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08-14 投稿


jawbone 发音

英:[?d???bo?n]  美:[?d???b??n]

英:  美:

jawbone 中文意思翻译





jawbone 网络释义

n. 颚骨;信用;下颚骨vt. 赊买vi. 赊买

jawbone 词性/词形变化,jawbone变形


jawbone 短语词组

1、jawbone era ─── 颌骨时代

2、jawbone live ─── 颌骨带电

3、jawbone icon ─── 颌骨图标

4、jawbone up ─── 手环

5、jawbone nerd ─── 颌骨书呆子

6、jawbone usb ─── 颌骨usb

7、upper jawbone ─── [网络] 上颔骨

8、jawbone jambox ─── 下颚骨jambox

9、jawbone bluetooth ─── 颌骨蓝牙

10、jawbone knife rdr2 ─── 颌骨刀rdr2

11、jawbone mini ─── 颌骨迷你型

12、jawbone term ─── 颌骨术语

13、diarrhea of the jawbone ─── 颌骨腹泻

14、jawbone icon hd ─── 颌骨图标hd

15、lower jawbone ─── [网络] 下颔骨

16、jawbone club ─── 颌骨俱乐部

17、jawbone economics ─── 口头经济学

18、jawbone app ─── 颌骨应用程序

jawbone 相似词语短语

1、jambone ─── 门楣

2、jawboned ─── 游说(jawbone的过去式和过去分词)

3、jambones ─── 火腿

4、jawboners ─── n.颚骨;信用;下颚骨(jawbone的变形)

5、jaw bones ─── [解剖]颌骨

6、jaw bone ─── [解剖]颌骨

7、jawboxes ─── 颌骨盒

8、jawbones ─── n.颚骨;信用;下颚骨;vt.赊买;vi.赊买

9、jawboner ─── n.颚骨;信用;下颚骨(jawbone的变形)

jawbone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tourist in Aruba discovered a jawbone last week. ─── 上周,阿鲁巴岛的一名游客发现了一个颚骨。

2、but now there were raised white scars in a violent, puckered crisscross, a slash from his hairline to the bridge of his nose and from there a reverse angle to the heel of his jawbone. ─── 但现在,那里凸现着白色的伤疤,组成了凶恶皱起的十字,一道疤痕从发际延伸到鼻梁,又反向折回到下巴根部。

3、"You can't just jawbone it and allow the Chinese to say, 'Just be patient, we're working on it,"' he said. "Too much patience with the Chinese will get you nowhere." ─── "你不能只是声明一下然后等中国说"耐心一点,我们正在努力呢"米切尔说"对中国施予太多的耐心会让你什么都得不到"

4、A study of sedimentary calaium with tonic preparations of calcium in rat's jawbone ─── 补钙剂与大鼠颌骨钙沉积的研究

5、Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a rare but serious condition that can cause severe damage to the jawbone. ─── 颚骨坏死是一种罕见但却很严重的状况,通常会对颚骨造成严重的损害。

6、Keywords Trgeminal neuralgia;Etiology;Jawbone; ─── 三叉神经痛;病因;颌骨;

7、The Distraction Osteogenesis for Jawbone ─── 颌骨牵引成骨技术

8、But they did not test the jawbone, and that, say the Russians, is positively male. ─── 但是他们没有测试下颚骨,而且那是正确地是男性的,俄罗斯人说。

9、Imaging diagnosis of the lesions of teeth and jawbone ─── 牙与颌骨病变的影像学诊断

10、Objective To observe the structure changes of rat jwabone after ovariectomy on animal model of osteoporosis and to understand the relationship between the jawbone and the body bone. ─── 目的本实验通过切除大鼠双侧卵巢,观察颌骨的结构变化,了解其与全身骨结构变化的关系。

11、Retrospective Study of Clinical Pathological of Jawbone Eosinophilic Granuloma ─── 颌骨嗜酸性肉牙肿临床病理回顾性研究

