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08-14 投稿


tillable 发音

英:[?t?l?b(?)l]  美:[?t?l?b(?)l]

英:  美:

tillable 中文意思翻译



tillable 短语词组

1、tillable chicago ─── 可耕芝加哥

2、tillable engine ─── 可耕发动机

3、tillable define ─── 可耕定义

4、tillable ceo tillable ─── 首席执行官

tillable 相似词语短语

1、willable ─── adj.可由意志决定的

2、fillable ─── 可填充

3、killable ─── 可杀人的

4、tellable ─── adj.可讲的;可述说的;值得讲的

5、untillable ─── adj.不能耕种的

6、millable ─── adj.可轧的;可铣除的

7、tiltable ─── adj.可倾斜的

8、tollable ─── 须上税的;须纳过境税的;须缴纳通行费的

9、billable ─── 可收取费用的,可计费的

tillable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lounged in Venice till June. ─── 在威尼斯闲逛,直到六月份

2、They thought they had enough in the till for a new car. ─── 他们以为所存的现金足够买一辆新车。

3、She is going to sit tight till she hears what they are going to do next. ─── 在未听到他们下一步行动计划之前,她将按兵不动。

4、He works from dawn till dusk. ─── 他从天亮工作到天黑。

5、They stood out till victory. ─── 他们坚持到胜利。

6、Keep to it. Don't stop till the job is finished. ─── 坚持下去,一直到干完为止。

7、Let the milk stand till it creams. ─── 不要搅动牛奶好让表面结乳皮。

8、He kept count of the meteors till midnight. ─── 他数流星一直数到半夜。

9、They did not return home till 9 o'clock. ─── 他们九点钟才回家。

10、He didn't return home till five. ─── 他直到五时才回家。

11、Can they make the food hand out till next pay day? ─── 他们能把食物维持到下次发工资那天吗?

12、They are learning how to till the field. ─── 他们正在学习耕作知识。

13、Inner-decaying villages delay the improvement of residential environment, affect rural spiritual culture, waste tillable fields. ─── “空心村”延缓人居环境的改善,影响农村精神文明建设,阻碍农业发展,浪费耕地;

14、He said he would work on till his wife came back. ─── 他说他将一直工作到他的妻子回来。

15、aim is to ensure no net loss of tillable fields. ─── 旨在防止耕地进一步流失。

16、He hardly ever got to bed till past twelve. ─── 他很少在12点以前睡觉。

17、the area of forests. tillable land, grass land, gobi desert and desert have been increased. ─── 林地、耕地、城乡工矿居民用地、中覆盖度草地、戈壁和沙地在增加。

18、He kept drinking till he got a bun on. ─── 他不停地喝酒,一直到醉。

19、They have to stand over the meeting till next week. ─── 他们只好把会议推天下星期。

20、We just goofed around till the train time. ─── 在火车开车前我们只是闲荡了一阵。

21、We never know the value of water till the well is dry. ─── [谚]井干方知水可贵。

22、On Urbanization vs Protection of Tillable Land ─── 论城市化与耕地保护

23、He had to lay up his legs till they got well. ─── 他得在睡椅上伸展两腿,一直到放好位置为止。

24、Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ─── 今日事今日毕。

25、You can talk till the cows come home: you'll never make me change my mind. ─── 你就是说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意。

26、He was fired for stealing money from the till. ─── 他因从柜台抽屉偷钱而遭解雇。

27、Farmers till the land before planting. ─── 农民在种植前先要耕地。

28、He has to put me off till tomorrow evening . ─── 他不得不把同我的约会延到明天晚上。

29、They lasted out till they were rescued. ─── 他们一直支持到被救出为止。

30、Tillable Field Problems in Western Exploitation ─── 西部大开发中的耕地问题探讨

31、Gibbs pumped up a" poem" till it meant every thing. ─── 吉布斯勉强作出一首不知所云的“诗”来。

32、I'd forgotten what good value steam radio was till I have to spend those days in bed. ─── 在那些日子里,我不得不卧床休息,这使我记起了无线电广播的用处。

33、Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. ─── 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。

34、Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. ─── 今天可以干的事绝不要拖到明天。

35、He recomposed the editorial till dawn. ─── 他改写社论直到天亮。

36、Just wait till I receive the award. ─── 只要等到我获奖。

37、He had thrummed upon this topic till it is threadbare. ─── 他对这个问题一再发言已使它成为陈词滥调。

38、They used to work from morning till night. ─── 他们过去总是从早做到晚。

39、For the cause of revolution, he fought till [to] his last breath. ─── 为了革命事业,他战斗到了生命的最后一息。

40、He cast and balanced till midnight. ─── 他算帐算到半夜。

41、The conference will recess till tomorrow morning. ─── 会议暂时休会,明天上午继续开会。

42、He commanded those powerful armies till then assembled in modern warfare, he enforced conscription of soldiers for the first time in American history and under imperative necessity he abolished the rights of Habeas Corpus. ─── 他命令强大的军队集结投入现代战争,他在美国历史上首次厉行征兵制度,在紧急形势的要求下,他废除了人身保护令所赋予的权力。

