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08-14 投稿


ascertains 发音

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英:  美:

ascertains 中文意思翻译



ascertains 词性/词形变化,ascertains变形

形容词: ascertainable |动词过去分词: ascertained |动词过去式: ascertained |名词: ascertainableness |动词现在分词: ascertaining |动词第三人称单数: ascertains |副词: ascertainably |

ascertains 短语词组

1、ascertains def ─── 确定def

2、ascertains definition ─── 确定定义

3、ascertains crossword ─── 确定纵横字谜

4、ascertains synonym ─── 确定同义词

ascertains 相似词语短语

1、appertains ─── v.属于;和……有关;适合,适用

2、ascertaining ─── vt.确定;查明;探知

3、afterpains ─── n.[妇产]产后痛

4、ascetics ─── adj.苦行的;禁欲主义的;n.苦行者;禁欲者

5、ascertainer ─── 确定人

6、appertain ─── v.属于;和……有关;适合,适用

7、ascertain ─── vt.确定;查明;探知

8、ascertained ─── v.确定(ascertain的过去式);查明

9、certain ─── adj.某一;必然的;确信;无疑的;有把握的;pron.某些;某几个;n.(Certain)人名;(葡)塞尔塔因;(法)塞尔坦

ascertains 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Just spray, wipe the stain! (Before spray, ascertain the surface material is colorfast! you can try on the corner. ─── 使用前建议先将表面能简易清除的部分清理乾净。喷洒在脏污处,擦拭。使用完毕可以以清水清洗,再以乾布或面纸擦乾。

2、It needs to ascertain the aim to select suitable method to evaluate(quantitate) smell. ─── 因此,进行气味评价(量化)时,需要在明确目的的基础之上,选择适当的评价方法。

3、Chapter one ascertains the narration and expression of apparel code, and concludes the specific feature of apparel code. ─── 在第一章我会对当代中国青年服饰符码的陈述与表达进行梳理,并对具体特点给予概括;

4、The priority is to ascertain which kurgans still have a layer of permafrost below them and might therefore be saved. ─── 关键问题是弄清楚哪些库刚下面仍然有着一层冻土因此可以被保存下来。

5、Below are some examples of phrases and sentences you can use to ascertain the facts. Read them out loud. ─── 下面是查明事情真相的一些例句,请大声朗读。

6、We must ascertain the public's wishes. ─── 我们必须探查 [弄清] 大众的希望。

7、The principle of seeking truth from facts ascertains ways in which the public security units and judicial departments apply laws. ─── 实事求是原则主要确定公安司法机关如何适用法律。

8、Ascertain the component and part mass guarantee agreement with new supplier. ─── 与新开发的供应商确定零部件质量保证协议;

9、To establish or ascertain definitely,as after consideration,investigation,or calculation. ─── 在考虑,调查或计算之后,决定性地确认。

10、It can be difficult to ascertain the facts. ─── 可能难以查明事实真相。

11、Verify the facility ascertains the employee’s stated age through the interview process. ─── 在招用过程中,工厂通过所其所述的年龄进行确认。

12、Based on low frequency injection, lacunarity and Fractal dimension ascertain an exclusive point on a plane and then the fault branch can be found. ─── 在以低频注入法为基础的直流系统故障检测中,利用分形维数和凹凸度参数惟一确定的二维平面上点的位置,来识别不同情况的接地故障。

13、The letter was written and sent away with a privacy which eluded all her watchfulness to ascertain the fact. ─── 写信和寄信都会在私下里进行,以避免埃莉诺注意,免得让她把事实都查得一清二楚。

14、We think that if His-bundle electrogram is available, it may serve as auseful method to ascertain the location of block if (it is )necessary. ─── 我们认为,如果希氏束电图是可行的话,那么,在必须查清阻滞位置时,它就是一个有效的方法。

15、She still kept her lips tightly compressed, as if determined fully to ascertain her longitude and position, before she committed herself. ─── 她依旧一言不发,仿佛打定了主意,在没有完全弄清自己的处境以前,决不随便发表意见。

