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08-14 投稿


filtration 发音

英:[f?l'tre??n]  美:[f?l'tre??n]

英:  美:

filtration 中文意思翻译



filtration 短语词组

1、centrifugal filtration ─── [建] 离心过泸

2、antigravity filtration ─── [化] 抗重过滤

3、after-filtration ─── [化] 后过滤; 最后过滤; 后滤

4、adsorption filtration ─── [机] 吸附过滤

5、acelerated filtration ─── [机] 加速过泸

6、contact filtration ─── [化] 接触过滤

7、constant rate filtration ─── [建] 恒速过滤

8、cell filtration ─── [化] 细胞过滤

9、filtration bacteriological ─── [医] 滤菌

10、dege filtration ─── [化] 流线式过滤

11、air-filtration ─── 空气过滤

12、batch filtration ─── [机] 间歇式过滤

13、filtration aid ─── [化] 助滤剂

14、automatic filtration ─── [机] 自动过滤

15、agar filtration ─── [化] 琼脂过滤

16、filtration angle ─── [医] 滤角, 虹膜角

17、depth-type filtration ─── [机] 深度过滤

18、clarification filtration ─── [建] 澄清过滤

19、cross flow filtration ─── [化] 横流式过滤; 错流过滤

filtration 词性/词形变化,filtration变形

动词过去分词: filtrated |动词过去式: filtrated |动词现在分词: filtrating |动词第三人称单数: filtrates |

filtration 相似词语短语

1、infiltrations ─── n.渗透;渗透物

2、infiltration ─── n.渗透;渗透物

3、filtrations ─── n.过滤;筛选

4、filtrating ─── n.滤液;滤气;v.过滤;筛选

5、figuration ─── n.成形;外形;定形;比喻表达法;图案装饰法

6、exfiltration ─── n.溜出敌军阵地,偷偷越过(封锁线等);漏出,逐渐渗出

7、filiation ─── n.父子关系;起源;私生子父亲之鉴定;分支

8、titration ─── n.[分化]滴定;滴定法

9、nitration ─── n.[化学]硝化;用硝酸处理;硝基置换

filtration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、About 15% of glomerular filtration occurs through the mesangium, with the remainder through the fenestrated epithelium. ─── 15%的肾小球滤过通过系膜,其它的通过有孔的血管内皮细胞滤过。

2、It can be the filtration layer of the dikes,river canal,seacoast,concrete and retaining walls. ─── 可以做堤坝,河渠,海岸,混凝土,挡土墙的过滤层。

3、Filtration alone is not considered sufficient when sterilisation in the final container is possible. ─── 当灭菌能在最终容器内进行的时候,只进行过滤是不充分的。

4、Install proper filtration on pump inlet plumbing. ─── 在进口处安装过滤器。

5、After storage the beer is ready for filtration. ─── 储藏后,啤酒即可过滤。

6、Coagulation-dynamic membrane filtration was used for advanced treatment of secondary effluent from dyeing house. ─── 应用混凝-动态膜工艺,对印染废水的二级出水进行深度处理。

7、Supply lab and pilot scale membrane filtration systems for bioprocessing,chemical and foodstuff industries. ─── 公司介绍生产生物、化工、食品工业实验用途膜过滤设备。

8、The factors influencing malt crushing degree mainly include malt quality,saccharifying methods,and filtration methods. ─── 影响粉碎度控制的主要因素有麦芽质量、糖化方法和过滤方法;

9、Assumeadmits no very singular solution Cauchy problem for non-Newton filtration equation is the following. ─── 在一定条件下问题有解、没有解或有非常奇异解。

10、Pharmaceutical industry: Medicine, biological and blood plasma product filtration. ─── 医药工业:医药、生物和血浆产品的过滤。

11、Those patients should be given a face mask to wear, preferably one that provides filtration of their expired air. ─── 必须拿口罩给病患戴上,口罩最好能过滤患者呼出的空气。

12、Filtration and degerming technology of orange vinegar and manufacture of its beverage were studied. ─── 对柑桔果醋的过滤除菌工艺及橙醋饮料的制作进行了研究。

13、Our magnetic suction strainers provide suction line filtration without starving the pump. ─── 我们的磁性吸油过滤器,提供吸油在线过滤,防止泵空吸。

