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08-14 投稿


lenses 发音

英:[[lenz]  美:[[l?nz]

英:  美:

lenses 中文意思翻译



lenses 词性/词形变化,lenses变形

动词第三人称单数: lenses |动词过去分词: lensed |动词过去式: lensed |形容词: lensed |动词现在分词: lensing |名词复数: lenses |

lenses 短语词组

1、moment lenses ─── 力矩透镜

2、doric lenses ─── 多立克透镜

3、Good lenses, bad frames ─── 人不可貌相(形容一个给 ─── 人的第一印象极差、但本质很好的 ─── 人,或者指表面看不出来,实则深藏不露的高手)

4、diverging lenses ─── 发散透镜

5、condenser lenses ─── 聚光透镜 ─── 聚光镜

6、corrective lenses ─── 矫正视力的镜片

7、polarized lenses ─── 偏光镜片(polarizedlens的名词复数)

8、combination of lenses ─── 透镜组

9、lenses in ap seminar ─── 美联社镜片研讨会

10、achromatic lenses ─── [光]消色差透镜

11、contact lenses n. ─── 隐形眼镜; 接触镜, ─── 隐形镜( contact lens的名词复数 )

12、lenses singular ─── 透镜奇异

13、lenticular lenses ─── 双凸透镜

14、optical lenses ─── 光学透镜; ─── 光学镜头

15、myopia control lenses ─── 近视控制镜片

16、borrow lenses ─── 借用镜片

17、volteglass lenses ─── 小瓶透镜

18、how to wear contact lenses ─── 如何佩戴隐形眼镜

19、contact lenses of two pupils ─── 两个小学生的隐形眼镜

lenses 相似词语短语

1、lensed ─── adj.有透镜的;v.给…摄影(lens的过去分词)

2、flenses ─── v.从(尸体,尤指鲸鱼尸体)剥皮,剥取脂肪

3、cleanses ─── vt.净化;使…纯净;使…清洁

4、senses ─── n.[生理]感觉;意义;理智;判断力(sense的复数);v.理解;感到;认识(sense的单三形式);n.(Senses)人名;(英)森西斯

5、tenses ─── v.使拉紧,使绷紧(tense的三单形式);n.时态(tense的复数)

6、lensless ─── adj.无透镜的

7、menses ─── n.[生理]月经;[生理]行经;n.(Menses)人名;(英)门塞斯

8、censes ─── v.(依据仪式)用香熏;焚香敬神

9、lenes ─── 莱恩斯

lenses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His eyes seemed to goggle larger than usual behind the heavy lenses. ─── 在厚厚的镜片后面,眼睛瞪得比平时大得多。

2、Len has interviewed many famous persons. ─── 兰采访过许多名人。

3、Made of two tiny tin beads usually used to calibrate electron microscope lenses, the snowman was built by the National Physical Laboratory. ─── 这个雪人由英国国家物理实验室制造,使用的材料是通常用来校准电子显微镜透镜的锡珠。

4、Do you wear hard or soft contact lenses? ─── 你戴硬性还是软性隐形眼镜?

5、She wore a pair of round black frame with flat lenses because she was not a real myope. ─── 她戴的是圆形黑框平光眼镜,因为眼睛并不近视。

6、Broadband catadioptric UV lithography lenses design[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张雨东,邹海兴,王之江.

7、An optical shop, in the business of making lenses, will have a set of precision spherical test plates or gauges. ─── 制造透镜的光学车间,应当有一套精确的球面测试板即球面规。

8、But there would have to be some means of storing the lenses. ─── 但是总需使用某种方法来保存镜头。

9、For different focus lenses,we realize auto-measuring by focusing. ─── 对于不同焦距的镜头,采用对焦的方法实现自动测量。

10、Do you have the scratch-proof lenses available? ─── 你有防刮的镜片吗?

11、Light is condensed by means of lenses. ─── 光线可藉透镜集聚之。

12、Len challenged Michael to swim across the river. ─── 兰跟迈克比一比游过这条河。

13、At that point, Len involved himself in the argument. ─── 在那一刻,莱昂使自己陷入了争吵。

14、Those Zeiss lenses havegreat reputations. ─── 它们用的蔡司镜头可是名声在外啊。

15、If you wear contact lenses, bring a set of eyeglasses for emergencies. ─── 如果你戴隱形眼鏡,带另一付眼镜以应付紧急发生的情况。

16、Keep an eye on contact lenses safety. ─── 当心隐形眼镜的安全。

17、Also there are new scope sprites with realistic scratched and dirty lenses. ─── 同时,将会有全新的狙击镜,并且狙击镜上有划恨和污垢。

18、Do you prescribe contact lenses? ─── 你可以给我配副隐形眼镜吗?

