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08-14 投稿


accommodate 发音

英:[?'k?m?de?t]  美:[?'kɑm?det]

英:  美:

accommodate 中文意思翻译



accommodate 词性/词形变化,accommodate变形

动词过去式: accommodated |形容词: accommodative |动词第三人称单数: accommodates |动词过去分词: accommodated |动词现在分词: accommodating |名词: accommoda-tiveness |

accommodate 短语词组

1、accommodate the situation accordingly ─── 相应地适应形势

2、accommodate in a sentence ─── 在句子中容纳

3、accommodate sb to sth ─── 使某人适应某事

4、accommodate to ─── 改变[调节]…以适应

5、accommodate up to five people ─── 最多可容纳5人

6、accommodate sb with sth ─── 向某人提供某物

7、accommodate up to eight people ─── 最多可容纳八人

8、accommodate up to ─── 最多可容纳

9、accommodate sb at ─── 安排某人住在…

10、accommodate with ─── 为…提供…

11、accommodate ones needs ─── 满足自己的需要

12、accommodate to sth ─── 适应某事

13、accommodate oneself ─── 适应

14、accommodate oneself to ─── 使自己适应…

15、accommodate definition ─── 适应定义

16、accommodate oneself to new conditions v. ─── 适应新的情况

17、accommodate oneself to sth ─── 使自己适应某事

18、accommodate df ─── 适应df

19、accommodate oneself to doing ─── 使自己适应做某事

accommodate 习惯用语

1、accommodate oneself to ─── 使自己适应于

2、accommodate (sb.) with ─── 向(某人)供应[提供]

accommodate 相似词语短语

1、accommodable ─── adj.可适应的;可适合的

2、accommodator ─── n.调解人;适应者;提供方便者

3、unaccommodated ─── adj.不适应的;不合适的

4、disaccommodate ─── 不适应

5、accommodative ─── adj.适应的;[自]调节的;予以方便的;随和的(等于accommodating)

6、accommodated ─── v.使适应(accommodate的过去式及过去分词形式);安置;为…提供住宿

7、reaccommodate ─── 重新组合

8、accommodates ─── vt.容纳;使适应;供应;调解;vi.适应;调解

9、to accommodate ─── 适应

accommodate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Accommodate the interests of infected patients in a sensitie and humane manner. ─── 以一个灵敏和仁慈的方式调和感染病人的利益。

2、Multiple descriptions are allowed in order to accommodate descriptions in multiple languages. ─── 为适应多语言描述的需要,允许出现多个description元素。

3、It could accommodate at most approximately 25 percent of the total child population of eleven-plus. ─── 它能容纳11岁以上的儿童总数的大约25%。

4、The SPEM 2.0 meta-model is designed to accommodate multiple approaches. ─── 0元模型设计旨在适应多种方案。

5、To have room for; accommodate. ─── 为 ... 留出空间; 容纳

6、The window in a gabled extension built to accommodate a window. ─── 屋顶斜坡上凸出的天窗。

7、If you need more space to accommodate yourself, join NASA, baby! ─── 如果你需要更多空间来容纳自己,加入国家宇航局,宝贝!

8、And a spacious interior that can comfortably accommodate up to seven adults. ─── 宽敞空间足以容纳七个成年人。

9、Annie: It was built in 1934. It is able to accommodate 240000 people. ─── 安妮:它建成于1934年,可容纳24万名观众。

10、It is difficult to accommodate differences between us. ─── 我们之间的岐见很难调解。

11、I sat and talked to him, he said he wanted to be moved, and I told him I'd try to accommodate him. ─── 我曾坐下来和他谈过,他说他想离开,我告诉他我会尽量为他安排一个好东家。

12、Children accommodate easily to new circumstances. ─── 孩童容易调适新环境。

13、She tried to accommodate her way of life to his. ─── 她试图使自己的生活方式与他的生活方式相适应。

14、CBQ is a public domain networking technique that can accommodate all netwok speeds. ─── CBQ是一种公用域联网技术,它能适应所有的网络速度。

15、Can you accommodate me with a rental car? ─── 你能提供给我一辆出租车吗。

16、If you accommodate us, please let us know the price of the tickets so we may send you a check without delay. ─── 如果您那里可容纳我们,请告诉我们戏票的价格,以便我们及时送一张支票给您。

17、What stressful situations can you avoid, change or better accommodate? ─── 什么压力的情况下你能避免,改变或更好的容纳?

