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08-14 投稿


uselessness 发音

英:[?ju?sl?sn?s]  美:[?ju?sl?sn?s]

英:  美:

uselessness 中文意思翻译



uselessness 词性/词形变化,uselessness变形

副词: uselessly |名词: uselessness |

uselessness 短语词组

1、uselessness naruto ─── 无用火影忍者

2、uselessness crossword ─── 无用填字游戏

3、uselessness syn ─── 无用syn

4、uselessness quotes ─── 无用语录

5、uselessness sakura ─── 无用樱花

6、uselessness def ─── 无用定义

uselessness 反义词


uselessness 同义词

impracticality | incompetence | unusefulness | futility | vanity |nothing | ineffectiveness | worthlessness | inefficiency | inutility | ineptness | inadequacy

uselessness 相似词语短语

1、pulselessness ─── n.脉搏消失;无脉

2、awelessness ─── 敬畏

3、houselessness ─── 无家可归

4、sexlessness ─── 无性欲

5、causelessness ─── 无因性

6、brushlessness ─── 无刷

7、baselessness ─── 毫无根据

8、tunelessness ─── 无隧道性

9、agelessness ─── 长生不老

uselessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She find it useless argue with them. ─── 她发现和他们的争论没用。

2、It is useless to argue with that man. ─── 与那个人争辩是无益的。

3、In a case like this,off-the-cuff advice is useless. ─── 在这种情况未经事先考虑的建议是没用的。

4、But given the politicians' current uselessness, the only institution with the power to avert danger is the Federal Reserve. ─── 但是给政客在是没用的,能够避开危险的唯一机构是联邦储备。

5、It is useless to fight with him. ─── 和他抵抗是没有用的。

6、What he bought yesterday is useless. ─── 他昨天买的只是一件没有什么价值的东西。

7、For all practical purposes, it was useless. ─── 实际上它毫无用处。

8、It's useless to argue with them. ─── 同他们争论是没有用的。

9、Well, uselessness can be turned into usefulness. ─── 可以化无用为有用。

10、She seemed to think the plan was useless. ─── 她好象认为这个计划是没有用的。

11、Don't clog up your memory with useless facts. ─── 不要把脑袋塞满无用的东西。

12、Moreover, the marriage insurance condemns her to life-long dependency, to parasitism, to complete uselessness, individual as well as social. ─── 而且,对个人和社会来说,婚姻保险阻咒斥责她成为终生依赖,成为寄生,成为完全的无用。

13、It was quite useless in practice. ─── 实际上,这个一点用也没有。

14、His advise is useless to our project. ─── 他的建议对我们的计划没有什么价值。

15、When it comes to getting things done, he's useless. ─── 一涉及到做事,他便不中用了。

16、Don't expend all your energy on such a useless job. ─── 不要把你的精力全花在这无益的工作上。

17、A promise given under a threat is useless. ─── 威逼之下的保保证是没用的。

18、She judged it a useless attempt to advise him. ─── 她断定, 给他提建议是徒劳的。

19、Will the vaccine be useless if the virus mutates? ─── 如果病毒突变,疫苗会失效吗?

20、He tried to escape but his struggles were useless. ─── 他试图逃跑,但他的挣扎是徒劳的。

21、For these individuals all punishment is clearly useless as a psychological counteraction of crime. ─── 对这些人来说,用作在心理上抵消罪恶的任何惩罚都显然无效。

22、It is useless to reveal our presence here. ─── 在这个地方,叫别人发现我们是没有好处的。

23、Terrible, appalling, dire, useless, waste of space. ─── 一塌胡涂,完全不像话,非常糟糕,毫无建树,浪费位置。

24、It's useless trying to argue with Shylock. ─── 和夏洛克争论没用。

25、It seems useless for you to argue further with him. ─── 你再跟他争辩下去似乎是毫无意义的。

26、The pretense of a useless shell. ─── 一片无用的贝壳的伪装。

27、No, it is useless trying that way. ─── 不,那样做没用。

28、Never inflict useless pain on dumb animals. ─── 切勿给不会说话的动物施加无谓的痛苦。

29、It is just as with allowing the body to stop serving you through indiscretion--it degenerates and withers into uselessness. ─── 这正如同轻率地允许你的身体停止服务于你——它衰退,并枯萎至无用。

30、I have it on the tip of my tongue to ask him why he left home, but the uselessness of it is apparent. ─── 我差点问他为什么离家,但显然问也无用。

31、What troubled him most was the uselessness of Fanny's effort. ─── 他想的最多的还是范妮在绘画上徒劳无益的努力。

32、It seems to me the tool is useless. ─── 对我来说这个工具没有用。

33、"It's not modesty. I really am useless. ─── “这不是谦虚,我实在不行。

34、Why break down in this stormy, useless way? ─── 为什么要这么剧烈、无用地垮下来呢?

35、He panics easily and is useless in an emergency. ─── 他很容易着慌,在紧急情况下是个帮不上忙的人

36、In some cases acupuncture may be useless. ─── 在某种情况下也可能无效。

37、What's the purpose of buying this useless machine ? ─── 买这台无用的机器有什么意思的呢?

