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08-14 投稿


embassy 发音

英:[?emb?si]  美:[?emb?si]

英:  美:

embassy 中文意思翻译



embassy 短语词组

1、embassy secretary ─── 大使馆秘书

2、embassy club ─── 大使馆俱乐部

3、go on an embassy v. ─── 去做大使

4、Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Moscow ─── 中华人民共和国驻莫斯科大使馆

5、embassy group ─── 大使馆小组

6、special embassy ─── [法] 特别使团, 特使

7、Embassy of Japan in Moscow ─── 日本驻莫斯科大使馆

8、central embassy ─── 中央大使馆

9、Embassy of the People's Republic of ─── 中华人民共和国大使馆

10、send sb. on an embassy ─── 派遣某人出任大使

11、embassy of music ─── 音乐大使馆

12、open an embassy ─── [法] 开设大使馆

13、attache of an embassy ─── [法] 使馆专员

14、embassy of singapore in china ─── 新加坡驻华大使馆

15、embassy document ─── [经] 使馆文件

16、embassy of chile ethiopia ─── 智利驻埃塞俄比亚大使馆

17、embassy suite ─── 大使馆套房

18、embassy of turkey ─── 土耳其大使馆

19、ranking member of the embassy ─── [法] 大使馆的高级官员

embassy 词性/词形变化,embassy变形


embassy 相似词语短语

1、embases ─── 底部

2、ambassy ─── 使馆

3、embased ─── 拥抱

4、embays ─── v.使入湾;围绕;成港湾状

5、embay ─── v.使入湾;围绕;成港湾状

6、bassy ─── adj.强低音的

7、ampassy ─── ampassy公司

8、embase ─── abbr.荷兰医学文摘数据库;荷兰医学文摘(ExcerptaMedicaDatabase)

9、embars ─── vt.囚禁;阻遏

embassy 习惯用语

1、send sb. on an embassy ─── 派某人出任大使

2、go on an embassy ─── 出任大使

embassy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Or you can ask the public affairs office at a United States embassy to tell you where to find the nearest advising center. ─── 或者你可以问询美国大使馆的公共事务办公室,他们将告诉你离你最近的一家建议中心在哪儿。

2、Three of the embassy officials have been expelled for spying. ─── 大使馆三名官员因从事间谍活动而被驱逐出境。

3、Megan's parents were notified by the embassy. ─── 大使馆通知了梅根的父母。

4、"We can fight our way back to the Embassy!" retorted Touchstone. ─── “我们可以冲回大使馆!”塔奇斯顿反驳。

5、A crowd began to collect in front of the embassy. ─── 人群开始聚集在大使馆的前面。

6、The Embassy refused to renew their temporary travel documents. ─── 大使馆不同意延长他们临时旅行证件的有效期。

7、Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria?? ─── 保加利亚共和国大使馆??

8、Embassy of the Republic of Croatia?? ─── 克罗地亚共和国大使馆??

9、Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador? ─── 厄瓜多尔共和国大使馆?

10、Could you take me to Chinese Embassy? ─── 可以送我去中国大使馆吗?

11、In this step, the embassy to which he submits the paperwork will choose a service provider, whose job it is to process the verification. ─── 在此步骤中,向其提供书面材料的大使馆将选择服务提供商,其工作是处理验证。

12、Japanese Embassy, please. I have an appointment at 10:00. ─── 去日本大使馆。我10点有个约会。

13、How was your interview at the embassy today? ─── 你今天去大使馆面谈的怎么样?

14、Embassy of the Republic of Congo? ─── 刚果共和国大使馆?

15、Embassy of the Republic of Ghana?? ─── 加纳共和国大使馆??

16、You have to visit the consulate or embassy. ─── 你必须到领事馆或大使馆去。

17、Embassy of the Republic of Colombia? ─── 哥伦比亚共和国大使馆?

18、Could you put me off at the embassy? ─── 到了使馆的时候,请告诉我一下。

19、The embassy is located next to the Supreme Court. ─── 大使馆的位置紧邻最高法院。

20、Embassy of the Republic of Ghana? ─── 加纳共和国大使馆?


22、You must register with the police, the embassy, etc. ─── 你应该向警方、 使馆等登记.

23、They danced at the Embassy to the music of a piano. ─── 他们在大使馆和着钢琴的音乐而舞。

24、Embassy of the Republic of Botswana? ─── 博茨瓦纳共和国大使馆?

25、He is with the French Embassy. ─── 他在法国大使馆工作。

26、Iran reopened its embassy in London. ─── 伊朗重新开放了在伦敦的大使馆。

27、Printed out, it is also the entry ticket to the embassy, controlling outsiders' access to one of the main terrorist targets in London. ─── 将其打印出来便是大使馆的入场券,这将那些不受欢迎者拒之门外,毕竟这里是伦敦最主要的恐怖袭击目标之一。

28、China?s embassy in France donates tents. ─── 中国驻法使馆捐献了帐篷。

29、You must register with the embassy. ─── 你必须到大使馆登记。

30、While we were attending an embassy party she collapsed. ─── 在一次使馆举行的酒会上,她突然晕倒。

31、Embassy of Republic of Chad? ─── 乍得共和国大使馆?

