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08-14 投稿


mainly 发音

英:[?me?nli]  美:[?me?nli]

英:  美:

mainly 中文意思翻译



mainly 网络释义

mainly 词性/词形变化,mainly变形

动词过去分词: mainlined |动词现在分词: mainlining |名词: mainliner |动词过去式: mainlined |动词第三人称单数: mainlines |

mainly 相似词语短语

1、vainly ─── adv.徒劳地;无益地;枉然地

2、maills ─── 网格

3、plainly ─── adv.明白地;坦率地;平坦地;朴素地

4、gainly ─── adj.姿态优美的

5、maill ─── 梅勒

6、fainly ─── 法因利

7、mails ─── n.[邮]邮件(mail的复数形式);v.邮寄(原形为mail)

8、maidenly ─── adj.文雅的;谨慎的;像处女的

9、maile ─── n.齐墩果状念珠藤;n.(Maile)人名;(西)迈莱

mainly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He got the job mainly because his uncle had lots of pull with the president. ─── 他得到这份工作主要因为他叔父与总裁关系很好。

2、Mainly cloudy with a few showers. ─── 大致多云,有几阵骤雨。

3、The last Xbox was a powerful piece of kit that appealed mainly to hard-core gamers, but it has lost Microsoft a considerable sum of money. ─── Xbox360是一成套强有力的工具,主要用来吸引对手的老客户。开发这套游戏耗费了微软一大笔钱。

4、From 1 8 2 0 onwards gold was mainly appreciated . ─── 一八二零年以来,黄金价格多半在上涨。

5、Its people mainly go in for animal husbandry. ─── 其人民主要从事畜牧业生产。

6、Here I'd like to mainly talk about LAN. ─── 在这里主要谈一下局域网。

7、Mainly used for stationing troops. ─── 九门口长城,主要就是用于屯兵。

8、This is mainly used in localisation. ─── 主要用于本地化。

9、Mainly used in cooking curries and chilly dishes. ─── 使用在煮咖哩和辣椒菜式。

10、People call us up mainly to order meals. ─── 人们给我们电话主要是来定餐的。

11、ASEAN mainly consists of 10 nations. ─── 东南亚国家联盟现在主要由10个国家组成。

12、He quit the job mainly because of health problem. ─── 他辞了那份工用是由于健康原因。

13、Sichuan pandas mainly live on bamboo. ─── 四川的熊猫主要以吃竹子为生。

14、A human hair consists mainly of a protein called Keratin. It also contains some moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of the body. ─── 人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成,并含有水分及在身体其他部分也可找到的微量金属和矿物质。

15、This side of the island is populated mainly by fishermen. ─── 在岛的这一边居住的主要是渔民。

16、From 1820 onwards gold was mainly appreciated. ─── 1820年以来,黄金价格多半在上涨。

17、Mainly diseases caused from germ. ─── 大多数疾病都是由细菌引起的。

18、You mainly make beauty products which sell well. ─── 你们主要生产美容品,产品很畅销。

19、They are mainly occupied with agriculture. ─── 他们主要从事农业。

20、Rely mainly on the context to help you. ─── 主要靠上下文来帮助你。

21、Level based PK will be mainly gone. ─── 以级别为基础的pk基本会消失(不知道什么意思)。

22、His money comes mainly from business. ─── 他的钱财主要来自经商。

23、Eden employees come mainly from Cornwall. ─── 伊甸园的员工主要来自康瓦尔郡。

24、Trot and gallop are mainly used of horses. ─── trot 和gallop主要指马跑.