18、Optimize for responsiveness; accommodate latency. ─── 优化响应能力,调节延迟时间。

19、Under your world only tolerates another person. But I. Cannot accommodate. ─── 你的世界只能容下另一个人.而我.容不下.

20、So the course was lengthened to accommodate these requests. ─── 因此,为满足这些请求路线被延长了。

21、Can you accommodate me with a loan ? ─── 你能借钱给我吗?

22、With use they became inflexible and unable to stretch to accommodate the expansion of the maturing new wine. ─── 不断的使用它,它会变得坚硬起来,不能再伸展开来适应成熟的新酒的张力。

23、In 1965,a fully roofed stadium was built in Boston. They are able to accommodate 50000 people respectively. ─── 1965年又建了休斯敦全部带顶的罩棚式体育场。他们可以容纳50000名观众。

24、The hotel is being enlarged to accommodate more guests. ─── 为了容纳更多的客人,旅馆正在扩建中。

25、The small town banquet hall is not large enough to accommodate a large international gathering of the kind you are discussing. ─── 小镇的宴会厅容纳不下你所说的这类大型国际聚会。

26、Since performance is often a key concern, appropriate DB2 facilities have also been extended to accommodate XML data. ─── 因为性能常常是关注的重点,相应的DB2设施也进行了扩展来适应XML数据。

27、You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation. ─── 你必须适应变化了的形势。

28、Dozens of components must be changed to accommodate a new data file format. ─── 必须修改许多组件才能适应新的文件格式。

29、Redmond says the UNHCR is going to have to set up new sites to accommodate the growing number of refugees and displaced people. ─── 雷德蒙德说,联合国难民事务高级专员署打算设立新地点,安置越来越多的难民和逃离家园的人。

30、We regret our inability to accommodate your claim. ─── 很抱歉我们不能接受你方的索赔要求。

31、As such, a recommender must be able to accommodate the active participation of both the place-owner and visitor. ─── 因此,一个推荐系统必须能够容纳积极参与其中的网站所有者和访客两方。

32、I can't accommodate your request. ─── 我不能接受你的请求。

33、Enough disk space should be allocated to accommodate this requirement. ─── 应该分配足够的磁盘空间来满足此要求。

34、Students under 18 years of age must accommodate in school boarding house. ─── 18岁以下学生必须住校。

35、Punch removal clearance will accommodate punch puller and ball release tool. ─── 冲头移出间隙应适应冲头推出器及球锁释放工具。

36、The builder heightened the doorway to accommodate the tall owner . ─── 建筑者把门口加高以适应这个高个子房主的需要。

37、Several tents have been put up to accommodate the party. ─── 张起了几个帐蓬来给这一行人住。

38、They can always accommodate your time schedule. ─── 他们总是能配合你的时间安排。

39、They can't expect me to accommodate all their silly little likes and dislikes. ─── 他别指望我会照顾他们喜好什么不喜好什么。

40、They said they would accommodate us with fifty desks and chairs. ─── 他们说他们将给我们提供50张桌子和椅子。

41、Eg He asked his uncle to accommodate him when he lost all his money. ─── 他输掉了所有的钱后,他请求他叔叔帮助他。

42、But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim. ─── 很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。

43、These Strategic Growth Areas will accommodate an anticipated population of 790 000 by 2011. ─── 到二零一一年时,预计在这些策略性发展区居住的人口将会达到79万人。

44、O! Thy golden flower can accommodate the universe! ─── 噫!汝之菊可容天下万物!

45、Furthermore, established rules might be unable to accommodate some of the unprecedented issues raised by Chinese growth. ─── 此外,现行规则可能无法适用中国发展所产生的一些前所未有的问题。

46、To adapt, as to a purpose or an occasion; accommodate. ─── 使适应因某种目的或机会而适应;使适应

47、Monetary policy should not only accommodate the expansion of domestic demand, but also prevent excessive money supply. ─── 制定货币政策既要考虑扩大内需,又要防止盲目扩张货币供应。

48、Your willfulness, your bad temper.Does not even have time to accommodate me. ─── 会有人送你,也会有人陪你,可是我知道,你最想要的没又出现,突然间,好心疼,我怎么爱的如此残忍。

49、The UDDI API specifications accommodate the browse pattern by way of the find_xx API calls. ─── UDDI API规范通过find_xx API调用的方式提供了浏览模式。

