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08-14 投稿


jinnee 发音


英:  美:

jinnee 中文意思翻译



jinnee 相似词语短语

1、finner ─── n.脊鳍鲸;长须鲸;n.(Finner)人名;(英、德)芬纳

2、dinner ─── n.晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐;n.(Dinner)人名;(法)迪内

3、ginned ─── n.杜松子酒;网;[机]三角起重机;vi.喝杜松子酒;用陷阱(或网)捕捉,诱捕(猎物);n.(Gin)人名;(朝)紧;(俄)吉恩;(英、缅)金;(日)訚(名)

4、binned ─── v.扔掉,丢弃;把……扔进垃圾箱;摈弃,拒绝;把……放进搁架;把(数据)归入统计堆(bin的过去式及过去分词)

5、Finney ─── 芬尼;n.(Finney)人名;(瑞典)芬内;(英)芬尼

6、donnee ─── n.思想;主题;基本假设;基本事实

7、jinne ─── int.哎呀(表示惊讶,赞赏)

8、dinned ─── n.喧嚣声,嘈杂声;宗教法律,犹太法律;(尤指伊斯兰教)宗教信仰;v.再三叮嘱,反复教导;发出喧闹声;n.(Din)丁(人名)

9、finned ─── adj.有鳍的

jinnee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A puff of blue smoke came out and then another big jinnee. ─── 一股蓝烟冒出来,又冒出个巨大的魔仆。

2、The jinnee went away, and came back soon. ─── 魔怪出去后很快就回来了。

3、‘To hear is to obey, ' said the jinnee. ─── “听到就得遵从。”灯神说道。

4、Every day after that, Aladdin rubbed the lamp. And when the jinnee came, Aladdin said: ‘Bring us rice and meat.' And every day he sold the gold plates. ─── 从那以后,阿拉丁每天都擦拭神灯。等神灵来了以后,阿拉丁就说:“给我们拿米和肉来。”每天他都把金盘子卖掉。

5、“I am your slave now. What is your wish?” the jinnee asked. ─── “现在我是你的奴隶了,你有什么愿望?”魔仆问。

6、In a second the jinnee was back with some sleeping-powder. ─── 很快,戒指神就弄来一些催眠药粉。

7、But only Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee. ─── 但只有阿拉丁和他母亲知道神灯和神灵的事。

8、A puff of blue smoke came out and then a big jinnee. ─── 一股蓝烟冒出来,随即又冒出来一个巨大的魔仆。

9、‘I am here, master, ' said the jinnee of the lamp. ‘ What is your wish? ' ─── “我来了,主人,”灯神说道,“你有什么愿望?”

10、‘To hear is to obey,' the jinnee said, and a second later Aladdin was back on the hills under the blue sky. ─── “听到就得遵从。”戒指神说道。阿拉丁刹那间就回到山里的地面上,他又能看到蓝天了。

11、A jinni in Moslem mythology. ─── 妖魔鬼怪穆斯林神话中的一个神灵

12、One night, the jinnee took the princess to Aladdin. The princess saw Aladdin and found love in his eyes. She loved him, too. ─── 一天晚上,精灵把公主带到阿拉丁身边。公主见到了阿拉丁,从他的眼睛里发现了爱意。公主也爱上了他。

13、Beijing Jinni Building Waterproof Technology De-Velopment Co., Ltd ─── 北京金泥建筑防水技术开发有限公司

14、A puff of blue smoke came out and then another big jinnee. ─── 一股蓝烟冒出来,又冒出个巨大的魔仆。

15、‘I am here, master, I am here,' the jinnee cried. ‘I am the slave of the ring. ─── “我来了,主人,我来了,”神灵喊道,“我是这戒指的奴仆。

16、Therein are those of modest gaze , whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them. ─── 但是所有版本都没有这个词。

17、' he thought angrily. ‘ So he has the magic lamp, and he knows about the jinnee! ─── 他忿忿地想道,“他得到了神灯,他知道了灯神的秘密!

