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08-14 投稿


ugliness 发音

英:[ '?gl?n?s]  美:[??ɡlin?s]

英:  美:

ugliness 中文意思翻译



ugliness 网络释义

n. 丑陋,丑陋之物

ugliness 同义词

disfigurement | cruelty | hostility | hideousness | unpleasantness | vileness | obnoxiousness | violence | nefariousness | foulness | viciousness | wickedness | malice

ugliness 反义词


ugliness 短语词组

1、ugliness scale ─── 丑量表

2、ugliness song ─── 丑歌

3、ugliness penalty ─── 丑陋处罚

4、ugliness mean ─── 丑陋意味着

5、ugliness bone ─── 丑骨

6、ugliness define ─── 丑陋定义

7、ugliness syn ─── 丑syn

8、ugliness store ─── 丑商店

9、ugliness rater ─── 失败

10、ugliness of ─── 丑陋的

11、ugliness test ─── 丑陋测试

ugliness 词性/词形变化,ugliness变形


ugliness 相似词语短语

1、burliness ─── n.结实;强壮

2、oiliness ─── n.含油;油质;浸油;滑腻

3、pugginess ─── n.哈巴狗;狮子鼻;泥料;脚印(pug的变形)

4、curliness ─── n.蜷缩;卷曲

5、fugginess ─── 朦胧

6、Holiness ─── n.神圣;圣座(大写,对教宗等的尊称)

7、bugginess ─── n.童车;双轮单座轻马车(buggy的变形)

8、gluiness ─── 胶状

9、surliness ─── n.不和蔼;粗鲁;险恶的天气;乖戾

ugliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this aspect that "the appreciation of ugliness" is the chief character of the morden aesthtic(morden subject of pereception) in the 20th century,Tolstoy is a distinct literature master who is different from those in realism or mordenism. ─── “审丑”作为 2 0世纪现代美学 (或现代感性学 )的一个主要特征 ,从这个意义上说 ,托尔斯泰应是一个既有别于现实主义 ,又不同于现代主义的风格独特的文学大师。

2、So, hackling the esthetic conception of “ugliness” is instancy and necessity for the development and revolution of literature theory in China currently. ─── 同时,中国的现当代文艺在经历了一个由传统“美”的阶段到现代“丑”的阶段转变后,必然会走向美与丑二者的合题阶段。

3、With the stoicism of the young she took in the utter, soulless ugliness of the coal-and-iron Midlands at a glance, and left it at what it was: unbelievable and not to be thought about. ─── 她用年轻的忍耐精神,把这无灵魂的、丑恶的煤铁区的米德兰浏览了一遍,便撇开不顾了,那是令人难信的可怕的环境,是不必加以思索的。

4、There have also been ugliness and injustice in corporate wielding of power. ─── 大公司在行使权力上也有过丑陋的事和非正义的行动。

5、When they have no one to trample on and sneer at, the truth is revealed, the ugliness in them arises. ─── 当他们无人可以踩踏和嘲笑的时候,真相就显而易见了,他们内在的丑陋就会暴露。

6、Although surface ugliness is often found in a classic mode of understanding it is not inherent in it. ─── 古典文学虽然表面上显得迂腐不堪,但这并非其实质所在。

7、" Ugly small soft duck smiled and said: " the appearance of beauty and ugliness is not important, the spiritual beauty of real. ─── 丑小软鸭笑着说:“外表的美和丑并不重要,心灵的美才是真正的美。”

8、You appearance is so imaginative and you must live with great courage.Being ugliness is not your orginal intention.Without you, who will set he world off to the beauty? ─── 你张得很有创意,活着是你的勇气,丑陋并非你的本意,如果没有你,谁来衬托世界的美丽。

9、A Comparison of Appreciating the Ugliness Between Zhuangzi and Hugo ─── 庄子与雨果审丑之比较

10、You wear Ugliness to discover Beauty'd, ─── 你们戴着丑陋去找寻美丽

11、Women: Would rather be fooled by beauty but not awaken by ugliness. ─── 女人有些缺点,在女人眼中或许并不为然,在有些女人眼中甚至是优点。

12、Convinced that other people "do not feel like they were raised by wolves" , Sheila sets out to probe the "ugliness" she feels inside. ─── 希拉坚信,其他人“并不认为自己是被狼带大的”,所以她开始探索自己内心体会到的“丑陋”。

13、The more extreme punks wear ugliness as their badge ─── 一些更走极端的无聊青年则以丑陋的穿着打扮来标明自己的身份。

14、Ugliness(丑)! Human beings are like to use other people's "ugly" to frame him (her) to the "美"? Especially girls. ─── 丑!人都喜欢用其他人的"丑",以衬托他(她)们的"美"吗?尤其是女孩子。