25、Marl mainly generates a great deal of oil and a small amount of gas. Only in high evolution stage are a large amount of gas generated. ─── 泥灰岩在主要生烃阶段以生油为主,并且有机质的生油量很大,而生气量较少,只有在较高的演化阶段才对气的生成有利。

26、The participants were mainly young people. ─── 参加者大部分是年轻人。

27、We read mainly for information, not for pleasure. ─── 们读书主要是为了获得知识不是为了乐趣。

28、It is found mainly in rain forest. ─── 多出没与雨林地带。

29、They eat mainly fruit and nuts. ─── 他们主要吃水果和坚果。

30、The conflict, which has broken into rare public view, seems to be mainly between China's central bank and its Commerce Ministry. ─── 这种分歧,——罕见地出现在了公众的视野,看起来集中体现在中国央行与商务部之间。

31、Small birds live mainly on insects. ─── 小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生。

32、Halloween is a fun day mainly for children. ─── 万圣节主要是儿童们的欢乐节日。

33、Their sale is mainly in the home market. ─── 他们的销售主要是在国内市场。

34、A baby rs life revolves mainly around its mother. ─── 婴孩的生活主要以其母亲为中心。

35、Mainly used as an additive in hard alloys. ─── 主要用于硬质合金添加剂。

36、They mainly grow wheat, corn, barley and oats. ─── 他们主要种植小麦、米、麦和燕麦。

37、After picking End mainly dry mainly peanut sales. ─── 主要是采摘完晾干后销售干花生为主。

38、Nineteen Eighty-Four is often described, mainly by conservatives, as an attack against socialism. ─── 人们,主要是保守派,经常把《一九八四》描述为一部抨击社会主义的作品。

39、They were mainly blue and blue and white in color. ─── 以青色和青白色为主。

40、The first floor is mainly for fashion and jewelry. ─── 1F是时装·珠宝·杂货的购物天堂。

41、Erin burns calories mainly through kinetic energy. ─── 埃琳主要靠肌肉运动消耗卡路里。

42、Fry remained mainly in the middle of Bristol and did not expand as quickly as the other two companies. It eventually became part of Cadbury. ─── 夫瑞里大体上还是留在布里斯托尔城中,没有象其它两家公司那样快速扩张,最后,它成为吉百利的一部分。

43、People in the far north subsist chiefly(mainly) on fish and meat. ─── 居住在遥远北方的人们主要以鱼类和肉类为生。

44、Oh, I see. What do you mainly deal in? ─── 喔,是这样。你们主要经营什么?

45、Having a skeleton consisting mainly of cartilage. ─── 主要由软骨组织构成的骨架的

46、A country should mainly rely on the strength and wisdom of its own people. ─── 一个国家应主要依靠本国人民的办量和智慧。

47、The bar is mainly frequented by young people. ─── 光顾这家店的主要是年轻人。

48、They trade mainly in cotton piece goods. ─── 他们主要经营棉布。

49、The apartments divided mainly into three parts. ─── 公寓主要分为三部份。

50、Mainly Zhejiang cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine. ─── 主要做镇江、扬州菜。

51、This machine is mainly used to pull blade. ─── 主要用于模切版刀线的拔出。

52、He subsisted mainly on vegetables and fruit. ─── 他主要靠蔬菜和水果维持生命。

53、He lives mainly on his monthly income. ─── 他主要靠自己的月收入生活。

54、A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes. ─── 丝线一段毛线、粗线或丝线,尤指主要用来缝合钮扣孔的结实丝线

55、Mainly hilly area with some steep slopes. ─── 主要是丘陵地带,有少许陡峭斜坡。

56、His fame rested mainly on his iron bridge. ─── 他主要以钢架桥的设计闻名。

57、The people in north China live mainly on wheat. ─── 中国华北人以吃小麦为主。

58、His responsibilities are mainly administrative. ─── 他的责任主要是行政方面的。

59、Mainly, it is a railroad junction. ─── 它主要是个铁路联轨站。

60、His success is mainly due to his hard work. ─── 他的成功主要因为他得勤奋。

61、Police work is mainly routine. ─── 警察的工作主要都是按常规的。

62、His income is mainly from royalty. ─── 他的收入主要来自版税。

63、The committee is composed mainly of lawyers. ─── 委员会主要由律师组成。

64、They're mainly for export to earn foreign exchange. ─── 它们主要用来出口创汇。

65、We rely mainly on television advertising. ─── 主要依赖电视广告。

66、State authorities yesterday pulled the plug on a Manhattan money-wiring operation that allegedly funneled millions of dollars to and from banks in the Dominican Republic, mainly for use by drug dealers. ─── 州政府当局昨天勒令曼哈顿一家电汇款项的商号歇业。据说其与多米尼加共和国数家银行往来调动美金数百万地,主要供毒贩使用。