18、To hear is to obey, ' the jinnee said, and a second later Aladdin was back on the hills under the blue sky. ─── “听到就得遵从。”戒指神说道。阿拉丁刹那间就回到山里的地面上,他又能看到蓝天了。

19、The jinnee went away, and came back in a second with rice, meat, bread, and fruit on twelve gold plates. ─── 神灵走开了,转瞬间就用12个金盘子装着米、肉、面包和水果回来了。

20、Therefore the jinni concept was attained more attention, and the behavior of "fu-shih" was more and more popular. ─── 降及有唐,道教隆盛,乃至尊为国教,神仙思想更得到进一步的推展,也使得人们的服食行为益形热烈与普遍。

21、She closed her eyes again, then the jinnee carried her back to the Sultan's palace. ─── 她又闭上眼睛,灯神重又把她带回到苏丹的宫里。

22、In them shall be those who restrained their eyes ;before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them. ─── 除了译作“妻子”外,要想委婉的话,实在没有什么别的办法,因为原文就是“美丽女子”。

23、According to legend, a sea jinni called Rannamaari demanded regular sacrifices of young girls in Mal? ─── 据传说所言,一个名为罗南玛瑞的海上“基尼”要求定期将年轻女子送到马累作为献祭。

24、This was easy for the jinnee of the lamp, of course, and the next day, when Aladdin went to the palace, everybody in the city came out to watch. ─── 这个要求对于灯神来说当然是太容易了。第二天,当阿拉丁往宫里去的时候,城里所有的人都出来观看。

25、I felt the jinni coming distinctly ,a clear and enormous strength of love was full of my car ,all at once the dread went by entirely . ─── 我分明感到神灵的降临,一种清晰而巨大的爱的力量直扑车里,朝我涌来,顿时将惧伯一扫而光。

26、And then, out of the smoke came a big jinnee. ─── 随后从烟雾里现出一个巨型的神灵。

27、The jinnee went away, and came back soon. He brought back bread, fruit and meat. He also brought twelve gold plates. ─── 魔怪出去后很快就回来了。他带回了面包、水果和肉。他还带来了12只金盘子。

28、WHOOSH! Noise, fire, and red smoke came from the lamp, and out of the smoke came a very big jinnee. ─── 呼啦!声音、火焰、红色的烟雾同时从油灯里冒了出来,烟雾里现出一个巨大的神灵。

29、Yoshimoto Jinni ─── 芳本甚二(1920-),日本人,官员。

30、But only Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee. ─── 但只有阿拉丁和他母亲知道神灯和神灵的事。

31、One night, the jinnee took the princess to Aladdin. The princess saw Aladdin and found love in his eyes. She loved him, too. ─── 一天晚上,精灵把公主带到阿拉丁身边。公主见到了阿拉丁,从他的眼睛里发现了爱意。公主也爱上了他。

32、Oh, Jinni, this is the honest truth.The gazelle that you see here was once my wife, but she was quite an evil woman. ─── 魔王啊,这可是千真万确的事,您现在所看到的这只羚羊,确实曾经是我的妻子,只是她是一个心肠狠毒的女人。

33、She closed her eyes again, then the jinnee carried her back to the Sultan's palace. ─── 她又闭上眼睛,灯神重又把她带回到苏丹的宫里。

34、The jinnee of the lamp worked all night, and the next morning the Sultan saw from his window a beautiful new palace, with gardens of fruit trees and flowers. ─── 灯神彻夜忙碌。第二天一早,苏丹就看到窗外建起了一座崭新漂亮的宫殿,周围的花园里栽满了果树和鲜花。

35、The jinnee went away, and came back in a second with rice, meat, bread, and fruit on twelve gold plates. ─── 神灵走开了,转瞬间就用12个金盘子装着米、肉、面包和水果回来了。

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