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insectivorous 发音

英:[??nsek?t?v?r?s]  美:[??nsek?t?v?r?s]

英:  美:

insectivorous 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 食虫的


insectivorous 网络释义

adj. [动] 食虫的,以虫类为食的;食虫动植物的

insectivorous 反义词

carnivorous | omnivorous | herbivorous

insectivorous 同义词

insectivorous 短语词组

1、insectivorous vertrbrata ─── 食虫的

2、insectivorous plant ─── 食虫植物

3、insectivorous fish ─── 食虫鱼

4、insectivorous plants ─── 食虫植物

5、insectivorous mean ─── 食虫平均数

6、insectivorous finch ─── 食虫雀

7、insectivorous def ─── 食虫的

8、insectivorous bat ─── 食虫蝙蝠

9、insectivorous bird ─── 食虫鸟

10、insectivorous animal ─── 食虫动物

11、insectivorous peony ─── 食虫牡丹

12、insectivorous bats ─── 食虫蝙蝠

insectivorous 相似词语短语

1、insectivore ─── n.食虫动物

2、insectivorous bats ─── 食虫蝙蝠

3、insectivores ─── n.食虫类;[动]食虫动物(insectivore的复数)

4、insectivorous bat ─── 食虫蝙蝠

5、insectiform ─── 昆虫

6、indecorous ─── adj.不合礼节的,不得体的

7、fructivorous ─── adj.吃果实为生的,食果的

8、Insectivora ─── n.食虫类

9、insections ─── 插入

insectivorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Characteristics of Echolocation Calls and Summer Diet of Three Sympatric Insectivorous Bats Species ─── 三种共栖蝙蝠的回声定位信号特征及其夏季食性的比较

2、It is an insectivorous plant and plays a special role in an ecosystem. ─── 本种为食虫植物,在生态系统中有其独特的作用。

3、insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs. ─── 通常是半水栖、蹼足并食虫的两栖动物,体表光滑潮湿,后肢长。

4、either of two north American chiefly insectivorous green snakes ─── 两种产于北美洲并主要以昆虫为食的绿色蛇中的任意一种

5、The Insectivorous Appearance of Angiosperm ─── 被子植物中的食虫现象

6、most of the bats in the world; all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats. ─── 包含世界上大部分鸟类;除食果蝙蝠以外的所有蝙蝠,包含食虫蝙蝠。

7、tropical American insectivorous bird having a long sharp bill and iridescent green or bronze plumage ─── 美洲热带的食虫鸟,嘴长而尖,羽毛呈彩虹般的绿色或青铜色

8、any of various small,insectivorous mammals of the family Talpidae,usually living underground and having thickset bodies with light brown to dark gray silky fur,rudimentary eyes,tough muzzles,and strong forefeet for burrowing ─── 任一种小而以虫类为食的鼹鼠科的哺乳动物,通常生活在地下,有长着淡褐色到深灰色柔软皮毛的矮胖身体,退化的眼睛,坚韧的口部和为打洞用而强壮的前足

9、Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them; insectivorous . ─── 食虫的能够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并能从其中吸取营养的;

10、insectivorous mouse of western North America. ─── 北美洲西部的食昆虫鼠。

11、tiny insectivorous West Indian bird having red-and-green plumage and a long straight bill. ─── 印度西部以昆虫为食的很小的鸟,红绿色羽毛,长而直的喙。

12、insectivorous lizard with horn like spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America. ─── 食虫蜥蜴,头上有角状的刺,身上有刺状的鳞;产于北美西部。

13、an old order dating to early Eocene: bats: suborder_Megachiroptera (fruit bats); suborder_Microchiroptera (insectivorous bats). ─── 始新世早期的一个旧目;蝙蝠;大蝙蝠亚目(食果蝙蝠);小蝙蝠亚目(食虫蝙蝠)。

14、small often spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar; resembles a hedgehog ─── 马达加斯加岛食虫并体表经常带刺的小哺乳动物;与刺猬形似

15、This is the tidbit which tempts his insectivorous fate. ─── 就是这一点东西引诱它残杀昆虫。

16、any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb about on trees ─── 北半球多种爬在树上食虫的小鸟

17、Scorpions, praying mantis, centipedes, large insectivorous spiders, etc. ─── 蝎子,祈祷螳螂, centipedes ,大型食虫蜘蛛等。

18、34 species for viewing,65 insectivorous Aves,and 23 mouse-eaten Aves. ─── 观赏鸟类34种,食虫鸟类65种,食鼠鸟类23种;

19、large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck. ─── 大型树栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤。

20、any of various small insectivorous American birds chiefly olive-gray in color ─── 美洲多种食虫小鸟,主要是橄榄灰色

21、small often spiny insectivorous mammal of Madagascar; resembles a hedgehog. ─── 马达加斯加岛食虫并体表经常带刺的小哺乳动物;与刺猬形似。

22、insectivorous bird of Australia and southeastern Asia having a wide frog-like mouth ─── 澳大利亚和东南亚的食虫鸟,长着青蛙似的宽嘴

23、Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. The statistics presented here describe small, insectivorous bats. ─── 蝙蝠是一种夜行性飞行哺乳动物.这里目前的统计资料表明是一种较小,食虫的蝙蝠.

