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08-14 投稿


creep 发音

英:[kri?p]  美:[kri?p]

英:  美:

creep 中文意思翻译




creep 网络释义

vi. 爬行;蔓延;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者

creep 常用词组

creep deformation ─── 蠕变

creep test ─── 蠕变试验;耐蠕变试验

creep resistance ─── 抗蠕变性;蠕变强度;抗蠕阻力;蠕变阻力

creep 短语词组

1、creep fluidity ─── [化] 蠕变流度; 蠕变流动性

2、catastrophic creep ─── [化] 灾变蠕变; 致毁蠕变

3、accelerating creep ─── [机] 加速潜变

4、creep curve ─── [化] 蠕变曲线

5、creep feeder ─── 给幼畜补饲的低矮栅栏(以防母畜吃掉饲料, 幼畜可自由出入采食)

6、creep deformation ─── [化] 蠕变

7、bracket creep ( ─── 纳税人)额外负担

8、anti-creep device ─── [机] 防爬装置

9、creepcreepage ─── [电] 沿面

10、creep endurance limit ─── [化] 蠕变持久极限

11、creep into ─── 悄 ─── 悄溜进

12、creep compliance ─── [化] 蠕变柔量

13、conventional creep limit ─── [机] 习用潜变限度

14、constant rate creep ─── [化] 等速蠕变

15、creep in ─── 开始发生

16、apparent creep ─── [化] 表观蠕变

17、creep feed ─── 间歇进给

18、blood vessel creep ─── [化] 血管蠕变

19、compressive creep ─── [化] 压缩蠕变

creep 词性/词形变化,creep变形


creep 习惯用语

1、creep away ─── 偷偷离开

2、give sb. the creeps ─── [口]使人毛骨悚然

3、creep over sth. ─── (蔓等)爬上; 偷偷逼近(进行袭击)

4、creep on ─── (时间)悄悄地过去

5、creep out ─── 偷偷溜出

6、creep in ─── 悄悄混进

7、Learn to creep before you leap. ─── 先学爬后学走; 按部就班; 循序渐进。

8、creep over ─── (蔓等)爬上; 偷偷逼近(进行袭击)

creep 特殊用法

1、anchorage creep ─── 锚头蠕动

2、creep of the rails ─── 轨道蠕动

3、compression creep ─── 压缩蠕变

4、steady-state creep ─── 稳态蠕变

5、chemical creep ─── 化学蠕变

6、tangential creep ─── 切向蠕动

7、Nabarre-Herring creep ─── 纳巴罗-赫林蠕变(由晶界通过晶粒内部到晶界的原子扩散)

8、diffusional creep ─── 扩散蠕变

9、hardness creep ─── 硬度蠕变

10、thermal creep ─── 热力蠕变

11、belt creep ─── 皮带轮缘滑动; 皮带爬行[打滑]

12、dynamic creep ─── 【力】动态蠕变

13、zero creep ─── 零蠕变

14、engineering creep ─── 工程蠕变

15、spider creep ─── 轮毂间隙

16、talus creep ─── 岩屑下滑

17、reverse creep ─── 反向蠕变

18、hill creep ─── 【地质】山坡土爬

19、bending creep ─── 弯曲蠕变

20、visco-eiastic creep ─── 粘-弹性蠕变

21、apparent creep ─── 表观蠕变

22、positive creep ─── 正向波形移动[蠕变]

23、rock creep ─── 岩爬

24、logarithmic creep ─── 对数蠕变

25、tensile creep ─── 拉伸蠕变

26、mountain creep ─── 坍坡, 坍方, 崩坍

27、initial creep ─── 初始蠕变

28、surficial creep ─── 表层蠕动, 土爬

29、magnetic creep ─── 磁蠕动; 磁滞

30、recovery creep ─── 回复蠕变

31、trigger creep ─── 板机潜进量[松动量]

32、durability creep ─── 经久性蠕变

33、downhill creep ─── 移动滑坡

34、total creep ─── 蠕变变形

35、catastrophic creep ─── 灾变[致毁]蠕变

36、creep of bicrystal ─── 双晶的蠕变

37、soil creep ─── 土潜动

38、constant rate creep ─── 等速蠕变率

39、torque creep ─── 转矩滞缓

40、desert creep ─── 沙漠蔓延

41、combined creep ─── 综合蠕变

42、tertiary creep ─── 【物】三重蠕变, 第三级蠕变(指蠕变的第三阶段)

43、quasi-viscous creep ─── 准粘滞蠕变

44、flexural creep ─── 挠曲蠕变

creep 相似词语短语

1、cree ─── n.克里语;北美印第安人的克里族

2、creed ─── n.信条,教义;n.(Creed)人名;(英)克里德

3、creeps ─── n.缺磷症;佝偻病;毛骨悚然的感觉;v.爬;蔓延(creep的第三人称单数形式)

