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08-14 投稿


sprue 发音

英:[spru?]  美:[spru?]

英:  美:

sprue 中文意思翻译



sprue 网络释义

n. 注入口,铸口;[内科] 口炎性腹泻(热带病的一种);熔渣

sprue 短语词组

1、sprue puller pin ─── [机] 脱件销

2、nontropical sprue ─── [医] 非热带性口炎性腹泻

3、sprue cutter ─── [机] 浇冒口切断机

4、sprue plug valve ─── [机] 竖浇道塞

5、para-sprue ─── [医] 副口炎性腹泻

6、down sprue ─── [机] 下浇道, 竖浇道

7、sprue bottom ─── [机] 竖浇道底浇口套筒

8、sprue former ─── [医] 铸道形成针

9、sprue pin ─── [机] 分配销

10、sprue button ─── [机] 竖浇道棒定位销

11、sprue bush ─── [机] 竖浇道棒定位销

12、celiac sprue ─── [医]口炎性腹泻

13、sprue hole ─── [机] 竖浇道孔

14、sprue base ─── [机] 竖浇道底

15、sprue plug ─── [机] 竖浇道塞

16、relief sprue ─── [机] 缓冲冒口

17、sprue cup ─── [机] 浇口杯

18、sprue bar ─── [机] 竖浇道棒

19、Belyando sprue ─── [医] 青草病(胃螺旋体病)

sprue 词性/词形变化,sprue变形


sprue 相似词语短语

1、spruce ─── vi.打扮整齐;使显干净;adj.整洁的;vt.打扮整齐;n.云杉

2、spue ─── vt.呕吐,喷出(等于spew);vi.呕吐;涌出(等于spew)

3、sprucer ─── 注射器

4、spree ─── n.狂欢;无节制的狂热行为;欢闹;vi.狂欢;狂饮;n.(Spree)人名;(德)施普雷

5、spruced ─── vi.打扮整齐;使显干净;adj.整洁的;vt.打扮整齐;n.云杉

6、spruces ─── vi.打扮整齐;使显干净;adj.整洁的;vt.打扮整齐;n.云杉

7、sprees ─── n.狂欢;无节制的狂热行为;欢闹;vi.狂欢;狂饮;n.(Spree)人名;(德)施普雷

8、sprues ─── n.注入口,铸口;口炎性腹泻(热带病的一种);熔渣;浇铸道;炉口结渣;劣质芦笋;小肠吸收障碍症

9、sprug ─── 弹簧撑杆

sprue 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、collapsible sprue ─── 弹簧[弹性](直)浇口(杯)

2、Discuss on Structures of Automatic-Sheared Side Sprue for Injection Mold ─── 注射模侧浇口自动切断结构探讨

3、The quality of regrind is good or not (Any long sprue, mixed material, dirty things, too much powder, etc. ─── 回料质量好吗(是否无长料杆,无其他杂料,无污物,无太多粉尘等)

4、feed sprue ─── 主流道

5、test sprue ─── 三角试块炉前试样

6、To cut off the sprue according to the standard, and then carry out sand blast, sanding and polishing; ─── 对铸件进行标准切除铸道后,喷砂、打磨、抛光即可。

7、stepped sprue ─── [机] 分级进模口

8、tubular sprue cutter ─── [机] 管状竖浇刀切刀

9、6. a pattern of symptoms including loss of appetite and bloating and weight loss and muscle pain and steatorrhea; associated with celiac disease and sprue and cystic fibrosis. ─── 失去食欲,气胀,体重减轻,肌肉疼痛和腹泻的症状模式;因腹腔疾病,口炎性腹泻囊肿性纤维化引起。收藏指正

10、Taking the forming of a cell phone front panel as an example,the process of MPI-based simulation analysis on sprue position and quantity was introduced. ─── 以手机面板为实例,介绍了MPI对其浇口位置和数量进行计算机模拟分析的过程,优化了模具浇口数量和位置,从而获得高预测质量的产品,降低了生产成本,提高了模具企业的市场竞争力。