16、The company ascertains the whose meter tax basis when getting assets and liabilities. ─── 公司在取得资产、负债时,确定其计税基础。

17、We'll ascertain such matter through joint assessment. ─── 我们将通过双方共同估算来确定这些东西的价值。

18、Hutter and Hurry would make a fresh attempt on this camp should they awake and ascertain its position . ─── 如果哈特和赫里醒来发现这一情况的话,他们就可能会再次偷袭印第安人的营地。

19、We must ascertain the responsibility in light of different situations. ─── 我们必须根据不同情况判定责任。

20、It is a rational choice to ascertain fairness priority and efficiency consideration to be the value of security law among the series of law values. ─── 在法的价值序列中,将公平优先、兼顾效率确定为社会保障法的基本价值是一种理性选择。

21、The role of Victim (poor me) is a favorite for many of us. There are so many benefits we can ascertain by playing the role of the victim. ─── 受害者(我好可怜)是许多人都最喜欢扮演的一个角色。在扮演“受害者”角色的时候,我们能获得许多好处。

22、We have written to Christminster to ascertain. ─── 我们已经写信到基督寺问过了。

23、The primary goal is to ascertain the compatibility of those components in relation to the components that are already integrated. ─── 主要目标是确定这些组件与已经集成组件之间的兼容性。

24、Three have been an administration fine number's ascertain the hiatus standard , the article has analysed several major factors that the retinue fine number ascertains. ─── 三是行政罚款数额的确定缺失标准,文章分析了左右罚款数额确定的几个主要因素。

25、Our auditor and accountants will ascertain the amount of your investment, and therefore a third party is not necessary. ─── 我公司的审计和会议会确定贵公司的投资额,所以不需要第三方。

26、A set of photograph are taken to ascertain the damage of the cargos as for your reference in the attachment. ─── 我们拍了相关的照片证明残损情况,供您参考。(照片在附件中)

27、She wanted to ascertain that her son was among the wounded. ─── 她想要弄清儿子是受伤者之一。

28、Each of these testing methods ascertains the software product quality in different functional areas. ─── 每种测试方法确定软件产品在不同功能区域的质量。

29、In every land transaction, it is important to ascertain who is the registered owner of the property. ─── 在每宗涉及土地的交易里,确定谁是有关物业的注册业主是很重要的。

30、Direct measurement of seismic attenuation ascertains that fluid motion is a primary mechanism in porous, permeable elastics. ─── 地震波衰减机制和测量方法研究表明,在孔隙和渗透性碎屑岩中,流体运动是衰减的主要机制。

31、Ascertain what you like best to do,and do it as a labor of love with your heart and soul. Perhaps it will simple be a hobby. That's fine. ─── 务必使自己养成精益求精的习惯,并以你的爱心和热情发挥你的这项习惯,如果能使这种习惯变成一种嗜好那是最好不过的了。

32、Certainly must ascertain girl's idea. ─── 一定要问清楚女孩的想法。

33、We could not ascertain how it happened . ─── 我们没能弄清它是怎样发生的。

34、The court must therefore ascertain the "properlaw" of the contract. ─── 因此,法院务必查明该契约的“准据法”。

35、Besides, this chapter ascertains the rules of spatial allocation of tourist origins in Nanjing, Suzhou and Xuzhou. ─── 在此基础上揭示了城市旅游流集散驱动机制与集散模型。

36、Before mapping out the implementation details, we would like to ascertain if the community is in general agreement with the third option. ─── 在订出推行策略的细节前,我们希望了解社会各界是否普遍认同融合妥善管理维修这个方案。

37、Among them, mineral products resource already of ascertain phosphor, coal, aluminous, barite waits 30 a variety of. ─── 其中,矿产资源已探明的有磷、煤、铝、重晶石等30多种。

38、On this world, we need to want to ascertain self location , must adopt a reference. ─── 在这个世界上,我们要想确定自己的位置,必须采取参照物。

39、"I will contact my superiors at once to ascertain the facts. ─── "我会马上和我的上司联系弄清事实的。