12、buy jawbone ─── 赊买; 分期付款购买

13、jawbone tumor ─── 颌骨肿瘤

14、The Nutritional Treatment Effect and Nursing of Patients Suffered from Jawbone Fracture Perisurgery ─── 颌骨骨折病人围手术期营养支持治疗的疗效观察和护理

15、If the wisdom tooth has erupted out of the jawbone but not through the gumline, it is called a soft tissue impaction. ─── 如果智齿已经从腭骨萌出,但还没有从牙龈中长出,就称之为软组织阻生。

16、The most common type is a titanium screw that is anchored into the jawbone where it serves as post for a custom-made tooth crown. ─── 大部分种植体是螺纹状的钛金属。被安装在骨骼内,作为根桩来支撑个性化制作的牙冠和桥。

17、The primary clinical observation of the collagen membrane and bioglass in the treatment of jawbone defects ─── 胶原膜及生物活性玻璃用于颌骨囊肿骨缺损修复

18、The morphologic study on both rats jawbone and body bone after ovaries castrated ─── 大鼠卵巢去势后颌骨与全身骨的形态学研究

19、Due to the fact that Dental Implants are embedded to the jawbone ,the fitting is consequently very stable, particularly noticeable during eating and speaking . ─── 因为是植入在牙槽骨上,种植牙较为坚固稳定,这一优点在进食和说话时尤其突出。

20、The oldest fossils, a jawbone teeth and a toe bone found in Ethiopia, date to 5.3 Million years. ─── 最旧的化石jawbone牙和脚趾骨头发现了在埃塞俄比亚,日期对5.3百万年。

21、When speaking, the sounds will generate vibrations in the people mouth and jawbone, then these vibrations will reach the skull. ─── 当人说话的时候,声音会在人的嘴巴和颚骨处产生振动,并传达到头骨处,因此,骨传导麦克风能被佩戴到头部的任何地方。

22、Jawbone fracture ─── 颌骨骨折

23、It was also possible that the jawbone had been found by humans and its teeth used to make a necklace, he said. ─── 也有可能是有人发现了那具下颌骨,并把它的牙齿拿来做项链,他说。

24、the outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward ─── 下颌角点,下颚两侧的突出点,在这此下颚骨向上弯曲

25、Only the jawbone (which remains away from public view), the skull fragment and the bloodstained sofa segments were preserved in the deep archives of Soviet intelligence. ─── 只有下颚骨(这仍然在公众的视野以外),头骨碎片和血污沙发切片,被保存在苏联情报档案深处。

26、The Banks Islanders held him prisoner, and he was dying of necrosis of the jawbone, caused by an arrow wound in the fight on the beach ─── 他做了班克斯岛人的俘虏,由于在滩头交战时中了一箭,颚骨慢慢坏死,后来才一命呜呼。

27、acrodont Type of tooth ankylosed to the jaw along the midline of the jawbone, rather than to the inner edge, the condition in most fishes. ─── 颔缘齿颌齿的类型沿著颚骨的中线,而不是到内缘,大多数的鱼均如此。附著是藉著连接著成胶的组织已被浸渍的钙盐与,在上颌骨与颚齿,藉著在牙齿与硬骨之间的骨块。

28、He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it. ─── 士15:15他见一块未乾的驴腮骨、就伸手拾起来用以击杀一千人。

29、She cradled him in her arms and he licked her jawbone , then cuddled into the hollow of her neck. ─── 她将它搂在怀里,小狗舔着她的颚骨,然后舒服地缩在她脖颈凹陷处。

30、But as our brains grew our jawbone structure changed, leaving us with expensively overcrowded mouths. ─── 但是因为大脑影响了下颚的结构,让我们只好长了一嘴拥挤的牙齿了。

31、The Piltdown Man is a famous hoax in which pieces of a skull and jawbone found in 1912 were believed to be the fossilized remains of an early form of human being. ─── 皮尔当人是次有名的骗局,多块头骨和颚骨于1912年被发现,并被认为是早期人类化石的遗骸。