24、Abstract Life history traits, population dynamics and insectivorous habits of Drosera peltata var.glabrata were primarily studied in both natural and cultivated population. ─── 提 要 通过2年野外观察和栽培实验,对光萼茅膏菜的生活史特征、种群动态以及食虫习性进行了初步研究。

25、We have planted insectaries between our olive trees to provide year-round habitat for our insectivorous guests. ─── 在橄榄树之间建造昆虫馆提供整年的昆虫栖息地。

26、Insectivorous nematode ─── 昆虫线虫

27、any of numerous medium to small insectivorous bats found worldwide in caves and trees and buildings ─── 许多体型从中等到小型食虫类蝙蝠,分布于世界各地的洞穴、树木和建筑物中

28、most of the bats in the world; all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats ─── 包含世界上大部分鸟类;除食果蝙蝠以外的所有蝙蝠,包含食虫蝙蝠

29、Of the 21 local species two are fruit bats, one is a piscivore fish-eating and the remainder are insectivorous. ─── 21个本地蝙蝠品种中,两个属于果蝠,一种以鱼为食粮,其馀捕食昆虫维生。

30、small arboreal tropical American insectivorous lizards with the ability to change skin color. ─── 美洲热带食虫性树栖小蜥蜴,皮肤能变色。

31、Rex was a large carnivore; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores. ─── 暴龙是一种大型的食肉动物;食虫植物被看作食肉动物。

32、any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb about on trees. ─── 北半球多种爬在树上食虫的小鸟。

33、any of numerous nonpasserine insectivorous climbing birds usually having strong bills for boring wood. ─── 多种非雀形目的食虫攀缘鸟,通常有用于钻木的强硬的喙。

34、9. any of various small insectivorous American birds chiefly olive-gray in color. ─── 美洲多种食虫小鸟,主要是橄榄灰色。

35、insectivorous bird of Australia and southeastern Asia having a wide frog-like mouth. ─── 澳大利亚和东南亚的食虫鸟,长着青蛙似的宽嘴。

36、Botany Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them; insectivorous. ─── 食虫的:能够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并能从其中吸取营养的;食虫的

37、Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. The statistics presented here describe small, insectivorous bats. ─── 蝙蝠是一种夜行性飞行哺乳动物。这里目前的统计资料表明是一种较小,食虫的蝙蝠。

38、small arboreal tropical American insectivorous lizards with the ability to change skin color ─── 美洲热带食虫性树栖小蜥蜴,皮肤能变色

39、insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America ─── 食虫蜥蜴,头上有角状的刺,身上有刺状的鳞;产于北美西部

40、Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them; insectivorous. ─── 食虫的能够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并能从其中吸取营养的;食虫的

41、Insectivorous plants are considered carnivores. ─── 食虫植物被看作食肉动物。

42、Research progresses in the suppression mechanisms of insectivorous nematodes against plant-parasitic nematodes ─── 昆虫线虫抑制植物线虫的机理研究进展

43、The Interaction and Coevolution between Insectivorous Bats and Insects ─── 食虫蝙蝠与昆虫之间的相互作用和协同进化关系

44、Feeding on insects; insectivorous. ─── 虫生的以昆虫为生的;昆虫体寄生的

45、insectivorous insects ─── 食虫昆虫

46、either of two N. American chiefly insectivorous green snakes. ─── 两种产于北美洲并主要以昆虫为食的绿色蛇。

47、Swiftlets are insectivorous and feed on airborne insects and arthropods. ─── 基于这样的腿部,金丝燕在没有栖息的时候只有不停的飞翔。

48、any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats. ─── 众多的尖鼻子食虫小型有袋动物,极象老鼠。

49、Keyword: insectivorous nematode; ─── 关 键 词: 昆虫线虫;

50、Any of various chiefly nocturnal, insectivorous birds of the family Caprimulgidae, which includes the nighthawk and the whippoorwill. ─── 夜鹰一种主要在夜间活动的,捕食小飞虫的夜鹰科鸟类,包括夜鹰和三声夜鹰

51、insectivorous leaf ─── 食虫叶

52、any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats ─── 众多的尖鼻子食虫小型有袋动物,极象老鼠

53、Although Bluecaps eat and enjoy seeding grasses they really are more insectivorous than herbivorous and when breeding the livefood component is more crucial for them. ─── bluecaps采取一切基本食品:干芬奇种子组合,播种草,磨料,蛋壳,海螵蛸,而且当然livefood 。

54、small insectivorous American songbirds. ─── 小型的美洲食虫鸣禽。

55、50. any of various small chiefly tropical and usually nocturnal insectivorous terrestrial lizards typically with immovable eyelids; completely harmless. ─── 各种小型主要分布在热带并通常在夜间活动的食虫陆栖蜥蜴,特征是眼睑可移动;完全无害。

