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08-14 投稿


positiveness 发音


英:  美:

positiveness 中文意思翻译



positiveness 网络释义

n. 信心;肯定

positiveness 短语词组

1、keep positiveness ─── 保持积极性

2、positiveness definition ─── 积极性定义

3、positiveness quotes ─── 正面引语

4、positiveness syn ─── 积极性

5、positiveness images ─── 正面形象

6、positiveness def ─── 积极性定义

7、positiveness means ─── 积极意味着

8、positiveness meaning ─── 积极意义

positiveness 反义词


positiveness 同义词

absoluteness | confidence | incontrovertibleness | knowledge | favorableness | accuracy | profitableness | positivism | advantageousness | security | positivity | favourableness | incontrovertibility

positiveness 相似词语短语

1、promotiveness ─── 促进性

2、persistiveness ─── 坚持不懈

3、sensitiveness ─── n.神经过敏

4、primitiveness ─── 原始;原始性

5、resistiveness ─── 抵抗力

6、plaintiveness ─── 哀伤的

7、costiveness ─── 便秘

8、punitiveness ─── 赔偿性;惩罚性

9、positive news ─── 正面消息;正面新闻

positiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some experts even posit that the no-holds-barred attitude drives up cost and that reining it in might lower drug prices to points that reflect what the market will bear. ─── 有些专家甚至断定,不受任何限制的态度使得医疗费用大为提升,节制费用或许能使药物的价格降低到反映出市场所能负担的程度。

2、She answered my question with positiveness. ─── 她回答我的问题很自信。

3、The little girl answered my question with positiveness. ─── 她自信地回答我的问题。

4、posit compact ─── 复合压块

5、and, to prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions, or direct contradiction, were after some time made contraband, and prohibited under small pecuniary penalties. ─── 并且为防止激烈的情形发生,不论正面意见的表现,或负面的,都在一些时候之后加以禁止,并且施以微薄的罚金。

6、“It shall indeed be special, though not for the reason you posit. ─── “这次当然会非常特别,虽然不是因为你说的理由。

7、"All expressions of positiveness in opinion or of direct contradiction were," he recalled, "prohibited under small pecuniary penalties. ─── 他回忆起当时的情形:“任何强硬的态度和直接的攻击都是被禁止的,违者需要交纳罚款。”

8、Try to instill happiness, peace, encouragement, health, positiveness in every conversation. ─── 试著将快乐、和平、鼓励、健康、积极,注入在每一个会话中。

9、The achievement in psychology is expre ssed mainly at the positive level and theoretical level, especially at the posit ive level while the commonsense level has been seriously neglected. ─── 心理学在过去所取得的成就主要表现在实证水平和理论水平上,尤其是实证水平,而常识水平被严重地忽略了。

10、The author addresses some important questions, in particular, the ontological assumptions that underpin positiveness and the scope for embracing critical theory. ─── 作者提出了一些重要的问题,尤其是,能加强实证性基础的实体论假设和接受批评的理论范围等问题。

11、Here in Part 1, the authors posit a set of extensions to DITA XML that provide the starting point for a unifying content model for learning. ─── 本文是第1部分,作者建立了一套DITA XML扩展,作为统一学习内容模型的起点。

12、These ecologists posit that the relatively steady populations have density-dependent growth parameters;that is, rates of birth, death, and migration which depend strongly on population density. ─── 对那些变化不规则的种群,我们可能因为观察太小而无法从繁多的“噪音”中提取那一信号。


14、The whole calibration process doesn't need the absolute posit ion information of any point pairs, and it doesn't exert any restrictions on the position relationships among the point pairs. ─── 整个标定过程无需任何点对的绝对位置信息,而且对点对的位置关系也没有任何限制。

15、So that controversies, wranglings, disputes, and positiveness, in false or dubious propositions, are evils unknown among the Houyhnhnms. ─── 所以争议、吵闹、争执、肯定虚假、无把握的命题等等都是“慧骃”中闻所未闻的罪恶。

16、Keywords Hepatitis B vaccine;Immu nization coverage rate;HBsAg;Posit ive rate; ─── 关键词乙型肝炎疫苗;接种率;乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原;阳性率;

17、As co-founder and lead scientist of San Francisco-based Posit Science--his latest venture--Merzenich oversaw testing programs centered on research he's done for three decades on brain plasticity. ─── 他现在主要的研究重点放在大脑可塑性上面。

18、If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior. ─── 如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。

