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08-14 投稿


postpones 发音

英:[p??sp??nz]  美:[po??spo?nz]

英:  美:

postpones 中文意思翻译



postpones 同义词

put back | off | over | put off | adjourn | put over | wait | table | put | procrastinate | prorogue | shelve | set back | hold over | remit | hold | defer | stall | prolong | shelf |delay | put on the back burner | suspend | reschedule

postpones 反义词


postpones 词性/词形变化,postpones变形

形容词: postponable |动词过去分词: postponed |名词: postponement |动词过去式: postponed |动词第三人称单数: postpones |动词现在分词: postponing |

postpones 相似词语短语

1、postpose ─── adj.用在后面的

2、postholes ─── n.[建]柱坑;为插杆在地上所掘的洞

3、postcodes ─── n.(英)邮政编码;邮区号

4、postponer ─── 后置付款人

5、postboxes ─── n.邮箱

6、postposes ─── adj.用在后面的

7、postpone ─── vt.使……延期;把……放在次要地位;把……放在后面;vi.延缓,延迟;延缓发作

8、postponed ─── v.延期;缓办(postpone的过去分词)

9、postposed ─── adj.用在后面的

postpones 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wu Xiaoling believed that the US monetary disturbance will have certain influence to the American entity economy, the economic growth step will have postpones. ─── 吴晓灵认为,美国金融动荡将对美国实体经济产生一定影响,经济增长步伐将有所放缓。

2、Is medicine exhibited so effective really?Still listen join the opinion that postpones business. ─── 医药展真的这么灵验吗?还是听听参展商的意见吧。

3、The high lately international square B bestrides for a day, the big way south of mansion postpones line, adjacent become the all international double flow airport and train south station. ─── 高新国际广场B座雄踞天府大道南延线,毗邻成都国际双流机场和火车南站。

4、Due to encouraging response, enrollment deadline for Hong Kong Yogathon 2009 postpones to Feb 27 , thank you for your support! ─── 由于反应热烈,香港瑜珈马拉松2009截止报名日期将延迟至2月27日,请踊跃参加,多谢支持!

5、The economic growth further postpones, next year the employment will be more difficult, the resident receives and the expected income is more unoptimistic. ─── 经济增长进一步放缓,明年就业将更加困难,居民收入和预期收入更加不容乐观。

6、The market postpones regarding the non-US main economy economy to further worry that causes US dollar to obtain inspires passively, but exerts pressure directly for the gold price. ─── 市场对于非美主要经济体经济放缓的进一步担忧,使美元获得被动提振,而给金价直接施压。

7、In Beijing, the news which the Chinese economy postpones unceasingly possibly makes one headache, but the global other area response regarding this will be more intense. ─── 在北京,中国经济不断放缓的消息可能令人头疼,但全球其它地区对此的反应将更为激烈。

8、The traditional service pattern brings the income postpones, force many small and medium-sized enterprises start to seek for the new way promotion service to grow. ─── 传统业务模式带来的收益放缓,迫使很多中小企业开始寻找新的途径促进业务增长。

9、A money market confusion, the American economy postpones , Wall Street is undergoing the profound constitutive change. ─── 金融市场一片混乱,美国经济放缓,华尔街正在经受深刻的结构性变化。

10、The "postpones" agree there must be decisive slowing of the growth of long-term spending. ─── 主张推迟紧缩的人同意,必须果断放缓长期支出的增长。

11、He pointed out that recently the international money market turbulent aggravating, the global economic grew postpones obviously, this will possibly affect our country to export. ─── 他指出,最近国际金融市场动荡加剧,全球经济增长明显放缓,这可能会影响我国出口。

12、Without the dreams of the youth, this invention would have been postpones for a century. ─── 若非这个年轻人的梦想,此项发明会推迟一个世纪。

13、But I thought that even if the world economics have the situation which postpones, China will still become in the world to grow one of quickest economies. ─── 但我觉得即使世界经济出现放缓的形势,中国依然会成为世界上增长最快的经济体之一。”

14、A money market confusion, the American economy postpones, Wall Street is undergoing the profound constitutive change. ─── 金融市场一片混乱,美国经济放缓,华尔街正在经受深刻的结构性变化。

15、At present, the Chinese some profession production speed-up postpones obviously, the export increased range recedes largely. ─── 目前,中国一些行业生产增速明显放缓,出口增幅大幅回落。

