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criminality 发音

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英:  美:

criminality 中文意思翻译



criminality 短语词组

1、criminality run ─── 犯罪逃逸

2、juvenile criminality ─── [法] 少年犯罪

3、criminality crime ─── 犯罪性 ─── 犯罪

4、erudite criminality ─── 博学的犯罪

5、criminality roblox ─── 犯罪机器狗

6、criminality by political affiliation ─── 按政治派别划分的犯罪行为

7、criminality synonym ─── 犯罪同义词

8、criminality defined ─── 犯罪定义

9、petty criminality ─── [法] 轻罪, 微罪

10、criminality maps ─── 犯罪地图

11、criminality define ─── 犯罪定义

12、double criminality ─── [法] 双重犯罪

13、criminality roblox gameplay ─── 犯罪机器游戏

14、speciality of criminality ─── [法] 特定罪行

15、ferocious criminality ─── [法]凶恶犯罪

16、petty forms of criminality ─── [法] 小型犯罪, 轻罪

17、frustration-reduced criminality ─── 挫折-减少犯罪

criminality 词性/词形变化,criminality变形


criminality 相似词语短语

1、criminalist ─── n.犯罪学者;刑事专家

2、criminalize ─── v.(使)不合法,非法;把……当罪犯对待;宣告(某人)有罪;宣布……为不合法

3、criminalise ─── 定罪

4、criminally ─── adv.刑法上;犯了罪地,有罪地

5、criticality ─── n.[核]临界;危急程度

6、criminalities ─── n.有罪,犯罪;犯罪行为

7、liminality ─── 阈限

8、criminalists ─── n.犯罪学者;刑事专家

9、originality ─── n.创意;独创性,创造力;原始;新奇

criminality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But dog several days continuously, did not see its have criminality. ─── 但连续跟踪数日,未见其有犯罪行为。

2、Persisted attacks each kind of illegal criminality; ─── 坚持打击各种违法犯罪行为;

3、Common network and criminality of science and technology basically have 3 kinds, hong Kong law also provided corresponding condemnatory means. ─── 常见的网络和科技犯罪行为主要有三类,香港法律也都规定了相应的处罚方法。

4、In his Supreme Court sentence, Justice Harper said the attack on Dr Cao took place during "several hours of mad, senseless criminality". ─── 在他的最高法院的审判中,哈珀法官说对曹博士的袭击发生是在“几个小时疯狂愚蠢的犯罪行为”期间。

5、Learned criminality ─── 后天危险性

6、Putin said: the question does not lie in The US government not to be able now to prevent the Georgian leader's criminality. ─── 普京称:“问题现在并不在于美国政府没能阻止格鲁吉亚领导人的犯罪行为。

7、petty form of criminality ─── 小型犯罪, 轻罪

8、Discussions about whether Exemption from Investigation of the Dead Criminal's Criminal Responsibility Means the Denial of His Criminality ─── 对已死亡犯罪嫌疑人不追究刑事责任是否否定其犯罪行为的几点探讨

9、The modern criminal law theory thoughtgenerally the criminal law lay in the criminality to the crime place by thesevere penalty reason to cause the serious harm to the society, has formed theenormous impact to the national dominant order. ─── 现代刑法理论普遍认为刑法对犯罪处以严厉刑罚的原因在于犯罪行为给社会造成了严重的危害,对国家的统治秩序形成了极大的冲击。

10、Making what the person pays close attention to is, to punishing network " hacker " illegal criminality, criminal law increased relevant provision. ─── 令人关注的是,对于惩治网络“黑客”的违法犯罪行为,刑法增加了相关条款。

11、Considered the most powerful man in Kandahar, he had been accused of criminality, corruption and drug running. ─── 作为坎大哈省最有权势的人物,他曾经被控触犯法律,腐败和贩卖毒品。

12、prevention of criminality ─── 犯罪预防

13、“‘This is not vandalism anymore, but organised criminality,’ a panellist said, while another added that ‘this is it is not about technology, but our economy. ─── “‘这不仅仅是蓄意的破坏,更是有组织的犯罪,’一个与会者说,同时另一位也说到‘这不仅关系到技术,更影响到我们的经济’。”

14、Based on an especially artistic principle, his dealing with criminal problems presents a certain distinction, including motive of crime theorization, contingent criminality and conscientious condemn. ─── 基于在“人身上发现人”的创作理念,他在犯罪问题处理上呈现出某种独特性,主要表现为人物犯罪动机理论化、犯罪行为的偶合处理和犯罪后的良心谴责。

15、petty forms of criminality ─── [法] 小型犯罪, 轻罪

16、Many years ago , it was widely believed that intelligence , special talents, insanity and criminality were all more or less inborn . ─── 多年前,很多人相信:智力、特殊才能、精神病、犯罪,或多或少是天生的。

17、family criminality ─── 家庭犯罪性

18、But, use to this kind " hang outside ill will " the action that has seeking profit, it is civil tort or criminality after all, if make crime, offended again why to plant accusation? ─── 但是,对于这种使用“恶意外挂”进行牟利的行为,究竟是民事侵权还是犯罪行为,如果构成犯罪,又触犯了何种罪名?