19、Wear special contact lenses can be from supporting the poker back to see all the color of the sign points. ─── 戴上专用隐形眼镜的人可从配套的扑克背面看到各个牌的花色点数。

20、Pedro: He wears contact lenses now. ─── 佩德罗:他现在戴隐形眼镜。

21、Paula: Is the color of your eyes natural or are they colored contact lenses? ─── 你眼睛的颜色是自然的还是由于戴了隐形眼镜而变的色?

22、Use of special designed rigid gas permeable lenses to re-shape the cornea. ─── 利用高透氧隐形眼镜,改变角膜形状,以达至个别需要。

23、During the next break, I cautiously approached Dr.Hew Len. ─── 在接下来的休息时间里,我好奇地去接近贺博士。

24、Just put in the lenses, close the drawer, and take out the perfectly finished lenses after a few minutes. ─── 只需要放入镜片,合上机柜,完美的品质的镜片在几分钟后即可呈现。

25、Contact lenses and further services belong to the Offer portfolio of Visus Contactlinsen GmbH. ─── 为您提供关于光盘和透镜、(电阻点焊时的)熔核、物镜的信息。

26、Len lives in a lonely village. ─── 兰住在一个孤寂的村庄。

27、Yes,they are a pair of brown ladies hornrimmed spectacles with blue tinted lenses. ─── 好的,那是一副棕色质镜框女用眼镜,蓝色镜片。

28、She could see herself in the reflecting lenses, which had grotesquely foreshortened her. ─── 她可以在反射镜头中看到自己被怪异地缩短了。

29、Len sits on the right side of the classroom. ─── 兰坐在教室的右边。

30、They include a range of interchangeable lenses, and small accessories. ─── 其中包括一系列可更换镜头和小零件。

31、Any of the lenses, prisms, or mirrors of an optical instrument. ─── 光学镜:光学仪器的透镜、棱镜或平面镜语源。

32、Damn, maybe I should buy a Leica system. I hear Leica lenses are fantastic. ─── 也许我应该买一个莱卡,我听说莱卡镜头绝对的好;

33、For best results, use Ricoh lenses only. ─── 为得到最好的拍摄效果,请只使用理光镜头。

34、One is to sleep in your lenses, and then replace your lenses periodically. ─── 你将睡觉在您的透镜里,和阶段性地然后替换您的透镜。

35、One that makes lenses and eyeglasses. ─── 光学仪器制造技师光学透镜和眼镜的制造者

36、Six to eight lenses to the set; would that be about the number? ─── 六个至八个镜头一组,这个数字大致符合吗?

37、Some of these telescopes have glass lenses in them. ─── 其中一些望远镜里安装着玻璃透镜。

38、Barry and Len are acquaintance, not friends. ─── 巴瑞和林是熟人,不是朋友。

39、But now the whole process of inserting those lenses is changing too. ─── 但是现在整个植入那些晶体的过程也正在改变。

40、Design and Deposition of Broadband IR Antireflection Coatings on ZnS Lenses[J]. ─── 引用该论文 于天燕,朱福荣,刘定权,张凤山.

41、Position) & Xstr & Right(Text, Len(Text) - Patterns(x). ─── 听听听听听听听 Text = Left(Text, Patterns(x).

42、Why aren't you wearing your contact lenses? ─── 你为什么没有戴隐性眼镜呢?

43、Nearsighted eyes were equipped with thick lenses of great distance-power. ─── 一对近视眼戴着一副深度的、厚厚的眼镜。

44、If you like to exercise or find glasses uncomfortable, use contact lenses. ─── 又或是你是个运动爱好者感觉戴眼镜不方便,就选择隐形眼镜。

45、It uses two separate "microcamera" lenses to shoot two pictures at the same time on VHS-C video-Cassette type. ─── 它采用互相分离的“微型摄像机”镜头在VHS-C录像带上同时拍下两幅画面。

46、Len - Defines how many frames the build will take. ─── 定义多少帧造型将会被建造。

47、For the eyesight test, remember to bring your glasses or wear your contact lenses if you are short-sighted. ─── 如果您近视,请在进行视力测试时戴上眼镜,或者是隐形眼镜。

48、You may wear contact lenses to help you see better. ─── 你可以戴隐形眼镜以看得更清楚些。

49、In order to be able to evaluate a large focal length range, different converter lenses must be used. ─── 为了能够计算较大的焦距范围,根据焦距的大小必须使用不同的转换透镜。

50、A unit of measurement of the refractive power of lenses equal to the reciprocal of the focal length measured in meters. ─── 屈光度透镜或棱镜折光率的一种量度,等于以米计算焦距之倒数

51、She used to wear glasses, but now she wears contact lenses. ─── 她以前戴眼镜,但现在戴隐形眼镜.

52、Implantations of posterior chamber intraocular lenses in children with monocular cataracts. ─── 儿童单侧性白内障后房型人工晶体植入术。

53、What type of lenses are represented? ─── 什么样的镜头被描述?