50、We must accommodate ourselves to new circumstances. ─── 我们必须适应新环境。

51、He asked his uncle to accommodate him till his pay cheque arrived. ─── 他要求他叔叔在直到他的薪水支票收到前能给他方便一下。

52、The school was not big enough to accommodate all the children. ─── 学校没有足够的地方容纳所有的学生。

53、Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers. ─── 另外一些人认为应该开辟更多的公交路线,因为公共汽车载客多。

54、You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance. ─── 你应尽快适应新环境。

55、We can accommodate this traveler for the night. ─── 我们只能留这位旅客住一晚。

56、In most situations the shoulder can also accommodate bicycle traffic. ─── 在大多数情况下,肩膀也可以容纳自行车交通。

57、Table rows expand downwards to accommodate the data. ─── 可以向下扩展表行以容纳数据。

58、We will try our best to accommodate you on payment terms. ─── 我们尽力在付款方式上照顾您方的要求。

59、We accommodate you in Holiday Inn. ─── 我们安排您在假日酒店下榻。

60、Northerners find it very hard to accommodate to the diet in the South. ─── 北方人觉得很难适应于南方的饮食习惯。

61、Our school of auditorium can accommodate(house) 1000 students. ─── 我们学校的大礼堂可以容纳1000人。

62、Four hundred inmates were crowded into a prison intended to accommodate 200. ─── 原本容纳二百人的监狱被塞进了四百个犯人。

63、China tried its best to accommodate the requests and did,in fact,have arranged six visits. ─── 中方在尽可能的条件下,给予安排了6项。

64、I needed to accommodate to the new schedule. ─── 我需要适应新的时间表。

65、We can not accommodate him with anything. ─── 我们什么也不能向他提供。

66、He will accommodate me with the usu of his house, while he is abroad. ─── 一套单元房可容纳一个五口之家。

67、And the test strategy must also accommodate manual testing. ─── 和测试策略也必须容纳手动测试。

68、The world is a big box lid, which can accommodate many, many things. ─── 世界是一个没有盖子的大盒子,它可以容纳很多很多的东西。

69、Accommodate oneself to changed circumstances. ─── 使自己适应改变了的形势。

70、They have thrown out a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters. ─── 他们建成一个凸式码头供停靠远洋货轮使用。

71、He will accommodate me with the use of his house, while he is abroad. ─── 他在国外期间将把他的住宅供我使用。

72、Don't accommodate strangers for the night. ─── 不要留宿陌生人。

73、Rectify deviations with wisdom; accommodate others with compassion. ─── 以智能时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。

74、She will accommodate me with the use of her old car. ─── 她会把她的旧汽车供我使用的。

75、We can accommodate you with a sitting-room and two bedrooms. ─── 我们可以给你一间起居室和两间卧室。

76、Beppu's some 3000 hot springs accommodate millions of visitors each year. ─── 别府的3000多个温泉每年容纳数百万游客。

77、You must accommodate yourself to circumstances. ─── 你必须随机应变。

78、These seats accommodate two people, don't they? ─── 司机先生,这边可以坐两个人对吧?

79、It was very good of you to accommodate me with the ticket for my journey. ─── 你真好, 为我的旅行提供车票。

80、Shall you be willing to accommodate us for that amount,please let us know on what term. ─── 如果您同意我们的要求,请告诉我们有何条件。

81、He asked his uncle to accommodate him until his pay cheque arrived. ─── 他要求叔叔在他收到薪金支票前为他提供生活费。

82、It can become a 4-3-3 to accommodate the fledgling Theo Walcott. ─── 当年轻的沃尔科特上场时,阵型可以变成4-3-3。

83、is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors. ─── 通常可以多能容纳80名来宾。

84、The host will accommodate us tonight. ─── 今晚主人将留我们住下。

85、Another problem with HDSL is that it doesn't easily accommodate conventional voice traffic (POTS). ─── HDSL的另一个问题是它不易适应常规的话音信息流(POTS,即普通的老式电话服务)。

86、He asked his uncle to accommodate him when he lost all his money . ─── 当他丢失了所有的钱时,他请求他叔叔帮助他。

87、This hotel was built to accommodate 100 people. ─── 建造这个旅馆以接纳100人。

88、Make sure aisle ways can accommodate forklifts. ─── 保证过道可容纳或通行搬运工具.

89、I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible. ─── 只要有可能,我将尽力帮你。

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