16、Moreover, the bloating postpones, the credit to relax, the fiscal stimulus and so on anticipated also quietly to change the market public figure to the macroscopic anticipation. ─── 另外,通胀放缓、信贷放松、财政刺激等预期也在悄然改变着市场人士对宏观的期待。

17、At present, our country economical speed-up postpones, a substantial clause is the real estate investment decline. ─── 目前,我国经济增速放缓,一个重要原因就是房产投资衰退。

18、Still the ground postpones need how many person, where be, when, can have detailed program. ─── 还有地推需要多少人,在哪里,什么时候,都会有详细的规划。”

19、In the person that postpones game of the experience inside the area more very few, so that a formal young lady also acted as " player " , before sitting in computer, play had game. ─── 在展区内体验游戏的人更是寥寥无几,以至于一位礼仪小姐也充当了一把“玩家”,坐在电脑前玩起了游戏。

20、Current SIMAC exhibits mutual ginseng to postpone business many 300, among them Italy postpones business many 260. ─── 本届SIMAC展共有参展商300多家,其中意大利展商260多家。

21、Even if it does, this just postpones the day of reckoning. ─── 但即便如此,也只是推迟了不得不解决根本问题的日子而已。

22、It postpones having to prove oneself in the bigger, bullying arena. ─── 这样就可以暂时不用进入社会这个更大更残酷的竞技场了。

23、it eternally postpones bliss, eventually revoking bliss in life. ─── 它把幸福永远向后推延,实际上是取消了幸福。"

24、The wage earner postpones purchases or grades down his buying when uncertain about his future ─── 工资收入者在其前途未卜时就推迟购买或减少购买。

25、Certainly if on the field situation does not need Dong Fangzhuo, Kossa also possibly postpones Dong Fangzhuo to enter the stage the time. ─── 因此对于科萨来说,这个人员的调整,是一个十分头疼的事情,而这种调整的结果,将会影响多名球员的未来定位的问题。

26、The Associated Press the 18th report said that if the oil price continues to slide, the Kremlin will be able not but to consider that postpones to recapture the world political arena center the step. ─── 美联社18日的报道说,如果油价继续下滑,克里姆林宫将不得不考虑放缓夺回世界政治舞台中心的步伐。

27、Annually after church celebrate of what Easter point is a vernal equinox month circle of a Sunday, if the month circle just right that day is Sunday, the Easter then postpones a week. ─── 每年在教堂庆祝的复活节指的是春分月圆后的第一个星期日,如果月圆那天刚好是星期天,复活节则推迟一星期。

28、Deferred Account An account that postpones tax liabilities until a later date. Deferred accounts are usually retirement accounts. ─── 递延帐户延迟税务负债的帐户,一般属于养老金帐户。

29、recent EU rescue package merely postpones default-day. ─── 欧盟最近的救援方案只是推迟了默认期限。

30、We can postpon our meet until tomorrow. ─── 可以把会议延迟到明天。

31、Although the global economic postpones, in the first half of this year, China exported still compared grew 20% last year, the domestic retail commodity turnover also appeared grows. ─── 尽管全球经济放缓,今年上半年,中国出口仍较上年增长了20%,国内商品零售额也出现增长。

32、Although Team Liaoning already proposed at present to the Basketball Association postpones the registration the request, but has not obtained the reply. ─── 尽管辽宁队目前已经向篮协提出了推迟注册的要求,但是没有得到回复。

33、The global economic postpones regarding international to do the bulk cargo market the negative effect to enlarge gradually. ─── 全球经济放缓对于国际干散货市场的负面效应正在逐步加大。

34、Nearly two years, chinese sea oil postpones natural gas business extend to arrive to generate electricity downstream quickly domain, go in the front row of domestic Petroleum Company. ─── 近两年,中国海油快速将天然气业务延伸展到下游发电领域,走在了国内石油公司的前列。

35、The morning paper news since this year, A market IPO speed obviously postpones. ─── 晨报讯 今年以来,A股市场IPO速度明显放缓。

36、This print thanks each expert scholar to participate in the discussion of this problem, make we had this problem discussion postpones the likelihood to development. ─── 本刊感谢各位专家学者参与此问题的讨论 ,使我们有了将此问题讨论推向深入的可能。

37、Alcohol postpones anxiety, then multiplies it. ─── 酒精延迟焦虑,然后在使之加倍。

38、The singing that postpones Anne is the torch of the dark night, coal of snow day, the timely rain of the big drought. ─── 延安的歌声是黑夜的火把,雪天的煤炭,大旱的甘霖。