56、insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; ─── 食虫蜥蜴,头上有角状的刺,身上有刺状的鳞;

57、Like a 19th-century David Attenborough(注1), he churned out volume after bestselling volume on earthworms, coral reefs, emotion, orchids, barnacles, insectivorous plants and, of course, human origins. ─── 在这位19世纪的大卫.艾登伯禄笔下,畅销书籍源源问世,所涵盖之内容从蚯蚓、珊瑚礁、情感、兰花、藤壶,到食虫植物,无所不有;当然了,还有人类起源。

58、insectivorous bird ─── 食虫鸟

59、Tissue Culture of Leaves from Insectivorous Plant Dionaea muscipula ─── 食虫植物捕蝇草叶片的组织培养

60、Swallows are insectivorous. ─── 燕子以虫为食。

61、4. insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America. ─── 食虫蜥蜴,头上有角状的刺,身上有刺状的鳞;产于北美西部。收藏指正

62、insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout. ─── 东南亚食昆虫的树栖哺乳动物,形似松鼠,眼睛大,嘴长而尖。

63、amphibious African insectivorous mammal that resembles an otter. ─── 非洲两栖食虫哺乳动物,与水獭类似。

64、Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivore; insectivorous plants are considered carnivores. ─── 暴龙是一种大型的食肉动物;食虫植物被看作食肉动物。

65、10. insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout. ─── 东南亚食昆虫的树栖哺乳动物,形似松鼠,眼睛大,嘴长而尖。收藏指正

66、Insectivorous bats are known to shift roosts frequently.Roost changes may be influenced by weather, reproductive status, food availability, predation pressure and disturbance. ─── 有些种类的食虫性蝙蝠,经常会变换栖所,而变换栖所的原因,可能包括:天候、生殖状况、食物的可获得性、被捕食压力与受到干扰等。

67、large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck ─── 大型树栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤

68、insectivorous animal ─── 食虫动物

69、Any of several small insectivorous mammals of the family Erinaceidae of Europe, Africa, and Asia, having the back covered with dense, erectile spines and characteristically rolling into a ball for protection. ─── 刺猬猬家族中任何一种小的食虫性哺乳动物,产于欧洲,非洲和亚洲,背上长有浓密、竖立的刺,其特点是出现了危险便卷成球状进行自我保护

70、Any of various very small insectivorous bats of the genus Pipistrellus, found throughout the world. ─── 伏翼一种蝙蝠科伏翼属的食昆虫小蝙蝠,世界各地均可见

71、any of numerous medium to small insectivorous bats found worldwide in caves and trees and buildings. ─── 许多体型从中等到小型食虫类蝙蝠,分布于世界各地的洞穴、树木和建筑物中。

72、large arboreal insectivorous Australian lizard with a ruff of skin around the neck. ─── 栖食虫性澳大利亚蜥蜴,脖子上环有皱领状皮肤。

73、Insectivorous birds in Amygdalus ledebouriane Reserve and their protection and application ─── 野巴旦杏保护区食虫鸟类资源及保护利用

74、any of various agile rat-like terrestrial marsupials of Australia and adjacent islands; insectivorous and herbivorous. ─── 澳大利亚及临近岛屿的各种敏捷如老鼠的陆栖有袋动物;食昆虫和植物。

75、5. tropical American insectivorous bird having a long sharp bill and iridescent green or bronze plumage. ─── 美洲热带的食虫鸟,嘴长而尖,羽毛呈彩虹般的绿色或青铜色。

76、An insectivorous plant, such as the Venus's - flytrap. ─── 食虫植物一种如捕蝇草等的食虫草

77、insectivorous plant ─── 食虫植物

78、Suborder_Microchiroptera (insectivorous bats). ─── 小蝙蝠亚目(食虫蝙蝠)。

79、insectivorous lizard with hornlike spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America. ─── 食虫蜥蜴,头上有角状的刺,身上有刺状的鳞;产于北美西部。

80、Botany Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them; insectivorous. ─── 能够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并能从其中吸取营养的;食虫的。

81、insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout ─── 东南亚食昆虫的树栖哺乳动物,形似松鼠,眼睛大,嘴长而尖

82、water insectivorous plant ─── 水生食虫植物

83、Nepenthes alata Blanco is a tropical insectivorous plant with pitchers which can catches and digests insects. ─── 摘要猪笼草为热带食虫植物,其叶先端中脉变形为捕虫袋,能捕获昆虫将之消化。

84、The Dietary Selections of Insectivorous Marsupials and Their Relations to Prey Quality ─── 食虫有袋类食性选择与猎物质量的相互关系

85、Two insectivorous mites were released to tea fields to control injurious mites. ─── 茶园释放两种食虫性螨,用以控制茶叶害螨。

86、the insectivorous animals [plants] ─── 食虫动物[植物]

87、Any of numerous nonpasserine insectivorous climbing birds usually having strong bills for boring wood. ─── 多种非雀形目的食虫攀缘鸟,通常有用于钻木的强硬的喙。

88、Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them;insectivorous. ─── 食虫的能够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并能从其中吸取营养的;

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