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08-14 投稿


participator 发音

英:[pɑ?r?t?s??pe?t?r]  美:[pɑ??t?s??pe?t?(r)]

英:  美:

participator 中文意思翻译




participator 词性/词形变化,participator变形


participator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This momently, the participator that regards this as the market people should check oneself afresh again " equip " , look whether already be all set, if ready, go " front " ! ─── 这一刻,作为该市场的参与者们要再重新检查一下自己的“装备”,看是否都已经准备就绪,如果准备好了,就去“前线”吧!

2、Town hospital played two roles of medical health service provider and Cooperative Medical Scheme participator. ─── 乡镇卫生院在新型农村合作医疗中,兼跨服务提供者和合作医疗管理参与者的两种利益冲突角色。

3、Major rises model the as biggest as afore-mentioned types distinction depends on asking to have higher level to mobile participator, have clear mobile purpose. ─── 专业提高型与上述类型最大的区别在于对活动参与者要求有较高的水平,有明确的活动宗旨。

4、We will be a good participator of your. ─── 中心愿与各界朋友共同合作、共同开发、共同发展。

5、How do you think of Companionable conversation over a cup of tea with friends?That would be a wonderland for everyone longed for, which equally for creator or participator. ─── 一杯喷香扑鼻的茗茶在手,一群情昂智溢的友朋汇聚!这种神仙般的生活与工作方式,是每一个人都向往的,无论你是这种情调的参与者还是制造者。

6、Sa Mosi is a prominent economist not only, still be the participator of an active economic policy formulate. ─── 萨默斯不仅是一位杰出的经济学家,还是一位积极的经济政策制订的参与者。

7、The whole self is the observer and the participator in the roles. ─── 全我是旁观者,也是角色的参与者。

8、Fully and comprehensively clarify each Service participator"s rights and duties are the premise to set clear each one"s obligations. ─── 全面准确的厘清各参与人的权利和义务是界定各方责任的前提和条件。

9、The key roles that teachers play in the moral education are the organizer of moral education activities, the participator of those activities and the guider of moral study. ─── 因此在教育教学过程中,教师不应放弃自己的主体作用。这种作用包括三个方面:教师是德育教学活动的组织者、学生德育学习活动的参与者和引导者。

10、participator in regional currency and finance cooperation, China should adopt active, flexible policies to support regional currency area. ─── 中国应该采取积极、灵活的政策,在全面经济金融合作的基础上支持区域货币联盟,并在其中发挥应有的作用。

11、It is a kind of concrete form of economic law responsibility in manage realm of the market participator by implement of the economic law. ─── 此处的市场主体是指以营利为目的,提供商品或服务,合法进入市场的自然人、法人或其他非法人组织。

12、If you're not clear on what you want, you are an observer and not a participator in your life. ─── 如果不清楚自己想要的是什么,你只是你生活里的一个观察者而不是参与者。

13、As an important participator of project finance, commercial bank takes a risk in the whole process of project finance. ─── 然而,项目融资由于时间长、规模大、参与方多、结构复杂等特点,融资风险极大。

14、PLKN participator queue up to bath Buddha. ─── 国民服务学员排队浴佛。

15、Be and eager participator in life. ─── 成为生命的热切参与者;

16、This kind trades means, be by denominate " continuously redound " , be considered as participator of electronic business affairs by Chen Xiaowei people core driving force. ─── 这种交易方式,被定名为“持续回报”,并被陈晓伟认为是电子商务参与者们的核心驱动力。

17、Because it will be raining tomorrow,considering the safety and wishes of participator,the competition on the lake Water Dripping on June 14 will be cancelled by discussion,and postponed to June21. ─── 因明天要下雨现经大家讨论取消6月14日滴水湖的比赛,延期到6月21日。考虑安全,和参加的人的意愿。

18、Reader participator ─── 读者参政

19、Enzymes are the important participator in th e metabolism of sugar.Their function disorder plays an important part in the oc currence and development of diabetes mellitus. ─── 酶是糖代谢的重要参与者,其功能紊乱在糖尿病的发生、发展中占有重要的位置。

20、China close-ended fund's converting trade's deep inspiration to market participator ─── 我国封闭式基金折价交易对市场参与者的深度启示

21、On-the-spot Report of the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Activities from a Participator of China Titanium Association ─── 中国钛协会参加日本钛协会成立50周年纪念会纪实

22、This researching can be reference for project participator in project turn-key management. ─── 本研究可供我国工程项目参与各方开展交钥匙承包参考。

23、China is not only the vindicator of the peace, but also the fashioner of the peace, and China is the main participator in preventing the conflict at the same time. ─── 这一角色应该得到延伸:中国不仅是和平的维护者,还是和平的缔造者,同时也是冲突预防的主要参与者。