15、AS THE economic tide recedes, it exposes all manner of ugliness, from the gargantuan fraud of Bernard Madoff to books-fiddling at Satyam. ─── 当经济的潮水退去,一些丑恶的事物,从伯纳德麦道夫巨额诈骗到萨蒂扬账目欺骗,终究大白于天下。

16、turning ugliness into beauty ─── 化丑为美

17、Plain to the point of ugliness, and with rough hands and coarse features, she was no glamor girl. ─── 她貌不出众,粗手大脚,没有丝毫的娇姿媚态。

18、At least it was wearing a hussar's fur and white gloves.If ugliness were his only flaw, I could get used to him. ─── 一切完毕时,他看上去像一名勇敢的士兵,比从前更加英俊漂亮了。

19、Right: A celebration of ugliness: The dog in the picture was a contestant at the annual Ugliest Dog Competition in Petaluma, California, US on June 20, 2008. ─── 右图:丑之飨宴:六月二十日,照片中的狗狗参加了美国加州帕塔鲁马市举办的年度丑狗大赛;

20、Homosexuality might not be gold, but it must be the touchstone of black and white, of beauty and ugliness in this day and age. ─── 同性恋也许不是金子,但肯定是这个时代黑白美丑的试金石。

21、What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight. ─── 我所指的是完整的和痛苦的丑陋,纯粹的反抗残暴,每看到的房子。

22、Ugliness is one of the symptoms of disease beauty of health. ─── 丑陋是疾病的症状之一,美则是健康的意味。

23、Of course, there was ugliness tooWhitewaterTravelgateMonica gate ─── 当然也有不堪回首的:白水事件、崔弗盖特事件、莫尼卡丑闻。

24、This may be costly (and distasteful in that incompetence is being rewarded) but at least you get rid of her with no ugliness and no risk. ─── 这么做也许成本很高(而且看到无能的人受到犒赏,也会让人恶心),但是,至少你除掉了她,没闹任何别扭,也不会带来任何风险。

25、Joe also taunted him about his "ugliness" and adolescent skin problems, sowing self-doubt that later manifested itself in cosmetic surgery fixation. ─── 乔还揶揄迈克尔的“丑陋”和青少年时期的皮肤问题,随之而来的自我怀疑让他后来去做了整形。

26、The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde A corrupt young man somehow keeps his youthful beauty, but a special painting gradually reveals his inner ugliness to all. ─── 多利安人格雷的图画由腐化的年轻人以某种方式把他的年轻美丽作为的奥斯卡·怀尔德A,但是一张特殊的画逐渐地揭示他的内部丑陋到所有。

27、Hey friend remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no beauty...so the world needs YOU after all! ─── 嘿,朋友请你记住,没有愚蠢就没有智慧,没有丑陋就没有美丽......所以这世界需要你!

28、treating the ugliness as beauty ─── 以丑为美

29、Never will they discover the ugliness of racism, and many will never again see the indignities of poverty. ─── 他们永远也不会发现丑陋的种族主义,许多人将永远不会再次看到贫困的侮辱。

30、Ugliness is a point of view: an ulcer is wonderful to a pathologist. ─── 丑,是观点的问题: 从病理学家看来,溃疡是美妙的。

31、Re-consideration of Virtue and Wickedness and Awareness of Ugliness of Tiantai Sect ─── 天台宗的善恶重构与审丑意识

32、expression of beauty with ugliness ─── 以丑显美

33、She had sought to be definite in analyzing the surface ugliness of the small town. ─── 她竭力要弄清楚这个小镇的外貌,为什么会这样丑陋不堪。

34、When I agreed to this role I worried about one thing only - not to repeat the ugliness, which happens in many movies about Russians, which were shot without their participation. ─── 当我决定出演这个角色时,我一直担心的就是像多数关于俄罗斯的电影那样,没有俄罗斯演员的加盟,而将他们的形象丑化。

35、It was time, then, for a return to ugliness. ─── 但比赛却在某个时刻回到了丑陋。

36、No doubt we will remember a 20th century way of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness. ─── 毫无疑问,我们会记得20世纪的生活方式,其丑陋令人难以理解。

37、I have never been beaten, so empathy is my only weapon against the ugliness I know vicariously. ─── 我从未被击败,所以“你”深深地体会到,精神胜利法是你抵抗邪恶的唯一武器。

38、Ugliness is one of the symptoms of disease, beauty of health. ─── 丑陋是疾病的症状之一,美则是健康的象征。

39、Falsehood, wickedness and ugliness are caused by greed, laziness and desire, while truthfulness, kindheartedness and beauty are rational control of greed, laziness and desire. ─── 假恶丑由馋懒贪引起,真善美是对馋、懒、贪的理性控制。

40、Doubts on the Theory of "Talking the Ugliness"as the Beauty ─── 对"以丑为美"说的质疑

41、Is it there to separate truth into strong lights and shadows, and bring it before us in its uncompromising distinction of beauty and ugliness? ─── 它是用来区分现实中的光明和黑暗,把美和丑的鲜明对比带到我们的面前吗?