32、The embassy were sent to the country. ─── 大使馆的全体成员被派到这个国家。

33、He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London. ─── 他是美国驻伦敦大使馆的一名外交官。

34、You must register with the police,the embassy,etc. ─── 你应该向警方、 使馆等登记。

35、Two attache at the embassy is expel from the country. ─── 大使馆的两名随员已驱逐出境。

36、They piled into the embassy car and set off for the city. ─── 他们全挤进了大使馆的汽车,往城里驶去。

37、Are you working in the Embassy? ─── 你在大使馆工作吗?

38、There was a demonstration outside the embassy. ─── 在大使馆外有示威游行。

39、Are you going to the banquet to be given at the embassy? ─── 你准备参加大使馆举行的宴会吗?

40、Embassy of the State of Eritrea? ─── 厄立特里亚国大使馆?

41、A large car swished past them and turned into the embassy gates. ─── 一辆大型轿车嗖地从他们身边驶过,拐进了大使馆的大门。

42、He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. ─── 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。

43、He had something to do with the British Embassy. ─── 他和英国大使馆有些关系。

44、Embassy of the Republic of Gabon?? ─── 加蓬共和国大使馆??

45、After two years in Paris he was posted to the embassy in Beijing. ─── 他在巴黎任职两年后被派往驻北京大使馆工作。

46、He was attached to the Chinese Embassy. ─── 他隶属中国大使馆。

47、erupted outside the embassy gates. ─── 大使馆门外突然发生了暴乱。

48、The entertainment at the embassy was nothing to write home about. ─── 大使馆娱乐节目并非很精彩。

49、The embassy was besieged by the angry people once more. ─── 大使馆再次被愤怒的人们包围。

50、He works at the America Embassy in London. ─── 他在美国驻伦敦大使馆工作。

51、He took his visa from embassy. He got his visa from embassy. ─── 他从大使馆拿到了签证。

52、He was quartered at the embassy when he arrived in Paris. ─── 他到达巴黎后被安排在使馆里住下。

53、You must register with the police (the embassy). ─── 你应该向警方(使馆)登记。

54、The chief secretary of an embassy. ─── 一等秘书大使馆的一等秘书

55、Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti?? ─── 吉布提共和国大使馆(非常驻)??

56、Attended a big do at the embassy. ─── 参加大使馆举行的盛大聚会

57、There 's a big reception at the embassy tonight . ─── 今晚在大使馆有个大型招待会。

58、Embassy of the Republic of Guinea? ─── 几内亚共和国大使馆?

59、She found herself on her knees in front of the Dominican embassy begging for her life in broken Spanish. ─── 而我母亲跪在多米尼加大使馆的前面用她蹩脚的西班牙语乞求放自己一条生路。

60、Embassy of the Republic of Colombia?? ─── 哥伦比亚共和国大使馆??

61、The US Embassy's spokeswoman Susan Stevenson said the embassy was "aware of several cases at the moment" . ─── 美驻华大使馆发言人SusanStevenson表示,大使馆“目前已知道有几起病例。”

62、An embassy, consulate or high commission of the country of. ─── 使馆,领事馆或发行国的高级委员会。

63、The ambassador held a reception at the embassy. ─── 大使在大使馆召开了接待会。

64、Only one telephone line in the emBassy was secure. ─── 大使馆里只有一线电话没有被窃听

65、Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus? ─── 塞浦路斯共和国大使馆?

66、He is attached to the embassy. ─── 他被派至大使馆。

67、Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador?? ─── 厄瓜多尔共和国大使馆??

68、Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Chinese Embassy? ─── 劳驾,你知道怎样去中国大使馆吗?

69、Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon? ─── 喀麦隆共和国大使馆?

70、A diplomatic mission in a foreign country ranking below an embassy. ─── 公使馆地位低于大使馆的驻在外国的外交使团

71、He said the Embassy was waiting word from their government. ─── 他说,大使馆正在等他们政府的指示。

72、Certification of the Embassy in the Departing Country o. ─── 出境国大使馆证明;

73、The embassy in Beijing said it did not become involved after concluding it was a business dispute. ─── 英国驻北京大使馆表示,当断定这是场商业纠纷后,大使馆没有干预此事。

74、Embassy of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana? ─── 圭亚那合作共和国大使馆?

75、Embassy of the Republic of Gabon? ─── 加蓬共和国大使馆?

76、Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon?? ─── 喀麦隆共和国大使馆??

77、The Embassy Host A Banquet for Chinese Teachers in the U.S. ─── 大使馆设宴招待美国汉语教师

78、Embassy of the Republic of Cuba? ─── 古巴共和国大使馆?

79、They will stage a 48-hour hunger strike outside the Soviet Embassy. ─── 他们将在苏腾大使馆外举行一次48小时的绝食抗议。

80、Need to find a Chinese embassy or consulate-general? ─── 你是否需要搜寻中国驻外国的大使馆或领事馆资料?

81、Embassy of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana?? ─── 圭亚那合作共和国大使馆??

82、A crowd had already collected outside the embassy gates. ─── 使馆大门外已经聚集了一群人。

83、You'd better tell you embassy, too. ─── 你最好还要告诉你的大使馆。

84、Embassy of the Republic of Botswana?? ─── 博茨瓦纳共和国大使馆??

85、The official place of business of an embassy or consulate. ─── 使馆办事处大使馆或领事馆的办公地点或商务办公处

86、They took refuge in the embassy compound. ─── 他们在大使馆围区内避难。

87、Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria? ─── 保加利亚共和国大使馆?

88、Embassy of the Republic of Croatia? ─── 克罗地亚共和国大使馆?


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