11、In nearly all people with celiac sprue, APC bind with 33-MER only if the APC carry a protien called DQ2. ─── 停止摄入麦粉类食物3-6个月后,该抗体可以消失。

12、No matter, if sprue and tool design fit together ─── 无指定,浇口和适合刀具设计

13、Keywords profile shapes;feeding head shape of die;sprue runner;extrusion die; ─── 异型材;口模形状;流道;挤出模;

14、Sketch some of the major position of the sprue, Sketch and size changes as well as the gate Cup Drawing. ─── 草绘部分主要是对浇道进行定位、草绘和尺寸的修改以及浇口杯的绘制。

15、my measuring equipment, I checked the sprue and runner. ─── 我的测定设备,我检查溶碴和转轮。

16、Some of the peptides, called 33-MER, cannot be broken down any further.This is true for all persons whether they suffer from celiac sprue or not. ─── 但在活动期乳糜泻患者,肠粘膜该酶活性不足,不能充分分解麦胶蛋白故引起小肠粘膜病变。

17、The Sprue and Gate Design of a Multi-cavities Injection Mold for Special Hooks ─── 塑料扣码多腔注射模浇口的设计

18、The invention relates to a shoemaking device for producing plastic rubber sole, especially relates to sole plastic rubber with a lift sprue. ─── 本发明涉及生产塑胶鞋底的制鞋设备,特别是一种注料头可升降的鞋底注塑机。

19、Unclassified sprue ─── 未分类的口炎性腹泻

20、This position need to make a pole for gating because there have no enough space for hot sprue. ─── 由于此处没有足够空间下热咀,所以需做一个柱子进胶。

21、The large impression is shown being fed directly from the sprue via a short runner, while the smaller components are fed via a branch and main runner system. ─── 大的型腔可见直接从主流道通过短的流道注入,而较小的塑件通过一级分流道和两极分流道注入。

22、sprue puller pin ─── [机] 脱件销

23、sprue channel ─── 分流段

24、The said process has a finished product rate higher than 95% and a sprue and riser head system weight lower than 20 wt% of the casting. ─── 所得铸件的成品率为95%以上,浇冒口系统重量占铸件重量的20%以下。

25、Three (25%) patients had celiac sprue (2 had duodenal biopsy proven and 1 had a clinical diagnosis of celiac sprue). ─── 3例患者(25%)有乳糜泻(2例由十二指肠活检证实,另1例由临床诊断)。

26、side sprue ─── 侧浇口

27、After mold opening, this pin will function as an ejector pin and ejects the sprue from a sprue bush. Also it releases gas contained in molten plastic. ─── 开模以后,拉料杆像顶针一样将浇注凝料从浇口套内顶出,同时也释放融料中的气体。

28、The small intestinal mucosa at high magnification shows marked chronic inflammation in celiac sprue. ─── 在高倍镜下,小肠黏膜显示脂肪痢有有明显的慢性炎症。

29、distributed sprue ─── 分流锥

30、The injection mold with double parting surfaces was usually used in the multi-cavity structure and pin sprue injection system. ─── 双分型面注射模,常用于一模多腔、点浇口形式浇注系统的注射模。

31、inner rib sprue ─── 内筋流道

32、2、tool should ideally be self-degating and break-off from sprue to maintain dimensional conformance to drawing and be free from debris that could cause abrasion marks to the moulding surfaces. ─── 模具须非常理想的从浇口处断开,并打磨浇注口以保证尺寸满足图纸要求,以免其留下的金属碎片会在模具表面的产生磨擦痕迹。

33、Undersized sprue, runner or gate ─── 注入口、流道或浇口过小

34、Keywords mold design;side sprue;automatic-sheared;structure; ─── 模具设计;侧浇口;自动切断;结构;

35、Yet another design in the Type A castigation, is the 'Z' type sprue puller, This is possibly one of the earliest sprue pulling designs. ─── 在A型里还有一种设计是“Z”型主流道拉料杆。这可能是最早的主流道拉料设计之一。