40、We would not have risked the negotiations with your governments if we had been able to ascertain other possibilities. ─── 如果我们可以找到其它的证据的话,我们和你们的政府之间的谈判就不存在风险。

41、He would at once ascertain what the truth might be as to the lady's wealth. ─── 他要立刻去查查清楚,那个女人的财产情况实际上究竟如何。

42、It needs to ascertain the aim to select suitable method to evaluate (quantitate) smell. ─── 因此,进行气味评价(量化)时,需要在明确目的的基础之上,选择适当的评价方法。

43、If your answer is ‘yes' we will get in touch with you later to ascertain how best to assist you. ─── 不论是否身体残障,你是否需要协助或特别安排才可参加/出席面试及完成有关测验?

44、Provide concrete resources for browser by using HTTP protocol to ascertain Web server through unified resources localizer. ─── 利用HTTP协议通过统一资源定位器URL来确定Web服务器应该为浏览器提供哪些资源。

45、You had better look about you and ascertain what you do, and what yon mean to do. ─── 你最好注意点,动作要明白确定,意思也不要含糊。

46、In this paper,introducing the way for ascertain design flood water level of inundate area using Saint-Venant equations and some special methods. ─── 在内涝区采用圣维南方程组及一些特殊处理的方法来推求设计洪水位是比较科学的。

47、ascertains the location of the sound source by the time difference and the energy ratio. ─── 根据估算的所述时间差和所述能量比确定所述声源的位置。

48、In order to show loyalty to our active members, we have decided to conduct a poll to ascertain the necessary plan of action. ─── 我们为大家设置了一个投票的方式,让大家来选择下一步要实行的方案。

49、Their explanation unconvincing also sound vacant at place now ascertain core. ─── 他们的解释不能令人信服,多处空洞无力对其主要内容现正仔细研究。

50、This paper, under the guidance of systematology, ascertains the layout of logistics node facilities by qualitative and quantitative method. ─── 本文在系统论的指导下,通过定性与定量相结合的方法确立我国物流节点设施布局体系。

51、Then she proceeded to ascertain the facts, in order that her own conduct might be regulated by her knowledge of circumstances. ─── 于是她开始打听实际情况,以使决定如何行事。

52、SetRouterType ascertains whether to use in-memory channels or JMS topics. ─── setRouterType查明是否使用内存中(In - memory)通道或JMS主题。

53、Can you ascertain who he is? ─── 你能否查明他是何许人?

54、She felt a morbid desire to ascertain the point. ─── 她感到有一种病态的欲望想弄明白这一点。

55、Nikki, who lives in New South Wales, has bred a galah-cockatiel cross, which as far as I can ascertain is a world first. ─── 但最近我所碰到的这个混血儿实在让人难以置信,其杂交环境以及条件堪称惊人。

56、"In the wild, subtle outcomes such as length of gestation, litter size and the age of onset of puberty are difficult to ascertain," says Janssen. ─── “在野外,如怀孕期,胎仔数和青春期年龄等精细结果很难确定。”Janssen说。

57、As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced. ─── 当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,将立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。

58、Of what marshal, Pierre could not ascertain from the soldiers. ─── 哪位大元帅,皮埃尔未能从士兵口里听说出来。

59、I am going to ascertain the truth. ─── 我将弄清事实真象。

60、I will ascertain the main cause as soon as possible. ─── 我会尽快查明主要的原因。

61、It is difficult to ascertain what really happened. ─── 事情真相甚难查明。

62、I will contact my superiors at once to ascertain the facts. ─── 我会马上和我的上司联系弄清事实的。

63、Your 15th untimely demand quite prize ascertain due what cause. ─── 你方15日来电知悉,过早的需求使我方感到疑惑,请调查原因。

64、He will endeavor to ascertain the result of the test. ─── 他要设法找出测验的结果。

65、We must ascertain the usual customs of the local people and arrange accordingly. ─── 我们必须了解当地人民的风俗习惯,作出相应安排。

66、They are doing everything possible to ascertain his whereabouts. ─── 他们正在尽力调查他的下落。

