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08-14 投稿


spherical 发音

英:['sfer?k(?)l]  美:['sf??r?k?l]

英:  美:

spherical 中文意思翻译



spherical 短语词组

1、spherical coordinate ─── 球面坐标

2、spherical head ─── [机] 球形头, 圆头

3、spherical form of occlusion ─── [医] 球形Ж

4、spherical bodies ─── [医] 球形体

5、mean spherical model(MSM) ─── [化] 平均球状模型

6、spherical candlepower ─── [电] 球面烛光

7、spherical bearing ─── [电] 球面轴承

8、spherical harmonics ─── [电] 球函数

9、floating spherical Gaussian function ─── [化] 浮动球高斯函数

10、spherical aberration ─── [化] 球差; 球面像差 ─── [医] 球面象差

11、spherical coordinate robot ─── [计] 球面坐标机器人

12、spherical angle ─── 球面角

13、spherical cam ─── [机] 球形凸轮, 球面凸轮

14、spherical chamber ─── [医] 球形电离室

15、rotary spherical digester ─── [化] 蒸球; 球形蒸煮器

16、axial spherical aberration ─── [电] 轴向球面像差

17、biaxial spherical surface function ─── [计] 双轴面函数

18、spherical coordinates ─── [计] 球面坐标

19、spherical geometry n. ─── 球面几何学

spherical 同义词

spheric | globular | circular | ball-shaped | orbicular | globose | rotund |round | global

spherical 词性/词形变化,spherical变形

异体字: spheric |副词: spherically |名词: sphericalness |

spherical 反义词


spherical 相似词语短语

1、etherical ─── 以太的

2、spheric ─── adj.球的;球状的(等于spherical)

3、spheroidal ─── adj.类似球体的,球状的

4、spherically ─── adv.球地;球状地

5、aspherical ─── adj.[光]非球面的

6、exospherical ─── 外球面

7、spherics ─── n.球面几何学;球面三角学;天电学;天电测定

8、sterical ─── adj.立体的,空间的,立体化学的

9、spheral ─── adj.球的;球状的

spherical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A spherical, doughnut-shaped or pretzel-shaped universe would have a limited volume and no edges. ─── 一个球形、甜甜圈或是麻花状的宇宙,就可以是有限大却没有边界的。

2、What changes are necessary when a spherical curvature is introduced in the substrate? ─── 当一个球面曲率引入基底时需要有什么改变?

3、And then, you would be looking at a piece of that spherical shell corresponding to small values of phi and theta. ─── 然后在这个夹壳中找出一小块,它跟φ和θ有关。

4、In spheric linkages, the axes of all revolute pairs must intersect at a point. ─── 在球面连杆机中,所有回转副的轴必须在一点上相交。

5、In reality the earth is not exactly spherical but rather shaped somewhat like a flattened ellipsoid. ─── 实际上地球不是精确的球形,而有点象一扁椭球。

6、Methodological Disquisition of Spherical Fine Metrical Precision[J]. ─── 引用该论文 阚珊珊,黄煜,王淑荣.

7、SNL plummer block housings are designed for self-aligning ball bearings, spherical roller bearings and CARB bearings. ─── SNL立式轴承座是为自调心球轴承、球面滚子轴承和CARB轴承设计的。

8、A very large spherical pearl. ─── 大珍珠一颗很大的圆形珍珠

9、A roughly spherical, expanding shock wave is visible in X-rays. ─── 利用X光波段,可以观测到一个大致上呈现球形膨胀的震波。

10、Leaves cream-yellow or bright yellow farinose abaxially. Umbels spherical. ─── 叶米色黄的或嫩黄被粉背面。伞形花序球形。

11、A single stem cell will divide continuously and form a spherical colony consisting of its progeny. ─── 一个单独的干细胞会一直分裂最后形成一个聚集了众多子代细胞的球形细胞群落。

12、We carry out a transformation to spherical polar coordinates. ─── 我们变换成球极坐标。

13、They may have spherical, rodlike, or spiral shapes. ─── 可为圆形、杆状或弯曲形。

14、Any of various paired spherical bacteria,including those of the genus Diplococcus,some of which are pathogenic. ─── 双球菌一种成对球形细菌,包括双球菌属的细菌,其中一部分是致病的

