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08-14 投稿


assaulted 发音

英:[??s??lt?d]  美:[??s??lt?d]

英:  美:

assaulted 中文意思翻译



assaulted 词性/词形变化,assaulted变形

动词过去式: assaulted |名词: assaulter |动词现在分词: assaulting |动词第三人称单数: assaults |动词过去分词: assaulted |

assaulted 相似词语短语

1、assaulter ─── n.殴打者;攻击者

2、assarted ─── n.开垦;开垦地;vt.开垦

3、assaults ─── n.攻击(assault的复数);vt.攻击;袭击(assault的第三人称单数)

4、assailer ─── 袭击者

5、asphalted ─── v.用沥青铺面(asphalt的过去式和过去分词)

6、assaulting ─── v.袭击;(使)感官难受;攻击敌方阵地(assault的现在分词)

7、assailed ─── vt.攻击;质问;着手解决

8、assault ─── n.攻击;袭击;vt.攻击;袭击;vi.袭击;动武

9、assaultive ─── adj.喜好攻击的

assaulted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Was near exhausted from the labor;near dead after the assault. ─── 工作累得几乎精疲力竭;在袭击后几乎丧命

2、Calls for permanently reinstating assault weapons ban. ─── 呼吁永久恢复对攻击性武器的禁令。

3、If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault,"said the woman. ─── 你要是这样做的话,我会告你调戏妇女,”这位妇女说。

4、Why are Uighurs under assault? ─── 为什么维吾尔人受到攻击?

5、With caustic wit, he made a fierce assault on the alchemists. ─── 他施展讽刺挖苦的本领,猛烈挞伐了炼金术士。

6、He went to the Middle East where he assaulted the arabic language. ─── 他去中东,在那里他突击学习了阿拉伯语。

7、At 11.09 a. m. the assault companies jumped off. ─── 上午十一点零九分各突击连开始进攻了。

8、He launched into a verbal assault on tabloid journalism. ─── 他口头对小报新闻进行了抨击。

9、They make it clear that you can be physically imprisoned or assaulted, and yet your soul is free and unaffected. ─── 他们的经历清楚地说明,你可能在身体上被监禁和凌辱,然而你的灵魂是自由和不受影响的。

10、His home was bombed, and he was assaulted and arrested. ─── 他的房子被炸毁,自己也受到攻击和逮捕。

11、They also assaulted a British activist. ─── 他们还袭击了一名英国活动分子。

12、He was assaulted with eggs and stones. ─── 他遭到鸡蛋和石块的袭击。

13、Police said the two other children who were assaulted in the same alleged attack were well enough to return home last night. ─── 警方称,同一事件中另外两名遭受攻击的学生已经于昨晚康复回家。

14、They assaulted the enemy position. ─── 他们向敌人阵地发起冲击。

15、He mention he assaulted a prisoner this morning out of sheer petulance? ─── 他有没有说他今天早上因为不爽痛殴了犯人?

16、Was it by chance that I hadn't intervened when Raymond assaulted his mistress? ─── 他想知道,当莱蒙羞辱他的情妇时,我没有干涉,这是不是出于偶然;

17、In fact a fleet is able to beat off a small air assault on its own. ─── 事实上舰队能够靠它自己打退一次小的空袭。

18、They proposed a heavy and concentrated amphibious assault. ─── 他们计划进行一次猛烈而集中的两栖攻击。

19、Ms Banon says the former IMF chief assaulted her in a Paris flat in 2003 as she attempted to conduct an interview with him. ─── 巴侬称,国际货币基金组织前总裁卡恩,于2003年在巴黎一座公寓接受她采访时,意图强奸她。

20、Cows temporarily stalling the British assault. ─── 奶牛暂时拖延英国攻击。

21、He was assaulted with eggs and tomatoes . ─── 他遭到鸡蛋和西红柿的袭击。

22、The gang assaulted him with iron bars. ─── 该团伙用铁棒袭击了他。

23、The trainees were put through an assault course. ─── 受训人员接受了突击训练课程。

24、He had thought to denounce or even assault this man. ─── 他本来想要申斥,甚至痛打这个人一顿。

25、His speech was an assault on tradition. ─── 他的演说是对传统的一次侵害。

26、He sued the electrician ... surnamed Huang ... for assault. ─── 他因而要控告黄姓电工侵犯人身。

27、With a long Hanage do assault weapons fighter really is a joke! ─── 一个用长长的鼻毛来做攻击武器的战士,真够搞笑的!