42、You cannot isolate virtue and beauty and success and laughter and keep them all from contact with wickedness and ugliness and failure and weeping. ─── 你不能将美德、美丽、成功和欢笑孤立起来,并断绝它们与邪恶、丑陋、失败和哭泣的所有联系。

43、Wandering Between Appreciation of Beauty and Ugliness--opinions about the history of western literature from the point of perception. ─── 徘徊于审美和审丑之间--从感性学的角度看西方文学史。

44、Few have ever seen the ugliness that lies beneath a Jawa mask. ─── 很少人看见过贾哇面罩下的丑陋面貌。

45、Guiding people to get to know ugliness and its historical inevitability helps to make people rationally extract something nutritious for life when facing modern arts. ─── 引导人们正确地认识丑,了解产生丑的历史必然性,有助于人们在面对现代派艺术时,能够理智地面对丑,从中提取出能够营养人生的东西来。

46、Sublimity and tragedy forces the ugliness to describe justice and progress, and ugliness does not oppose to the art of beauty. ─── 崇高艺术、悲剧艺术迫使丑随同美一道体现正义与进步,丑艺术则没有美与丑的对抗。

47、Two dimensional reflection of beauty and ugliness in reality and expression of aesthetic tastes and ideals ─── 在二度空间内反映现实和表达审美感受及审美理想

48、Thought is a mirror ; it shows man the ugliness and the beauty within him . ─── 思考是一面镜子;它让人看到其自身的美和丑。

49、But sometimes pain and ugliness mar these photos. ─── 但有时痛苦和厌恶毁坏这些照片。

50、But there's got to be an opening Somewhere here in front of me Through this maze of ugliness and greed ─── 在充满丑陋和贪婪的迷宫里,我苦苦找寻出路

51、All nucleus power stations can stop working if your ugliness can generate power, ─── 大家为了逃你移民到火星

52、he cried: "Matelote is of a dream of ugliness! ─── 他喊着说,“你做梦也不会想到马特洛特会那么丑!

53、Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues, gladys. You, as a good Tory, must not underrate them ─── 丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些德行低估了。

54、Ugliness is symbol of disease, and beauty is health. Ugliness is one of the symptoms of disease, beauty of health. ─── 丑陋是疾病的标志,漂亮时健康的象征。

55、Ugliness or beauty, choice question, which do you choose? ─── 丑陋与美丽,选择题你要哪一个?

56、The advert was trying to "show the ugliness of the illness, not of aids victims", he added. ─── 他补充道,这则广告旨在“显示这个疾病的丑陋,而不是艾滋病患者本身。”

57、How did Patricia change the audience's impression of ugliness. ─── 帕特丽夏是怎么让观众改变对丑陋的印象。

58、She puzzled by the sudden ugliness. ─── 她被这突如其来的尴尬局面弄得惊疑不已。

59、He was a man of striking ugliness; fat with a bullet-head set on a short neck. ─── 他是个形貌奇丑的人;体形臃肿,圆头短颈。

60、Ugliness is a point of view:an ulcer is wonderful to a pathologist. ─── 丑,是观点的问题:从病理学家看来,溃疡是美妙的。

61、appreciation of the ugliness ─── 审丑性

62、She deeply hated ugliness or intrusion or arrogance ─── 她对邪恶、霸道和傲慢深恶痛绝。

63、But the list of bugbears continued through baldness and freckles, ugliness, jet lag, gap teeth, smoking, shortness, nail-biting, bad breath, allergies, shyness; insomnia, hairiness and diabetes. ─── 其他烦恼的根源还有秃顶、粉刺、丑陋、飞行时差综合症、豁牙、吸烟、身材矮

64、Beauty is the opposite of ugliness ─── 丑与美是相对的。

65、In your opinion, are WOMEN'S or MEN'S beauty / ugliness more significant in the employment process? ─── 你认为女性应徵者或是男性应徵者的外表在招聘过程中会发挥更大的影响力?

