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08-14 投稿


frizzle 发音


英:  美:

frizzle 中文意思翻译



frizzle 网络释义

vt. 使卷缩;使卷曲vi. 炸得吱吱响;卷曲n. 卷发;吱吱响声

frizzle 词性/词形变化,frizzle变形

动词第三人称单数: frizzles |动词过去分词: frizzled |动词现在分词: frizzling |动词过去式: frizzled |

frizzle 短语词组

1、frizzle fraz ─── 毛边短语

2、frizzle drip ─── 毛边滴落

3、frizzle frazzle ─── 毛边

4、frizzle fry ─── 炸薯条

5、frizzle h ─── 毛边h

6、frizzle up ─── 使卷曲

7、frizzle chicken ─── 炸鸡

8、frizzle polish ─── 褶边抛光剂

9、frizzle chicken farmhouse cafe ─── 卷毛鸡农家咖啡馆

frizzle 相似词语短语

1、frizzled ─── adj.卷曲的;v.使卷曲(frizzle的过去式和过去分词)

2、drizzle ─── vt.(毛毛雨似地)洒;(在食物上)浇(液态调料);vi.下毛毛雨;n.细雨,毛毛雨;(浇在食物上的)液态调料细流

3、frizzlier ─── adj.头发卷曲的;满是卷结的(frizzly的变形)

4、grizzle ─── n.灰色(物);斑白的头发;vi.变成灰色;抱怨;vt.使成灰色;adj.灰色的;n.(Grizzle)人名;(英)格里兹尔

5、frazzle ─── n.疲惫,精疲力竭;烫皱,煮烂;烧尽,烧焦;v.使……疲惫不堪;使……被烫皱

6、frizzles ─── v.把(头发)烫卷曲;(发吱吱声地)煎(或烤);炸脆,烧焦;n.煎炸时的吱吱声;煎炸;鬈发

7、frizzly ─── adj.头发卷曲的;满是卷结的

8、fizzle ─── vi.失败;发嘶嘶声;萎靡;n.失败;嘶嘶声

9、frizzler ─── 卷毛机

frizzle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oh, oh, oh! what have you done? I'm spoilt! I can't go! My hair, oh, my hair!' wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead. ─── “噢,噢,噢!你都干了些什么呀?全完了!教我怎么见人!我的头发,噢,我的头发!”梅格绝望地看着额前参差不齐的头发疙瘩,失声痛哭。

2、The weapon in the first pic which used black frizzle is quite strange,it likes Dao and pointed weapon. ─── 第一图里黑发卷毛用的兵器真奇怪,象刀又象刺。

3、Frizzle's class is on a ride that has more ups and downs than a roller coaster! ─── 或许正是秉持这样一种写作的目的,这本书才更加适合大众理解和阅读。

4、She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn; and presently they were ashes ─── 她注视着纸片卷曲、焦枯、燃烧;转眼间它们变成了灰烬。

5、1.Really a rare frizzle lion head grip.The copper wrapped slurry seems to be old.This piece is just left to experts on copper ware to date! ─── 果然是个少见卷毛狮头柄头,铜质包浆看来年份不浅,这件狮头还是留给专业铜器专家来断代吧!

6、Bear in mind that the tape could turn for the worse should the financial stocks frizzle out around this level. ─── 请记住, 如果金融股在该位置突破失败,大盘将变得更糟糕。

7、time Ms. Frizzle took us on a far-out adventure-all the way to outer space! ─── 弗瑞斯老师有一次带领我们进行了一次奇特的冒险之旅——外太空旅行!

8、The weapon in the first pic which used black frizzle is quite strange, it likes Dao and pointed weapon. ─── 第一图里黑发卷毛用的兵器真奇怪,象刀又象刺。

9、Frizzle's class. ─── 这是一本几乎所有的小朋友都疯狂喜欢的图画书,能让小朋友们知道自己是中国的孩子。

10、When Carlos brings a mystery rock to school, he hopes Ms. Frizzle will tell him what kind of rock it is. ─── 卡洛斯把那块神秘的石头带到了学校,他希望弗瑞斯夫人可以告诉他那到底是什么岩石。

11、frizzle fowl ─── 卷羽鸡

12、Stocks opened on a positive note Friday, looking to extend the prior session’s gains, though the rally eventually frizzle out amid a higher commodities prices. ─── 上周五美股跳空高开,本指望延续前一个交易日的涨势,但是由于商品价格攀升,股市最终高开低走。

13、Frizzle's class.Maybe you've heard of Ms.Frizzle.She takes us on lots of field trips in the Magic School Bus. ─── 本书作者从一度的肥胖给自己的生活带来种种苦恼开始,详细讲述了自己瘦身减肥的成功经历,内容涉及节食、运动、饮水、睡眠、穿塑身衣。

14、One time Ms. Frizzle took us on a far-out adventure-all the way to outer space! ─── 弗瑞斯老师有一次带领我们进行了一次奇特的冒险之旅——外太空旅行!

15、Frizzle took us on our butterfly field trip, she accidentally turned us all into butterflies! ─── “世界是什么样的?”

16、Frizzle lets him stay behind with Liz. but when Arnold accidentally swallows his miniaturized classmates, he becomes the field trip! ─── 不过阿诺怎也想不到原本他的身体竟是这次实地考察的目的地!

17、If only Rhett would let her cut bangs and frizzle them on her forehead, how much better this bonnet would look! ─── 要是瑞德赞成她把头发剪成刘海式的,并在额前烫成鬈发,戴上这顶帽子还会好看得多呢!

18、wailed Meg, looking with despair at the uneven frizzle on her forehead. ─── 玫绝望地看着额前那参差不齐的刘海儿,痛苦失声。

19、She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn; and presently they were ashes. ─── 她注视着纸片卷曲、焦枯、燃烧;转眼间它们变成了灰烬。

20、Frizzle is the weirdest teacher around, and Arnold is her most reluctant student. ─── 比如 说,他曾有过难以出脱持股的时候,也常常过久地持有绩优股。

21、frizzle up ─── v. 使卷曲

22、Frizzle announced that we'd be studying the North Pole, I never thought it would lead us to the top of the world. ─── 我也没想到,这辈子真能亲眼看到北极熊、爱斯基摩犬、旅鼠、麝香牛、北极燕鸥等等。

23、Really a rare frizzle lion head grip. The copper wrapped slurry seems to be old. This piece is just left to experts on copper ware to date! ─── 果然是个少见卷毛狮头柄头,铜质包浆看来年份不浅,这件狮头还是留给专业铜器专家来断代吧!

24、Vera locked in her bedroom repeated the last rhyme about needing the sun to frizzle up the next victim. ─── Vera把自己锁在卧室里重复第九章童谣。

25、It isn't spoilt: just frizzle it, and tie your ribbon so the ends come on your forehead a bit, and it will look like the last fashion. ─── “没有完哩,把头发卷曲起来,上面扎根丝带,靠近额前打个结,这样看上就像是最时髦的发型。

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