4、creeper ─── 苦力怕(游戏Minecraft中的生物);爬行者;[植]匍匐植物;定速运送器

5、creepie ─── n.(苏)矮凳

6、creepy ─── adj.令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的

7、creel ─── n.鱼篮;捕虾笼;粗纱架;经轴架;n.(Creel)人名;(英、西)克里尔

8、creek ─── n.小溪;小湾

9、cheep ─── n.吱吱的叫声;vt.吱吱地叫(过去式cheeped,过去分词cheeped,现在分词cheeping,第三人称单数cheeps,名词cheeper);n.(Cheep)人名;(泰)集

creep 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you see that creep eyeing up every woman at the party. ─── 你看见那个讨厌的家伙了吗。

2、Kindness will creep where it cannot go. ─── 好心肠的人总是想尽办法帮助别人。

3、The sight of the snake makes my flesh creep. ─── 一看见蛇我就觉得毛骨悚然。

4、You should try to argue calmly and not allow any unpleasantness to creep in. ─── 你应该试图冷静地提出理由,不要让任何不愉快的事情发生。

5、Nevertheless, I managed to creep down into the living room for two days before anyone found me out. ─── 不过开头两天我还是成功地蹑手蹑脚地来到楼下起居室,被谁也没发现。

6、Do not allow chemicals to creep into the sewer grid. ─── 不允许把化学品蔓延到下水道的分格中。

7、To lie or creep in a prostrate position,as in subservience or humility. ─── 匍匐爬行,趴着以俯卧的姿势躺或爬,如奉承或屈辱。

8、The thought of that air crash makes the blood creep. ─── 一想到那次空难就会心惊胆战。

9、Added ground Anti-Air units to the East and West Red creep camps. ─── 在东、西两个红色的怪物点加入对空单位。

10、They creep along the seabed, their whiskery vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks. ─── 牠们沿海底爬行,用胡子般的触须探测海床,搜寻埋在底下的管状软体动物。

11、They lie in wait and creep close enough to attack their victims with a quick spring and a fatal pounce. ─── 他们埋伏着等待,爬着靠近到足够进攻猎物时再快速冲刺发动致命的突袭。

12、Learn to creep before you leap. Learn to walk before you run. ─── 些书不该看,你就可以知道他对文学的趣味高下。

13、He made several efforts to creep out of his scrape, but the old man's eye was upon him and he made blunder after blunder. ─── 他几次设法要想逃出窘境,可是那老人的眼睛老盯住他,于是他一次又一次地露了马脚。

14、K- will creep where it cannot go. ─── [谚]好心肠的人总是想尽办法帮助别人。

15、A moan that made my flesh creep. ─── 令我心惊肉跳的呻吟

16、He sneaked in under cover of darkness; In this essay, the author's personal feelings creep in. ─── 在黑暗的掩护下他悄悄进入;在这篇散文中作者融入了。

17、He never knew how to creep up his boss's sleeve. ─── 他从来不知道该怎样巴结老板。

18、Don't creep up on me like that! ─── 别那样蹑手蹑脚地靠近我!

19、Learn to creep before you leap. ─── 先学爬,后学跳。(循序渐进)

20、As a rule he writes English very well, but occasionally unidiomatic expressions creep in. ─── 他通常英语写得很好,可是偶尔会夹杂一些不合习惯的表达方式。

21、The girl giggled, "I wouldn't go out with him. He's a creep. ─── 姑娘咯咯地笑着说:“我不跟他出去,他是个讨厌的家伙。

22、Its subject coverage includes: temperature corrosion, fatigue, creep, etc. ─── 它的主题涉及的范围包括:温度腐蚀,疲劳,蠕动,等;

23、Don't let poverty creep up on you and drag you down. ─── 不能让贫穷把你拖垮。

24、He's the sort of creep who would do that kind of thing! ─── 他是个马屁精,总会做出那种事来!

25、It made my flesh creep to hear the wolves howl. ─── 听见狼嚎我毛骨悚然。

26、Children learn to creep ere they can go. ─── 孩子要走路,先得学爬行。

27、The effects of geometrical factors on small punch creep test were analyzed byfinite element analysis. ─── 利用有限元模拟技术分析了试样厚度、试样直径、压头球径对小冲孔蠕变试验结果的影响。

28、Yet did the physician, in his dark way, creep frightfully near the secret. ─── 不过,医生以他那不为人知的手段,已经可怕地爬近了秘密。

29、Reduced vision range of Marines by 200. Reduced creep HP slightly. ─── 将海军陆战队的视野减少为200。稍微减少了怪物的生命值。

30、Really? What a selfish, narcissistic creep! Remember how you used to complain about his icy touch? ─── “真的?真是个自私自恋的小人!还记得你以前怎样抱怨他那冷冰冰的抚摸吗?”