24、Because be in halogenate is silver-colored (traditional and video industry) on international arena, have these two domestic participator only. ─── 因为在卤化银(传统影像行业)的国际舞台上,只有这两家举足轻重的参与者。

25、Article author serves as in those days " cave dwelling diplomacy " eyewitness and participator, trustily wrote down everything what happen in those days. ─── 本文作者作为当年“窑洞外交”的目击者和参与者,忠实地记下了当年发生的一切。

26、Town hospital played two roles of medical health service provider and Cooperative Medical Scheme participator. ─── 乡镇卫生院在新型农村合作医疗中,兼跨服务提供者和合作医疗管理参与者的两种利益冲突角色。

27、As an important participator, an architect should have some ideas on this new concept. ─── 建筑师作为一个重要参与者,非常有必要对这样一种复合房地产的新概念有所了解。

28、Fully and comprehensively clarify each Service participator's rights and duties are the premise to set clear each one's obligations. ─── 全面准确的厘清各参与人的权利和义务是界定各方责任的前提和条件。

29、I am an active participator of all kinds of social activities as well. For example, I did a good job in the Civil Engineering department basketball match, 2001. ─── 我作为场地联络和组织工作者,成功地组织了土木工程系2001年篮球赛。

30、Hobbies are activities in which one particip ates strictly for amusement. It can let our life substantiate and rich color. ─── 业余爱好是在哪一个里为娱乐严格参加的活动。它能够让我们的生活充实而富有色彩。

31、In the past decade, securities company, as an important part of the financial system, is the organizer and participator of security market of great importance. ─── 十几年来,证券公司作为我国金融体系的重要组成部分,是证券市场重要的组织者和参与者。

32、Transaction of the property rights is a complicated problem, which refers to make a benefit equilibrium for every participator. ─── 产权交易是一个非常复杂的课题,它涉及到多方面的均衡利益问题。

33、In face " the full name that you know your grandfather or grandma " when this problem, the investigation participator that has 42.1% chose " do not know " . ─── 在面对“你知道你爷爷或奶奶的姓名吗”这个问题时,有42.1%的调查参与者选择了“不知道”。

34、China has been changing its self-identity and identifying itself with the current international system,turning itself from a challenger to a participator; ─── 具体说来,中国改变了自我身份,逐渐认同现存国际体系,从国际体系的挑战者转变为参与者;

35、The topic for the night is usually released one week before so the participator can make a better preparation. ─── 为了让参与者准备的更充分,每次的主题会在一周前公布。

36、We will be your good participator! ─── 我们将会是您最好的合作伙伴!

37、As a direct participator, after detailed research and analysis, the author puts forward approaches and suggestions on sustainble development of the “villages in the city" and its further upgrading. ─── 笔者作为直接参与者,通过对这一模式的剖析研究,为“城中村"改造走可持续发展之路提供思路。

38、As a middle school teacher, who is also a participator, it is both obligatory and necessary for me to concern, learn, and work over it. ─── 作为“置身”其中的中学教师,关注高考、了解高考、研究高考,是必须和必要的。

39、Below power market environment, each participator in undertaking accurate electrovalency forecasts pair of markets has all in all sense. ─── 在电力市场环境下,进行准确的电价猜测对市场中的各参与者有极其重要的意义。

40、Being an important component of the soil ecosystem and an active participator of material cycling, soil enzymes play a key role in underground ecological process in the terrestrial ecosystem. ─── 摘要作为土壤生态系统中的重要组成部分及生物元素循环的积极参与者,土壤酶在陆地生态系统地下生态过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。

41、As a witness, participator of literary activity in the Beginning Qing dynasty and representative of Wuxi elegant literature, Gu's status and influence can not be ignored. ─── 作为清初文坛风云变幻的见证者、参与者,无锡文学风雅的代表,顾贞观在清初文坛上有不可忽视的地位和影响。

42、The participator of 16%% thinks, shop on the net than going bazaar goes to the lavatory, and can reduce needless expenditure; ─── 16%%的参与者认为,在网上购物比去商场方便,而且可以减少不必要的花费;

43、The author holds that, as a "super-national" regional international organization, the EC is an active participator in the multilateral trading system. ─── 作者认为,欧共体作为具有“超国家”性质的区域性国际组织,是多边贸易体制的积极参加者;

44、From "Observer" to "Participator"--the new perspective of second language teacher education research ─── 从"观察者"到"参与者"--外语教师教育研究的新视角