67、It mainly supplies to carmakers. ─── 其产品主要为汽车整车企业配套。

68、The DJ Granite Slicing machine is mainly used for. ─── DJ花岗岩切片机主要用于石材荒料切片。

69、Firs grow mainly in cold countries. ─── 冷衫主要生长在寒冷国家。

70、What parts does the Potala Palace mainly contain? ─── 布达拉宫包括哪几部分?

71、GL: Mainly using the camera and editing. ─── 主要是对摄影机的使用,以及电影剪辑。

72、Excel mainly provides electric sheet. ─── Excel提供的主要是电子表格功能。

73、Enshrines mainly the Maitreya Buddha. ─── 主要供奉的就是弥勒佛了。

74、They mainly trade with Japanese firms. ─── 他们主要和日本商行进行贸易。

75、Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts. ─── 压缩沉降主要出现在粘土或粉沙中。

76、They sell mainly to the home market. ─── 他们主要向国内市场销售。

77、Well,mainly we look after the horses,ride them out. ─── 好的,我们主要是照管这些马匹,带它们出去遛。

78、Rely mainly on the small lymphocyte. ─── 小淋巴细胞为主。

79、Small birds live mainly on insects. ─── 小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生。

80、A headdress was also worn, mainly by the men. ─── 他们,主要是男性,也戴上了饰头巾。

81、"Cong+X+B" mainly indicates the time. ─── “从+X+B”主要表示时间;

82、Is mainly of the Ming and Qing styles. ─── 主要保留了明清时期的风格。

83、Old weapons were mainly made from iron. ─── 古时的武器多用铁制成。

84、Turkeys are fed mainly corn and soy beans meal. ─── 喂养火鸡的饲料通常为玉米和大豆。

85、Cares mainly use gasoline as power. ─── 小汽车大多以汽油为动力。

86、But, as he said at the time, this was mainly the initiative of his wife Kathy. ─── 但正如他当时所说,这么做主要是出于他妻子凯西(Kathy)的提议。

87、Mainly For the most part; chiefly. ─── 大部分地;主要地。

88、From this we know that Mayan cities were used mainly by the nobles. ─── 从这我们知道玛雅人的城市主要是由贵族居住的。

89、His money comes mainly from salary. ─── 他的钱主要来自工资。


依赖的英文翻译是rely on,后可接名词、动名词和动词不定式,具体解析如下:rely on英 [ri?lai ?n] 美 [r??la? ɑn] 依靠; 依赖;信赖;信任相关短语:

1、rely largely on 大量依赖2、to rely mainly on 为主3、rely mainly on 放在首要位置4、Rely mainly on studying 以学习为主5、Rely more on 更多依靠扩展资料相关例句:1、Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。

2、They have to rely on the river for their water.他们用水只好依靠这条河。

3、We rely on his finishing the work today.我们信赖他今天能完工。

4、You can rely on it that I can finish the work on time. 你相信我好了,我会及时完成工作的。与其求人,何如求己。


at the margin

广义: 在边缘。在本文中,意思是:在世界对美元需求降低到最低边缘时

The fall in the dollar is important ,but mainly because as a store of value

the dollar stinks.


With a few longish rallies,the greenback has been on a downward trend since

it came off the gold standard in 1971.



Now it is suffering one of its sharper declines.


At the margin ,extra demand has come from those who think dollars--indeed

any money backed by nothing more than promises to keep inflation low--a

decidedly risky investment,mainly because America ,with the world's reserve

currency,has been able to create and borrow so many of them.





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