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08-14 投稿


quickness 发音

英:[?kw?kn?s]  美:[?kw?kn?s]

英:  美:

quickness 中文意思翻译



quickness 网络释义

n. 急速,迅速;尖锐化

quickness 同义词

very | instantaneously | faster | hurry | chop-chop | immediately | expeditiously | hastily | very soon | promptly | soon | pell-mell | right away | presently | fast | in no time | lightly | headlong | in | apace | come on | briefly | hurriedly | cursorily | swiftly | make it snappy | flash | a | shortly |rapidly | right now | speedily | forthwith | pronto | in a flash | posthaste | straightway | quick | instantly | directly | hotfoot | time | suddenly | PDQ | briskly | no

quickness 反义词


quickness 短语词组

1、mental quickness ─── [网络] 精神敏锐;心灵迅捷;精神迅捷

quickness 相似词语短语

1、quirkiness ─── n.诡诈;离奇;突变

2、quickest ─── adj.最快的

3、quietness ─── n.平静,安静

4、sickness ─── n.疾病;呕吐;弊病

5、quickies ─── n.简短的事;瞬间完事的性交;匆忙做完的事;(板球)快投手(同quickie);adj.匆匆做成的,速成的(同quickie)

6、juiciness ─── n.多汁,多汁性

7、quickens ─── vi.加快;变活跃;进入胎动期;vt.加快;鼓舞;使复活

8、quickeners ─── 加速器

9、quicksets ─── n.树篱;adj.作为树篱栽种的

quickness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hustled the board into a quick decision. ─── 催促董事会迅速作出决定

2、He simply dominated te play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. ─── 凭借着敏捷而并非身高,他在队中就已举足轻重。

3、He has been quick at figures since his boyhood. ─── 他从小就算得很快。

4、He amazes me with his quickness and eagerness to learn. ─── 他敏思好学,令我惊讶。

5、If I had to create what I would classify as a pure three, it's Trevor Ariza, with his size, speed, quickness and defensive ability. ─── 如果你让我去纯定义一个三号位,那么我会说拿阿里扎当模板吧,有他的身高,速度,灵敏当然还要有防守的能力。

6、She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind. ─── 她仍保持着神童的激情与敏捷。

7、He is a dangerous criminal quick on the trigger. ─── 他是个危险的罪犯,动辄就开枪。

8、Give the table a quick sponge, will you? ─── 你快把桌子揩拭一遍好吗?

9、His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution. ─── 他的迅速康复是由于他的健全的体质。

10、She has bitten her nails down to the quick. ─── 她咬指甲都咬到了活肉。

11、Kate has great quickness to get to the ball after serves. ─── Kate: 对方发球后,Kate 能够迅速的到达球的落点。

12、Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, representing quickness of thought. ─── 双子座是十二宫地第三个星座,代表思维敏捷。

13、His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes. ─── 他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。

14、She was pleased and surprised with the quickness of his mind. ─── 他脑子之快使她又高兴又吃惊。

15、His sharp, probing questions showed a quickness of mind. ─── 他提的那些尖锐、盘根究底的问题都表明他思想敏捷。

16、He snatched at the book but not quick enough. ─── 他想抢走那本书,但动作不够快。

17、He seems to cotton on quick. ─── 他似乎敏于理解事物。

18、He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. ─── 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。

19、This move had not been unforeseen, but our plans to intercept him were foiled by the quickness of his withdrawal. ─── 我们事先并不是没有料到这种行动,但是因为它迅速撤退,使我们要想拦截它的计划落空。

20、He had a quick breakfast and rushed off to work. ─── 他匆忙吃完早餐,赶紧去上班了。

21、She gave her aunt a quick peck on the cheek. ─── 她在姑姑的脸颊上匆匆吻了一下。

22、In addition to his natural speed, quickness and strength, he could think his way around the court or gridiron. ─── 除了他自然速度,敏捷度和力量,他可以认为他的方式靠近法院或格。

23、Her quick action saved his life. ─── 她动作迅速因而救了他一命。

24、His spelling's poor but he's very quick at figures. ─── 他拼写差,但算术好。

25、He is quick in grasping the gist of a book. ─── 他敏于了解书的要点。

26、Ease or quickness of movement; agility. ─── 动作的轻松或迅速;敏捷

27、He is quick of apprehension. ─── 他理解力很敏锐。

28、She's as quick as lightning on the tennis court. ─── 她在网球场上疾如闪电。

29、Local firms have been quick off the mark to cash in on the oil boom. ─── 地方商行不失时机地利用油价暴涨大赚其钱。

30、Do around-the-body drills to improve ball-control and quickness with the ball. ─── 周围做体的演练,提高球与球的控制和速度。

31、He was quick to take up the gauntlet thrown down by the opposition. ─── 他立即接受了对方提出的挑战。

32、She was known for the quickness of her wit. ─── 她以头脑灵活见称。

33、He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash. ─── 他一下子就猜中了谜底。

34、I know Boozer is a difficult match up for him, but what can he do to improve, just a little more quickness and suatained energy? ─── 我知道对他来说跟上布泽尔的步调很难,但是他有什么办法来提高呢?只是在快一点或者多点能量吗?