19、Historical linguists posit a common ancestor from which both Romance and Germanic languages descend.Toassume is to accept something as existing or being true without proof or on inconclusive grounds: ─── 历史语言学家认为罗斯语系和德语语系由同一种语言演变而来。Assume是指在没有证据或不确定的情况下认为某事是存在的或是真实的:

20、Strong positiveness of HMB45 and muscle makers were helpful to diagnosis. ─── HMB45的强阳性表达和肌源性标记阳性对诊断有帮助。

21、you can pay 100 de - posit and the balance within 60 day . ─── 你可先支付100英镑的保证金,其余欠款可在60天之内支付。

22、Based on the principle of ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting, a dynamic thrust cutting force in ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting was analyzed, and the force model with posit... ─── 本文根据超声波椭圆振动切削原理,分析了其动态背向切削力的特征,提出了具有正负脉冲的超声波椭圆振动切削动态背向切削力模型。

23、We should posit unemployees, strengen the supporting system construction of laborers, employment and social security. ─── 安置未聘人员,加强劳动就业与社会保障制度的配套建设;

24、Our political scientists posit theories of modernization, with sequential stages of political and economic development that lead upward toward liberalism. ─── 政治界的科学家为现代化臆想出的理论中,在经历了政治与经济各阶段的持续发展之后,自由主义是最终的方向。

25、The purchaser of the house will pay the posit next week. ─── 买房者下周付定金。

26、Individuality teaching emphasizes on the students consciousness, positiveness, activeness of the learning process.Students' learning is a self -conscious and positive and active process. ─── 个性化教学强调学生学习过程的自觉性、积极性和主动性,学生的学习是一种自觉的积极主动的过程。

27、To prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions, or direct contradiction, were after some time made contraband ─── 为了防止激动,一切独断自信的陈述和针锋相对的争议后来都在禁止之例。

28、To posit that it should act as a spur rather than a deterrent to consolidation of our CARICOM destiny is one thing. ─── 一方面,对于我们CARICOM的前景来说,这应当是一次刺激发展的机遇而不应当做沟堑。

29、Red is a warm, impulsive and strong colour, high symbolises the spirits of vitality, positiveness , enthusiasm, warmth and progress. ─── 红色是热烈、冲动、强有力的色彩。它象征着活力,积极,热诚,温暖,前进。

30、Most religions posit the existence of life after death. ─── 大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。

31、The words undoubtedly give the air of positiveness. ─── 毫无疑问,这些话增添了肯定的气氛。

32、I think the latter is more likely for a starting posit ion, especially if you have lit tle or no experience. ─── 他们可能会问你想要多少工资,或简单的告诉你公司的打算。

33、I posit a situation where Chinglish would evolve into a distinct language that ends up as the world's second most common tongue before the end of this century. ─── 我认为将会出现这样一种情况:金语将演变成一种独特的语言,在本世纪末之前,它将最终成为世界上第二大通用语言。

34、To prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions, or direct contradiction, were after some time made contraband. ─── 为了防止激动,一切独断自信的陈述和针锋相对的争议后来都在禁止之例。

35、Under each of the following models, what would we expect the learners to posit as the value for R at the start of their L2 acquisition? ─── 以下的范例中,在开始学习第二语言时,我们认为学习者该如何假定其R的价值?

36、Counterfactuals can be used to reimagine history or to posit different futures. ─── 反现实可以用来反想像历史或假定不一样的未来。

37、The words undoubtedly give the air of positiveness. ─── 毫无疑问,这些话增添了肯定的气氛。

38、Although his words are harsh, there is positiveness in them. ─── 虽然他的话很苛刻,但有建设性。

39、In addition, the reconciliation identifies certain transactions which must be recorded in the depositor's accounting records, and helps to determine the 'actual' amount of cash on de posit. ─── 此外,银行对账单可以鉴定出必须记录在企业存款账户中的交易,帮助企业决定实际的银行存款余额。

40、Philosophically speaking, Vajrayana embodies ideas of both the Yogacara discipline, which emphasizes the ultimacy of mind, and the Madhyamika philosophy, which undermines any attempt to posit a relativistic principle as the ultimate. ─── 从哲学角度说,金刚乘是瑜伽派纪律和中观派哲学思想的具体化表达,强调思想的终极性(根本性),破坏任何把相对性原理安置在最终的尝试。

41、The narratives posit the idea of an endless cycle of suicide and substitution, but never depict more than one link in the chain, meaning one encounter between ghost and would-be substitute. ─── 故事的叙述立足于无休止的自杀和寻找替身循环这一观念,但是它从未描述这个链条中更多环节,这意味着鬼和潜在替身的遭遇。