67、ascertains that parents are happier grocery shopping and even sleeping than spending time with their kids. ─── Gilbert教授另有断言:当爹当娘的把时间花在逛超市买东西,甚至睡觉上,要比陪着子女更能让他们开心。

68、A third person dealing with a known agent must use reasonable diligence to ascertain whether the agent is acting within the scope of his powers. ─── 与已知的代理人进行交易的第三人必须以合理的注意去确认代理人是否在他的权利范围内行事。

69、Yu Yao City ascertains a whole province that the circulation economic work convention spirit, has got a good beginning actively. ─── 余姚市积极落实全省循环经济工作会议精神,取得了良好的开端。

70、Many political studies have been conducted in an attempt to ascertain who are likely to be nonvoters. ─── 为了要确定哪些人大概不会投票,曾进行过许多次政治研究。

71、We will try to ascertain if a new planet exists in our solar system. ─── 我们将查明我们的太阳系中是否存在一颗新的行星。

72、Third, ascertain the grounds for exemption to the danger doer. ─── 三是确定共同危险行为人的免责事由。

73、Although using the CT pit percolation, we need analyze and ascertain the exception effluent reasons joining mine cranny develop rules. ─── 我们利用CT坑透,结合矿井裂隙发育规律,分析判明了异常出水的原因。

74、The numerous qualification certificate of ***Transformer ascertains the high standard maintained by*** transformers Co ltd. ─── ***变压器有限公司将高水准的保证变压器达到资质证书要求;

75、The court must therefore ascertain the "proper law" of the contract. ─── 因此,法院务必查明该契约的“准据法”。

76、Do you think you can ascertain prospect of selling such product ? ─── 您认为您能够确定这种产品的销售前景吗?

77、If necessary, we may require institutions to be subject to further independent assessment to ascertain their compliance status. ─── 如有需要,金管局可能会要求机构接受进一步独立评估,以确定它们在解决该问题上的进度。

78、If they are grouped into larger units one can ascertain what group an unknown plant belongs to. ─── 如果把它们归类成较大的单位,那么就可以确知某种未知植物属于何类群。

79、Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these. ─── 令吾间必索知之。

80、It achieves user tracking and ascertain the position of user through two main operations, paging and location updating. ─── 其中主要有两个基本操作:寻呼和位置更新。

81、"The Land Registration Regulation" ascertains the content of collective land registration, which made by country land administration bureau. ─── 本文通过对农村集体土地所有权登记制度演变过程的分析,揭示此项制度今后面临的方向。

82、Before you take part in a debate, be sure to ascertain that all your arguments are sound and well-grounded. ─── 在参见辩论之前,你必须确定你所有的论点都正确并且都有根据。

83、To ascertain the effects of nicotine on allergy/asthma, Brown Norway rats were treated with nicotine and sensitized and challenged with allergens. ─── 以确定的影响,尼古丁对过敏/哮喘,布朗,挪威鼠治疗尼古丁和敏和挑战与过敏原。

84、Ascertain the first bolt of the M/E aft end and the position of the intermedial shaft bearing. ─── 初定主机末端第一颗地脚螺孔位置,初定中间轴承位置。

85、We learn in this small space to respect the ponder mutually, the study, ascertains and the creation. ─── 在这块小小的空间我们学会相互尊重思考,学习,捉摸和创造。

86、For simplicity sake, you need not spend effort to ascertain the accounting date of the non-resident person. ─── 为方便起见,你毋须查明非居港人士的结帐日期。

87、I reaffirm once again, I am in charge of you to do board and lodging of the Chinese queen cost. Hope that his Excellency ascertains the concrete time coming to China. ─── 我再次重申,我只负责您们来中国后的食宿费用。希望阁下确定来华的具体时间。

88、The law ascertains the subject of the limitation of liability bases on the risk and interest of vessels' management and operation. ─── 法律确定责任限制主体的依据是基于他们在船舶管理和经营上的风险利益。

89、Besides, think that your flight information ascertains the day afer tomorrow, tell us please. ─── 另外,当你的航班信息确定后,请告诉我们。谢谢!

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