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08-14 投稿


cetacean 发音

英:[s??te??n]  美:[s??te??n]

英:  美:

cetacean 中文意思翻译




cetacean 网络释义

adj. 鲸类的;鲸鱼的n. 鲸鱼;鲸类动物

cetacean 短语词组

1、cetacean mammal ─── [网络] 鲸类动物哺乳动物

2、cetacean ops ─── 鲸目动物行动

3、cetacean echolocation ─── 鲸类回声定位

4、cetacean def ─── 鲸目动物定义

5、cetacean cc ─── 鲸目cc

6、cetacean orca ─── 鲸目虎 ─── 鲸

7、cetacean brother ─── 鲸类兄弟

8、cetacean institute ─── 鲸类研究所

9、cetacean intelligence ─── 鲸类智慧

10、cetacean institute sausalito ─── 苏萨利托鲸类研究所

11、cetacean app ─── 鲸类应用程序

cetacean 词性/词形变化,cetacean变形


cetacean 相似词语短语

1、cumaceans ─── 库马塞斯人

2、cumacean ─── adj.涟虫目的;n.任一一种涟虫目动物

3、crustacean ─── n.甲壳纲动物

4、ostracean ─── n.牡蛎;adj.牡蛎的

5、cetaceans ─── n.鲸目动物;鲸类物种(cetacean的复数形式)

6、testaceans ─── adj.贝壳类的;n.介壳类动物

7、cetaceous ─── adj.鲸类的;鲸鱼的

8、crustaceans ─── n.甲壳类;甲壳纲动物(crustacean的复数)

9、testacean ─── adj.贝壳类的;n.介壳类动物

cetacean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also known as the Yangtze dolphin, and found in the river in China, the Baiji is the most endangered cetacean in the world.It may already be extinct. ─── 也被称为长江豚,并发现在中国的河流,贝吉海豚是世界上最濒危的鲸类动物,它可能已经灭绝。

2、Though there's still more evidence for primate than cetacean personhood, Gero said accumulating research "will start tipping the scales. " ─── 葛洛说,尽管有关灵长类动物人格的证据依然比有关鲸目动物人格的证据多,不断累积的研究成果“必将开始使倾斜这个天平。”

3、However, during most dives below 540 metres during the day, the whales broke into a sprint of up to 9 metres per second, which in deep water is the cetacean equivalent of a world record. ─── 但是在白天多数的潜水都是540米以上,鲸鱼每秒突然下潜9米,在深水域中鲸类的世界纪录想持平。

4、Cetacean only heart beat nine every minute. ─── 鲸鱼一分钟心跳只有9下。

5、several small gregarious cetacean mammals ─── 几种小型群居的鲸类哺乳动物

6、This tragic demise makes the Baiji Dolphin the first recorded extinction of a cetacean in modern times. ─── 这场悲剧使得白鱀豚成为现代第一种记录在案绝迹的物种。

7、This factory ever with " cetacean " named feed product, had won a state award of silver medal of high grade product. ─── 该厂曾以“鲸鱼”命名的饲料产品,获得过国家优质产品银牌奖。

8、The skull also lacks a blowhole, another cetacean adaptation for diving. ─── 的头骨也是没有气孔的,这是鲸类动物为潜水而作出的另一适应。

9、The skull is cetacean-like but its jawbones lack the enlarged space that is filled with fat or oil and used for receiving underwater sound in modern whales. ─── 它的头骨与鲸类相似,但它的下颚骨没有现代鲸鱼用来接收水下声音的、充满脂肪或油脂的扩充空间。

10、"For people interested in cetacean evolution the most perplexing problem has always been: Why are there so many species of [beaked whale]? ─── “对于那些对鲸豚类进化感兴趣的人来说,最困扰的问题总是:为什么突吻鲸会有那么多的种类?”