42、examples are potentiometers and tachogenerators to monitor the posit ion and speed of a shaft. ─── 反映转轴位置和速度的电位器与测速发电机是我们最熟悉的传感器的例子。

43、is an odd number when,The number great Than a number that cosist of the half of the largest digit is the negative,Otherwise the number is posit ive or zero. ─── 当基数是奇数的时候,比顶码的一半数码组成数大的数是负数,否则是正数或者零。

44、Flow field distribution make radial concentration profiles uniform toward the exit region and low near the side wall in other axial posit ion. ─── 流场的分布使靠近出口处径向浓度基本一致,而上部各平面位置浓度靠近炉壁处最低;

45、We have a position available for a Production Engineer for our engine design/manufacturing facility. This posit...... ... ─── 公司名称:新西兰萨维斯有限公司重庆代表处工作地点:重庆市发布时间:2009-6-13

46、posit clause ─── 断定子句


48、We posit that economic integration has a linear positive effect on alliance stability but a curvilinear (diminished) effect on alliance profitability. ─── 我们发现经济整合对联盟的稳定性有一个线性正效应,但是与联盟的获利能力却呈现曲线(递减)的关系。

49、In addition, positiveness of consumer prior experctations directly affects perceived persuasiveness of evidence. ─── 再者,先前期望之正向性也直接影响证据被知觉之说服力。

50、The Term Structure of Interest Rates: Theories, Models and Positiveness ─── 利率期限结构:理论、模型和实证

51、She answered my question with positiveness. ─── 她回答我的问题很自信。

52、posit ion ─── 地位

53、Historical linguists posit a common ancestorfrom which both Romance and Germanic languages descend.Toassumeis to accept something as existing or being true without proof or on inconclusive grounds ─── 历史语言学家认为罗斯语系和德语语系由同一种语言演变而来。是指在没有证据或不确定的情况下认为某事是存在的或是真实的

54、Readers could feel a kind of spirit of high positiveness and self-importance from the Greek heroes, while experiencing a kind of spirit which emphasizes the belief in God from the Hebrew heroes. ─── 希腊英雄们表现出一种积极进取、重视自我的精神,而希伯来英雄们则表现出一种强调信仰、追随上帝的精神。

55、And likewise, the fact of the matter is this: There is a serious disconnect between the South Korean public historical consciousness and what most impartial scholars posit as Korean history. ─── 同样,事实是:南韩公众的历史认识与大多数公正的历史学家所认为的韩国历史有很大的差异。

56、Keywords water_rock interaction ore_forming fluid inspissation fluid inclusion gold de_ posit Jiaodong; ─── 水岩反应;含矿流体;浓缩作用;流体包裹体;金矿床;胶东;

57、The negative person must grow in positiveness before God will say " Go". ─── 批评的人必须学会温柔,上帝才能使用他.

58、She nodded her head with some positiveness. ─── 她带著几分自信地点了点头。

59、As Presid , he appoint men to high govern posit whom he consid mo st capabl , even t hough some of t hem openli scorn him. ─── 段落的直线性发展围绕主题展开 , 先陈述中心思想 , 后分点论证说明 , 使主题句的内容展开。

60、23 stenoses were considered by MRA but only seven were as stenoses on DSA of the five cases. The rate of false positiveness of MRA was 69 6% and the rate of overestimation was 95 7%. ─── 5 例行DSA 检查患者的MRA 显示脑动脉狭窄23 处,其中仅7 处DSA 显示相应部位血管狭窄,MRA假阳性率69?6 % ,过度诊断率95?7 % ;

61、posit word ─── 断定词

62、posit structure ─── [计] 假定结构, 断定结构

63、To conclude, I posit that a teacher's ability to relate well with students is less important than the excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. ─── 如果要提建议,开头我觉得不要阐述任何理由为好,仅说明是怎样一个问题,然后是你的观点.

64、The little girl answered my question with positiveness. ─── 她自信地回答我的问题。

65、In accordance with boundary l ayer separation characteristic, FFT algorithm is adopted to the separation posit ion criterion. ─── 根据边界层分离特性,采用FFT算法进行分离点位置判定;

66、While her work does not posit an overt political statement, it originates from a desire to respo nd to the contemporary situation of Mexican Americans by expressing positive images of their culture. ─── 尽管她的作品未提出 公开的政治宣言,但却是发源于通过描述墨美文化中的正面形象来反映墨美人目前处境的愿望。

67、As a celebrated movement, positiveness can reproduce the same alleged difficulties-exclusiveness, one sidedness, normativeness-that it attributes to "deficit" studies. ─── 作为一项广为人知的运动,实证性可能会再现所谓的独占性、片面性、标准化等困难,这些情况都会导致错误的研究。

