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08-14 投稿


mastering 发音

英:['m?st?]  美:[?m?st?r]

英:  美:

mastering 中文意思翻译




mastering 词性/词形变化,mastering变形

名词复数: masteries |

mastering 短语词组

1、mastering biology pearson ─── 掌握生物学皮尔逊

2、mastering pearson ─── 掌握皮尔逊

3、mastering songs ─── 掌握歌曲

4、mastering kindergarten skills ─── 掌握幼儿园技能

5、mastering the art of war ─── 掌握战争艺术

6、mastering the art of conversation ─── 掌握谈话的艺术

7、mastering a&p ─── 掌握a&p

8、mastering physics ─── 掌握物理学

9、mastering mix ─── 反应混合物

10、mastering chemistry ─── 掌握化学

11、school mastering vi. ─── 当男教师(schoolmaster的现在分词)n.男教师的职业;教学

12、mastering our language ─── 掌握我们的语言

13、mastering go ─── 掌握go

14、mastering english ─── 掌握英语精通英语

15、bus mastering ─── [计] 总线主控

16、digital mastering ─── 数字母盘

17、epichondral ossification order mastering ─── 软骨外骨化顺序掌握

18、sound mastering ─── 声音母版

19、mastering the market cycle ─── 掌握市场周期

mastering 常用词组

master of ─── 控制;精通…的能手

master degree ─── 硕士学位;研究生

master plan ─── 总体规划;蓝图

mastering 相似词语短语

1、remastering ─── (根据旧唱片或磁带的)重新灌录(remaster的现在分词)

2、gastering ─── 气密

3、mattering ─── n.物质;事件;vi.有关系;要紧;n.(Matter)人名;(英、法)马特;(西)马特尔

4、mustering ─── vt.召集;对…进行点名;使振作;n.集合;检阅;点名册;集合人员;vi.召集;聚集;n.(Muster)人名;(德、罗)穆斯特尔;(英)马斯特

5、plastering ─── n.灰泥墙面,灰泥层;v.涂以灰泥(plaster的现在分词)

6、rasterring ─── 网格

7、monstering ─── 妖怪

8、mastermind ─── n.优秀策划者;才子;幕后操纵者;v.策划,组织,操纵

9、mistering ─── n.先生;平民;vt.称…先生

mastering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You've left your master in the photocopier. ─── 你把原件留在影印机里了。

2、A shrewd diplomat must be a master of finesse. ─── 一个精明的外交官必定是位手腕高手。

3、Henry is a past master at bridge. ─── 亨利是打桥牌的高手。

4、That dog is always seen tailing after its master. ─── 你老是可以看见那条狗紧紧地跟在它主人后面。

5、She's a past master at the art of getting what she wants. ─── 她想要什麽就能得到什麽,堪称一绝。

6、As a college student, it is important to master a foreign language. ─── 作为一名大学生,掌握一门外语是非常重要的。

7、The owners, probably earnest students, had started out very seriously, determined to master the books. ─── 书原主可能是些用功的学生,他们开始读的时候很认真,决心要把这些书读好。

8、Mastering a new language is like having another set of eyes and one can travel around the world. ─── 学会一种语言,便是又长了一双眼睛。它可以畅游世界。

9、He was left to the tender mercies of his master. ─── 他受尽了主人的虐待。

10、He is the master who initiated me into the craft. ─── 他是我的入门师傅。

11、The dog cowered when its master beat it. ─── 主人打它,狗便蜷伏起来。

12、A file which is a collection of change records used to update a master file in batch processing. ─── 在批处理中,修改主文件的全部修改记录的集合所构成的文件。

13、He was a master of administration and diplomacy. ─── 他是行政和外交事务方面的一个杰出人物。

14、He have a master's degree in business science. ─── 他获得了商业学硕士学位。

15、Mastering tools and working with one's hands shapes people's thinking and behavior. ─── 精通工具的使用,并用手劳作,这两者都能塑造人的思想和行为。

16、In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman. ─── 在交响乐曲的创作上,他堪称技艺大师。

17、Are children and young people in school mastering the art of caring? ─── 在校的孩子和年轻人是不是在掌握关心他人的艺术呢?