32、The jawbone from which he had the crucial DNA extracted is now back with the rest of the Unknown Sailor’s remains, and there are provisional plans to bury the man in Geraldton. ─── 提取出原始DNA的颌骨如今已经回到无名水兵的遗骨里,同时,有各种暂时性的计划打算把这个人埋在杰拉尔顿。

33、Chicken cartilage month jawbone. ─── 鸡软骨月牙骨。

34、17 As he finished speaking he threw the jawbone from him; and so that place was named Ramath-lehi. ─── 当他说完这话,就顺手把腮骨抛弃了;因此那地名叫辣玛肋希。

35、When replacement teeth are engineered, for instance, they will ideally be grown in their permanent location so that they can create nerve and blood vessel connections and physically attach themselves to the jawbone. ─── 例如,要制造替代牙齿时,最理想的情形是让它生长在固定的位置,如此一来,替代牙齿便可以发展出神经与血管连线,并且可以直接附著到颌骨。

36、Fosamax: Higher Risk of Jawbone Death? ─── 产妇用非处方药后婴儿死亡谁之过?

37、1. Having teeth attached to the edge of the jawbone without sockets. ─── 边齿的,端生齿的:长有颌缘牙的,端生的,颌缘的

38、We didn't think much about that sediment again until 1998, when Kinzig relayed the news that they had uncovered the partial jawbone of a tiny mammal with three grinding teeth still in place. ─── 我们并没有把那个侏罗纪沉积物放在心上,直到1998年金尼格捎来讯息,说是发现了一块哺乳类的颚骨碎片,上面还带著三颗磨齿,而且那个动物的体型极小。

39、And he found a new jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men therewith. ─── 15他见一块未乾的驴腮骨,就伸手拾起来,用以击杀一千人。

40、The outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward. ─── 下颌角点下颚两侧的突出点,在这此下颚骨向上弯曲

41、jawbone economics ─── 口头经济学

42、Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men. ─── 他见一块未乾的驴腮骨,就伸手拾起来,用以击杀一千人。

43、Keywords Teeth;Jawbone;Imaging diagnosis; ─── 牙;颌骨;影像学诊断;


45、And when he finished speaking, he cast the jawbone from his hand; and he called that place Ramath-lehi. ─── 17说完这话,就把那腮骨从手里抛出去了;他便把那地方叫作拉末利希。

46、As soon as he had finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone out of his hand. And that place was called Ramath-lehi. ─── 说完这话,就把那腮骨从手里抛出去了。那地便叫拉末利希。

47、There is a pain deep in the jawbone. ─── 颚骨里面痛。

48、Your jawbone is the hardest bone in your body. ─── 你的下颌骨是身体里最坚硬的骨头。

49、A maxillary bone; a jawbone. ─── 上颔骨;颔骨

50、Objective To observe the clinical results of collagen membrane and bioglass used in the treatment of the jawbone defects. ─── 目的观察胶原膜及生物活性玻璃促进颌骨骨缺损的修复情况。

51、And Hosain Rahman, the CEO of Aliph Jawbone , you know, really understands that you need a different structure . ─── 赫扎因拉赫曼–“颚骨”执行长很清楚需要有不同的结构。

52、diarrhea of the jawbone ─── n. 一种假想的疾病,和不停地说话有关系

53、The clinical efficacy of fenestration and drainage operation to jawbone dentigerous cystin ─── 开窗引流术治疗替牙期颌骨含牙囊肿的疗效观察

54、When he had finished speaking, he threw the jawbone from his hand; and he named that place Ramath-lehi. ─── 说完这话、就把那腮骨从手里抛出去了.那地便叫拉末利希。

55、Of or relating to a jaw or jawbone, especially the upper one. ─── 上颔骨的上颔的或关于颔骨的,尤指上颔骨的

56、The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. ─── 人体最硬的骨头是下颚骨(颔骨)?

