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diallel 发音

英:[['da??lel]]  美:[['da??lel]]

英:  美:

diallel 中文意思翻译



diallel 常用词组

diallel cross ─── 双列杂交[用于进化遗传学];两雄同雌异时交配;成双异系杂交

diallel 短语词组

1、diallel analysis in aquaculture ─── 水产养殖中的双列杂交分析

2、diallel analysis ─── 双列分析

3、diallel cross design ─── 双列杂交设计

4、diallel cross ─── 成双异系杂交,两雄同雌异时交配

5、diallel software ─── 双列软件

6、diallel analysis software ─── 双列分析软件

7、diallel mating design ─── [医]双列杂交交配设计

8、diallel table ─── 双列表

9、diallel crossing ─── 双列杂交

diallel 相似词语短语

1、dialer ─── n.拨号装置,拨号器;n.(Dialer)人名;(德)迪亚勒

2、Hallel ─── n.哈列,赞颂诗

3、dialled ─── 用标度盘测量;拨号(dial的过去式和过去分词)

4、dialler ─── 拨号器

5、Hillel ─── n.希勒尔(男子名)

6、allel ─── n.等位基因;对偶基因(等于allelomorph)

7、diable ─── n.(Diable)人名;(法)迪亚布勒

8、-dialled ─── 用标度盘测量;拨号(dial的过去式和过去分词)

9、dialed ─── n.转盘;刻度盘;钟面;vi.拨号;vt.给…拨号打电话;n.(Dial)人名;(英)戴尔

diallel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Diallel Analysis of Salt Tolerance in Upland Cotton ─── 棉花耐盐性的双列杂交分析

2、blocked diallel cross ─── 区组双列杂交

3、diallel estimation experiment ─── 双列杂交估计实验

4、To study the interactions of combining ability with environment for the stem characters in wheat, a set of diallel cross involving 7 random parents was made in three years. ─── 摘要随机选用7个亲本,连续3年组配成21个双列杂交组合,研究了小麦茎秆特性的配合力与环境互作。

5、Relationship between Differential Gene Expression Patterns in Chicken Ovary and Heterosis of Egg Number in a Chicken Diallel Cross ─── 蛋鸡与肉鸡卵巢组织基因差异表达与产蛋数杂种优势的相关性研究

6、Mihal Jew,I.Mirjana kovacev-D ;Jolai,1978,inheritance of grain protein content in a diallel wheat cross,proceedings of the 5th international wheat Genetics symposium,755-761. ─── 涂祖荣译)1982,小麦蛋白质含量及沉淀值的遗传,国外农学--麦类作物,(3)20-22.

7、partial diallel design ─── 部分双列杂交设计

8、Genotype difference and combing ability of barley anther culture response were investigated by the way of circulated partial diallel crossing. ─── 摘要用轮回式部分双列杂交法对大麦花药离体培养力进行基因型差异及配合力分析。


10、Combining Ability Analysis of Six Parents Diallel Cross of Liriodendron ─── 鹅掌楸属种间杂种苗期生长性状的亲本配合力分析

11、Analysis of Diallel Cross of Main Characters ─── 主要小麦品质性状的双列杂交分析

12、The combining ability analysis of diallel data showed highly significant effects for general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) in tested traits of selected parents. ─── 试验表明一般配合力和特殊配合力效应在亲本间存在显著差异。

13、diallel crosses analysis ─── 双列杂交分析

14、Diallel Analysis of Yield and Quality Characteristics in Flue-cured Tobacco ─── 烤烟产质性状的双列杂交分析

15、diallel cross triM ─── 双列杂交

16、Diallel analysis of quantitative traits of hybrid between Gossypium barbadense L. And G. Hirsutum L. Using 7 substitution and introgression lines ─── 利用7个置换系和渐渗系的双列杂交研究海陆杂种的数量性状遗传

17、all diallel crossing ─── 全双列杂交

18、General and specific combining ability for brix and 4 yielding characters of 10 parental clones of sugarcane were estimated from the seed- lings of 25 crosses mated in incomplete diallel design. ─── 以不完全双列杂交设计配制的25个组合实生苗为材料,估算了10个甘蔗亲本的锤度及4个产量性状的gca和sea。

19、Relationship between Differential Gene Expression Patterns in Chicken Ovary and Heterosis of Egg Number in a Chicken Diallel Cross ─── 蛋鸡与肉鸡卵巢组织基因差异表达与产蛋数杂种优势的相关性研究

20、Diallel Analysis of Yield and Quality Characteristics in Flue-cured Tobacco ─── 烤烟产质性状的双列杂交分析

21、Two genetic models are proposed for analyzing experimental data from diallel c rosses. ─── 摘要 本文提出了分析双列杂交试验资料的两个遗传模型。

22、Differential gene expression patterns in leaves between hybrids and their parental inbreds are correlated with heterosis in a wheat diallel cross, Plant Sci(SCI收录), 2004年, ─── 不同优势正反杂交种子与亲本自交种子发育前期基因表达差异,作物学报(国内核心),2005,第一

23、Studies on the Relationship between Diallel Analysis and QTL Mapping ─── 双列杂交分析与QTL定位分析之间关系的研究

