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08-14 投稿


architecturally 发音

英:[?ɑ?rk??tekt??r?li]  美:[?ɑ?k??tekt??r?li]

英:  美:

architecturally 中文意思翻译



architecturally 短语词组

1、architecturally sound ─── 建筑声音

2、architecturally yours ─── 你的建筑风格

3、architecturally realty ─── 建筑不动产

4、architecturally speaking ─── 从建筑角度来说

5、architecturally drafted ─── 建筑制图

6、architecturally designed homes ─── 建筑设计住宅

7、architecturally significant ─── 建筑意义

8、architecturally significant homes ─── 建筑意义重大的住宅

architecturally 相似词语短语

1、archetypally ─── 典型地

2、architectural bronze ─── 建筑青铜合金

3、architectonically ─── 建筑学

4、architectural salvage ─── 建筑抢救

5、architectural ─── adj.建筑学的;建筑上的;符合建筑法的

6、orchestrally ─── 管弦乐队

7、architectures ─── n.建筑;架构(architecture的复数)

8、architecture ─── n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构

9、conjecturally ─── 推测的

architecturally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、to architecturally meld together two homes. ─── 项目介绍:将两个家园整合在一起。

2、The nomadic Mongols, whose invasion culminated in the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, did nothing to influence China architecturally. ─── 游牧民族蒙古的入侵并建立元朝并没有对中国的建筑有多大影响。

3、It also enables communication between the architect and other project team members regarding architecturally significant decisions and guides developers as they implement the system. ─── 这就使架构师与各个项目团队成员在架构的重大决策方面保持交流,指导开发人员实现该系统。

4、Among the cities associated with the Islamic civilization, Cairo is perhaps the most representative culturally and certainly the richest architecturally. ─── 在所有与伊斯兰文明有关的城市中,开罗也许是最有文化代表性的,而且无疑是建筑最多样化的。

5、In the centre of Damscus' old town, stands this huge, gleaming architecturally astonishing mosque. ─── 在大马士革老城中央,矗立着这座建筑气势恢宏,熠熠生辉,令人震惊的大清真寺。

6、The Z bracket on this in swinging door includes a dress cover for an architecturally attractive appearance. ─── 摆动门安装在此上的Z型支架包括一个建筑上引人注目的盖子.

7、At the same time, the handful of architecturally ambitious public works commissions that once existed in the United States has largely dried up. ─── 同时,美国曾有少数在建筑方面具有旺盛企图心的公共工程委员会,大多已经消失。

8、Architecturally striking plants and colorful flowers were confined to geometric beds or containers. ─── 建筑设计把植物和色彩斑斓的花朵都限制在几何构型或者几何容器里。

9、Located at the southern end of Miami Beach, South Beach's Art Deco District is a collection of more than 800 architecturally protected buildings from the 1930s and 1940s. ─── 位于迈阿密海滩南端的南滩装饰派艺术区,汇聚了800多幢建于20世纪30和40年代、建筑风格受到保护的建筑物。

10、architecturally treated ─── 具有建筑艺术的

11、This architecturally striking, state-of-the-art new building provides an exciting, light environment which truly takes your breath away. ─── 小学和托儿所在令人难忘的场地上座落一旁,并且在门阶处设有自己的游泳池和大量的运动器械。

12、The building is architecturally striking with curved glass frontage. ─── 校楼拥有特别的弧形玻璃外墙。

13、Unique to the region, stepwells are often architecturally complex and vary widely in size and shape. ─── 阶梯井是该地区特有的,通常建筑结构复杂,大小和形状差异很大。

14、This typically includes identifying and documenting the architecturally significant aspects of the system, including requirements, design, implementation, and deployment "views" of the system. ─── 因此,与其他角色相比,构架设计师的见解重在广度,而不是深度。

15、Although C was designed for writing architecturally independent system software, it is also widely used for developing application software. ─── 虽然C是建筑设计的书面独立的系统软件,它也被广泛用于开发应用软件。

16、Roof/ wall intersections are frequently found at: chimneys, attached garages, single story wings on two story homes, architecturally appealing roof lines at front elevation. ─── 如烟囱;连体的车库;双层房子中底层延伸出的两翼在正面的建筑设计图中屋顶与墙壁交界处的角度在建筑方面通常认为可以吸引人们的注意。

17、common object request broker architectur ─── 公共对象请求代理体系结构

18、A diagonal bracing system, such as that used in the Eiffel Tower, was not architecturally desirable in offices relying on sunlight for illumination. ─── 对角线支撑系统,如所用的艾菲尔铁塔,是不是建筑可取的办事处,依靠阳光照明。

19、Most owners of restored Shanghai houses say the process is worth the effort, not least because it allows them to create specialised, modern interiors in architecturally important buildings. ─── 大多数上海翻修洋房业主说,值得花这个力气进行翻修,不仅仅是因为翻修可以让他们在那些筑上有地位的建筑物里,创造出专业的现代室内装饰。