28、The prisoner denied having assaulted a policeman. ─── 囚犯否认曾欧打过警察。

29、In the assault of love on nothingness. ─── 在虚无中遭受爱的侵袭。

30、He was serving a twenty-year sentence for assault and robbery. ─── 他犯有袭击罪和抢劫罪,正在服20年徒刑。

31、An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning. ─── 凌晨时分向首都发起了攻击。

32、Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course. ─── 受训的突击队员要参加令人筋疲力尽的突击课程。

33、They made a strong assault on the town. ─── 他们猛烈攻击这个镇子。

34、He was arrested when the Italian police and US FBI jointly assaulted a villa in Duscan. ─── 他是在义大利警方与美国联邦调查局采取联合行动突击杜斯肯一座别墅时被捕。

35、Franco had thrown everything into the assault against Madrid-and failed. ─── 佛朗哥曾拿出全副力量进攻马德里,可是未能得手。

36、Loud rock music assaulted our ears. ─── 喧闹的摇滚乐直往我们耳朵里钻。

37、They made an assault on the enemy's position. ─── 他们突袭敌人的阵地。

38、They may have been thirty or so in the assault line. ─── 他们在前线的人数有三十个左右。

39、He pleaded guilty to assault occasion actual bodily harm. ─── 他供认了引起实际身体伤害的侵犯人身罪。

40、The different parts composing a fort will weaken with every enemy assault. ─── 城堡不同的构成部分会随着敌人的每次攻击而损耗。

41、A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself. ─── 不分青红皂白攻击我们的制度和动机只能使国家丧失管理自己的能力。

42、Some article assaulted korean begin to spread among chinese netizen. ─── 一些攻击韩国人的文章开始在中国网民中间传播。

43、The initial wave of assault troops had splashed out of their boats. ─── 先头的突击部队一出登陆艇,就快速涉水上滩。

44、Both men were charged with assault. ─── 两人均被控侵犯他人身体罪。

45、It cited police as saying he had been dead at least 12 hours and there was no sign that he had been assaulted. ─── 援引警方的话说,至少已经死了12个小时,没有受到人身攻击的迹象。

46、We are so assaulted by sound that we continually turn off. ─── 但回答应具体化,不能照般原话。

47、She is assaulted by two muggers. ─── 她受到两个抢劫犯的进攻或袭击。

48、The soldiers made a strong assault on the town. ─── 士兵们猛袭该城。

49、The institution of marriage is under assault. ─── 婚姻制度如今遭到各样的攻击。

50、Volkswagen, for example, is planning an assault. ─── 例如,大众汽车正计划一次突击。

51、It's defenses are designed around a direct large-scale assault. ─── 它的防卫措施是根据大型直接的攻击而设计

52、Kath's arthritic knees were assaulted. ─── 凯思患有关节炎的膝盖受到了损害。

53、The level 4 Assault missions have been changed somewhat. ─── 4级攻击任务发生了改变。

54、He has been charged with aggravated assault. ─── 他因严重伤害他人罪已被起诉。

55、The suggested closures came under assault from all parties. ─── 关闭机构的建议受到各方严厉批评。

56、If you lay hands on me, I will charge you with assault. ─── 如果你对我动手,我就指控你犯人身伤害罪。

57、He was brutally assaulted. ─── 他遭到毒打。

58、"Then where did Judge Blount get the license to assault truth? ─── “那么布朗特法官又有什么特权侮辱真理呢?”