45、Since of the Northern Warlords is latter-day the industrial Hun, person that destroy, it is the participator of latter-day industry, Maecenas. ─── 北洋军阀既是近代工业的破坏者、摧残者,又是近代工业的参与者、保护者。

46、Study about the Decree of the Teaching Participator ─── 教学主体参与度研究

47、Below the staff member's guidance, the reporter also experienced personally " banyan " game, this game trains participator to adjust his mentation. ─── 在工作人员的指导下,记者也亲身体验了“菩提树”游戏,该游戏训练参与者调整自己的心理状态。

48、A participator is less than 19 years in July the same year. ─── 选手的年龄当年7月应小于19岁。

49、Many participator passes through satellitic communication contest to cast in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Italy. ─── 多名参与者在香港、上海和意大利透过卫星通讯竞投。

50、Participator should choose a sub category from above four boxes for other participators. Total 4 characters with 40 points. ─── 参赛者必须从以上四大个分类中为自己各选一个小类。一共4个字,满分40。

51、In the meantime, still can pass analytic data, surveillant participator health. ─── 同时,还可以通过分析数据,监视参与者健康状态。

52、All the above-mentioned proves that user of marketing information has become active information demander and participator of marketing communication activity. ─── 主动参与的受者让人际传播借助交互式平台发挥了更大的传播效力;

53、In order to use free form, imitate calamity setting, make participator more deep to the experience of calamity. ─── 以动漫形式,模拟灾害场景,让参与者对灾害的体验更加深刻。

54、Abstract Orienteering originated in north Europe in 19th century, it wants the participator to locate the marked spots orderly with the help of a compass and map. ─── 中文摘要 定向运动早在19世纪末就起源于北欧,它要求参与者依靠指北针与地图按次序快速地找到标绘在地图上的地面检查点。

55、An indirect participator means that it entrusts a direct participator to handle settlement business through the payment system. ─── 间接参与者是指委托直接参与者通过支付系统办理支付清算业务的银行业金融机构。

56、China is the firm supporter and participator in UN peacekeeping operations. ─── 摘要中国是联合国维和行动的坚定支持者和参与者。

57、Participate in the feasibility analysis for the foam & plastic parts、Trim parts, be main participator to STO analysis; ─── 参与完成泡沫及塑料件、护面的制造可行性分析,是主要的STO可行性分析参与者.

58、Be and eager participator in life. Involve yourself; plunge in; embrace new experiences; experiment. Make your life an active science. ─── 成为生命的热切参与者,全心投入奋然跃下,拥抱新生活,大胆去尝试,让你的人生更加丰富多彩.

59、As the biggest beneficiary of this multilateral trading regime,China has gradually become a participator,vindicator and constructor of this multilateral trading regime. ─── 中国一方面成为多边贸易体制的最大受益者,另一方面积极与世界各国分享中国的“入世红利”和“增长红利”。中国正逐渐成为多边贸易体制的参与者、维护者和建设者。

60、The Systematic Analysis of Participator in Chinese State-owned Enterprise Bond Market ─── 我国国有企业债券市场中参与主体的体制性分析

61、In traditional design presentation process, each participator could interacts with the design media directly, look on the model with hand-rotating it and mark on the pin-ups. ─── 在传统的设计沟通过程中,所有的参与者都能够直接地与设计者所使用的媒材互动,他们可以拿起模型观看,或是在版面上注记。

62、After the grade criterion of discipline being widely recognized by the stipulator and participator, they gradually become a public will which control the constructing practice of discipline and make it institutionalization. ─── 在学科等级规范得到规定者和参与者的广泛认同后,等级标准遂演化为一种社会公意,控制着学科建设实践并将其制度化。

63、Though many law document provide the responsibility, such as reason of business license's cancellation on all kinds of market participator. ─── 尽管许多规范性法律文件对这一责任都做了规定,如详细规定了各类市场主体被吊销营业执照的事由等。

64、As perforative as the mutual influence of system participator system forms the system, move, transitional whole process. ─── 制度与制度参与者的相互影响贯穿制度形成、运行、变迁的全过程。

65、The historian ought to maintain neutrality while dealing with his or her subject matter, and prevent him/herself from becoming a participator or a defender of the past events. ─── 研究者要以中性的立场来建构解释,而不能将自己等同于过去事件的参与者或辩护人。

66、Network curriculum consists of four principal subsystems: resource, tool, activity and participator. ─── 网络课程的构成要素为:资源、工具、活动和参与者。

67、Be aimed at this network interlocution, official of the White House reminds participator to respect other viewpoint, avoid to use contemptuous sex language. ─── 针对这次网络问答,白宫官员提醒参与者尊重他人观点,避免使用侮辱性语言。