14、The system consists of two subsequent treatment stages, a dry absorbtion and filtration system and a two stage contact scrubber. ─── 这个系统包括两个随后的处理阶段,一个干燥吸收和过滤系统和一台二级接触涤气器组成。过滤器是袋式滤器。

15、It is parted from kinds of compound with high density, and then commixes after times of ultra-violet filtration. ─── 其主要原材料全部是由多种化合物高密度分离出来,再经过多层过滤混合而成;它是一种无色、无味、无菌、无害液体;

16、First choice for water filtration of pool、spa、waterscape and water amusenent park. ─── 是泳池、水疗池、水景及水上乐园过滤设备的首选。

17、From a filtration perspective, the pump intake is an ideal location for filtering media. ─── 从过滤的角度来说,泵的吸入口是安放过滤介质的理想位置。

18、Filtration depends on the development of a thin biological layer, called the zoogleal layer or Schmutzdecke. ─── 过滤取决于薄薄的生物层的发展,该薄层称为动物神经层或去污层。

19、Primarily applied for the filtration of Bi-drawing Polyester Film (BOPET) production. ─── 主要应用于双向拉伸聚酯薄膜(BOPET)、氨纶生产的过滤。

20、in recent years , these separators have been used as concentrating equipment for replacing the magnetic dewatering cell before filtration . ─── 除作为选别设备之外,近年来还用作过滤前的浓缩设备,以取代磁力脱水槽。

21、Schroeder's new generation of portable filtration carts offer many new features to the user. ─── 施罗德的新一代便携式过滤推车,提供许多新功能给使用者。

22、The direct filtration technology emerges as the times require.The backwashing is the key technology of fast-filter. ─── 反冲洗是快滤池的一项关键技术,气水联合反冲洗对滤料过滤能力的再生效果优于单水反冲洗。

23、For the surface layer filtration, the filter medium will have long service life, and chemical regeneration will not be frequently used. ─── 表层过滤,过滤介质使用寿命长,化学再生的使用频率少。

24、Consideration should be given to complementing the filtration process with some degree of heat treatment. ─── 应该考虑采取带有一定程度热处理的过滤方法。

25、Deletes the selected attachment filtration mask. ─── 删除所选附件过滤关键字。

26、The influences of various thin slurries with different solid particle sizes on filtration intensity are discussed. ─── 实验研究了不同分级粒径对过滤强度的影响。

27、A new wastewater filtration technique using filter made of po-rous PE tubes was researched. ─── 多孔 PE 管过滤机能达到原来过滤、脱水两步工序的要求,保证过滤精度,并使滤液中重金属离子达到国家规定的排放标准。

28、Do you have a water filtration system? ─── 你有自来水过滤器吗?

29、Multi-level plain weave surface filtration structure, good effects in countercurrent rinsing. ─── 多层平织丝网表层过滤结构,逆流清洗效果好,清洗简单。

30、To pump product solutions through cartridge filter systems (e. G.: Fine, sterile filtration, and virus removal). ─── 向各种筒式过滤系统泵送溶液(例如,精细、无菌过滤,以及病毒去除)

31、This study tries to use upflow rough filtration as the pretreatment for slow sand filtration. ─── 摘要尝试采用上向流粗滤,作为慢滤池的预处理。

32、This enzyme would make the filtration of beer easier. ─── 这种酶会使啤酒更容易过滤

33、Whether the biological filtration or the strong aeration of a powerful filter is more important, I can not judge. ─── 是否生物过滤或曝气强烈的一个强大的过滤器是更重要的,我不能判断。

34、In addition, the relationship between the microvasculature of the renal glomerulus and filtration rate are discussed. ─── 另外,文章还对肾小球微血管构筑与滤过率的关系进行了讨论。

35、We have extensive experience to provide the very best solutions for your filtration needs. ─── 我们有丰富的经验,提供最好的解决方案,为您的过滤需求。

36、He Outback is a water filtration system that is easy to carry and use. ─── 仙境是一个水过滤系统,便于携带和使用。

37、Complete water filtration system and extractive filtration system. ─── 全自动水过滤及精滤系统。

38、The actual illustration and testing method of fatigue property of filtration material were presented. ─── 介绍了过滤材料耐疲劳特性的测试实例和试验方法。

39、Method: The membrane filtration method. ─── 方法:采用薄膜过滤法操作。

40、The floc could be eliminated by freezing filtration, absorption method or redistillation method. (Tran. ─── 低度白酒的絮状沉淀可采用冷冻过滤法、吸附法及再蒸馏法除去。

41、Well Water filtration for drip. ABW8-LP. ─── 井水过滤用于滴流灌溉,ABW8-LP.