24、Diallel Cross Genetic Analysis of Poor Light Density Tolerance of Tomato ─── 不同光照下番茄结实性的配合力及遗传效应分析

25、Diallel Analysis of Grain Protein and Lysing Content in Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) ─── 大麦籽粒蛋白质和赖氨酸含量的双列分析

26、A complete diallel cross 1/2P (P+1) of five tomato parents (alc, nor, rin, Nr and normal) having different fruit ASI (Accumulative storage index) of six generations were analyzed for inheritance of storability. ─── 选用耐贮性强的4个不同成熟突变体材料,LA2833(alc)、LA1793(nor)、IS08(rin)、LA162(Nr)和1个正常成熟的番茄品种524大红进行1/2P(P+1)双列杂交试验,测算果实耐贮性的遗传效应。

27、Diallel Cross Analysis of Parent Combining Ability of Flue-cured Tobacco ─── 烤烟亲本配合力的双列杂交分析

28、A genetic study on amylographic viscosity measurements of milled rice flour by means of diallel graph was conducted. ─── 本研究利用全互交遗传图析进行白米淀粉糊黏度测定值之遗传分析。

29、With circulant partial diallel crossing, the combining ability and heritability of seven yield traits in barley were studied. ─── 摘要用轮回式部分双列杂交法对10个大麦品种(系)的7个主要经济性状进行了配合力分析研究。

30、Hayman complete diallel cross ─── hayman完全双列杂交

31、A complete diallel of seven yellow-seeded rapeseed lines as sample which come from different sources by using canonical correlation approach was carried out. ─── 摘要以7个不同遗传来源的甘蓝型黄籽品系所配制的完全双列杂交作样本,对甘蓝型黄籽油菜进行典型相关分析。

32、Keywords Capsicum;Genetic effect;diallel crossing;Canonical correlation;Cytoplasmically male sterility;Grey relational analysis;Factor analysis; ─── 辣椒;基因效应;双列杂交;典型相关;细胞质雄性不育;灰色关联分析:因子分析;

33、A half diallel hybridization was made with the line in order to estimate F1 heterosis for some important economic traits. ─── 用这7个近交系作半双列杂交,以估算杂种一代一些重要经济性状的优势率。

34、diallel cross ─── 成双异系杂交两雄同雌异时交配

35、Hereditary features by diallel cross analysis. ─── 分析抗性遗传规律。

36、The Method of Measuring Synthetic Heterosis of Multi- Character in Incomplete Diallel Cross Experiments of Maize ─── 玉米不完全双列杂交多性状综合杂种优势测定方法

37、Using the design of partial diallel cross,13 maize inbred lines(6 male,7 female)were evaluated in 1997 for their main plant and yield characters. ─── 以近年育成的部分玉米新自交系和骨干系为材料,采用不完全双列杂交设计,对其主要株型和产量性状进行了遗传研究。

38、imcomplete diallel cross ─── 不完全并列系杂交

39、Two genetic models are proposed for analyzing experimental data from diallel crosses. ─── 本文提出了分析双列杂交试验资料的两个遗传模型。

40、Analysis of Genetic Effects of Some Nutrient Quality Characters in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage by Diallel Crosses ─── 不结球白菜主要营养品质性状的双列杂交遗传分析

41、Title: Diallel Crossing Analyses of Resistances to Main Diseases in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ─── 关键词:辣椒;双列杂交;抗病性;遗传参数估算

42、complete diallel cross ─── 完全双列杂交

43、Primary Study on the Relationship Between Differential Gene Expression Patterns in Roots at Jointing Stage and Heterosis in Agronomic Traits in a Wheat Diallel Cross ─── 小麦杂交种及其亲本拔节期根系基因差异表达与杂种优势关系的初步研究

44、With partial diallel cross,Eight black glutinous maize inbred lines which originated from inland or oversea were used in the experiment. ─── 以国内外收集的8个黑糯玉米自交系为材料,采用不完全双列杂交法,分析黑糯玉米子粒主要品质性状的遗传规律。

45、diallel pattern ─── 双列杂交模式

46、Factorial diallel mating ─── 析因交配

47、diallel crossing table ─── 双列杂交表

48、The Method of Measuring Synthetic Heterosis of Multi- Character in Incomplete Diallel Cross Experiments of Maize ─── 玉米不完全双列杂交多性状综合杂种优势测定方法

49、Keywords Hybrid Maize,Maize Breeding Progress,Regional Trials,Diallel Cross,SSR Analysis,Heterosis Pattern; ─── 杂交玉米;育种进展;区域试验;双列杂交;SSR分析;杂种优势模式;

50、diallel mating ─── 系交叉交配

51、Incomplete Diallel Crossing Analyses of Four Yield Traits in Peanut ─── 花生四个产量性状的不完全双列杂交分析

52、The heterotic ecotypes were studies by analysing of heterosis of the F1 hybrids, which were created in a diallel set of cross between 9 ecological types. ─── 摘要利用9个不同生态类型的50份水稻亲本材料,以生态型为单位进行双列杂交,配制336个组合,研究杂种一代的对照优势和超中亲优势,以杂种优势值作为划分优势生态型的依据。