54、All three of them use mirror,not lenses at the front. ─── 它们三个前部用的都是曲面镜而不是透镜。

55、Monitor mode: double lenses omnibearing remote monitor. ─── 力量显示:计算机数位显示监控方式:双镜头全方位远程监控。

56、The beam of flashlight diverges, but it can be refocused with lenses. ─── 一个发散的闪光灯束可以用透镜重新聚焦。

57、Zooms lenses by necessity havemore elements than primes. ─── 因为要变焦,所以变焦镜头的镜片数目比定焦的多。

58、And you've got lenses! But you hate sticking your finger in your eye! ─── 你何时配隐形眼镜的?你不是讨厌将手指放进眼睛吗?

59、Susan: I can't see her. I don't have my contact lenses in. And I don't want John to see me. What does she look like? ─── 苏珊:我看不清她。我没带隐形眼镜。我不想让约翰看见我,她长得什么样?

60、Thick lenses that exaggerated the size of her eyes. ─── 夸大叙述,言过其实。

61、Jill and Len both enjoyed hiking and dancing very much. ─── 吉尔和利恩都非常喜欢徒步旅行和跳舞。

62、An optima solution of the problem of geodesic lenses[J]. ─── 引用该论文 范俊清,李公羽,许承杰,鲁平.

63、Use bifocal or varifocal lenses may relieve the asthenopia. ─── 如改用双焦点或渐进多焦点镜片可能有助于减轻视疲劳。

64、Once she got contact lenses, her social life began to take off. ─── 她戴上隐形眼镜后,她的社交生活立刻顺利了。

65、She could burn ants with those lenses. ─── 她可以用她的眼镜片来烧烤蚂蚁了。

66、Binocular lenses that are out of alignment will yield a double image. ─── 双目镜片没有调好时会出现重影

67、Skin cells just in front of them differentiate to form lenses. ─── 它们前面的皮肤细胞就分化而形成晶体。

68、His daily work is to rough out the lenses for cameras. ─── 他每天的工作是制作照相机镜片的毛坯。

69、Optimum performance of the camera may be compromised by using other lenses. ─── 可能由于使用了其它牌号的镜头而不能发挥最佳的相机性能。

70、Performance monomers include some 60 specialty methacrylic monomers for adhesives, coatings and soft contact lenses. ─── 功能性单体包括60多种特种甲基丙烯酸酯单体,可以用于生产粘合剂、涂料和柔性接触镜头。

71、Have your glasses got plastic lenses? ─── 你的眼镜是用塑胶镜片的吗?

72、Plastic lenses are provide 100% UV blocking protection and are shatterproof. ─── 塑料镜片,100%阻挡UV,防碎。带有可调节的弹性镜带。

73、Do not expose contact lenses or lens storage cases to any type of water or other non-sterile solutions. ─── 不要使隐形眼镜或者其保存盒暴露于任何水或者是其他未消毒的溶液中。

74、She was engaged to Len Lobue, a young Abilities employee. ─── 她和一个年轻的能力公司的职工莱恩·罗标订了婚。

75、A few optometrists said they could fit me with special lenses to moisten my eyes, and I may have to go that route. ─── 也有几个医生说,可以给我配置特别的镜片让眼睛感觉湿润些,我正在考虑接受这个方法。

76、Have you got your lenses in? ─── 你戴了隐形眼镜吗?

77、Hoping to get free contact lenses, Freddy goes to the optician. ─── 弗瑞德到眼镜商那儿希望能得到免费的隐形眼镜。

78、Light is condensed by means of lenses . ─── 光线由透镜聚焦。

79、The U.C.F. team has two ways to make adaptive lenses. ─── 团队制作变化透镜的方式有两种。

80、The trigger zone is hard to customize with simple lenses. ─── 使用简单的镜片,很难定制出触发器区域。

81、A few such lenses are already on the market. ─── 一些这样的人工晶体已经出现在市场上。

82、Do I have to take my contact lenses out when I use a tanning bed or booth? ─── 在晒黑床或者晒黑棚中晒黑时我需要摘下隐型眼镜吗?

83、Mrs. Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses. ─── 比尔斯夫人戴着一副厚厚的双光眼镜。


85、I can't see. I don't have my contact lenses in. ─── 但我看不见,我没带隐形眼镜。

86、Bausch &Lomb PureVision (balafilcon A)Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses. ─── 为方便您下次查询,请收藏我至本地收藏夹!

87、The LEN() function returns the length of the string. ─── 函数返回字符串的长度。

88、you got your lenses in? ─── 你戴了隐形眼镜吗?

89、The ZV lenses offer no locking mechanism for the built-in shutter. ─── ZV镜头对内置快门没有提供锁定装置。

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