68、"Network conference " although nonsked hold, but roll out be welcomed, there is deaf person already in participator, also have deaf the parent and be good at listen to a person. ─── “网络会议”虽然不定期召开,但是一推出就受到欢迎,参与者中既有聋人,也有聋儿家长和健听人。

69、In the local transaction space, when a participator in preparing (to commit) is aborted, only the transactions in its abort dependency set, but not in its commit dependency set, are aborted. ─── 在局部事务空间中 ,当处于准备状态的参与者夭折时 ,仅仅夭折其夭折依赖集中的事务而不会夭折其提交依赖集中的事务 ;

70、In choosing, just when he faces a few ceramic tile when the brand is indecisive, two participator are commenting aside: "This brand has so low discount inaccessibly, must clutch! ─── 挑选中,正当他面对几个瓷砖品牌犹豫不决时,两名参与者在一旁议论:“这个品牌难得有这么低的折扣,一定要抓紧!”

71、Participate in the feasibility analysis for the foam &plastic parts、Trim parts, be main participator to STO analysis; Participate in the problem analysis in current production and create the solution; ─── 参与完成泡沫及塑料件、护面的制造可行性分析,是主要的STO可行性分析参与者。参与生产产品的质量问题分析和制定解决方案;

72、If the participator sends back the test result later than the closing date then the result will be regarded as no result and the participator will not receive individual and summary RRT reports. ─── 如果参加者寄回之试验数据晚于数据回报截止日则数据将视为无数据以及参加者将不会收到个别及总结能力试验报告。

73、tennis participator ─── 网球参与者

74、As the initiator and participator of "rupture", his novel has demonstrated right away self characteristic as "fracture" at the beginning of his creation. ─── 作为“断裂”活动的发起人和参与者,从一开始,他的小说就显示出了自己的特色。

75、China Telecom is a special enterprise, which has been splited twice, and has been changed from a monopolist to a market competition participator. ─── 中国电信是一个特殊的企业,中国电信经过了两次分拆,已经由一个完全垄断者变成了一个市场竞争参与者。

76、Best part, of these board of directorses is, major content is by him person that visit, alleviate even they can be transferred partly the cleverest with reliable participator. ─── 最好的部分,这些董事会的是,大部分内容是由访问者自己,甚至缓和他们可部分转移到最聪明的和可靠的参与者。

77、The joy that lets wash Yan Ni is full of the pore of every participator, experience the brigade of wonderful hairdressing. ─── 让洗颜泥的快乐充满每个参与者的毛孔,体验到奇妙的美容之旅.

78、Inspection Tour of Corporate Participator, Exhibition Participator and Purchaser ─── 组单位、参展商、采购商考察参观

79、In mode segment, the paper expatiates participator and its task, operation flow and competition advantage. ─── 在模式部分,阐述了定制营销在服装业实施的各参与方及其任务、业务流程。

80、we will deliver your airticle to participator in the conference , we look forward to receving your airticle! ─── 您的文章将同本次大会资料一起递送到每一位参会人员的手中,我们期待您的文章!

81、A direct participator means that it is connected to the payment system, has opened a RMB deposit account at the People's Bank of China and handles settlement business through the payment system. ─── 直接参与者是指与支付系统连接并在中国人民银行开设人民币存款账户,直接通过支付系统办理支付清算业务的银行业金融机构。

82、Juries give the evaluation and audience ballot to choose the Most Popular Participator ─── 评委点评,观众投票选举最具人气奖

83、market participator ─── 市场主体

84、In the meantime, every participator has proper control to counterpoise to content. ─── 同时,每个参与者都对内容拥有一定的控制权。

85、2003, buffett says, "A lot of people think develop produce reduced systematization problem, the participator that because assume,does not have particular risk can transfer the risk capable individual. ─── 2003年,巴菲特说,“许多人认为衍生产品减少了系统化问题,因为承担不起一定风险的参与者可以将风险转移到有能力的个体。

86、Every participator will receive a individual report and a summary report. ─── 参加者于能力试验结束之后将会获得个别及总结报告。

87、The mechanism reformation, the farmer participator, creation a new model of management the village water affairs ─── 改革机制农民参与创建农村水务管理新模式

88、It it a kind of concrete form of economic law responsibility in manage realm of the market participator by implement of the economic law. ─── 尽管许多规范性法律文件对这一责任都做了规定,如详细规定了各类市场主体被吊销营业执照的事由等,但是我国在该领域中仍存在许多问题。

89、A participator carried a toy dog at "Crufts Dog Show". ─── 一位参加者在“克鲁格犬展”上抱着一只玩具狗。

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