38、She think it useless argue with him. ─── 她认为和他辩论没有什么用处。

39、Even a last- second dodge would have been useless. ─── 因 此 不 管 目 标 如 何 躲 闪 都 无 济 于 事 。

40、"To make you see the uselessness of having one". ─── ““让你看到拥有的是无用的东西.”

41、We're pretty much the epitome of uselessness here," one woman said. ─── 我们在这里简直就是无能的集大成者,”其中一个说道。

42、What is the purpose of buying this useless TV set? ─── 买这台没用的电视机有何意思呢?

43、Vector is a useless survival, or offshoot from quaternions. ─── 向量是无用的幸存物或四元数的无价值的支流。

44、INACCURATE reactions / actions are USELESS! ─── 不准确的反应/动作是无效的!

45、WEAK reactions / actions are USELESS! ─── 弱的反应/动作是无效的!

46、However, the grades are pretty useless in CS COOP. ─── 四年下来,四五十门课平均超过95分是什么概念,您自个儿掂量吧。

47、Don't expend all your time on such a useless job. ─── 不要把时间消耗在这种无用的工作上。

48、Don't ask her to help. She's useless. ─── 别求她帮忙。她没那个能耐。

49、Something useless or cumbersome. ─── 废物笨重的或没有用途的东西

50、It is useless arguing with him. ─── 和他辩论没有用处。

51、It is useless to muse on [upon] past errors. ─── 一味想着已往的过失是没用的。

52、Don't clog (up) your mind with useless information. ─── 不要让你的头脑被无用的讯息所阻碍。

53、He knew it was useless to argue with his father. ─── 他知道跟他父亲争论是没用的。

54、Something useless, detrimental, or worthless, especially an animal unfit for breeding. ─── 废物无用的、有害的或无价值的东西,尤指不适于配种的动物

55、His mind is lumbered with useless bits of information. ─── 他满脑子都是零星的无用信息。

56、It is useless your trying to evade the question. ─── 你用不着环顾左右而言他。

57、I waste no time in useless regret. ─── 听到你的计划没有成功,我们感到遗憾。

58、Many a day did he waste over those useless schemes. ─── 他为这些无用的计划费去了多日。

59、He is so useless as to be hardly worth his salt. ─── 他如此无用,几乎配不上他所领的薪水。

60、His room is lumbered up with useless things. ─── 他的屋子堆满了无用的东西。

61、Don't burden your memory with useless facts. ─── 不要勉强记住一些无用的事情。

62、To be useless, that is to say, pernicious! ─── 做一个无用的、就是说有害的人!

63、He saw that the plan was useless. ─── 他看出那计划是没有用的。

64、Over time, the conviction of your permanent uselessness and lack of meaning can even make you want to die. ─── 随着时间,你对自己永远无用和缺乏意义的确信甚至会让你想去死。

65、To outsiders, the cacophony underlines the profession's uselessness. ─── 对局外人来说,这种不和谐的声音凸显了该行业的无能。

66、Its useless to continue such a barren argument. ─── 中文:继续这种无聊的争辩是无用的。

67、He made it a useless attempt to advise her. ─── 他认为试图劝她是无用的。

68、His right arm is nearly useless. ─── 他的右臂几乎没用。

69、Most were useless rather than venal. ─── 他们中的多数只是无能,但还没有贪赃枉法。

70、In consumer domains, roles are next to useless. ─── 再比如说,消费者这个范畴,把它看成是一种角色几乎是毫无用途的。

71、It is useless your trying to do that . ─── 你试图那样做是无用的。

72、Nearly useless against cannon fodder! ─── 对付炮灰部队几乎是无用的。

73、There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow. ─── 在无益和无望的悲哀中绝无智慧可言。

74、Further attempt at concealment was useless. ─── 再伪装下去就无意义了。

75、Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying. ─── 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。

76、Don't clog your memory with useless facts. ─── 你不要在你的记忆中堆满无益的事实。

77、Carlo Rovelli, a physicist at the University of Aix-Marseille, emphasised the uselessness of certainty. ─── 大学(University of Aix - Marseille)的物理学家Carlo Rovelli强调确定性的毫无用处。

78、It is useless to speculate why he did it. ─── 对他为什么这么做妄加猜测毫无用处。

79、I beg your pardon for my uselessness, I couldnt be of help to you, can only watch you on the side. ─── 对不起我真的很没用,我什么也不能帮你,只能看着你一个人努力。

80、You've got that sharp useless look about you. ─── 你显得很精明又有点无所事事。

81、His room is lumbered up with useless artictes. ─── 他的房间堆满了无用的物品。

82、Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist. ─── 他们因对手权柄在握,反抗也没用。

83、They weeded out useless books from library. ─── 他们从图书室里淘汰无用的书。

84、He knew it was useless to protest. ─── 他知道抗议是徒劳的。

85、Patrasche barked at the door, but it was useless. ─── 帕特拉斯基对着门吠叫,但没有用。

86、No, but look, she was not that useless. ─── 不,但是瞧,她不是那么没用的。

87、Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless. ─── 不用说,学而不思则罔。

88、Reliance on his promise is useless. ─── 信赖他的允诺是没有用的。

89、Last year's almanac is useless for this year. ─── 去年的皇历,今年看不得。

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