35、His letter cut her to the quick. ─── 他的信深深地伤了她的心。

36、He cut the fingernail to the quick. ─── 他剪指甲剪了指甲下的肉。

37、He is not so quick a learner as his brother. ─── 他没他弟弟学得快。

38、Oh, come on! Just a quick one! ─── 哎,来吧!一会儿就完。

39、He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. ─── 他很快适应了新的环境。

40、She was pleased and surprised with the quickness and surety of his mind. ─── 他那迅速准确的反应叫她吃了一惊。

41、He is quick to take offense. ─── 他很易发怒。

42、With a few quick snips of the shears he pruned the bush. ─── 他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了。

43、Come as quick as you can. ─── 你要尽快来。

44、People are into making a quick buck. ─── 人人都想赚容易钱。

45、Can you slap up a quick meal for my friend before we rush to the game? ─── 你能在我跟朋友们赶去看比赛之前给我们草草凑合一顿饭吗?

46、Sun, air and wind cause quick chemical changes. ─── 太阳、空气和风引起快速的化学变化。

47、He is looking for a quick return on his investment. ─── 他正在寻找快速回收投资得利的方法。

48、He is very quick at sizing up problems. ─── 他判断问题很敏捷。

49、Local politicians are quick to pounce on any trouble. ─── 地方上的那些政客们动辄抓住问题不放。

50、She nipped in for a quick cup of tea . ─── 她匆匆进来喝了一杯茶。

51、He could not see his dogs;they were running along the small hidden paths of the bush, but he could hear the quick sound of their breathing. ─── 他看不见他的那些狗了——它们正沿着隐蔽的灌木丛中的几条小路跑散,但他能听到它们急促喘气的声音。

52、She has bitten her nails (down) to the quick. ─── 她咬指甲(一直)咬到肉。

53、He's slimmed down in an effort to increase his quickness and agility. ─── 但是我不会消极地去看待。

54、He moved with quickness and lightness. ─── 他动作敏捷、轻盈。

55、She was given some quick training at the vocational school. ─── 她在职业学校受过速成训练。

56、You have to be quick off the mark when you answer a newspaper advertisement. ─── 回应报纸的广告得说办就办。

57、He took a quick look at his notes. ─── 他很快地检查了一遍自己的笔记。

58、She was known for the quickness of her wit. ─── 她以头脑灵活见称。

59、He made a quick examination of the patient. ─── 他很快地把病人检查了一遍。

60、His thought was quick and sparkled. ─── 他的才思敏捷活跃。

61、You've got a little character, down among the Delawares, there, for quickness. ─── 你凭着自己的机灵劲,在特拉华人中赢得了点小名气。

62、He is always so quick to take offence at odds. ─── 他老是动不动就对琐碎的小事生气。

63、He is quick at spying the faults of others. ─── 他敏于发现别人的错误。

64、He is quick to assimilate new idea. ─── 他善于接受新观念。

65、Let's grab a quick sandwich and watch TV. ─── 咱们赶快吃个三明治就去看电视吧。

66、In some cases, where the new Safari's speed advantage was just a few seconds, that quickness may seem unimportant. ─── 在某些情况下,当新版Safari浏览器的速度优势只有几秒钟的时候,这种快速可能看起来没有那么重要。

67、Runs the floor with fluidity, and good quickness. ─── 在场上奔跑非常谐调和迅速。

68、They had all inherited their father's preposterous quickness and elegance. ─── 他们全都继承了父亲那种不同寻常的敏捷和高雅。

69、One person must prepare for it with the same tenacity and quickness as one does for a fencing tournament or a chess match. ─── 一个人必须像参加击剑比赛或国际象棋比赛那样,以同样的坚韧和敏捷来准备。

70、They are pressing us to make a quick decision. ─── 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。

71、A quick suspicion flashed across him. ─── 一丝疑惑突然产生在他的脑海里。

72、His words came out in quick succession. ─── 他说起话来滔滔不绝。

73、A quick recovery of the cotton market is generally expected. ─── 人们大都认为棉花市场将迅速恢复。

74、Gemini is representing quickness of thought. ─── 双子座代表思维敏捷。

75、A quick look or glimpse; a glance. ─── 一瞥; 一眼很快的一看或一瞥; 粗略看

76、Dantes was surprised at the quickness of so old a man. ─── 丹尼斯被这么一大把年纪的老头儿的敏捷动作给楞住了。

77、He had to make a quick change at Crewe. ─── 他得在克鲁迅速换车。

78、His pride was cut to the quick. ─── 他的自尊心受到极大伤害。

79、He swung round and approached the table with a certain eager quickness. ─── 他转过身来,迫不及待地往桌边走去。

80、They were imaginative, quick, and humorous. ─── 他们富有想像力,反应快且富於幽默感。

81、In speed it is characterized with "quickness 2 and slowness 1". ─── 在行进速度上,有着“两快一慢”的特征。

82、He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. ─── 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。

83、She was cut to the quick by his insults. ─── 她受他侮辱而十分伤心。

84、He gave a few quick wipes to the furniture. ─── 他对家具很快地擦了几下。

85、He amazes me with his quickness and eagerness to learn. ─── 他敏思好学,令我惊讶。

86、He has a quick eye for mistakes. ─── 他一眼就能看出错误。

87、He is quick to understand. ─── 他理解能力强。

88、In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger. ─── 在小组讨论会上,约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言。

89、He gave a quick pull on the rope. ─── 他很快地拉了一下绳子。

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