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08-14 投稿


subulate 发音

英:[?s?bj?let]  美:[?sju?bj?l?t; -le?t]

英:  美:

subulate 中文意思翻译



subulate 短语词组

1、subulate leaf ─── 钻形叶

2、subulate medication injection ─── 钻形药物注射

3、subulate meaning ─── 钻形意义

4、subulate medication ─── 钻形药

5、subulate definition ─── 钻形定义

6、Subulate Auger ─── 把奥格服下来

subulate 相似词语短语

1、sublate ─── vt.消除;否定

2、cupulate ─── adj.杯形的;有壳斗的

3、ambulate ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

4、fabulate ─── v.把......当故事叙述

5、tubulated ─── adj.管状的;管的;vt.制成管状;为…装管

6、cumulate ─── vt.累积;堆积;vi.累积;adj.累积的;堆积的

7、tubulates ─── adj.管状的;管的;vt.制成管状;为…装管

8、tubulate ─── adj.管状的;管的;vt.制成管状;为…装管

9、jugulate ─── vt.刎颈自尽;勒死;用严厉治疗法阻止

subulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Calyx teeth obsolete or subulate. ─── 萼齿不明显或钻形。

2、Style apex equally 2-cleft, lobes subulate. ─── 花柱先端同样2半裂,裂片。

3、If you yearn for a carpet of color on a bank or sloping area of your garden, plant some phlox subulate . ─── 如果你渴望花园边缘和斜坡地带像彩色的地毯一样美丽,那么就种植一些福禄考吧。

4、Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or rarely lanceolate or subulate, terete or rarely slightly latiseptate; ─── 果开裂的长角果,线形的或很少披针形的或钻形,圆柱状的或很少稍具宽隔膜;

5、Lateral staminodes small or absent, subulate or toothlike, adnate to base of labellum. ─── 侧退化雄蕊小的或无,钻形或,贴生至基部的唇瓣。

6、Bracts and bracteoles subulate or lanceolate. ─── 苞片和小苞片钻形的或披针形。

7、Characterized by the subulate appendage at the junction of connective and filament. ─── 在药隔和花丝的连接点以钻形的附属物为特点。

8、galea slightly falcate, apex rounded, with 1 marginal subulate tooth on each side; ─── 盔瓣稍镰刀形,先端圆形,带有1边缘的钻形的牙齿在每边;

9、stout, forming an erect trunk sometimes up to 1 m tall, apex densely covered with subulate shining brown scales. ─── 根状茎粗短,直立,高可达1米,顶端密被棕褐色、具光泽的钻形鳞片。

10、Styles 3, basally connate, subulate or not, 1-1.5 mm;stigmas not enlarged to subcapitate.Capsule ovoid-globose, ca. 3 mm in diam. ─── 球状蒴果卵球形,直径约3毫米,凸出顶部圆锥状,约1.5毫米,近相等萼筒。

11、Light focused by the elliptic reflector is irradiated on plane regions except for subulate portion on the incidence face of the claviform lens. ─── 向棒形透镜的入射面上除了锥状部以外的平面区域射入利用椭圆形反射镜聚集的光。

12、Sepals not incrassate at base, veins not obviously impressed; leaf blade subulate to ovate, margin and apex incrassate, apex not setiform but spinose. ─── 萼片并非增厚的在基部,脉并非明显凹陷;叶片钻形的到卵形,边缘和先端增厚,先端不但是具刺。(3

13、Leaves subulate to linear, 1--2 mm wide, semiterete to flat, margin scabrous-denticulate. ─── 叶钻形到线形,1-2毫米宽,半圆柱形到平,边缘粗糙具小齿。

14、Filaments subulate, equal, ca. 1/2 as long as perianth segments, connate at base and adnate to perianth segments. ─── 花丝钻形,等长,约1/2的倍于花被片,在基部合生和贴生于花被片。

15、Stamens included; filaments straight, subulate, lacking appendages, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores. ─── 雄蕊内藏直的花丝,钻形,缺乏附属物,花药以顶生孔。

16、Renewal of Subulate Gear on a Certain Ship ─── 一种船用直齿锥齿轮以残配新

17、Style apex subequally 2-cleft, lobes subulate. ─── 花柱先端近相等2半裂,裂片。

18、Leaf blade green, subulate, 3--5 mm. Bracts solitary, lanceolate, auriculate-dilated at base. Corolla purple, rarely white. ─── 绿色的叶片,钻形,3-5毫米苞片单生,,膨大在基部。花冠紫色,很少白色。

19、Stipules minute, subulate, caducous. ─── 托叶小,钻形,早落;

20、Calyx teeth subulate. ─── 萼齿钻形。

21、Lateral staminodes red at base, white distally, subulate. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊红色在基部,白色,钻形。