42、In this case, the landfill leachates can be purified effectively by the method of Sublime Micrometre Filtration(SMF). ─── 应用亚滤技术作深度处理,可有效地去除剩余的污染物质,使出水达标。

43、External filter is one of the most popular aquarium filtration equipments, especially in simple smaller tanks. ─── 外掛过滤器是最受欢迎的水族箱过滤设备之一,特别是用在简单的小鱼缸。

44、Cleanness and filtration of various wiredrawing fluid, cleanness and filtration of various non-corrosion liquid. ─── 各种拉丝液的清洁过滤,各种非腐蚀液体的清洁过滤。

45、With functions of solutions precise filtration and oil-water seperation. ─── 具有溶液高精度过滤及油水分离功能。

46、Provide a connection for hooking up to a portable filtration unit. ─── 提供一个连接到一个便携式猎艳过滤装置。

47、In young rats,the glomerular filtration rat e (GFR) and single nephron GFR(SNGFR) were unchanged. ─── 对年轻大鼠,不改变肾小球滤过率(GFR)和单个肾单位GFR(SNGFR);

48、The filter cake from the primary filtration is slurried with weak liquor from the secondary filters. ─── 一段过滤得到的滤饼与二段过滤得来的稀溶液混合而成为料浆。

49、Method:To use membrane filtration method to test,test and calculation of recycling and recovery. ─── 方法:采用薄膜过滤法进行试验,加试验菌回收并且计算回收率。

50、Abstract : Micropore filtration under constant driving pressure is a powerful tool for assessing the RBC deformability. ─── 摘要 : 等压微孔过滤法是测定红细胞变形性的重要手段。

51、The protection of environment is warranted also by an absolute filtration of the exhaust air. ─── 排气的彻底过滤也同时保护了环境。

52、Some have learned to purify water through filtration. ─── 一些人已学会通过过滤去净化水。

53、The filtration should be carried out in a hood because of the escape of poisonous gases. ─── 因为有毒气逸出,过滤应在通风橱中进行。

54、Raw material: Filtration egg-yolk 1/2, bouillon 3 big spoons, starch (or gorgon fruit powder) little.... ─── 原料:过滤蛋黄1/2个、肉汤3大匙、淀粉(或芡粉)少许。...

55、Malodorous gases require gas phase filtration prior to exhausting from irrigation tanks and pumping stations. ─── 异味气体在排放到冲洗槽和泵站前需要气相过滤。

56、The developing situations of filtration technology utilizing sintered metal media was introduced. ─── 介绍了使用烧结金属过滤介质的过滤技术的进展情况。

57、Moreover,add active carbon of some proportion if discoloration is needed in the filtration course. ─── 另外,如果过滤时需要脱色,还需加入一定比例的活性碳。

58、In the previous chapter, we described filtration, including the use of filter aids. ─── 在前一章中,我们讲述了过滤法,包括助滤剂的应用。

59、Pore gradient ceramics with a series of pore sizes is the high efficient filtration material. ─── 以系列孔径分布的孔梯度陶瓷作为一种高效过滤材料。

60、The biggest difference between the slow and rapid filtration methods was in their speed. ─── 快滤法与慢滤法最主要的差别在于过滤的速率。

61、Particle filtration is the simplest of the three. ─── 微粒过滤是三种技术中最简单的。

62、In precoat filtration, relatively few Twilled Dutch Weaves have established themselves. ─── 密集的织法保证了坚固耐用和非常高的过滤精度。

63、When these insolubles are dilute, large & rigid, they can be easily separated by filtration. ─── 对于这些浓度较小,粒径较大,硬度较强的不溶物,,我们可以采用过滤方法分离。

64、Features of brine refinement process and secondary filtration process in Wuhan Gehua Group Co.,Ltd.were introduced. ─── 介绍了武汉葛化集团有限公司盐水精制及二次过滤工艺的特点。