53、diallel table ─── 双列表

54、The combining ability and heritability of protein content in hybrid rice were analysed with incomplete diallel cross design. ─── 选用11个不育系、13个恢复系以不完全双列杂交模式设计,进行杂交水稻组合的蛋白质含量测定及配合力、遗传力分析。

55、GGE Biplot Analysis of Diallel Cross of B. Napus L. ─── 用双标图分析油菜双列杂交试验。

56、Diallel Analysis of Superior Fiber Quality Properties in Selected Upland Cottons ─── 棉花优异纤维品质性状的双列杂交分析

57、Diallel analysis has been broadly used as an important tool of genetic analysis in classical quantitative genetics, which advanced the development of genetics studies and breeding practices. ─── 双列杂交分析是经典数量遗传学中应用最为广泛的一种重要的遗传分析方法,推动了遗传研究与育种实践的发展。

58、partial diallel cross ─── 局部控制

59、Low temperature and low light; Cucumber; Diallel cross;Resistance; Combining ability; Heritability. ─── 01低温弱光;黄瓜;双列杂交;抗逆性;配合力;遗传规律

60、Genotype difference and combing ability of barley anther culture response was investigated by the way of circulated partial diallel crossing. ─── 用轮回式部分双列杂交法对大麦花药离体培养力进行基因型差异及配合力分析。

61、incomplete diallel crossing ─── 不完全双列杂交

62、Diallel Analysis of Major Yield Characters for Some Elite Maize Inbred Lines in Yunnan ─── 云南省几个骨干玉米自交系主要产量性状的双列分析

63、Salt tolerance of early combinations in wheat diallel crossings ─── 小麦杂交组合早代耐盐性研究

64、diallel analysis ─── 双列分析

65、incomplete diallel cross ─── 不完全成双异系杂交

66、complete diallel crosses ─── 完全双列杂交设计

67、The influence of different male sterile cytoplasms upon sorghum main agronomic traits was studied by using incomplete diallel cross. ─── 采用不完全双列杂交的方法,研究了不同雄性不育细胞质对高粱主要农艺性状的影响。

68、Diallel Analysis of Superior Fiber Quality Properties in Selected Upland Cottons ─── 棉花优异纤维品质性状的双列杂交分析

69、20 hybrids derived from incomplete diallel cross and their parents were used as materials to analyze the correlation between the traits of plant ear and the ear moisture loss rate of maize. ─── 摘要以不完全双列杂交组配的20个杂交组合及其亲本为试材,分别研究了植株性状、穗部性状与玉米果穗脱水速率的相关性。


71、diallel mating design ─── 双列杂交交配设计

72、Total 59 Japonic rice lines from 9 ecotypes were used as materials in this study, and main quality characters of F1 hybrids of 303 combinations created in a diallel set of cross were analysed. ─── 摘要利用9个不同生态类型的59份粳稻亲本材料,以生态型为单位进行双列杂交,配制303个组合,研究各生态类型和杂种主要品质特性。

73、diallel design ─── 双等位基因设计

74、The behaving rule of genetic value was analyzed, the diallel cross from 10 genera in Paulownia taken as materials, by genetic value assessing the hybrid combination and parents. ─── 根据泡桐属内10个种的双列杂交材料,用遗传值评定亲本和杂交组合,分析遗传值的表现规律得知,亲本对树高、胸径、枝下高和冠幅有较大影响。

75、Study on Estimating of Combining Abilities by use of Incomplete Diallel Cross Methods ─── 关于不完全双列杂交法估算配合力的研究

76、Diallel Analysis of Physical Quality Characters of Gluten in Common Wheat ─── 普通小麦面筋物理品质性状的双列分析

77、A diallel study including three inbred lines each of dent and flint maize as parents were grown in the spring and fall crop seasons. ─── 以玉米三个硬粒种及三个马齿种之全互交为材料,分别种植于春作及秋里作,探讨期作对生长分化等性状基因表现之影响,其结果摘要如下。

78、disconnected diallel design ─── 不连接双列杂交设计

79、Based on F1 diallel crosses involving eight genetically diverse wheat cultivars, inheritance of harvest index (HI) and its correlations with agronomic traits were analyzed. ─── 摘要利用8个不同收获指数小麦品种双列杂交的F1及其亲本,探讨小麦收获指数的遗传及其与主要农艺性状的相关。

80、complete diallel cross (no reciprocal hybrid) was made using 5 wheat mutants with distinctive characters. ─── 5个性状各有特色的小麦优异突变体进行完全双列杂交(无反交)。

81、The diallel cross was used to analyze GCA and SCA effects on grain number per spike and fruit number per small spike of eight spring wheat genotypes. ─── 摘要通过双列杂交方式,对8个春小麦品种的结实小穗数和穗粒数进行一般配合力和特殊配合力效应分析。

82、Two genetic models are proposed for analyzing experimental data from diallel crosses. ─── 提出了分析双列杂交试验资料的两个遗传模型。

83、incomplete diallel crosses ─── 不完全并列杂交

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