39、The above local crops harvested the progress already were most backward, the rainfall will cause the locality to harvest further postpones . ─── 上述地区作物收割进度已经是最为落后的,降雨将导致当地收割进一步放缓。

40、As a result of picture album reason, therefore my Saudi Arabia art exhibition postpones repeatedly. ─── 由于画册的原因,故我阿联酋画展一再推迟。

41、He always postpones his private ambitions to the public welfare. ─── 他总是把个人抱负置于公众福利之后。

42、In addition, the monetary disturbance initiation fluidity insufficient is also the important attribute which the bloating postpones. ─── 此外,金融动荡引发流动性不足也是通胀放缓的重要因素。

43、Postpones one year not to be able to meet the requirements, then cancels the license plate; ─── 延期一年还达不到要求,则吊销牌照;

44、the elemental difference postpones ─── 微差延期

45、????In Taiwan area, many Airline's flight either cancels or postpones. ─── 在台湾地区,多家航空公司的航班或取消或延后。

46、If desirably ahead of time or postpones the production date, the newborn also easy to present the complication, like the lung function not good, the growth is limited and so on questions. ─── 如果刻意提前或者延后生产日期,新生儿还容易出现并发症,如肺功能不好、生长受限等问题。

47、The macroscopic data indicated that in 2008 our country national economy rate of rise will have postpones, some development facility estimated that the gdp rate of increment will be about 10.1%. ─── 宏观数据表明2008年我国国民经济增长速度将有所放缓,一些研究机构预计gdp增长率将为10.1%左右。

48、someone who postpones work (especially out of laziness or habitual carelessness). ─── 拖延推迟工作(尤其是出于懒惰或习惯性的粗心疏忽)的人。

49、Guotai Junan securities trader profession analyst Liang Jing indicated that the financing securities loan postpones the guess is an immediate cause which yesterday card displayed. ─── 国泰君安券商行业分析师梁静表示,融资融券推迟的猜测是昨天盘面表现的一个直接原因。

50、The trade export speed-up postpones, the trade surplus degree drop and the trade protectionism is rampant, trade friction aggravating. ─── 外贸出口增速放缓,贸易顺差程度下降和贸易保护主义猖獗,贸易摩擦加剧。

51、The macroscopic economy grows postpones obviously, the social various domains development brings the tremendous pressure for Cambodia. ─── 宏观经济增长明显放缓,给柬社会各领域发展带来较大压力。

52、Many Airline's flight also cancels or postpones, both banks weekend chartered airplane because the typhoon cancels for the first time. ─── 多家航空公司的航班也取消或延后,其中,两岸周末包机首度因为台风取消。

53、The good news is, postpones unceasingly facing the economy, the Chinese government has the bigger regulative space compared to the majority other countries. ─── 好消息是,面对经济不断放缓,中国政府比大多数其它国家拥有更大的调控空间。

54、Judge postpones Madonna adoption hearing ─── 法官通过听证会推迟玛丹娜

55、The passion for consumption, enjoying the material fruits of a growing economy, risks becoming the convenient narcotic that postpones rather than advances political freedom. ─── 对消费的热情,享受经济增长带来的物质丰盛,有可能成为便利的麻醉剂,延缓、而不是促进政治自由。

56、Even if it does, this just postpones the day of reckoning. ─── 但即便如此,也只是推迟了不得不解决根本问题的日子而已。

57、The American economy postpones the cause which is the whole world postpones. ─── 美国经济放缓是全球放缓的起因。

58、Option RTLD_LAZY postpones resolving the DLL's external reference until the DLL is executed. ─── 选项RTLD_LAZY推迟解析dll的外部引用,直到dll被执行。

59、So whatever is decided about the leadership in the next few days, Labour will be testing the patience of the electorate if it postpones a national vote until next May. ─── 因此,无论在今后的日子里,就领导人的问题作出了何种决定,如果将全国大选推迟至明年五月,工党检验的就是选民的耐心问题。

60、The above local crops harvested the progress already were most backward, the rainfall will cause the locality to harvest further postpones. ─── 上述地区作物收割进度已经是最为落后的,降雨将导致当地收割进一步放缓。

61、Without the dreams of the youth, this invention would have been postpones for a century. ─── 若非这个年轻人的梦想,此项发明会推迟一个世纪。


He puts his private ambitions before the public welfare.

He puts his private ambitions infront of the public welfare.



He always postpones his private ambitions for the public welfare.




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