66、In the second part, I think the view of beauty and ugliness in forepart China located in achaos situation, ethnics and esthetics are not detached. ─── 在第二部分,本文认为,中国文化早期的美丑观处在美丑善恶交混的混沌状态,伦理学与美学是混沌未分的。

67、The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks. ─── 第六次,她鄙夷一张丑恶的嘴脸,却不知那也是自己的假面。

68、tap-room lamps which emitted more smoke than light, suspended from nails in the wainscot;on the tables candles in brass candlesticks;darkness, ugliness, sadness; ─── 几张咖啡馆常用的那种光少烟多的植物油灯挂在壁板上的钉子上,桌上的铜烛台里插了几支蜡烛,这里是阴暗、丑陋、沉闷的;

69、The jar may be empty or tenanted by spiders, full of honey or stinking slime—it makes no difference to its beauty or ugliness. ─── 罐子可能是空的,也可能被蜘蛛租住,也可能装满了蜂蜜或恶臭的黏液,这对它的美丽或丑陋都没有影响。

70、Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The trouble is, so is the ugliness. ─── 情人眼里出西施。问题是,仇人眼里出东施。(爱人越看越顺眼,仇人越看越碍眼。)

71、Cold and ugliness were a good tonic for relaxed sensibilities. ─── 对清心寡欲的人来说,寒冷和凄凉的景象正是一剂良药。

72、But when the ugliness of her words is somehow "enhanced" by her looks, I can't blame people for noticing. ─── 但当她丑陋的语言在某种程度上“改进”了她的长相时,我不能怪人们留意到这些。

73、You hold ugliness and greed off ? long enough for us to gather strength to stand against them. ─── 您将丑陋和贪婪驱走;足以使我们有勇气挺身面对它们。您让我们看到慈蔼,耐心,勇气,毅然的力量,您给了我们生活的机会。

74、And Mr Ahmadinejad's regime, now fully exposed in its ugliness, can expect little mercy from the world at large. ─── 如今,当内贾德政权的污点被彻底曝晒到镁光灯下时,他博取世人同情的希望也已一点儿不剩了。

75、I found a rare gem. . . you make ugliness subside even if just for a few hours. ─── 我找到了一块罕见的美玉……即使只是短暂的几个小时,你已让丑陋隐退。

76、Of course, there was ugliness too: Whitewater; Travelgate; Monica gate. ─── 当然也有不堪回首的:白水事件、崔弗盖特事件、莫尼卡丑闻。

77、Zhuang Zi and Study on the Contrast between Postmodern Beauty and Ugliness ─── 庄子与后现代美丑观比较研究

78、the author's improper consciousness of ugliness appreciation makes him forget to animadvert on the ugliness. ─── 作家“审丑”尺度不当,忘记了对丑的批判。

79、Then they disrobed and swam in the waters. And after a while Ugliness came back to shore and garmented himself with the garments of Beauty and walked away. ─── 于是他们脱下衣衫,在海水里游泳。过了一会儿,丑回到海岸穿上本来属于美的衣衫离去了。

80、She has the remains for really remarkable ugliness. ─── 她的容貌的确“丑”韵犹存。

81、the esteem for the low-trodden or ugliness ─── 崇低

82、Some of the Violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little Dwarf was almost ostentatious ─── 其实有一些紫罗兰也觉得小矮人的丑陋大半是他自己故意做出来的。

83、They simply don't like the environment of civilization; this is, the city, with all its ugliness and tension. ─── 他们就是不喜欢文明世界的环境,也就是说不喜欢大都市,充满了丑恶与紧张的大都市。

84、Ugliness is a point of view: an ulcer is wonderful to a pathologist . ─── 丑,是观点的问题:从病理学家看来,溃疡是美妙的。

85、While traveling the cities of his province, he photographs local theatre troupes and specifically the ugliness of their deformed actors. ─── 他在该省的各个城市旅行,拍摄地方上的小剧团,着重拍摄那些心理上扭曲、畸形的演员,以及他们的丑陋面。

86、Maybe she would have been happy if she had had the same lack of grace, that same desolate ugliness, as her Czechoslovakian friend who had a dog's name. ─── 也许如果她像她那个有一个狗名字的捷克朋友一样不优雅、孤独、丑陋的话她会更快乐。

87、Women in the age distinction between Beauty and Ugliness not, the women have not rubbish, said that the woman is 30 scums of the people because they are rubbish perspective. ─── 女人在年龄上没有美丑之分,女人也没有豆腐渣,说女人三十是豆腐渣的人是因为他们有豆腐渣的眼光。

88、When I was old,I saw my spouse alive....I took pains to hide my ugliness and untidiness. ─── 当我老的时候,我看见我的爱人还活着.那个时候,我拼命隐藏自己的丑态和邋遢.

89、When we say that beauty is everywhere we do not mean that the word ugliness should be abolished from our language, just as it would be absurd to say that there is no such thing as untruth. ─── 当我们谈到美无处不在时,我们并不是说丑一词应从我们的语言中被废除掉,正如人们所说虚假的事物不存在一样,叫人听来感到荒谬。

Fridge magnet这句英语用中文怎么读?

fridge magnet的中文翻译

fridge magnet




It's like a larger version of the fridge magnet situation, where you just

put everything you know.



As the presenter Alain de Botton says, Socrates, despite his ugliness, is

the only philosopher to have been given the honor of a fridge magnet!


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