22、subulate, subulliform","subulattus, subularis, subuliformis"," ─── 钻形的"

23、Trees or shrubs.Branchlets usually with unguiculate hairs or subulate scales. ─── 乔木或灌木小枝通常具有爪的毛或者钻形的鳞片。

24、Anthers lanceolate, tapering to a slender subulate apex; plants with coarse, straight simple hairs, armed with needlelike prickles. ─── 花药披针形,渐狭对一纤细先端;种植具粗糙,直接单毛,用武装皮刺。(21

25、Filaments subulate, equal, slightly longer than perianth segments, connate at base for ca. 1.5 mm and adnate to perianth segments. ─── 花丝钻形,等长,稍长于花被片,在基部合生达约1.5毫米和贴生于花被片。

26、Keywords Cylinder cowl hood;Subulate surface of valve retainer;Valve guide hole;Location datum;Special compound tool;CBN; ─── 气缸盖;气门座锥面;气门导管孔;定位基准;专用复合刀具;CBN;

27、subulate gear ─── 直齿锥齿轮

28、Nutlets brown, subulate, trigonous-tetrahedral, ca. 1.5 mm, smooth. ─── 小坚果棕色,钻形,三棱四面体,约1.5毫米,光滑。

29、Leaflets not becoming black when dried, abaxially densely pubescent. Bracts subulate, ca. 1 mm, caducous. ─── 小叶干燥时不变为黑色,背面密被短柔毛。钻形的苞片,约1毫米,早落。

30、teeth triangular-subulate, at least as long as tube, apex long spiny. ─── 齿三角形钻形,至少倍于筒部,先端长具刺。

31、Subulate surface of valve retainer ─── 气门座锥面

32、Style apex 2-cleft, lobes subulate, equal or subequal. ─── 花柱先端2半裂,裂片,等长或近等长。

33、stout forming an erect trunk sometimes up to1m tall apex densely covered with subulate shining brown scales. ─── 粗短,直立,高可达1米,顶端密被棕褐色、光泽的钻形鳞片。

34、Filaments subulate, slightly shorter than perianth segments, connate at base for ca. 1 mm and adnate to perianth segments. ─── 花丝钻形,稍短于花被片,在基部合生为约1毫米和贴生于花被片的。

35、Lateral staminodes pale red, subulate, ca. 1 cm. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊浅红色,钻形的,约1厘米。

36、Leaf blade narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, margin spiniform dentate; bracts of cupule subulate, ligulate, or linear, often reflexed. ─── 叶片狭椭圆形披针形到卵状披针形,边缘具牙齿;钻形,舌状的壳斗的苞片,或线形,通常反折。(3

37、Leaf blade linear to ovate, rarely subulate. ─── 叶片线形到卵形,很少钻形。

38、Calyx teeth subulate or lanceolate when young, becoming dilated. ─── 萼齿钻形的或披针形幼时,变得膨大。

39、If you yearn for a carpet of color on a bank or sloping area of your garden, plant some phlox subulate. ─── 如果你渴望地毯的颜色像堤岸或你花园的斜坡地区,种植一些夹竹桃吧。

40、Filaments ca. 1/2 as long as perianth segments, base slightly broadened, connate and adnate to perianth segments, free part subulate. ─── 花丝约1/2倍于花被片,基部扩大的稍,合生和贴生于花被片,钻形的离生部分。

41、teeth 5, broadly triangular to subulate, straight, spreading or reflexed, bristlelike-acuminate to acute or widened into wings from veins. ─── 离生第5齿状物,宽三角形到钻形,直,渐尖的到锐尖或从脉加宽成翅的开展或反折,鬃状。

42、Pistillodes subulate, concealed within filament tube. ─── 退化雌蕊钻形,内藏于花丝筒。

43、stigma diverse, capitate, penicillate-capitate (brushlike), subulate, filiform, ligulate, or peltate. ─── 柱头形状多样,头状,具毛撮的头状(毛刷状),钻形,丝状,舌状,或者盾形。

44、Leaves not clavate; utricle not berrylike; style distinct, stigmas subulate or filiform. ─── 叶不棍棒状;胞果不浆果状;花柱离生,柱头钻形或丝状。(20

45、bracts subulate, flaccid-lanate, as long as calyx. ─── 苞片钻形,萎软状棉状,倍于花萼。

46、Epicalyx lobes 5, subulate, 2-3 mm. ─── 副萼裂片5,钻形,2-3毫米。

47、Bracts subulate to linear-lanceolate, rarely to 1.2 cm, membranous, scarious, or subherbaceous with scarious margin, 1--5-veined, or veinless, or bracts absent. ─── 苞片钻形的到线状披针形,很少对1.2厘米,膜质,干膜质,或近草本具干膜质边缘,1--5脉,或,或苞片无。(5