11、Cetacean experts do not expect whales to escape this slick completely. ─── 鲸类专家对于鲸鱼能完全逃离油污带不抱希望。

12、Nearly all of Italy was once under water, and it is not unusual to find cetacean fossils in Tuscany. ─── 他们说,这副骨架排列几乎完美,只是下颚骨有些错位。

13、any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head. ─── 任何比较大的哺乳动物,流线型的身体,通过头顶的喷水孔呼吸。

14、The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean . ─── 人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。

15、T.Hussain (1996)."Ambulocetus natans, an Eocene cetacean (Mammalia) from Pakistan". ─── 在走鲸的时代,巴基斯坦是近古地中海的海岸区域。

16、For people interested in cetacean evolution the most perplexing problem has always been: Why are there so many species of [beaked whale]? ─── 对于那些对鲸豚类进化感兴趣的人来说,最困扰的问题总是:为什么突吻鲸会有那么多的种类?

17、There is fish of black carp, bright fish, cetacean, shrimp in these rivers (place calls chief body the fish again) , the rarer fingerling such as Shi Lang fish. ─── 这些河流中衍生着青鱼、明鱼、鲸鱼、虾鱼(当地又叫长身鱼)、石浪鱼等比较名贵的鱼种。

18、Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: A World Handbook for Cetacean Habitat Conservation ─── 鲸与海豚的海洋保护区:鲸类动物栖息地保护世界手册

19、Sequence comparison showed some alleles were shared by different cetacean species at three MHC loci so they grouped together in the gene trees. ─── 在3个MHC座位均发现不同鲸类之间共享等位基因。

20、The locomotives in the paintings looks like a group of suicide cetacean rushing towards the shore. ─── 近百张火车头的肖像,象是从海里冲上岸自杀的巨鲸。

21、Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker. ─── 贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。

22、Any of various marine cetacean mammals,such as the bottle-nosed dolphin,of the family Delphinidae,related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout. ─── 海豚,一种海豚科海洋鲸类哺乳动物,如的宽吻海豚,与鲸近似但一般比鲸小且有喙状吻。

23、European Cetacean Society ─── 欧洲鲸类动物学会

24、A Preliminary Study on the Sequence Variability of Cetacean c-mos Genes and its Application in Phylogenetic Analysis ─── 鲸类c-mos基因的序列变异性及在系统发生分析中应用的初步研究

25、Example 1: Protecting Whales &Dolphins can Save Earth? Ridiculous Theory by Aggressive Conservation Groups/ Hajime Ishikawa (Cetacean Institute, Japan) http://www.icrwhale.org/gpandsea-geiken439.htm ─── 范例2:我找到一则站在捕鲸第一线工作人员对于激进保育团体行为的控诉,其中包括他们如何干扰调查行动,以及她们保育鲸豚的立论弱点。

26、Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout. ─── 海豚一种海豚科海洋鲸类哺乳动物,如的宽吻海豚,与鲸近似但一般比鲸小且有喙状吻。

27、Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker. ─── 贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。

28、Cetacean;Lung;Bronchial tree;Cast;Branching ─── 关键词:鲸豚;肺脏;支气管树;铸型;分枝

29、While for the MHC-I gene, sequence representing at least three MHC-I loci were identified from all cetacean species examined in this study. ─── MHC-I 基因则至少存在3个座位。

30、Of the shoe with makings is multifarious, sheepskin of bull-puncher skin, gold lacquer, grind rubber, cetacean skin, ostrich skin to wait, sort must make a person dazzling more. ─── 对于一双鞋子来说,皮料的真假对质量的优劣起着很大的决定作用。鞋的用料五花八门,牛仔皮、金漆羊皮、磨砂皮、鲸鱼皮、鸵鸟皮等,种类多得让人眼花缭乱。

31、Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle - nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout. ─── 海豚一种海豚科海洋鲸类哺乳动物,如的宽吻海豚,与鲸近似但一般比鲸小且有喙状吻

32、Sequence variability at three MHC loci was investigated by PCR, SSCP, cloning, sequencing as well as sequence analyses in 13 cetacean species. ─── 本研究首次系统地调查了13个鲸类物种在适应性标记MHC基因上的序列变异及进化关系,以期为鲸类适应海洋环境与淡水环境提供一定的遗传基础。