57、It has no external microphone and captures vibrations in the user's jawbone converting them to crisp and clear sound. ─── 它没有外接麦克风和捕捉用户的颚骨震动将它们转换为清晰和清晰的声音。

58、of or relating to a jaw or jawbone,especially the upper one ─── 上颔骨的;上颔的或关于颔骨的,尤指上颔骨的

59、While economists jawbone about whether the U.S. will sink into recession, investors already are thinking of ways to prepare their stock portfolios for a downturn. ─── 尽管经济学家对美国是否会陷入衰退众说纷纭,但投资者已未雨绸缪地考虑经济滑坡时的股票投资组合了。

60、Clinical Analysis of Jawbone Centrality Haemangioma ─── 颌骨中心性血管瘤的临床分析

61、Objective: To study possible role of Jawbone Cavities in the etiology of trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 目的:研究颌骨病变性骨腔与三叉神经痛病因的关系。

62、So you'll see that they've got a very large, lumpy jawbone, and most of that is muscle. It comes right up over the top of their forehead, ─── 因此你将看到它们有一块大而凹凸不平的下颌骨并且上面多是肌肉。它们覆盖过头顶,

63、they ruled it until Samson took them out with the jawbone of an ass. ─── 他们统治那里直到被参孙用驴腮骨将他们逐出领地。

64、Only a fragment of Hitler's skull and his jawbone were kept and sent to the Soviet Union as proof of his death. ─── 于是,希特勒尸体再次埋葬焚烧,骨灰撒入德里茨河。

65、Keywords Jawbone;tumor;Tomography;X-ray computed;Diagnosis; ─── 关键词颌骨;肿瘤;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

66、And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking, that he cast away the jawbone out of his hand, and called that place Ramathlehi. ─── 说完这话,就把那腮骨从手里抛出去了。那地便叫拉末利希。

67、When he finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone; and the place was called Ramath Lehi. ─── 17说完这话,就把那腮骨从手里抛出去了。那地便叫拉末利希。

68、A hole was left in the side of his tomb so people could touch his royal head, but 376 years later some took advantage of this and stole his jawbone. ─── 他的墓穴旁边留了一个洞,让人们碰触他的御首,但376年后有人利用这点偷去了他的颚骨。

69、Impacted wisdom teeth are set in the jawbone in unusual positions, sometimes horizontally, which stops them from erupting in a normal way. ─── 压 在 颚 骨 内 的 智 慧 齿 的 位 置 特 殊 , 有 时 候 是 横 的 , 使 它 无 法 正 常 长 出 。

70、A Novel System for Constructing Voxel-based Finite Element (FE)Models of Dental Implant and Jawbone. ─── 基于体素的牙种植体及颌骨的有限元建模

71、A tooth socket in the jawbone. ─── 牙槽颚骨处的牙床

72、He came across the jawbone of a 4.5 million-year-old marsupial. ─── 他偶然发现了一个450万年前的有袋动物的颌骨。

73、Dental implants, like natural teeth, also transmit chewing forces to the jawbone, which reduces bone loss. ─── 种植体可以像天然牙齿一样把咀嚼力量传导到颌骨上,这可以有效地减少骨萎缩。

74、The majority of jawbone intra-osseous lipomas are found in adults, and of uncertain origin and etiology but are usually associated with molar teeth. ─── 大部份颚骨的骨内脂肪瘤被发现于成年人,而其来源及病因不明,但通常与大臼齿有关。

75、In 1953 it was exposed to be a fraud consisting of the jawbone of an orangutan and the skull of a fully developed adult man. ─── 1953年该骗局被曝光,人们在其中发现了猩猩的颚骨和发展成熟的现代人的头骨。

76、Having teeth attached to the edge of the jawbone without sockets. ─── 边齿的,端生齿的长有颌缘牙的,端生的,颌缘的

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