65、Does not need the cardboard, compares to the cardboard purifier, it can save the filtration cost. ─── 无需纸板,较纸板过滤机可节省过滤成本。

66、Study on filtration technology in advanced wastewater treatment for municipal wastewater reusehas been conducted. ─── 以城市污水回用为目的,研究了污水深度处理中的过滤技术。

67、Dual blockade reversibly reduced glomerular filtration rate compared with monotherapy and placebo. ─── 双重阻断剂更胜于单独疗法和安慰剂,可逆地减少了肾小球的滤过率。

68、At that time the water companies of many developed countries also began building rapid filtration plants. ─── 当时各先进国家的自来水事业,也纷纷兴建快滤场。

69、How much to spend as clear as day, if to the defray that examines oneself from the definition, can undertake data shows again filtration! ─── 花多少一清二楚,如果向自定义查看自己的支出,可以进行筛选数据再显示!

70、Reuse of treated sewage effluent from a membrane filtration plant for in-house treatment process and irrigation. ─── 循环再用经薄膜过滤装置处理的废水作内部处理程序及灌溉用途。

71、The secondary filtration system is identical with the primary one. ─── 二段过滤系统与一段过滤系统类似。

72、The special performance criteria from spunlace media and the influence in filtration is described. ─── 描述了水刺非织造布介质的特殊性能标准及其在过滤中的影响。

73、A complete system can include many levels of pretreatment, filtration, polishing and sterilization. ─── 一个完整的系统可以包括预处理,过滤,抛光,消毒等。

74、Also,the characteristic,filtration and vent of welding fume is described. ─── 并讲述了焊接烟尘的特点、过滤与排出。

75、A novel filtration reducing agent NJ-1 for drilling fluid. ─── 新型降滤失剂NJ-1的研究与应用

76、The treatment sequence involved addition of ferrous sulfate for precipitation, and subsequence filtration. ─── 处理步骤是先加硫酸亚铁使之沉淀,然后过滤。

77、After filtration, the hopped wort is ready for fermentation. ─── 加了酒花的麦芽汁在过滤后进入发酵过程。

78、By tweaking his filtration system to leave a certain amount of fish waste in the water, plants can be grown in the same tank. ─── 他通过对他的过滤系统进行调整,保留一定量的鱼的排泄物在水里,这样的话,植物就可以和鱼共生于一池了。

79、MLCK and MLCK-mediated endothelial structure are required for efficient filtration of kidney in mice. ─── MLCK对肾小球内皮细胞结构形态的调节是肾滤过的必需过程。

80、The measurement of prevent beer oxidation is also available as for the points of filtration and bottling. ─── 并就过滤和灌装环节提出了预防啤酒氧化的措施。

81、Equipped with circulatory system and air filtration system, the environmental requirements greatly reduced. ─── 内设自循环系统和空气滤清系统,对环境要求大幅降低.

82、Adopting titanium powder sintered filter core,usually used for prefiltration or inter filtration. ─── 使用的是钛粉末烧结滤芯,一般用于粗滤芯或中间过滤。

83、During production of industrial water, filtration of a take-off of the clear run can be used to save valuable drinking or well water. ─── 在生产过程中的工业用水,一个起飞的明确运行可以用来节省宝贵的饮用水或井水过滤。

84、Primarily applied for the filtration in polyester and chemical fiber spinning production. ─── 主要应用于聚酯切片、化纤纺丝等生产的过滤。

85、Challenge, explore, sedimentation, filtration of the process is life wonderful. ─── 挑战,探索,沉淀,过滤的过程就是生活的精彩。

86、But the fouling of membrane be comes the bottleneck limiting the wider application of the micro filtration. ─── 但在微滤过程中存在膜污染现象,极大地影响了微滤技术的实际应用。

87、Fresh beer without filtration is nutritional and tastes purer. ─── 不经过滤的鲜啤酒营养更丰富,口味更纯正。

88、Internal filtration style means the dusty gas flows from inside to outside of the bag to collect the dust. ─── 内滤式是指含尘气流由袋内流向袋外,利用滤袋内侧捕集粉尘。

89、Deep bed filtration is an important unit operation in water treatment technique. ─── 摘要深层过滤是水处理工艺中的重要单元操作。

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