20、It is not meant as a drop in replacement for the Microblaze as it is not 100 architecturally compatible. ─── 因为它不是100 建筑上适合,没有意味,因为在替换的下落Microblaze的。

21、Architecturally, Cambridge is to Oxford what Paris is to Rome. ─── 从建筑上说,剑桥是巴黎而牛津是罗马。

22、Architecturally, Copenhagen has more than its share of interesting sights, from the administrative palace of Christiansborg Slot on the island of Slotsholmen to the scenic steeple of Vor Frelsers Kirke. ─── 建筑上,哥本哈根有太多吸引人的景象,从城堡岛上丹麦国会的所在克里斯钦堡宫,到美丽的尖顶救世主教堂。

23、* The house is of little interest architecturally. ─── 这所房子在建 学上无足轻重.

24、Architecturally significant use cases are often used to create sequence diagrams through component interfaces. ─── 从体系结构设计方面而言,大量的用例经常用于通过组件接口创建序列关系图。

25、Architecturally, they fill the gap between controls and full pages. ─── 在结构上,他们“填补”了控件和整个页面之间的“空隙”。

26、Integration architectur ─── 集成架构

27、The city of Canberra has the greatest concentration of galleries, museums and other architecturally stunning buildings in Australia, most of which have no entry fee. ─── 该市有最密集的艺术馆,博物馆和炫目的建筑群。大多数的历史建筑免费对游客开放。

28、In many areas, they are on larger lots, on a street where all the homes are architecturally different and with mature landscaping, too. ─── 那就意味着,对于我们这些二手货的买家而言货源充足。

29、Frankly, few Lords can boast to own a structure remotely so beautiful or architecturally advanced as a cathedral, which tend to dominate the skyline of any city they grace. ─── 坦率而论,任何贵族住宅都无法如大教堂般工艺精巧,美轮美奂。雄伟教堂傲然屹立于任何信仰天主城邑的天际,凛凛生威。

30、The eleven-arch granite bridge, Lugouqiao, is an architecturally significant structure, restored by the Kangxi Emperor in 1698. ─── 这一座带着11个拱洞的花岗岩石桥,卢沟桥,是一个有着重要意义的建筑,曾在1698年由康熙皇帝重修。

31、MOM is architecturally quite similar to ordinary messaging;the differences lie in functionality and the quality of service delivered. ─── MOM在体系结构上与普通消息十分相似,不同处在于功能和提供服务的质量。

32、That duplicate the original functionality. Support classes are sometimes substantially different architecturally from the classes they emulate. ─── 支持类有时与它们所模拟的类在结构上有很大的不同。

33、The architecturally unique Sydney Opera House seemed to the computer to be similar to a hotel in Mississippi as well as a bridge in London. ─── 电脑看来,在建筑师上独树一帜的悉尼歌剧院非常像密西西比的一个酒店,也同样的像是伦敦的一个桥。

34、It is one of the world's biggest and most architecturally ambitious buildings, often described as a twisted doughnut with two leaning towers connected by an impossible looking L-shaped overhang. ─── 它是世界上最大和最具建筑野心的大厦之一。大厦常常被描述为扭曲的油炸圈,它由两座倾斜的塔楼和看起来难以理解的连接它们的L形横梁构成。

35、It's neat, architecturally speaking, but it may require a complete redesign of your application and it raises a few new issues. ─── 从体系结构上来说,这的确很棒,但它可能需要对应用程序进行全面的重新设计,并且会带来一些新的问题。

36、This layout is expressed architecturally as a “slipped tube” of space, coded materially in sandblasted concrete, stratified from front to rear, divided programmatically with joinery boxes. ─── 这是对建筑布局为“下跌管”的空间,编码重大的喷砂混凝土,分层从前方后方,分为编程木工框。

37、The Vierendeel type of braced bents has the advantage of being easily treated architecturally and can be used on the outside walls as part of the building facade. ─── 结构型的支撑排架具有易于建筑处理的优点,因此可用于外墙作为建筑物立面的一部分。

38、Modem landscape architectur ─── 现代景观

39、Furthermore, you can still see a lot of Struts DNA in the JSF project, although they diverge architecturally. ─── 此外,在JSF项目中仍然可以看到许多Struts DNA,尽管它们在架构上是分道扬镳的。

40、It's neat, architecturally speaking, but it may require a complete redesign of your application and it raises a few new issues. ─── 从体系结构上来说,这的确很棒,但它可能需要对应用程序进行全面的重新设计,并且会带来一些新的问题。

41、The Accountant had brought out already a box of dominoes, and was toying architecturally with the bones ─── 那位会计早已拿出了一盒多米诺骨牌,并用这些骨牌垒叠着建筑物玩。