15、Spherical toners having excellent fusibility are disclosed. ─── 公开了具有优异熔性的球形调色剂。

16、On our spherical earth each segment delineates a lune called a time zone. ─── 在我们这第一个球形的地球上,被划成月牙形的每一个等分称为一个时区。

17、Small motors are used to build up energy in the springy, spherical exoskeleton by compressing it. ─── 小型的马达通过挤压机器人有弹性的球形外架来产生其弹跳所需要的动力。

18、As a result the jumping movement of spherical robot is a kind of important mode of motion. ─── 因而球形机器人的跳跃运动是一种重要的运动方式。

19、The boundary dimensions of SKF spherical roller thrust bearings are in accordance with ISO 104:2002. ─── SKF球面滚子推力轴承的外形尺寸与ISO 104:2002相符。

20、Ceres, too, is spherical and probably divided into core and mantle, though the mantle seems to be wetter than that of Vesta. ─── 虽然谷神星的地幔好像比灶神星的地幔要潮湿的多,但谷神星也是球形的,并可能被划分为地核和地幔。

21、Until about 1450 spherical trigonometry consisted of loose rules based on Greek, Hindu and Arabic versions. ─── 差不多直到1450年球面三角的内容由一些不严谨的法则组成,这此法则的基础是希腊、印度和阿拉伯译本。

22、The adjoint equation of the water vapour equation is derived in the spherical coordinate system. ─── 在下边界为第三类边界条件下,推导了适合于数值天气预报的水汽方程的伴随方程;

23、The Earth is a nearly spherical planet. ─── 地球是一个近似球体的行星。

24、With PRD PEEM's both spherical and semi-spherical pipe ends are possible. ─── 可以使用PRD球形和半球形的管道终端。

25、In most of patient with ICM,the LV typically showed “spherical apex”,regional wall hypokinesis and dilated aorta. ─── ICM左室大多数呈“圆拱门形”,心尖圆钝变薄,收缩期运动明显低平,节段性室壁运动障碍及主动脉增宽。

26、The variable or distance to the origin in spherical coordinates. ─── 变量或是在球座标中距离原点的距离。

27、D. Clean the slots of O-rings, Talfon slots, body spindle and spherical surface intensively. ─── 形环沟槽,铁氟沟槽,主体轴心孔及球面加强清洗。

28、Figuratively, one may imagine the radiation of such a spherical maser as resembling a little hedgehog. ─── 可以很形象地把这种球状脉塞源的辐射想象为一个小刺猬球的样子。

29、The Biot consolidation of spherical soil-sample is one of the famous examples in discovering the Mandel-Cryer effect. ─── 圆球土样固结是发现Mandel-Cryer效应的一个著名例子。

30、The changes in force application as a spherical particle moves up into the airstream are shown in Fig. 2. 123. ─── 当一个球形的颗粒在气流中向上移动时,其作用力的改变如图2-123所示。

31、In a spherical nucleus, the coupling term implies an interweaving of the quadrupole and dipole motion. ─── 对球形核中的耦合项意味着四级运动和偶极运动间的交织。

32、A spherical earth is not hard to accept. ─── 地球具有球形不难接受。

33、Then the spherical lignin beads were adopted to adsorb the L-aspartic acid. ─── 利用球形木质素吸附剂吸附L-天门冬氨酸,并进行吸附条件的优选实验。

34、He studies spherical geometry. ─── 他研究球面几何学。

35、A spherical,aerobic,gram-positive bacterium of the genus Micrococcus,usually occurring in irregular clusters. ─── 微球菌一种球状需氧的革兰氏阳性细菌,属微球菌属,通常见于不规则群中。

36、A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry. ─── 半球体一个对称的、近似球体的物体的一半,如被对称面分开者

37、The necessarily of post-weld heat treatment of spherical tanks was emphasized. ─── 强调了焊接球罐焊后热处理的必要性。

38、Colloquial name for the spherical typing head of an IBM72 type writer and its derivatives. ─── 对IBM72型打字机及其改型的球形打字头的习惯称呼。

39、As the initially spherical stars increasingly overlap, they compress and distort each other into half-moon shapes. ─── 当原先呈球状的恒星重叠的部份逐渐增加时,它们将互相压缩而畸变成半月形。