68、Therefore, the researchers posit, at an average college with 18,000 undergraduate students, some 1,080 undergraduates will seriously contemplate taking their lives at least once within a single year. ─── 因而研究者断定,在18000个本科生中,1080个人在一年内至少有一次想要想要打算结束自己生命。

69、Positiveness of acid-fast stains of urinary sediment and specificity of B-ultraconography were low. ─── 尿沉渣找抗酸杆菌阳性率较低,B超检查对泌尿系结核感染诊断的特异性较低。

70、posit selection structure ─── 断定选择结构

71、Work Location:Shanghai - CTCDirect Report: Head of testing facilities of CTC Objectives:Why do we have the posit...... ... ─── 公司名称:阿海珐输配电企业管理(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-10

72、"Daughter Posit" and Jia Baoyu's Soul Inner Core ─── "女儿论"与贾宝玉灵魂内核

73、Perhaps it's a stretch to posit that Iverson is evolving as a person based on a couple of photo shoot interactions, but really, that's all I've got to go on. ─── 可能通过一些照片的去假定艾弗森已经转型未免有些片面,但说真的,我也只能这样做下去。

74、Water flowed only briefly in the past, they posit, when asteroids crashing into Mars billions of years ago unleashed scalding rains for decades at a time. ─── 数十亿年前小行星撞击火星,造成为期数十年的滚烫大雨,火星仅在此小段时间曾经有水流动。

75、Keywords subvolcanic_cryptoexplosion tourmalinization pneumato_hypothermal gold de_ posit Longtoushan;Guangxi; ─── 次火山-隐爆角砾岩;金矿;电气石化;气成-高温热液;龙头山;广西;

76、Structure can use positiveness and negativeness to describe that coming coupling back the relation between the ring. ─── 有什么样的管理机制,就有什么样的管理行为,就有什么样的管理效果。

77、One kind of precise part length is marked clearly on the drawing sheet: 10 positiveness and negativeness (units at 00:05: Millimeter) do you know the part length number? ? ─── 一种精密零件的长度在图纸上标明:10正负0点05(单位:毫米)你知道零件的长度多少??

78、A person need light and positiveness, positive experience of truth. ─── 一个人需要光和正向的,肯定的真理的经验。

79、So that controversies, wranglings, disputes, and positiveness, in false or dubious propositions, are evils unknown among the Houyhnhnms. ─── 所以争议、吵闹、争执、肯定虚假、无把握的命题等等都是“慧骃”中闻所未闻的罪恶。

80、Nevertheless, we might still be able to posit three major differences between Chinese and Western ideas of history. ─── 从总体而言,中西史学的观念有三个不同特点。

81、"Each Eurocurrency de posit is a large amount of money, usually increments of half a million U.S. dollars, and in the form of time deposit, at times including a negotiable certificate of deposit on which interest is paid." ─── 每一种欧洲货币的存款都金额巨大,通常的增量为50万美元,其方式为定期存款,有时也包括计息的可流通定期大额存单。

82、Nominal de- posit interest rate, NDIR ─── 名义存款利率

83、posit else logical structure ─── [计] 断定一否则逻辑结构

84、Other historians posit that she died of old age around 550 BC. ─── 别的史学家则认为诗人一直活到公元前550年左右才寿终正寝。

85、Displacement Observation and Experimental Study of Foundation Pit in a Sand Cobble De posit ─── 某砂卵石深基坑工程的变形观测试验研究

86、Our study showed that in addition to predicting more posit ive than negative behavior in the target,participants produced an attribution p rediction bias. ─── 本文正是基于这样的假设 ,来考察在信息匮乏的情况下 ,性情归因和情景归因对他人积极行为和消极行为的预测倾向的影响。

87、Positiveness . Being upbeat usually elicits a positive response. Encouragement and sincere compliments are always appreciated. ─── 乐观的表现通常会得到积极的回应。鼓励,真诚和称赞是很必要的。

88、The shape, size, and posit ion of the distribution of M cells domain are important facts for EAD generation and reentrant formation and maintenance in tr ansmural ventricular wall in the LQT2 model. ─── 在LQT2模型中 ,M细胞跨壁岛型分布的形状、大小和位置是产生EAD以及室壁内折返环的形成与维持的重要因素。

89、Historical linguists posit a common ancestor from which both Romance and Germanic languages descend. ─── 历史语言学家认为罗斯语系和德语语系由同一种语言演变而来。

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