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08-14 投稿


agraphia 发音

英:[??ɡr?fi?]  美:[??ɡr?fi?]

英:  美:

agraphia 中文意思翻译



agraphia 短语词组

1、musical agraphia ─── [医] 音符书写不能

2、agraphia atactica ─── [医] 绝对书写不能

3、acoustic agraphia ─── [医] 听觉性书写不能

4、jargon agraphia ─── [医] 呓语性书写不能

5、agraphia group ─── 失写群

6、cerebral agraphia ─── [医] 大脑性书写不能, 精神性书写不能

7、absolute agraphia ─── [医] 绝对书写不能

8、optic agraphia ─── [医] 视觉性书写不能

9、verbal agraphia ─── [医] 构字性书写不能

10、agraphia amnemonica ─── [医] 遗忘性书写不能

11、mental agraphia ─── [医] 精神性书写不能

12、motor agraphia ─── [医] 运动性书写不能

13、literal agraphia ─── [医] 字序性书写不能

agraphia 词性/词形变化,agraphia变形

形容词: agraphic |

agraphia 相似词语短语

1、agraphon ─── 失势

2、algraphic ─── 海图

3、graphic ─── adj.形象的;图表的;绘画似的

4、graphia ─── 葡萄

5、-graphic ─── adj.形象的;图表的;绘画似的

6、raphia ─── n.酒椰

7、agraphic ─── 失写的

8、agrapha ─── n.耶稣之遗言

9、atrophia ─── n.萎缩(等于atrophy)

agraphia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、mental agraphia ─── [医] 精神性书写不能

2、jargon agraphia ─── [医] 呓语性书写不能

3、The Relationship between Localized Brain Damage and Agraphia ─── 脑不同部位损害与失写症

4、A study on the relation between the location of brain damage and agraphia of Chinese ─── 汉语失写症与脑损害部位关系的研究

5、Study of the difference in Chinese agraphia between the basal ganglia and cortex damaged patients ─── 基底神经节与皮层脑损害致汉语失写症对比研究

6、literal agraphia ─── [医] 字序性书写不能

7、absolute agraphia ─── 绝对书写不能

8、Keywords brain damage;basal ganglia;Chinese;aphasia;agraphia;neuropsychology; ─── 脑损伤;基底神经节;汉语;失语症;失写症;神经心理学;

9、17 cases were injured on the right basal ganglia, of which 1 were aphasia and 4 were agraphia. ─── 右侧基底神经节损害17例,失语1例,失写4例;

10、acoustic agraphia ─── [医] 听觉性书写不能

11、optic agraphia ─── [医] 视觉性书写不能

12、alexia without agraphia ─── 非失写的失读症

13、musical agraphia ─── [医] 音符书写不能

14、visual agraphia ─── 视觉性书写不能

15、Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances. ─── 本研究报告三个失写症的个案,他们显示汉字的失写,但未呈假名的阅读与失写的困难。

16、agraphia, acoustic ─── 听(觉性书)写不能

17、The types of basal ganglia agraphia were AAg, VAg, PAg, MAg and GAg. ─── 基底神经节失写类型有:失语性失写、视空间性失写、惰性失写、镜像书写及完全性失写。

18、d.Focal dysfunction of pallium: Such as aphasia, blindness, agraphia, acalculia, etc. or secondary epilepsy. ─── 大脑皮层局灶性功能障碍:如失语、失明、失写、失算等,或出现继发性癫痫。

19、relating to or having agraphia. ─── 与失写症相关的或有失写症的。

20、Agraphia without aphasia due to left cerebral hemispheric stroke in dextrals ─── 左半球卒中所致的单纯失写症临床分析

21、She developed a mild anomic aphasia in addition to continued alexia without agraphia. ─── 除了持续的不伴有失写的失读症外,还逐渐出现轻度的流利性失语。

22、motor agraphia ─── [医] 运动性书写不能

23、Of the 38 patients, 21 had left basal ganglia injury, which was responsible for aphasia in 18 and agraphia also in 18 patients. ─── 38例患者中,左侧基底神经节损害21例,其中失语18例,失写18例;

24、cerebral agraphia ─── [医] 大脑性书写不能, 精神性书写不能

25、agraphia atactica ─── [医] 绝对书写不能

26、Objective To study the clinical features of Chinese agraphia caused by basal ganglia damage. ─── 目的研究基底神经节损害所致汉语失写症的特点。

27、Chinese agraphia ─── 汉语失写

28、Association of basal ganglia damage with Chinese agraphia ─── 基底神经节区脑损害与汉语失写症关系的研究

29、verbal agraphia ─── [医] 构字性书写不能

30、amnemonic agraphia ─── 遗忘性书写不能

31、A study on the relation between the location of brain damage and agraphia of Chinese XIE Qiu2you 3 , ─── 图像处理,计算机辅助;失写;神经心理学检测

32、Keywords Basal ganglia;Chinese;Aphasia;Agraphia;Neuropsychology; ─── 基底神经节;汉语;失语症;失写症;神经心理学;

33、The difference of Chinese agraphia after cerebral hemisphere affection ─── 大脑双侧半球病变所致汉语失写的差异

34、A study of the relation between brain damage of different parts and Chinese agraphia ─── 不同部位脑损害与失写症关系的研究

35、Methods Chinese agraphia battery (CAB), and the Xn and AgQ scores were used to identify agraphia in 35 patients with Wilson's disease. ─── 方法采用汉语失写检查法对35例脑型肝豆状核变性患者进行中文书写检查。

36、Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances. ─── 摘要本研究报告三个失写症的个案,他们显示汉字的失写,但未呈假名的阅读与失写的困难。

37、A study on the relation between the location of brain damage and agraphia of Chinese ─── 汉语失写症与脑损害部位关系的研究

38、Objective To investigate the relation between the location of brain damage and Chinese agraphia. ─── 目的了解汉语失写症与脑损害部位的关系。

39、In 41 cases basal ganglia damaged, 21 cases were on the left basal ganglia, of which 19 were aphasia and agraphia. ─── 41例基底神经节损害患者中,左侧基底神经节损害21例,失语、失写各19例;

40、DTI and tractography on cerebral cheirokinesthetic center and posterior internal capsule of agraphia ─── DTI及tractography对失写症书写中枢及相关结构的初步分析

41、The difference of Chinese agraphia after cerebral hemisphere affection ─── 大脑双侧半球病变所致汉语失写的差异

42、Study of the difference in Chinese agraphia between the basal ganglia and cortex damaged patients ─── 基底神经节与皮层脑损害致汉语失写症对比研究

43、3 cases were on thebilateral basal ganglia, of which 3 were aphasia and 2 were agraphia. ─── 双侧基底神经节损害3例,失语3例,失写2例。

44、The neuropsychologic study of chinese agraphia and its meaning ─── 汉语失写症的神经心理学研究及其意义

45、mild anomic aphasia in addition to continued alexia without agraphia. ─── 除了持续的不伴有失写的失读症外,还逐渐出现轻度的流利性失语。

46、A study of the relation between brain damage of different parts and Chinese agraphia ─── 不同部位脑损害与失写症关系的研究

47、The neuropsychologic study of chinese agraphia and its meaning ─── 汉语失写症的神经心理学研究及其意义

48、agraphia amnemonica ─── [医] 遗忘性书写不能

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