40、Corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration, as a lens. ─── 复消色差的矫正色相差和球面像差的,如镜头

41、The NC GaN has a uniform size distribution and spherical shape. ─── 实验发现气凝法生成的氮化镓奈米微粒以均匀的圆球形分布。

42、They are demonstrated based on single spherical lens. ─── 在此基础上进而研究开发了计算机辅助光学作图系统。

43、A spherical or oval nucleus is near the centre of the cell. ─── 在细胞的近中央处,有一个圆形或卵圆形核。

44、The changes in force application as a spherical particle moves up into the airstream are shown in Fig. 2.123. ─── 当一个球形的颗粒在气流中向上移动时,其作用力的改变如图2-123所示。

45、An optical shop, in the business of making lenses, will have a set of precision spherical test plates or gauges. ─── 制造透镜的光学车间,应当有一套精确的球面测试板即球面规。

46、The stability of Rossby wave in the basic flow was studied based on the spherical barotropic vorticity equation. ─── 并用谱函数展开法定义和计算了发展型波包的演变。

47、Only millimeter to centimeter scale spherical phases, which develop relatively slowly, can be easily preserved. ─── 只有毫米级到厘米级的不混溶球体相,由于发展缓慢,容易保存,以致可以在火成岩中看到这种球颗(粒)结构。

48、This means that if it was magnified to the size of the solar system, it would still appear spherical to within the width of a human hair. ─── 这意味着,如果将其尺寸放大到太阳系大小,它仍将是一个误差不超过头发丝粗细的圆。

49、All the matter of the galaxy was originally a spherical cloud of gas from which stars were condensing out. ─── 银河系中所有的物质最初都是球状气体云,恒星正是从中凝聚而成。

50、Our main products are taper roller bearing, spherical roller bearing and deep groove ball bearing. ─── 主要生产圆锥滚子轴承、调心滚子轴承、深沟球轴承等。

51、A cricket ball is red and spherical. ─── 一个板球是红色的,球形的。

52、einsteins original cosmological model , introduced by him in 1917 , was a static , homogeneous model with spherical geometry. ─── 爱恩斯坦在1917年发表的宇宙模型是一个静态均匀及具有球状对称的宇宙。

53、Set spherical, planar, box, fit, etc, mapping co-ordinates. ─── 可以用球形,平面,长方体,适配等方式进行贴图坐标的指定.

54、If the collapse if not perfectly spherical, the supernova will give off an intense burst of gravitational waves. ─── 如果蹋缩过程不是沿着完美的球形,超新星将在瞬间发出强烈的引力波。

55、Calculate of the "True" Emissivity of the Spherical Cavity[J]. ─── 引用该论文 罗华平,杨高潮,纪玉峰,宋正方.

56、Any of various freshwater green algae of the genus Volvox that form hollow, spherical multicellular colonies. ─── 团藻一种团藻属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落

57、The inner shadow will be used to model the spherical form of the bubble. ─── 内放光将使这个水泡的模型有球型的感觉。

58、Axicon's diffraction mode for spherical wave beam with eccentricity[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王中宇,张朵,李萌,高晓颖.

59、In spheric linkages, the axes of all revolute pairs must intersect at point. ─── 在球面连杆机构中,所有的转动副的轴必在一点上相交。

60、Our main products are spherical roller bearing, tapered roller bearing and deep groove ball bearing. ─── 主要生产圆锥滚子轴承、调心滚子轴承、深沟球轴承。

61、Most viruses are spherical or roughly spherical. ─── 多数病毒呈圆形或近似圆形。

62、When the load is purely or predominantly axial then the choice should be a spherical plain thrust bearing (fig 9). ─── 当负荷是纯轴向负荷或主要是轴向负荷时,应选择球面滑动推力轴承(图9)。

63、Think of a three-dimensional spherical black hole that's copied and stacked out in one direction to create an oblong shape. ─── 设想一个三维的球状黑洞,把它复制和堆放在一个方向上,就会构成一个长方形的形状。

64、A rubber spherical balloon is quickly blown up in an angry sea by a ditched pilot. ─── 一个迫降的飞行员在波涛汹涌的海上向一个橡皮球迅速充气。