18、As a result, it shows a realistic magnificence for mastering the different etiquette in two cultures. ─── 因此,了解并掌握东西方文化中的礼仪差异有着十分重要的现实意义。

19、Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school. ─── 契马布埃,乔瓦尼1240?-1302?受训于拜占庭风格的意大利画家,被认为是佛罗伦萨学院的首任校长

20、Either you or Master Li has repaired the meter. ─── 不是你就是李师傅把仪表修好的。

21、The neophyte must not despair of mastering the rules and procedures. ─── 初学的人不必在熟悉规则和程序中感到失望。

22、Master of Shuwa: That is nihilism!! Nothingness!! ─── 修瓦之主:那是虚无主义!!完全的空虚!!

23、Using time well is treasuring life. Seizing time is mastering life. ─── 会善用时间,就是会处理生命;能掌握时间,就是能拥有人生。

24、In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering. ─── 在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。

25、She apprenticed with the great master. ─── 她师从这位著名的大师当学徒。

26、He was master of full five hundred gold florins. ─── 他手里有整整500个金弗洛林。

27、Russian is a diffcult language to master. ─── 俄语是一种难掌握的语言。

28、They needed time and practice to master the skill. ─── 他们要掌握这个技术,还需要时间和练习。

29、Jack of all trades, master of none. ─── [谚]样样皆通,样样稀松。

30、I wish I could be a master of this subject. ─── 但愿我能精通这门学科就好了。

31、I got my master of Science in engineering in 1998. ─── 1988年我获得了机械工程博士学位。

32、Benny Ninja has truly made a life of Vogue and is ready to teach you the secrets to owning the floor & mastering your vogue technique. ─── 本尼忍者有真正时尚的生活并准备教导你们的秘密,你拥有的地板和掌握时尚技术。

33、It's no use mugging up those formulas without mastering them. ─── 不掌握公式,光是强记是没有用的。

34、You cannot be the master of your fate. ─── 你决定不了你自己的命运。

35、The horse stopped instantly at the hallo of its master. ─── 主人嗨了一声,马就立刻停下来了。

36、He is a jack-of-all-trades and master of none. ─── 他是个三脚猫--杂而不精。

37、He studied English hard with a view to mastering it quickly. ─── 他为了尽快精通英语而努力学习。

38、It is as toxic belief systems are detoxified that the body can move first towards unity and then on to mastering a state of oneness ahead. ─── 当有毒信念系统被解毒,身体能初次向统一前进并随之去掌握前方的全一。

39、The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area. ─── 在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。

40、You have to master your temper . ─── 你必须控制住你的脾气。

41、losing and mastering seems to have been a part of humanity for as long as human have existed. ─── 失去和掌握似乎是人类的一部分,只要人类存在。

42、He emerges as the master of an idiom. ─── 他以独具一格的大师的姿态立于文坛。

43、His crude master grudged him even the food he ate. ─── 他那残忍的主人甚至连他的食物也不愿给他。

44、He felt resentment against his master. ─── 他对主人感到气愤。

45、On the plaintiff's application for summary judgment the master give the defendant unconditional leave to defend. ─── 原告一提出即判决申请后,法院书记官无条件允许被告进行辩护。

46、The superior brain of man is apparently a necessity for the mastering of speech. ─── 人类所具有的优越的脑子显然是为掌握语言所必需的机构。

47、Disk mastering is the process of making the stamper for disk molding. ─── 介绍了母盘刻录中的关键技术和当前母盘刻录技术的各个研究领域及其最新进展。

48、Mastering mechanical drawing standard. Able to understand the engineering drawings and documents. ─── 能够理解和读懂工程设计图纸和文件。

49、She makes clear to us that she wants to be master in her own house. ─── 她使我们很清楚地了解到,她要自主处理自己的事情。

50、Mastering Chinese in three years is my goal. ─── 在三年内学会汉语是我的目标.