43、No, you do not have to change till Tianjin. ─── 不需要,直到天津才需要换车。

44、Hold your horses! We don't have to rush to the shop now. It's open till late tonight. ─── 别着急,现在我们不必赶着去商店。商店要到深夜才关门呢,

45、Saying is ill of the year till it is past. ─── 一年未过完,年景难评说。

46、Do not judge till you know all the circumstances. ─── 在了解情况之前不要下判断。

47、The meeting will be put off till next week. ─── 会议将延期到下周举行。

48、He never drew rein for a moment till he reached the river. ─── 他一刻不停地一直跑到河边。

49、Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today. ─── 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。

50、He will stick at his books till midnight. ─── 他要读书到深夜。

51、Keep walking till you reach the traffic lights. ─── 一直走到红绿灯为止。

52、Don't mention politics or we'll be here till kingdom come. ─── 咱们别谈政治吧,否则一谈就没个完。

53、Goodbye till we meet again. ─── 再见。

54、Do you know how much we have in the till? ─── 你知道钱柜里有多少钱吗?

55、You are to stay here till I get back. ─── 你们要留在这里等我回来。

56、Shops should remain open till later in the evening. ─── 商店在夜间应该晚些关门。

57、Do not put off till tomorrow what can be enjoyed today. ─── 今天可以享受的事情,不要拖到明天去。

58、Never cross a bridge till you come to it. ─── [谚]还没到桥头,别为过桥愁。

59、That library will open only in the morning till further notice. ─── 在另行通知以前,那个图书馆只在上午开放。

60、He would wait till they were back, he decided. ─── 他决定一直等到他们回来。

61、If I were the headmaster of that school, I'd raise hell with the education office till they got all those potholes in the playground filled. ─── 倘若我是那个学校的校长,我就会和教育局大吵大闹,直到他们把操场上的坑坑洼洼都填平。

62、His father had advised him not to get married till he was35, and Tom intended to follow this advice. ─── 他父亲劝告过他不到三十五岁不要结婚,汤姆打算遵从这个遗言。

63、He worked from dawn till dusk. ─── 他从早工作到晚。

64、He waited and waited till the clouds rolled by. ─── 他等了又等,直到时机到来。

65、And, with a rising population, more tillable land will be needed. ─── 随着人口增加,耕地的需求量也将增大。

66、The shop is open from eight till five o'clock. ─── 商店的营业时间是从上午八点到下午五点。

67、They often find him drinking till his tongue trips. ─── 他们常看到他喝酒喝到言语不清。

68、In the massacre that followed the British quitting India, there was a photographer who made a sorrowing Indian family bury and rebury its dead several times till he got a perfect shot. ─── 在英国刚刚从印度殖民地撤走之后的大屠杀中,有个摄影记者竟让一位死者悲痛的家人们数度将埋葬好的亲人挖出来再埋下去,直到获得一张满意的照片为止。

69、Don't play your best card till you've heard all. ─── 在你听了各方面的情况以前,先不要把你的绝招拿出来。

70、He kept on till the work was finished. ─── 他接着干,直到把工作干完。

71、Keep go straight till you come to the barber's. ─── 一直往前走直到理发店为止。

72、He's had his fingers in the till for years. ─── 他偷工作部门的钱已多年。

73、Can you make the food hang out till next pay day? ─── 你能把食物维持到下次发工资那天吗?

74、He hunted through the files till he found the blueprint. ─── 他把档案翻了一遍,最后才找到图纸。

75、He can write me letters till he's blue in the face, I'm not going to reply. ─── 任他没完没了地给我写信,我就是不回信。

76、The meeting adjourned till five o'clock. ─── 会议延至五点召开。

77、Gee, I can hardly wait till it's dark. ─── 哎呀,我简直等不到天黑了。

78、He cut back into the wood and hide there till darkness come. ─── 他急忙返回树林,在那儿一直躲到天黑。

79、He toiled on till he was past eighty. ─── 他一直辛苦工作直到年过八十。

80、Joe stopped up till 3 o'clock to watch the boxing. ─── 乔看拳击比赛,到深夜3点才睡觉。

81、They went till Inverness via Loch Ness. ─── 他们经尼斯湖去因弗内斯。

82、with a rising population, more tillable land will be needed. ─── 随着人口增加,耕地的需求量也将增大。

83、He stretched the rubber band till it snapped. ─── 他把橡皮筋啪的一声拉断了。

84、The cashier shut the till and locked it. ─── 出纳员把钱柜关好并锁上了。

85、He lasted out till he was rescued. ─── 他一直坚持到被救出为止。

86、The scale of fertile soil projects shall be expanded, thus to enhance the quality of the tillable land. ─── 扩大沃土工程实施规模,不断提高耕地质量。

87、He sat, cursing himself, till his tea was stewed. ─── 他坐着咒骂自己,直到把茶煮浓了。

88、scale of fertile soil projects shall be expanded, thus to enhance the quality of the tillable land. ─── 扩大沃土工程实施规模,不断提高耕地质量。

89、Just wait till I get that two hundred thousand dollar! ─── 只要等我拿到那20万美元的时候。

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