48、Bracts persistent or deciduous, linear to ovate; calyx segments linear to lanceolate, linear-oblanceolate, elliptic, or subulate. ─── 苞片宿存或落叶,长的到卵形;花萼裂片线形到披针形,线形,椭圆形,或钻形。(25

49、Bracteoles 2 or 3; androecium and gynoecium ca. 1/2 petal length; filaments usually subulate, nearly distinct but outer filament whorl basally connate; ovary 3-loculed (species nos. 26-30). ─── 小苞片2或3;大约1/2的花瓣长度的雄蕊群和雌蕊群;通常的花丝钻形,近离生的但是外轮花丝基部合生;子房3室的(种号。26-30).

50、Bracts and bracteoles subulate, ca. 2 mm, abaxially with a distinct midvein, apex long pointed. ─── 苞片和小苞片钻形的,约2毫米,背面具一明显中脉,先端长尖的。

51、Epicalyx lobes 3, free, subulate or filiform to lanceolate. ─── 副萼裂片3,离生,钻形或者丝状到披针形。

52、Pedicel 2-8(-10) mm, strigose, apically 2-bracteolate, bracteoles lanceolate to subulate, 2-5 mm, abaxially densely strigose, margin ciliate. ─── 花梗2-8(-10)毫米,具糙伏毛,顶部具2小苞片,小苞片披针形的到钻形,2-5毫米,背面的密被糙伏毛,边缘具缘毛。

53、straight subulate gears are commonly been machining on special machine tool, but the factories of machining the large-size straight subulate gears are rather less. ─── 直齿锥齿轮一般要在专用机床上加工,但能够加工大型直齿锥齿轮的生产企业极少。

54、Flowers unisexual; tepals 6, subulate; male flowers with 2 or 3 stamens; female flowers with numerous papillate carpels; style clavellate, basal or nearly so. ─── 花单性,雌雄同株;花被片6,钻形;雄花具3-2枚雄蕊;雌花子房多数,具乳突,花柱棒状,在靠近子房的基部或基部以上伸出。

55、Stigmas subulate, nearly equaling style. ─── 钻形的柱头,近等长花柱。

56、adult leaves crowded, normally appressed, scalelike or subulate, 2-5 mm, hard, base decurrent apex often incurved. ─── 老叶簇生,通常是贴伏,鳞片状或者通常钻形,长2-5毫米,硬,基部下延,先端弯曲。

57、Bracts subulate to spinescent. ─── 对具刺钻形的苞片。

58、Ovary ovoid;stigmas 2, subulate, papillate. ─── 子房卵球形柱头2,钻形,具乳突。

59、Filaments subulate, slightly longer than perianth segments, connate at base and adnate to perianth segments. ─── 花丝钻形,稍长于花被片,在基部合生和贴生于花被片。

60、Lateral staminodes toothlike or subulate. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊齿状或钻形。

61、caruncle subulate, deep yellow, sessile, easily lost. ─── 种阜钻形,深黄,无柄,容易脱落。

62、Leaves sessile, subulate to linear, always persistent, margin narrowly membranous, apex aristate. ─── 叶无柄,钻形的到线形,总是宿存,边缘狭膜质,先端具芒。

63、Cupule ca. 2.5 cm; bracts triangular, except for subulate tip, fused with wall of cupule or united into concentric rings near cupule apex. ─── 大约2.5厘米的壳斗;苞片三角形,除了钻形端部,愈合具壁或合并成壳斗先端附近的同心戒指。

64、filaments at least in male and bisexual flowers subulate to filiform at apex. ─── 花丝至少在雄花和两性花中先端钻形到丝状;

65、terminal segment indehiscent, seedless or 1- or 2-seeded, flattened and ensiform, or terete and conical or subulate, sometimes corky; ─── 不裂,无籽的顶生裂片或1或2种子,扁平和剑形,或圆柱状和圆锥状或钻形,有时木栓质;

66、Subulate Auger ─── n. 黑斑笋螺(芋螺超科,笋螺科)

67、3. Flowers unisexual; tepals 6, subulate; male flowers with 2 or 3 stamens; female flowers with numerous papillate carpels; style clavellate, basal or nearly so. ─── 花单性,雌雄同株;花被片6,钻形;雄花具3-2枚雄蕊;雌花子房多数,具乳突,花柱棒状,在靠近子房的基部或基部以上伸出。收藏指正

68、5.A subulate small scale from abaxial face of pinna; ─── 5.羽片远轴面上的钻形小鳞片;