65、Only galaxies with a spherical bulge—like component appear to accommodate supermassive black holes. ─── 只有拥有球形膨胀物质的星系才可能容纳超大质量的黑洞。

66、In this paper pitch-based spherical activated carbon (PSAC) was modified by the air-oxidation treatment. ─── 利用空气氧化处理法对沥青基球状活性炭进行了改性。

67、Natural sediment particles are not spherical. ─── 天然泥沙颗粒不是球状的。

68、He is good at spherical geometry. ─── 他对球面几何学很拿手。

69、The diameter of the nucleus, if we think of it as roughly spherical, is of the order of 10-14m. ─── 如把原子核粗略地看作球形,则它的直径的数量级为10-14m。

70、A very small lens aperture is employed to correct spherical aberration, but this severely limits the final resolution. ─── 可以用一个非常小的透镜孔阑来校正球差,但这会严重地影响最终鉴别率。

71、A small spherical mass, especially a small drop of liquid. ─── 小球小球团,尤指液体的小液滴

72、Optional disc configuration which provides line contact between spherical disc and conical body seat. ─── 备选阀瓣结构,在球形阀瓣和锥体阀座之间具有线接触作用。

73、Leaves that have tons of tiny hairs, like a fern, can hold spherical water droplets in focus above a leaf's surface. ─── 拥有大量微小绒毛的叶子,如蕨类植物,可以将球形水滴聚集在叶子表面。

74、You can see that the rough shape of the asteroid above is nearly spherical. ─── 你可以看出上面这颗小行星的大致形状接近于球形。

75、The smallest quantity of liquid heavy enough to fall in a spherical mass. ─── 一滴重量足够以滴形体落下的最小量液体。

76、The boundary dimensions of SKF spherical plain thrust bearings are in accordance with ISO 12240-3. ─── SKF球面滑动推力轴承的外形尺寸符合ISO 12240-3。

77、Of course this calculation was based on the notion of a spherical earth, not a flat one. ─── 当然这一计算是基于地球是一个球体而不是平的的观念的。

78、When the load is purely or predominantly radial, a radial spherical plain bearing should be selected (fig 8). ─── 当负荷是纯径向负荷或主要是径向负荷时,应选择径向球面滑动轴承(图8)。

79、The spherical surfaces defined by several arbitrarily chosen points are all concentric. ─── 凡是由几个任意选点确定的球面都是同心面。

80、CAD is applied to the design of spherical hob, and the result is satisfactory. ─── 应用计算机辅助设计,并通过实例计算,得到了满意的结果。

81、I looked again. "Wood. . . but the spherical sound box is fashioned out of a whole coconut shell, " I said, suppressing my surprise. ─── 我重新审视了一下,“木头……不过球形的音盒是整个椰子壳做的。”我强压着自己的惊奇。

82、In weightlessness, a drop of liquid takes a spherical shape. ─── 在失重状态下,一滴液体呈球形。

83、The preceding chapter, for the most part, dealt with paraxial theory as applied to thin spherical lens systems. ─── 前一章讨论的基本上是应用于薄球面透镜系统的傍轴理论。

84、A very small lens aperture is employed to correct spherical aberration, but this sevrely limits the final resolution. ─── 可以用一个非常小的透镜孔阑来校正球差,但这会严重地影响最终鉴别率。

85、In GCMC simulation and DFT calculation,the nitrogen is modeled as a Lennord Jones (LJ)spherical molecule. ─── 在GCMC模拟和DFT计算中,流体分子模型化为单点的Lerrnard-Jones球;

86、Split spherical roller bearings offer the optimum solution to such problems. ─── 对于上述问题,剖分式球面滚子轴承提供了最佳的解决方案。

87、In this sample, the goal is to create the illusion of a spherical moon rotating around its vertical axis. ─── 在本例中,目标是创建球状的月亮在它竖直轴附近转动的幻觉影像。

88、This is evident from the spherical model when the two points are diametrically opposite. ─── 在球面模型中当两个点在直径相对两端时这是很明显的。

89、Sori borne near the costule, indusium spherical, membranous. ─── 孢子囊群靠近中脉著生;囊群盖球形,膜质。







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