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08-14 投稿


palp 发音

英:[p?lp]  美:[p?lp]

英:  美:

palp 中文意思翻译



palp 短语词组

1、maxillary palp ─── [医] 下颚须(昆虫)

2、palp lab ─── 触诊实验室

3、palp food ─── 触须食物

4、palp ny ─── 新手指

5、palp b2 ─── 触诊b2

6、palp nyc ─── 帕尔普纽约

7、palp bp ─── 触须血压

8、palp blood pressure ─── 触须血压

9、palp friction ─── 触须摩擦

palp 词性/词形变化,palp变形

名词复数形式:palps 现在分词:palping

palp 相似词语短语

1、pale ─── adj.苍白的;无力的;暗淡的;n.前哨;栅栏;范围;vt.使失色;使变苍白;用栅栏围;vi.失色;变苍白;变得暗淡;n.(Pale)人名;(塞)帕莱

2、palps ─── n.(昆虫等的)触须(等于palpus)

3、alp ─── n.高山;n.(Alp)人名;(土、瑞典)阿尔普

4、pali ─── n.巴利语

5、pal. ─── abbr.古生物学(paleontology);巴勒斯坦(Palestine)

6、pall ─── n.幕;棺罩;遮盖物;vt.覆盖;使乏味;vi.走味;n.(Pall)人名;(英、德、罗、瑞典)帕尔

7、calp ─── 牛犊

8、palpi ─── n.抚摸;摸,摸索;触须(palpus的复数形式)

9、pal ─── n.朋友,伙伴;同志;vi.结为朋友;n.(Pal)人名;(西、意、罗、印、巴基、瑞典)帕尔;(柬)巴

palp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods ALP and PALP in urine were measured by Kings and EDTA inhibition method in pregnancy. ─── 方法采用金氏法及EDTA抑制法监测孕妇尿液ALP及PALP变化。

2、Okay, now, here's the big moment. That's the male, inserting sperm into the female, using its feeler called a palp. ─── 好的,现在,关键时刻到了。那就是雄性用他叫做触须的触角把精子射入到雌性体内。

3、The researchers believe that the mosquito uses the maxillary palp for long range detection of prey. ─── 这组科学家相信蚊子使用下颚须探测远距离的猎物。

4、The coelotine spider species Coelotes icohamatus Zhu and Wang, 1991 is redescribed.The study of male palp and female epigynum reveals that it is not a Platocoelotes species. ─── 作者对钩隙蛛Coelotes icohamatus Zhu &Zhang,1991 类.做了进一步研究,证实了该蜘蛛不是宽隙蛛属Platocoelotes种类.

5、maxillary palp ─── 下颚须

6、PALP was decreased both during the process and at the termianl stage of denaturation by urea. ─── PALP在脲变性过程中或变性终态时其活力均降低。

7、raptorial palp ─── 掠须肢

8、Having a palp or palps. ─── 有触须的

9、Keywords chemoreceptor;biosensor;Periplaneta americana;maxillary palp; ─── 生物传感器;化学受体;美洲蜚蠊;下颚须;

10、The activity of ALP and PALP activity gradually increased after 15th weeks, rose suddenly after 30th weeks, the great peak at 40 weeks, however decreased sharply after 41th. Those changes were result from by PALP in urine. ─── 当进入妊娠中期 (15周 )后 ,酶活性开始平稳上升 ,进入晚期 (30周后 ) ,酶活力突跃上升至 4 0周达高峰 ,4 1周急剧下降 ,产后恢复正常酶活性水平 ,这些变化主要由Palp的升降导致。

11、New technology in excimer laser Dr. Vivek Palp ─── 准分子激光新技术

12、Having a palp or palps. Licence applications are, initially, submitted to the Registrar of Companies as Registrar of Money Lenders. ─── 所有发牌申请须首先呈交担任放债人注册处处长的公司注册处处长,申请书副本则须送交警务处处长。

13、A new campaniform sensillum was described for the labial palps, totalling between 12 and 17 located on each labial palp. ─── 了下唇须上一种新的钟形感器,其在每个下唇须上的数量大约为12 ~ 17个。

14、biarticulate palp ─── 双节触须(动)

15、labial palp ─── 唇瓣唇须

16、male palp ─── 触肢器

17、prostomial palp ─── 口前触须(动)

18、New technology in excimer laser Dr. Vivek Palp ─── 准分子激光新技术

19、Objective To study on changes regulation of ALP and PALP in urine of the pregnant women during various gestational peiods. ─── 目的观察孕尿碱性磷酸酶(ALP)及其胎盘型同工酶(PALP)随孕周的变化规律。

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