33、Cetacean (e.g., right whale) blubber can be over 50 cm thick. ─── 鲸目动物如露脊鲸的脂肪层可厚达50公分。

34、any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth. ─── 钝圆并长很多牙齿的几种小型群居的鲸类哺乳动物。

35、One DQB locus was also examined in 11 cetacean species, however, the finless porpoise and baiji have at least three DQB loci as manifested with three to five distinct sequences from some individuals. ─── DQB基因在江豚和白鱀豚中至少存在3个座位,但在其他11个种鲸类只扩增出一个DQB座位。


37、Although the fossil skull lacked the anatomy necessary for hearing directionally in water (a critical skill for living whales), it clearly had the diagnostic cetacean ear traits. ─── 虽然那个化石头骨缺少在水中听方位(现生鲸豚不可或缺的本领)所需的构造,却有鲸豚类特有的耳朵特徵,一点都不含糊。

38、It is believed that the sperm whale dives deeper than any other cetacean. ─── 人们相信,抹香鲸比其他鲸类动物潜得更深。

39、Oman has also established a Whale Rescue Team, whereby any members of the public observing a cetacean in trouble. ─── 阿曼也建立了一个鲸鱼救援队,任何自愿者皆可加入此救援队。

40、Southern Cross University has a dynamic research profile, participating in seven National Co-operative Research Centres, leading the way in disciplines as diverse as plant genetics and cetacean research. ─── 南十字星大学的研究实力雄厚,参与了全国七个合作研究中心,在植物遗传学和鲸类研究科目上引领着发展潮流。

41、A cetacean(Grampus griseus) related to and resembling the dolphins but lacking a beaklike snout. ─── 灰海豚,逆戟鲸一种与海豚有亲缘关系并形似海豚的鲸类动物(灰海豚灰海豚属),但缺少喙状口鼻部。

42、any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth. ─── 吻部钝圆并长很多牙齿的几种小型群居的鲸类哺乳动物。

43、Cetacean diet, feeding method and the relationship with fishery ─── 鲸的食性、摄食方式及其与渔业的关系

44、Also known as the Yangtze dolphin, and found in the river in China, the Baiji is the most endangered cetacean in the world. It may already be extinct. ─── 译文:贝吉海豚.也被称为长江豚,并发现在中国的河流,贝吉海豚是世界上最濒危的鲸类动物,它可能已经灭绝。

45、Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), a fresh-water cetacean species inhabited only in China, has been living on the earth for about 25 million years. ─── 摘要白鱀豚是一种仅存于中国的淡水豚,迄今已有约2500万年的历史。

46、And then as suddenly as it had surfaced, the great 31)cetacean had vanished, dissolving back into the water without a sound. ─── 就如同它突如其来地来,它也突如其来地消失,静悄悄地回到了水底。

47、Yangtze finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientialis, is a unique, endangered freshwater cetacean species in the Yangtze River in China. ─── 珍稀物种长江江豚的新生幼体死亡率明显高于其他年龄段。

48、If you must have whale, cetacean biltong (whale jerky) is more palatable than the fresh stuff. ─── 如果你一定要吃鲸鱼,那么鲸鱼干肉(鲸鱼干)会比鲜鱼肉来得更美味。

49、Please post your attainments and thoughts after attaining the cetacean skeleton tour, be specific and no less than 300 words. Due: 5th, April. ─── 请以回覆本主题方式,写下本次骨骼标本参观心得和具体收获,300字以上,缴交期限为4月5日。

50、What remind even is, whale shark not only rare, be close to become extinct, and it also is one of the oldest live thing on the world, it is not a shark, also not be cetacean. ─── 还要提醒的是,鲸鲨不但稀有,濒临绝种,而且它也是世界上最古老的生物之一,它不是鲨鱼,也不是鲸鱼。


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