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08-14 投稿


delitescence 发音


英:  美:

delitescence 中文意思翻译



delitescence 短语词组

1、delitescence meaning ─── 潜伏期意义

delitescence 相似词语短语

1、delitescent ─── adj.潜伏的;隐匿的

2、detumescence ─── n.[临床]消肿

3、latescence ─── 迟发

4、decrescence ─── n.减弱,减小;减退,衰减;苍白

5、dehiscence ─── n.裂开

6、deliquescence ─── n.潮解,溶解;液化

7、decalescence ─── n.吸热

8、delitescences ─── n.潜伏期;潜伏

9、deliquescences ─── n.潮解,溶解;液化

delitescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cetirizine decreased the number of histamine induced shock in guinea pig, prolonged the delitescence period of histamine induced asthma (P<0.05). ─── 也能明显的抑制组胺对豚鼠引起的休克作用,使组胺所致的豚鼠哮喘潜伏期明显延长(P<0.05)。

2、Preventing and Preparing of Crisis Management during the Period of Delitescence ─── 论公共危机潜伏期的预防和准备

3、Methods 1.in the experiment about the mouse induced by aqueous ammonia,It was noted that the delitescence of the cough and the times of coughing of the mouse in two minutes; ─── 方法:1.小鼠氨水引咳法,记录咳嗽的潜伏期,及2分钟内咳嗽次数;2.小鼠酚红祛痰法,取气管排泌量进行比色。

4、5) In study of P-VEP,the P100 wave delitescence shorten( P

5、The other four delitescence lesions placed detaining guide wire in three cases were also confirmed in accurate location after operation. ─── 定位留置导丝3例4个隐匿性病灶,均在术后证实了定位的准确性。

6、Conclusion The most common causative strain of gallstone pancreatitis is Bacterium coli.The drug-resistant strain emerges maybe due to bacterium immigration and delitescence in gallbladder mucosa. ─── 结论胆源性胰腺炎感染细菌主要以大肠杆菌为主,耐药菌株的出现可能与细菌向胆囊黏膜迁移并发生变异,以L型细菌的形式潜伏于胆囊有关。

7、the Dark stools delitescence which induce by Folium Sennae; ─── 结果:香连止泻颗粒能明显减少番泻叶致泻引起的大便次数增多;

8、Conclusion: Meridional muscle region puncture significantly increased the therapeutic effect of the acute infranuclear facial palsy patients, and decurtated the delitescence of the R1waves. ─── 结论:经筋刺法对于急性期周围性面神经麻痹患者的疗效显著,可明显缩短R1波的潜伏期。

9、Result: Ke Ghuan Ning can obviously decrease the cough of the cavy resulted from acrolein and ammonia, extend the cough delitescence of the cavy, and control the asthma of the cavy from histamine. ─── 结果:咳喘宁能明显减少丙烯醛所致豚鼠咳嗽次数和氨水诱导的小鼠咳嗽次数,延长小鼠咳嗽潜伏期,增加小鼠气管对酚红的排泌量,抑制组胺诱导的豚鼠哮喘。

10、Conclusion The delitescence of thallium poisoning varies with the age,sex,body condition and the poison dosage,but the relation between t... ─── 结论铊中毒依个体的年龄、性别、状态及中毒量不同,其发病前具有一定潜伏期。

11、Te-tramine has high toxicity and short delitescence. ─── 应从接触史、临床表现、毒物鉴定入手对患者进行诊断。

12、Results The delitescence of the treatment group was significantly shorter than the control group(P<0.001),and the delitescence of the low dose group was shorter than the high dose group(P<0.05). ─── 结果治疗组的潜伏期比对照组缩短(P<0.01或P<0.05),低剂量组的潜伏期比高剂量组潜伏期长,两者具有统计学的差异(P<0.05);治疗组的进展期明显缩短(P<0.01);

13、We adopted the dog vomiting model by Levodopa and the pigeon vomiting model by bluestone and so on, then observed the vomiting times and delitescence,the frequency and range of gastrointestinal motility and the stomach empty. ─── 采用左旋多巴导致家犬呕吐和硫酸铜导致家鸽呕吐等模型,观察动物呕吐次数和潜伏期、胃肠运动频率和幅度、胃排空率的变化。

14、Delitescence hernia was identified in 48 cases (35. 2%) and was treated by high ligation. ─── 术中发现隐匿疝48例(发现率达35.2%),均同时予以高位缝扎。

15、Methods: Adopting the dog vomiting model induced levodopa and the pigeon vomiting model induced copper sulfate, observeing the vomiting times and delitescence, frequency and range of gastric motility and the gastric emptying rate. ─── 方法 :采用左旋多巴导致家犬呕吐和硫酸铜导致家鸽呕吐模型 ,观察动物呕吐次数和潜伏期、胃运动频率和幅度、胃排空率的变化。

16、weight increased on accidental sexual organs of emasculation male mice and shorten delitescence of penis erection; ─── 对去势雄性小鼠附性器官有明显的增重作用,且可缩短阴茎勃起的潜伏期;

17、However,the core and the spirit for the crisis management is not solving the crisis but preventing and preparing from it,especially for the management period of delitescence. ─── 在现实中人们主要关注的是处理和解决危机,其实,当代公共危机管理的精义在于危机潜伏期的管理,在于危机的预防和准备。

18、In study of F-VEP, N3 and N4 wave"s delitescence shorten( P< 0.05). (6)Medical record has influence to curative effects,longer medical record and poorer curative effects. ─── F-VEP中N3波和N4波潜伏期缩短(P<0.05)。(6)发病时间对疗效有影响,发病时间长者有效率降低。

19、Preventing and Preparing of Crisis Management during the Period of Delitescence ─── 论公共危机潜伏期的预防和准备

20、Results The younger age and shorter delitescence and high level of spasm could increase the risk of death of neonate tetanus. ─── 结果低年龄、短潜伏期和严重痉挛的破伤风新生儿死亡的危险增加。另外,其它感染和不当治疗也是影响新生儿破伤风死亡的因素。

21、amplitude and delitescence of N170 are influenced not by the facial familiar effects but by the value effects and the waken effects. ─── N170的波幅和潜伏期受表情效价和唤醒度效应的影响,而不受面孔熟悉度效应的影响。

22、The amplitude and delitescence of N170 are influenced not by the facial familiar effects but by the value effects and the waken effects. ─── N170的波幅和潜伏期受表情效价和唤醒度效应的影响,而不受面孔熟悉度效应的影响。

23、Conclusion The younger age and shoter delitescence and spasm companyed with cyanosis are the three major factors of death of neonatal tetanus. ─── 结论年龄小、短潜伏期和痉挛伴紫绀是新生儿破伤风死亡的3个主要因素。

24、Delitescence hernia was identified in 48 cases (35.2%) and was treated by high ligation. ─── 发现隐匿疝48例(发现率达35.2%),均同时予以高位缝扎。

25、The delitescence and amplitudes of a- and b-waves and the ratio of amplitudes of b-/a-wave of maximal responses were analyzed. ─── 对比分析两组婴儿的erg各波反应的潜伏期、振幅以及最大反应b/a波振幅比值。

26、Both lower extremities wave were debased and divided undesirably, and the delitescence of L3、T11 and P40 voltage was extended. ─── 双下肢波形分化欠佳不良、波幅降低,L3、T11及皮层电位P40潜伏期延长。


生物荧光(biofluorescence)就是:自身(在深海或者黑夜里)发光,而不是靠太阳光。比如 萤火虫,海底的 荧光海龟 荧光 海虾。勤学好问 天天进步!

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