42、The inaugural project was an architecturally based installation in 1998 by an Austrian artist collective, Gelatin. ─── 首届项目是建筑基础安装于1998年由奥地利艺术家集体,明胶。

43、Comparison of Package Design and Architecturally Decorative Design ─── 包装设计和建筑装饰设计之比较

44、While all the approaches discussed so far are architecturally interesting, they all operate around the periphery of the kernel. ─── 目前探讨的这些方法在架构上都很有趣,但是它们都在内核的外围运行。

45、Architecturally, the financial success of the enterprise is symbolised by the wide open access gates. ─── 从建筑表现上说,该企业业务成功的象征是“大开的门”。

46、Scenario-specific recommendations illustrating how to design, develop, deploy, and operate architecturally sound applications for the Microsoft.NET platform. ─── 提供了特定于方案的建议做法,阐释如何在Microsoft.NET平台上,从体系结构的角度设计、开发、部署和操作健全可靠的应用程序。

47、Pudong has changed from Padi fields and empty barren land, to the futuristic city filled with buildings that are architecturally challenging. ─── 今天的上海是一个人们因为做生意、旅行和获取某种“阅历”,而聚集在此的地方。

48、The building is part of a colossal, architecturally extravagant complex being built for the state broadcaster, China Central Television (CCTV). ─── 这个巨大的、造型非常复杂的建筑物是为国家电视台CCTV而建的。

49、Architecturally, NWPI establishes a strong coupling between BPM and SOA as services are always designed to be part of a business process. ─── 架构上,NWPI在BPM和SOA之间建立了强耦合,因为服务总是被作为业务过程的一部分设计。

50、On seeing photos of the architecturally impressive old structures on the Bund and of veteran movie stars, shot in their golden days, we feel as if we had gone back to that gilded age. ─── 在未来的时间里,酒店将不断开拓日本、韩国市场,这也是该酒店的独到之处。

51、old city centre is architecturally rich. ─── 古老的市中心在建筑上多姿多彩。

52、The three-dimensional positions of Paleozoic strata in the South Tianshan orogenoic belt were changed architecturally during the collision between the Tarim and Yining paleo-continents. ─── 南天山古生代地层的三度空间位置因造山作用改造而发生结构性重组。

53、architecturally adv. architect n. ─── 建筑师;

54、Architecturally speaking, the Temple of Heaven has two themes: the heaven and the earth. ─── 从建筑上讲,天坛有两个主题:天与地。

55、As an acoustical intallation musician, his work renders an ougoingmeditation on the rudimentary condition of the sonic arts. Utilizing architecturally and spatially informed compositional models. ─── 作为一个声音装置艺术家,他的作品体现了以声音艺术为基础,利用建筑与空间的组合,并通过各种方式将其多元化、音乐化。

56、3.Ventilation ducts are positioned alongside windows and are expressed architecturally on the facade (see Figure 4.37). ─── 通风管道沿着窗户周边安置并且在建筑的立面上表达出来(图4?37)。

57、The buildings are architecturally more interesting, the wireless networks more sophisticated, the roads and trains more efficient and nicer. ─── 建筑更为有趣,无限网络更为先进,道路和火车更为有效,更加好。

58、The inaugural project was an architecturally based installation in 1998 by an Austrian artist collective, Gelatin. ─── 首届项目是建筑基础安装于1998年由奥地利艺术家集体,明胶。

59、An outdoor dining room. Although these temporary structures are probably not the best to live in, I found them architecturally interesting and beautiful. ─── 户外厨房。虽然这些临时建筑并非最适合居住,但从建筑上来说,它们有趣而漂亮。

60、Even the modern apartment blocks are architecturally pleasing compared with the older apartment blocks of earlier decades. ─── 甚至连现代区的建筑看上去都比十年的赏心悦目。

61、The house is of little interest architecturally. ─── 这座房子建筑方面平淡无奇。

62、"We also found that the Egyptians had recycled a lot of ship parts and reused them architecturally within. ─── 有些损坏太严重的部分就丢弃,而那些较为完好的部分则留作未来造船之用。

63、The guidance provides a flexible and architecturally sound solution to a common enterprise development challenge. ─── 该指南为普通企业发展挑战提供了一种灵活且结构合理的解决方案。

64、this bulding is ugly, but architecturally interesting. ─── 这个建筑很难看,但从建筑学的角度来说是很有趣的。

65、This is enhanced by elegant and distinctively designed fittings featuring bright, high-grade materials, state-of-the-art technology and architecturally sophisticated details. ─── 这是加强和优雅设计的鲜明特色配件明亮,高档材料,高科技的先进技术和先进的建筑细节.



n. 建筑师;设计师,缔造者


adj. 建筑学的,建筑方面的;与建筑物相似的


His interest in science and technology was leavened by a genuine passion for architectural history and theory.




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