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08-14 投稿


etiolated 发音

英:[?i?ti?le?t?d]  美:[?i?ti?le?t?d]

英:  美:

etiolated 中文意思翻译



etiolated 词性/词形变化,etiolated变形

动词过去式: etiolated |动词过去分词: etiolated |动词第三人称单数: etiolates |名词: etiolation |动词现在分词: etiolating |

etiolated 短语词组

1、etiolated seedling ─── 黄化苗

2、etiolated cucumber seeding ─── 黄瓜 ─── 黄化苗

etiolated 相似词语短语

1、petiolate ─── adj.有叶柄的

2、petiolated ─── adj.有柄的(petiolate的变形)

3、mentholated ─── adj.含薄荷脑的;含薄荷醇的

4、etiolates ─── v.黄化;(使)变苍白;(使)虚弱

5、violated ─── v.违反(violate的过去分词)

6、reviolated ─── 重审

7、ethylated ─── n.乙醇化物;乙醇盐;vt.使引入乙基类

8、epilated ─── vt.给…拔毛;使脱毛

9、etiolate ─── v.黄化;(使)变苍白;(使)虚弱

etiolated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、etiolated seedling ─── 芦丁

2、Modulating Effects of Acetylcholine on Permeability and Translocation in Etiolated Mesocotyl of Corn Seedling ─── 乙酰胆碱对黄化玉米幼苗中胚轴通透性与物质运转的调控效应

3、In the study, the efficient method for isolation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from etiolated tissues of wheat was developed. ─── 本研究首先以小麦黄化苗为材料,建立起一套快速提取线粒DNA的简洁方法;

4、Cultivation Method to Get Etiolated Chinese Cabbage Seedling with High Quality ─── 一种高质量白菜黄化苗的培养方法

5、Regulation of Light on the Activity and Properties of PEP Carboxylase in Etiolated Maize Leaves ─── 光对黄化玉米叶片PEP羧化酶活性和特性的调节

6、These compounds are present in etiolated tissue of seedlings grown in darkness . ─── 这些化合物存在于黑暗中生长的幼苗的黄化组织内。

7、Illumination of the etiolated seedlings produces marked changes in growth habit ─── 黄化幼苗照光后,生长习性发生明显变化。

8、Comparison of regional permeability and translocation across the node and the internode in the etiolated mesocotyl excised from corn Zea mays l. ─── 中胚轴切段节和节间的通透性和物质运转进行了比较。


10、Young etiolated leaves may also be accompanied by cell division. ─── 幼小的黄化叶子也可能伴随细胞分裂。

11、Occurrence and Prevention of Etiolated Maize Seedlings ─── 玉米黄化苗发生原因与防治措施

12、Young etiolated leaves may also be accompanied by cell division. ─── 幼小的黄化叶子也可能伴随细胞分裂。

13、Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu no. ─── 苹果黄化茎段再生不定芽的研究。

14、an etiolated adolescent ─── 面黄肌瘦的少年

15、Regulation of Mesocotyl Growth by Gibberellic Acid and Abscisic Acid in Etiolated Seedlings of Black Rice ─── 赤霉素和脱落酸对黑稻黄化幼苗中胚轴伸长生长的作用研究

16、etiolated plant ─── 黄化植物

17、That's an etiolated society. ─── 那是个毫无生气的社会。

18、The so-called Blue and Rose periods, with their wistful etiolated figures of beggars and circus folk, are not, despite their great popularity, much more than pendants to late 19th century Symbolism. ─── 这是一段称作蓝与玫瑰色的时期,伴随著穷人与喧闹民俗的向往,这并不是轻视他们的大众化,而是19世纪晚期象徵主义的姐妹风格。

19、Our relationship had become so etiolated and dull thatwe didn't even have proper fights. ─── 我们的关系乏味到了我们都不能有一次像样的争吵。

20、She's an etiolated girl. ─── 她是个受宠爱而身体虚弱的女孩子。

21、The etiolated degrees of leaves could directly response to the level of potassium deficiency in soybean plants. ─── 叶片黄化程度较能直接的反映出植株的缺钾程度。

22、etiolated leaves ─── 不同黄化程度

23、In recent years, with the progress of research in this field, it has arisen extensive attentions of the application of heat shock proteins in etiol... ─── 近来随着对热休克蛋白研究的不断深入,HSP在肿瘤发病学、治疗和预防医学中的意义已引起广泛关注,成为近年来最活跃的研究领域之一。

24、The phytochrome was purified with a modified Grimm method from etiolated rice (Oryza saliva var. HPGMR nongken 58S) seedlings incubated for 6 days in darkness. ─── 以暗室培养6天的湖北光敏感核不育水稻农垦58S黄化芽为材料,采用稍加改进的Grimm等方法,提纯了光敏色素。

25、Maize etiolated seedling ─── 玉米黄化苗

26、Etiolated leaf ─── 色叶

27、etiolated internode segment ─── 黄化茎段

28、Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No. ─── 富士苹果黄化茎段再生不定芽的研究。

29、These compounds are present in etiolated tissue of seedlings grown in darkness. ─── 这些化合物存在于黑暗中生长的幼苗的黄化组织内。

30、Measurement of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Synthase Activity from Soybean Etiolated Hypocotyls by High Performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 高效液相色谱法检测大豆1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸合酶活性的研究

31、The Purification of 114-kilodalton Phytochrome from Etiolated Seedlings of Alaska Pea ─── 豌豆黄化苗114kD光敏色素的纯化

32、Diarrhea/ etiol ─── 腹泻/病因学

33、The Role of Active Oxygen in Chilling-Induced Ethylene Production in Etiolated Mungbean Seedlings ─── 低温诱导绿豆黄化幼苗乙烯产生过程中活性氧的作用

34、Modulating Effects of Acetylcholine on Permeability and Translocation in Etiolated Mesocotyl of Corn Seedling ─── 乙酰胆碱对黄化玉米幼苗中胚轴通透性与物质运转的调控效应

35、Already on the walk from the station the May sunshine had made him feel dirty and etiolated, a creature of indoors, with the sooty dust of London in the pores of his skin. ─── 从车站出来那会儿,五月的阳光,便叫他只觉得在屋里耽得久,变得肮脏憔悴,毛孔里满是些伦敦的烟尘。

36、Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No. ─── 富士苹果黄化茎段再生不定芽的研究。

37、Per-eclampsia/ etiol ─── 先兆子痫/病因学

38、The Effect of Superoxide Radical on the ACC Synthase from Etiolated Mungbean Seedlings ─── 超氧阴离子自由基对绿豆黄化幼苗ACC合酶的影响

39、That's an etiolated society. ─── 那是个毫无生气的社会。

40、The etiolated degrees of leaves could directly response to the level of potassium deficiency in soybean plants. ─── 叶片黄化程度较能直接的反映出植株的缺钾程度。

41、Etiolated seedlings ─── 黄化幼苗

42、a face that was etiolated from years in prison ─── 因多年监狱生活而变得苍白衰弱的脸

43、Etiolated softwood ─── 黄化嫩枝

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