31、But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. ─── 但我仅仅是个献媚者,一个古怪的人!

32、Topics include: elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, creep, fracture, and fatigue. ─── 主题包含:弹性、黏弹性、塑性、潜变、破断及疲劳。

33、And how much "mission creep" will they allow? ─── 他们会容许多少“任务蠕变”?

34、Advantage: no creep response, maximum precision through automated manufacture at high throughput, cost effective. ─── 其优势有:没有蠕变反应,能达到最大精度,可自动生产,且产量及成本效率都很高。

35、The analytical investigation of nonlinear creep crack growth is in its infancy and much remains to be learned and done. ─── 对于蠕变裂纹扩展的分析研究还是处于初期阶段,还有许多事情有待于认识和完成。

36、To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility. ─── 匍匐爬行,趴着以俯卧的姿势躺或爬,如奉承或屈辱

37、Bad habits can creep up on you. ─── 你会染上坏习惯的。

38、"Look here, you snotty little creep. ─── “听着,你这个可怜的小混蛋。

39、Insecurity might creep in. ─── 不安全感可能会悄然而生。

40、The expression of his eyes made her soul sick and her flesh creep. ─── 他的眼神使她内心难受,毛骨悚然。

41、Why was that tall, thin creep staring at her? ─── 为什么那个又高又瘦的怪人盯着她看?

42、In a bar the policeman said to his colleagues,“I collared this creep. ─── ”(在酒吧那个警察对同事说:“我揪住了这个兔崽子。”)

43、High-tech employment also hasn't recovered to pre-bust levels, though it's beginning to creep back in parts of Silicon Valley. ─── 高科技员工的就业情况尚未恢复到泡沫破裂前的水平,但在硅谷,部分行业正在开始悄然回升。

44、There were times when you wanted to creep into hiding, like an animal. ─── 人也象动物一样,有想蹑手蹑脚躲起来的时候的。

45、Mistakes will creep into one's work. ─── 在工作中不知不觉地会出差错。

46、Kindness will creep where it may not go. ─── 仁慈可进入任何禁地。

47、It is easier for farmers to handle the young animals in the creep. ─── 农民在围栏里更容易驯服幼畜。

48、His ghost story made my flesh creep. ─── 他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。

49、Confining pressure increase rock strength, decrease damages rate of rock creep. ─── 在热力学框架内推导了岩石材料的蠕变损伤本构关系。

50、Ice Crown - Fixed the creep levels so that all camps are equal. ─── 修改了怪物等级.现在所有营地的强度都平均了.

51、Test Methods for Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics (08. ─── 塑料的张力、压力和柔性蠕变以及蠕变断裂的试验方法(08。

52、The sight of snake makes my flesh creep. ─── 一看见蛇, 我就觉得毛骨悚然, 好象有虫在爬。

53、Listen, creep, if you don't play fair, you're going to get into trouble. ─── 听着,混蛋,如果你不公正,你会倒霉的!

54、Mistakes were starting to creep in. ─── 不知不觉间,开始出错了。

55、At night, he would creep out of the house like a spook. ─── 夜间,他常常像幽灵一般地从家里偷偷地出来。

56、Without them, your clave strokes would tend to creep up to one another. ─── 它是落在第二步和第三步之间的弱拍上。

57、All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you. ─── 凡有翅膀用四足爬行的物,你们都当以为可憎。

58、You slimy little creep! ─── 你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才!

59、Fred exclaimed as he and my husband, Tom, realized what had been causing traffic to creep down the busy five-lane road. ─── 弗烈德高声呐喊著,当时他和我先生汤姆正在交通繁忙的五线车道上,目睹导致该处交通瘫痪的原因。

60、He felt his blood run cold and his flesh creep. ─── 他觉得自己的血都凝住了,浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。

61、Did you see that creep eyeing up every woman at the party? ─── 你看见那个讨厌的家伙了吗? 他对聚会上的每个女人都垂涎欲滴地打量不停。

62、A baby learns to creep before it learns to walk . ─── 婴儿学会走之前先学会爬。

63、There used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in. ─── 以前篱笆上有个洞, 我们可以钻进钻出, 可是这个洞已用木板给封住了。

64、Where you cannot climB over you must creep under. ─── 上面爬不过去,就从底下钻过去。

65、He felt his blood run cold and his flesh creep . ─── 他觉得自己的血都凝住了,浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。