36、The selection of parting line,the determination of round sprue runner diameter,the design of round sprue runner shape and pouring gate form were presented. ─── 介绍了模具分型面的位置选择、圆形流道直径的确定、圆形流道形状的设计、浇口形式等。

37、feasible sprue gate ─── 合理浇口

38、sprue ejector ─── 注口冷料脱模销

39、double feed sprue ─── 双主流道

40、transfer switch of sprue ─── 流道转换开关

41、I put a taper into the top part the mold with Playdoh to give bubbles a sloped taper to follow up to the sprue. ─── 我把锥形到顶端部分模具与playdoh给泡沫一倾斜的圆锥跟进向浇道。

42、Belyando sprue ─── [医] 青草病(胃螺旋体病)

43、arm sprue cut ─── 冒口切割

44、sprue bottom ─── [机] 竖浇道底浇口套筒

45、Increase mold temperature at sprue bushing ─── 在浇道衬套处提高模具温度

46、inclined feed sprue ─── 斜主流道

47、For multi-impression moulds using a basic feed system (Figure 2.3) the sprue would probably be left in the sprue bush each time the mould was opened. ─── 多型腔的模具使用一个基本的浇注系统(图2.3),在每次打开模具的时候,主流道可能会留在主流道衬套内。

48、fluted-rim type sprue former ─── 卷边型铸道形成器

49、They have pointed out the similarities of the sprue syndromes in man and TGE. ─── 他们强调了人的鹅口疮综合症和TGE的共同点。

50、sprue plug valve ─── [机] 竖浇道塞

51、An additional patient had duodenal biopsies showing collagenous sprue. ─── 另有1例患者的十二指肠活检见胶原性口炎性腹泻。

52、sprue position ─── 浇口位置

53、Keywords sprue position;MPI;optimization design; ─── 浇口位置;MPI;优化设计;

54、During the mould opening sequence the sprue puller is effectively withdrawn with respect to the adjacent plate, causing the feed system to be sheared from the sprue puller. ─── 在模具打开的过程中,主流道拉料杆相对于邻近的模板等效抽出,引起浇注系统在主流道拉料杆上被切断。

55、Sprue's disease ─── 施普鲁(氏)病:吸收不良综合征

56、refractory sprue ─── 无反应性斯泼卢

57、There are two basic designs of sprue puller . ─── 有二种基本的主流道拉料机构设计方法。

58、sprue plate ─── 注道残料顶板

59、celiac sprue ─── 口炎性腹泻

60、The grooved head of the sprue puller creates an effective undercut which is used to pull the sprue, or secondary sprues in underfeed designs. ─── 主流道拉料杆头部的凹槽形成了一个有效的底切,可以用来拉出主流道或者是下进料设计中的二级主流道。

61、Keywords analyzing;sprue spreader invalidation;improved its structure; ─── 分配器;失效分析;结构改进;

62、sprue bar ─── [机] 竖浇道棒

63、A modified form of sprue gate is also used on underfeed moulds and runnerless moulds. ─── 在点浇口形式的模具或无流道模具中也用到另一种形式主流道。

64、A new technology for a 6061 aluminum alloy die casting is introduced, which includes rheological slurry preparation, slow shooting and die casting, design of ingate and sprue. ─── 摘要介绍一种6061铝合金零件压铸的新工艺。

65、Component and sprue should be dissimilar where possible to facilitate automatic sorting. ─── 产品和浇口应尽可能自动分开。

66、The Study and Experiment of Single Sprue Step Gating System ─── 单柱式阶梯浇注系统的实验研究

67、sprue button ─── 水口钮

68、the leaning main sprue ─── 倾斜式主流道

69、Methods Contrasting the group that uses reservoir and the group that doesn t use reservoir when setting sprue. ─── 方法:通过安置铸道使用储金球的铸件和不使用储金球的铸件两组进行比较。