59、Her high-pitched shrieky voice assaulted my ears over the phone. ─── 一接听电话,她那高昂尖锐的声音马上袭击我的耳朵。

60、The army renewed its assault on the capital. ─── 军队重新发动对首都的攻击。

61、Everybody wants to assault your ear. ─── 人人都想侵袭你的耳朵。

62、A dispatch was sent to warn the troops of an oncoming assault. ─── 发出一封快信,警告军队注意一场袭击即将来到。

63、Taiwan's senior negotiator, PK Chiang, also condemned the assault. ─── 台湾方的资深谈判代表江丙坤也对这次袭击事件表示谴责。

64、It consists of a Vandal Hi and an Assault. ─── 它包括艺术品破坏者喂和攻击。

65、He is sent to prison for assault. ─── 他因犯侵犯他人身体罪被送进监牢。

66、Then the bushes beside them crashed apart under heavy hooves and a low moaning bawl assaulted their ears. ─── 一会儿,他们旁边那丛灌木哗啦啦地分开,笨重的兽蹄出现了。 接着是一声低沉而凄楚的哞叫,好像朝他们耳朵轰了一炮似的。

67、Why am I assaulted by a policeman in this fashion? ─── 为什么警察要把我打成这副样子呢?

68、The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed. ─── 就在正面进攻的作战方案已经准备就绪。

69、The prosecution never disclosed at the doctor's trial that his wife had been sexually assaulted. ─── 但在医生案子的审理中,公诉人从未透露过他的妻子遭到了性强暴。

70、He led an assault against the castle. ─── 他率领士兵袭击城堡。

71、Loud rock music assaulted our ears. ─── 喧闹的摇滚乐直往我们耳朵里钻。

72、The first of the assault divisions touches down on the beaches at 6 a. m. . ─── 发起进攻的第一支海军舰船分队凌晨6点在海滩登陆。

73、She appeared in court on charges of kidnapping and assault. ─── 她因受到拐骗和侵犯人身的指控而出庭。

74、Their argument that those people were simply feinting in the East to assault the West was a good bargaining pose. ─── 他们宣称那些人不过是“声东击西”。拿这个论点与人的讨价还价是很不高明的。

75、Even there's no more Han Fu. I read a news and a woman who wore Han Fu was assaulted by Chinese as they thought it's Japanese clothes. ─── 而且连汉服都没了,我看到个新闻说有个女的穿了汉服,却被中国人攻击,因为他们以为她穿的是日本的衣服。

76、Security is missing and sexual assault is commonplace. ─── 安全感荡然无存,性攻击成了家常便饭。

77、The enemy assaulted us at darkness. ─── 天黑时敌人向我们进攻。

78、He sent the fellow to Newgate for that assault. ─── 他为了那种袭击罪把那汉子送到新门监狱。

79、The soldiers made an assault on the city last night. ─── 士兵们昨晚袭击该城。

80、He dodged the enemy's assault and threw him to the ground. ─── 他向旁边一闪, 顺势把敌人摔倒了。

81、The only method was direct assault. ─── 唯一的办法就是来硬的。

82、A strange odor assaulted the nostrils. ─── 一种怪味扑鼻而来。

83、You had assaulted the barracks? ─── 你们袭击了兵营?

84、Sosuke's head popped up from the linoleum, as nonchalant as if he had never been assaulted. ─── 宗介的头从地毯下冒出来说,竭力显出一副没被攻击过的平淡样子。

85、"Aggravated assault" is assaulted cause serious injury or carry out in connection with another serious crime. ─── "严惩威胁侵犯他人身体罪"是一种造成严重伤害的威胁侵犯他人身体罪,或与另一个严重犯罪同时发生。

86、An incredible sound assaulted their ears. ─── 一阵阵难以置信的声音冲进了他们的耳中。

87、He got arrested for assault. ─── 他以伤害罪被逮捕。

88、The Vietcong assault on South Vietnam cities... ─── |越共在南方城市进行反击...

89、The soldiers assaulted the castle under cover of darkness. ─── 士兵们在夜幕的掩护下袭击了那座城堡。

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