66、Fig. 8. 15 shows some experimental results for limiting adhesion against creep. ─── 图8.15表示试验得出的极限粘着力对爬动量的关系。

67、No, she would say nothing; she would creep away now. ─── 不,她什么也不说出去,她现在可以悄悄地走开。

68、Mistakes were starting to creep in. ─── 开始出错了。

69、Whenever I feel fear creep upon me, I act as if I'm somebody else. ─── 每当我感到恐惧感弥漫开的时候,我会把自己当成别人做出行动。

70、Children learn to creep early they can go. ─── 孩子先会爬,再会走。

71、Plastic deformation and creep are highly undesirable, resilience is favourable. ─── 塑性形变和蠕变是很不利的,回弹性则是有利的。

72、The mechanical creep in photoelastic models is accompanied by a variation with time of the optical effects. ─── 光弹性模型中的力学蠕变,伴随着光学效应随时间的变化。

73、O'er you the moon beams will creep. ─── 噢月光将会慢慢移动.

74、Yet did the physician, in his dark way, creep frightfully near the secret? ─── 不过,医生以他那不为人知的手段,已经可怕地接近了秘密。

75、The more you creep and crawl trying to placate him, the more pleasure he gets in taking it out on you. ─── 你越是对他俯首贴耳,竭力安抚他,他就越要把气往你身上撒,好使他更开心。

76、He's a nasty little creep! ─── 他真让人讨厌!

77、If you both creep down to the reeds and then keep still as statues, maybe the moorhen will come back with her chicks and you can see them close up. ─── 如果你俩轻手轻脚地爬进芦苇丛,一动也不动地趴在那里,也许黑水鸡会带着她的小鸡回来的,这样,你们就可以在离得很近的地方观察这些小动物了。

78、Don't creep around so quietly! I nearly hit the ceilingwhen you spoke. ─── 不要蹑手蹑脚的!你突然张口说话时,把我吓了个半死。

79、He continued his creep along floor in the darkness. ─── 他继续在黑暗中在地板上爬行。

80、Additionally, the amount of creep is also controlled here as well. ─── 另外汽车的爬行距离也得到了很好的控制。

81、The sight of the snake made her flesh creep. ─── 她看到蛇就汗毛直竖。

82、In case of an air attack, low down and creep quickly to the nearest bomb shelter. ─── 万一遇到空袭,应该迅速趴下并匍匐至最近的防空洞。

83、They did not creep far, before they stopped and stood upright. ─── 他们没有爬多远便停住步子站了起来。

84、There used to be a hole in the fence that children could creep through, but it's been boarded in. ─── 以前篱笆墙上有个洞,孩子们可以爬过去,可是现在已用木板堵住了。

85、Well is it know that ambition can creep as well as soar. ─── 众所周知,胸有大志者方能屈能伸。

86、Two center creep camps and buildings have been removed. ─── 去掉中部的两个怪物点和建筑物。

87、Don't creep around so quietly! I nearly hit the ceiling when you spoke. ─── 不要蹑手蹑脚的!你突然张口说话时,把我吓了个半死。

88、I was woken up in the middle of the night by a weird wailing that made my flesh creep. ─── 半夜里,我被一种鬼叫声惊醒,吓得我毛骨悚然。

89、It is not fair to allow criticism and irony to creep into an exposition. ─── 在叙述中悄悄渗上了批评和嘲讽是不公道的。



1、Creep(英文单词解释) Creep,英文单词,译为:手蹑脚地走;爬;渐渐出现;蔓延;毛骨悚然n.卑鄙小人;爬;徐行;蠕动。例举:We take off our shoes and creep cautiously along the passage. 译为:我们脱掉了鞋,在走廊中蹑手蹑脚地往前走。

2、Creep(Radiohead的原唱歌曲) 《Creep》是电台司令乐队演唱的歌曲。单曲于1992年作为乐队的首支单曲发行,后来收录于乐队第一张专辑《Pablo Honey》中。现在已经被翻唱了36个版本。


creep 英[kri:p] 美[krip] vi. 爬行,匍匐; 缓慢地行进; n. 爬行,蠕动; 虫爬着似的感觉,毛骨悚然; 卑鄙小人,谄媚者; [例句]Back I go to the hotel and creep up to my room我回到旅馆,蹑手蹑脚地上楼回到房间。[其他] 第三人称单数:creeps 现在分词:creeping 过去式:crept过去分词:crept climb 英[kla?m] 美[kla?m] v. 爬; 攀登; 上升; 登山; n. 攀登; 山,岩; 增值; 晋升; [例句]Climbing the first hill took half an hour爬第一座小山花了半个钟头。[其他] 第三人称单数:climbs 现在分词:climbing 过去式:climbed过去分词:climbed

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