51、I wish I could be master of this language. ─── 但愿我能精通这门语言。

52、Until then, work on mastering the type mapping information outlined here. ─── 在那之前,请努力掌握此处所概述的类型映射信息。

53、The process discussed below is the PTM, or Phase Transition Mastering. ─── 下面讨论的生产过程是PTM,即相变母版生产。

54、Aesop was the master of the apologue. ─── 伊索是寓言大师。

55、Do you want to be hickoried by your master? ─── 你想叫你的主人鞭打你一顿吗?

56、Jack of all trades, and master of none. ─── 博而不精的人。

57、She learned to master her anger. ─── 她学会了控制自己不发火。

58、He is a Master of Science. ─── 他是理科硕士。

59、"What about a shroud for the old master? ─── “老太爷身上穿了去的呢?

60、He was apprenticed to a master silversmith. ─── 他跟银匠师傅拜师学艺。

61、They felt a pressing need to master culture. ─── 他们感到迫切需要学文化。

62、He is a master of caricature. ─── 他是一位漫画大师。

63、You cannot be the master of your own fate. ─── 你无法决定自己的命运。

64、He is bent on mastering English, determined to learn it thoroughly. ─── 他一心想掌握英语,下决心要彻底学好它。

65、His cruel master grudged him even the food he ate . ─── 他那残忍的主人甚至连他吃的食物也不大愿意给他。

66、He did me ill offices to his master. ─── 他在他的主人面前说我的坏话。

67、They will be master of the situation. ─── 他们将控制局势。

68、A great poet is a master melody. ─── 大诗人也是音律大师。

69、The master tied me to a pillar and whipped me savagely. ─── 主人把我捆在柱子上,用鞭子死命地抽我。

70、It is worth mastering a second language in modern society. ─── 在现代社会,掌握第二语言是值得的。

71、He has a master's degree in education. ─── 他有教育学硕士学位。

72、However, developing qualities requires mastering a range of skills which are diverse and sometimes surprising. ─── 然而,发展素质需要掌握一系列的技能,这些技能是多样化的,有时是令人惊讶的。

73、He is bent on mastering Spanish. ─── 他一心一意想要精通西班牙语。

74、He aims at mastering English. ─── 他目的在于掌握英语。

75、The master treated him as a distinguished guest. ─── 主人把他视为上宾。

76、He stied his master's gold watch which he stole. ─── 他把从主人那里偷来的金表藏在了猪圈里

77、To produce CD at the factory, the mastering disk is made. ─── 为使在工厂能生产CD,制作原版唱片。

78、The meaning of words is only to be completely displayed in the context of way, and easy to be memorizing, understanding and mastering. ─── 生词的含义只有在上下文中才能完全展现出路,并易于被识记,理解,掌握。

79、He is good at mastering horse. ─── 他善于驯马。

80、Foe man is man and master of his futa. ─── 人就是人,是自己命运的主人.

81、The slaves slew their master with swords. ─── 奴隶们用乱刀砍死主人。

82、He re-read the letter from the master. ─── 他把院长那封信又看了一遍。

83、He is the master of the boat moored alongside. ─── 他是那条靠着码头停泊的船的主人。

84、This course is aimed at mastering the 4,000 basic words and 800 basic kanji. ─── 在口头表达上,分角色进行会话练习及个人、小组的意见交流,以掌握基础语汇4000个,基础汉字800个左右为目标。

85、The horse stop instantly at the hallo of its master. ─── 主人嗨了一声,马就立刻停下来了。

86、He learned his craft from an old master. ─── 他从一位老匠人那儿学得他的手艺。

87、The first mate was studying to become a master. ─── 大副正在学习准备当船长。

88、You must master the law of conservation of energy. ─── 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。

89、The slaves gave passive obedience to their master. ─── 奴隶们乖乖地服从他们的主人。

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