

34、emend a passage in a book ─── 校正书中的一段.

35、In chapter 6, the author studies the procedure of establishing, emending and carrying out logistics examination standard, and gives the common content and sequence of technique standard. ─── 第6章研究分析了物流检测标准的制定、修订和实施的程序及各自特点,并给出了编写技术标准的一般内容和顺序。

36、Artificial neural networks were used to emend and analyze the chroma of scar tissue in pictures. ─── 用人工神经网络方法对瘢痕图像的色度进行校正和分析。

37、dynamic emending ─── 动态校正

38、The cutting bending process and die structure of pedestal are introduced, and the cutting convex die, localization handspike and emending bending mechanism are briefly analyzed. ─── 介绍了基座切断弯曲的工艺及模具结构,并对切断凸模、定位推杆及校正弯曲机构作了简单分析。

39、After emending the parameters to every single tank using the hybrid genetic algorithm, the general runoff by way of adding all the runoff in every tank in the sub-valley has been acquired. ─── 七个子流域分别采用一组串联式水箱组进行模拟,并结合混合遗传算法考虑每个单一水箱的参数各有不同,最后将七个子流域水箱的出流叠加起来,得出总出流量。

40、The epitaph’s emending and compiling is very important in the study of it.This paper, which is composed of two parts, amending and compiling, is just to do this work. ─── 墓志的校勘和辑录是墓志研究的两个重要方面,这篇论文便是对隋代墓志录文的整理,内容主要分成两大部分:校勘和辑录。

41、Being a particular cultural institution, the Academy lies to the official and the private learning, with collecting books , emending, teaching in a whole. ─── 书院是中国封建社会一种独特的文化机构,它介于官学和私学之间,集藏书、校书、读书、治学于一体。

42、emending bending mechanism ─── 校正弯曲机构

43、The professor is emending a faulty text . ─── 那位教授在校订一篇错误百出的文章。

44、Emend of Self-control Learning About Junior High School Students ─── 初中学生学习自我控制量表的编制

45、5.Many men are needed to emend this book. ─── 修订这本书需要许多人手。

46、a emending circuit for GAMMA in internal circuit of LCD TV, the circuit has the function of looking for data. ─── 液晶电视内部电路的红绿蓝三色的驱动电压经过一个GAMMA校正电路,这一电路具有查表功能。

47、When emending or constituting laws in the future, we should regulate this system definitely and concretely. ─── 我国在未来修改或制定相关法律时,应当明确、具体地规定该制度。

48、1.to proofread and correct; to check; to rectify; to correct proofs; to revise; to amend; to emend 2.to adjust; to calibrate3.correcting; adjustment; rectification; amendment ─── 校正

49、5 the emending the index system of evaluation the undergraduate"s speciality skills in agricultural discipline. ─── 论文的内容分五部分:第一章导言;

50、Abstract: Zheng Qiao’s bibliographical thoughts include three continuous stages: collecting books, emending books, classfying and cataloging books, and is a whole open system. ─── 摘要: 郑樵目录学思想由求书、校书及分编三个前后相衔接的阶段组成,形成一个完整的开放性体系;

51、A Second-order periodic Sotution of Van der pol equation is obtained by perturbation method and emend this method's application range to strong nonlinear equation Via exact transformtion. ─── 本文用摄动法求出范德波方程的二阶周期解,利用恰当变换,把此法的应用范围扩充到强非线性方程。

52、The authors emend the list and give a brief description of the biological features and zoological-geography distribution of Dysosma Woodson. ─── 并对八角莲属植物分种检索表进行补充修订,补充了新发表的种类。同时对八角莲属的生物特性和生态地理分布做了简要的描述。

53、Discussion on emending the automobile maintain technique standard ─── 浅谈汽车维修技术标准的修订

54、The Summary of Emending Types about Lu Xun's Original Literature--One of the researches about the types of modern literature document ─── 鲁迅原典文献校勘类型述略

55、Establish, emend and improve quality audit standard. ─── 负责制定、修订和改进各类质量审核的标准;

56、Based on the conception of the discrete modal filter, a force identification model is proposed to emend the classical modal model method. ─── 基于模态滤波器概念提出了对载荷识别模态模型法的原理性校正方案,构造了动载荷识别的离散模态滤波器模型。

57、emend the text of a book ─── 校勘一本书的课文

58、Problem and insufficiency in the nuclear medicine teaching were analyzed and several improvement measures were proposed: to emend the teaching outline; ─── 分析了核医学教学中产生的问题和不足并提出了改进措施:修订教学大纲;

59、He is emending classical authors. ─── 他在校勘古典著作。

60、Emend the text of a book; ─── 校勘某书;

61、Keywords transmitting colors from long-distance;data color;emending color; ─── 颜色远程传递;数字颜色;校色;

62、to emend on author ─── 校订著者的作品

63、Keywords laser technique;drilling sticking plaster;dynamic emending;galvanometer scanning; ─── 激光技术;膏药制孔;动态校正;振镜扫描;

64、The paper is reading notes, not emending excursus, so don't stick to scope and form. ─── 此文是校读丛劄,非校记,所以范围、形式上有些不拘旧格。

65、On the other hand, managers should be more patient with the effect of the BSC, and emend the indicator timely. ─── 此外,企业管理层对平衡计分卡的使用效果一定要有充分的耐心,企业也需要对平衡计分卡指标适时进行修订。

66、Spouse rights is a big question which is fiercely disputed in the emending of marriage Law, and has not been clearly defined yet. ─── 配偶权是我国婚姻法修订过程中争论颇大,但又没有最终界定清楚的一个问题。

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