70、2 - The pour sprue tower on the next mold will have to made thicker and more rugged, this one didn't take long to fall apart with the **** and abuse caused by sprue removal. ─── 2 -倾诉浇道塔上,在未来的模具将要作出的厚和更坚固的,这其中没有考虑长期下跌,除了与s hit和滥用所造成的直浇道罢免权。

71、Once the intestinal wall absorbs 33-MER peptides, APC in celiac sprue patients signal white blood cells to attack. ─── 二、遗传因素本病与遗传因素有关。挛生兄弟的发病为16%,一卵双生者可达75%,因遗传关系肠粘膜缺少麦胶蛋白分解酶;

72、sprue wax ─── [医] 铸道蜡

73、the inner side delitescent sprue ─── 内侧潜伏式浇口

74、Comparison and contrast were made between a hot runner injection mould and an ordinary sprue runner injection mould for sortable garbage bin base used indoors. ─── 对分类垃圾桶底座热流道注射模与普通流道注射模进行了比较,并对热流道系统设计过程进行了分析,对其计算和结构进行了探讨。

75、Application of mechanism of automatic sprue cutting by ejector pin to thermosetting plastics injection mould ─── 推杆自动切断浇口机构在热固性塑料注射模中的应用

76、The types of gate commonly used are: sprue gate, edge gate, overlap gate, fan gate, diaphragm gate, ring gate, film gate, pin gate, subsurface gate and winkle gate. ─── 常用的浇口类型是:主流道型浇口,边缘浇口,叠合式浇口,扇形浇口,薄膜浇口,环形浇口,膜状浇口,点浇口,潜伏式浇口和曲线潜伏式浇口。

77、It is seen that the material passes through the sprue, main runner, branch runners and gate before entering the impression. ─── 从图中可见,塑料在进入型腔之前经过浇口套,主流道,分流道和浇口。

78、After weight each shot (without the sprue) and draw the graph. ─── 然后称重(不含料头),并画出图形。

79、Keywords Die Casting Die;Center Sprue;Unloading Mechanism;Pendulum Bar;Thin Disk; ─── 压铸模;中心浇道;脱模机构;摆杆;薄圆盘;

80、When the mould opens it is essential that the sprue is pulled positively from the sprue bush. ─── 当模具打开时,主流道正好从主流道衬套中拉出是基本的要求。

81、This distance can be minimized, however, by sinking the sprue bush deep into the mould plate assembly as illustrated, though Ibis necessitates using a special extension nozzle. ─── 当然,这个距离可以用沉入模板组合的主流道衬套来尽可能地缩短,如图所示,但是,必须使用一个特殊的延伸式喷嘴。

82、sprue mill ─── 浇冒口清理滚筒

83、5. a pattern of symptoms including loss of appetite and bloating and weight loss and muscle pain and steatorrhea; associated with celiac disease and sprue and cystic fibrosis. ─── 失去食欲,气胀,体重减轻,肌肉疼痛和腹泻的症状模式;因腹腔疾病,口炎性腹泻囊肿性纤维化引起。

84、sprue runnex ─── 流道

85、Computer-aided design of sprue in extrusion die head for plastic profiled bar inner rib ─── 塑料异型材挤出模头内筋流道的辅助设计

86、The mold can easy to change to manufacture single, The sprue can rotate. ─── 模具需设计成易换为单边生产.浇口部位可转换。

87、standard type sprue former ─── 标准式铸道形成器

88、During this time, the screw moves back while turning to carry out a new proportioning by bringing material melted to the front of the sprue tube. ─── 在这段时间里,螺杆回复到原位,同时旋转以实现下一环节的动作,即将熔化的材料带入进胶管前端。

89、The sprue puller is moved forward during the ejection stroke as shown in Figure 3.72b, and the feed system removed in the direction indicated. ─── 主流道拉料杆在顶料行程中向前运动,如图3.72b所示,而浇注系统在指示的方向上祛除。





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