69、Calyx shallowly cup-shaped, subtruncate with 5 subulate 4-8 mm teeth, stellate puberulent. ─── 花萼浅杯状近截形,有5颗钻形的4-8毫米牙齿,星状被微柔毛。

70、Leaves sessile, linear to subulate or linear-lanceolate, leathery, usually persistent, margin slightly swollen, apex usually acuminate. ─── 叶无柄,或线形披针形,革质的线形到钻形,通常宿存,边缘稍膨胀的,先端通常渐尖的。

71、Stock stout, forming an erect trunk sometimes up to 1 m tall, apex densely covered with subulate shining brown scales. ─── 根状茎粗短,直立,高可达1米,顶端密被棕褐色、具光泽的钻形鳞片。

72、Leaves prominently black punctate-lineate; bracts subulate, bracteoles and calyx lobes longer than wide, apery, apex acute. ─── 显著的叶黑色具点具线纹;苞片钻形,小苞片和萼裂片长于宽,学样,先端锐尖。

73、1-flowered pedicels 7-9 mm, sparsely puberulent, subapically with 2 subulate bracteoles; ─── 1花的花梗7-9毫米的,疏生微柔毛,近顶端具2钻形小苞片;

74、This design I adopted the triangle tape to spread to move ,and the cylinder wheel gear decelerate the machine and subulate wheel gear to spread to move. ─── 本次设计我采用了三角胶带传动,圆柱齿轮吐丝机及锥齿轮传动。

75、This paper is focused on the account of parameter test and measurement of combining old machines with new ones of subulate gear and appearance size measurement. ─── 对直齿锥齿轮的以旧配新的参数测算和外形尺寸测定进行了论述,结合实际给出了某些参数的多种测算方法,使测算结果更接近实物尺寸。

76、leaf blade long subulate or broadly linear, up to 14 cm, less than 2 cm in diam., base cuneate, margin unclearly and sparsely denticulate, apex long attenuate; ─── 叶片长钻形或宽线形的,可达14厘米,直径2厘米的不到,基部楔形,边缘和稀少,渐狭的先端长;

77、Shrubs.Branchlets and petioles tomentose or not, with dense subulate scales, and proximally with some unguiculate hairs, scales truncate or 2-fid at apex. ─── 灌木小枝和叶柄被绒毛与否的,具紧密的钻形鳞片,和下部具一些具爪的毛,鳞片截形或者2裂在先端。

78、anthers subulate to broadly ovate, dehiscence poricidal; ─── 花药钻形到宽卵形,孔裂;

79、Lateral staminodes subulate, ca. 3 mm. ─── 钻形的侧生退化雄蕊,约3毫米。

80、Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, semiterete or clavate, fleshy, rarely subulate or scale-like, base slightly expanded, apex obtuse or with a short, acicular awn;leaf axil usually cottony. ─── 叶对生,无梗,线形,半圆柱形的或棍棒状,肉质,很少钻形的或鳞片状,通常的叶腋棉状毛。

81、Bracts with many irregular subulate teeth, middle tooth spinescent. Corolla yellowish. ─── 不规则的苞片具很多钻形齿,中间齿。花冠淡黄。

82、Leaves semiterete or terete, fleshy; inflorescence not spicate; abaxial appendages of perianth segments subulate or triangular in fruit. ─── 叶半圆柱形的或圆柱状,肉质;花序不穗状;在果期的花被片钻形或三角形的背面的附属物。(2

83、Seeds with 1 hairlike or subulate appendage at each end. ─── 在每个末端的种子具1毛状或钻形附属物。

84、Branchlets with scurfy tomentum, intermixed with subulate scales. ─── 小枝有皮屑似的绒毛层的,与钻形鳞片混生。

85、If you yearn for a carpet of color on a bank or sloping area of your garden, plant some phlox subulate . ─── 如果你渴望花园边缘和斜坡地带像彩色的地毯一样美丽,那么就种植一些福禄考吧。

86、Branchlets stout, with dense unguiculate hairs or subulate scales, not tomentose. ─── 小枝粗,具紧密的有爪的毛或者钻形鳞片,不被绒毛。

87、Leaves usually dimorphic: juvenile leaves spreading, not 2-ranked, linear to needlelike or subulate, rarely falcately curved; ─── 叶通常的二形:幼叶平展,并非2列,线形与或者钻形,很少弯刀形;

88、Stigmas subulate, equaling style. ─── 柱头钻形,等于的花柱。

89、Stem and pedicels retrorsely puberulent and yellowish glandular puberulent. Spur subulate, 1.7--2 cm. ─── 茎和花梗反曲被微柔毛和淡黄具腺被微柔毛。距钻形,1.7-2厘米

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