19、The criminality of blackmail provides an incentive for the blackmailer not to disclose, but this incentive exists with equal force whether or not you pay her off. ─── 勒索的犯罪判罚提供了勒索者不揭露的动机,但这个动机受你是否会付给她钱相同的影响。

20、Return whether badly bad to say, should look by the value of steel car, have before without criminality undetected wait for a circumstance to be maintained integratedly. ─── 是否严重还不好说,要看被盗车的价值、以前有无犯罪行为未被发现等情况综合认定。

21、specialty of criminality ─── 特定罪行

22、New Delhi Consensus on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development; ─── 从发展角度来看犯罪行为和预防犯罪的新领域的新德里一致意见;

23、biological school in crimin ─── 犯罪生物学派

24、The defining common trait of these places is not so much poverty or criminality, though these certainly flourish, as tribalism. ─── 虽然这些只是部落的发达,但他们共有特点是没有大量的贫困和犯罪。

25、The Principle of Double Criminality in Extradition and its Development ─── 引渡中的双重犯罪原则及其发展

26、In that, his criminality, as it is connected with the affairs of the House, chiefly consists. ─── 从那天上午以后,我就像人们常说的那样,变得脾气不太好,不太顺从,不太自满自足了。”

27、parental criminality ─── 父母犯罪性

28、cause of criminality ─── 犯罪原因

29、principle of double criminality ─── 双重犯罪原则

30、juvenile criminality ─── [法] 少年犯罪

31、There are three deferent theories in the theory of criminal law: the theory of criminality, the theory of unrestricted irregularity and the theory of limitary irregularity. ─── 在我国刑法理论上存在三种不同的学说:犯罪行为说、无限制的违法犯罪说、有限制的违法犯罪说。

32、Or because of a history of drug misuse, alcohol abuse or criminality ─── 或者是因有吸毒,酗酒或犯罪史

33、Such criminality may be hard to pin down after all this time, but it is worth the effort. ─── 过了这么久,现在再对这种犯罪行为采取行动的难度很大,但人们仍值得付出努力。

34、frustration-reduced criminality ─── 挫折降低型犯罪

35、Nigeria, among others, has disputed attempts to return its nationals who have been convicted of crimes in the U.S., arguing that they turned to criminality while they were in the U. ─── 与很多国家一样,尼日利亚拒绝接受在美国犯罪的遣返移民,该国声称,他们是在美国犯了罪,不该由尼日利亚负责。

36、transient criminality ─── 瞬间型犯罪

37、However, the festering criminality of the city had changed Nod and she had no intention of parting with the relics. ─── 然而,诺德已经被这个城市的阴暗面所腐化,她无意出让文物。

38、The Expected Possibility Theory and Reconstructing the Theoretical Structure of China's Criminality ─── 期待可能性理论与我国犯罪构成理论体系的重构

39、female criminality ─── 女性犯罪

40、Among them the age is the smallest, when executive part criminality, malcontent still 18 one full year of life. ─── 其中年龄最小的,在实施部分犯罪行为时,还不满18周岁。

41、Of course, I knew this was an absurd comparison;what these people were looking for in me wasn't anything to laugh at, but signs of criminality. ─── 我知道这种想法很荒唐,因为这里他们要找的不是可笑之处,而是罪恶。

42、double criminality ─── 双重罪

43、ferocious criminality ─── 凶恶犯罪

44、Among these influential factors, unstable and/or troubled family life is the most dangerous one: Single parent status, parental conflict, parental criminality, poor family management all leave children helpless. ─── 其中在这些具有影响力的因素中,家庭不稳定和不幸福的家庭占的的影响最为危险:单亲家庭,父母不和,父母犯罪以及贫困家庭的教育都会让孩子们感到无助。

45、prediction of criminality ─── 犯罪预测

46、This is criminality pure and simple, and it has to be confronted and defeated," Cameron told reporters from outside his residence at 10 Downing Street. ─── 这是纯粹的又简单的犯罪行为;我们必须正视它,并打败它”,卡梅伦在唐宁街10号他的官邸外告诉记者。

47、view of criminality ─── 犯罪观

48、Ra's Al Ghul: Gotham. As Gotham's favored son you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality. ─── 拉斯·厄尔·高福:歌潭镇。因为歌潭镇受宠的孩子,将会让你在这个犯罪的中心施以完美的打击。

49、erudite criminality ─── 习得犯罪性

50、predictive method of criminality ─── 犯罪预测法

51、Some jurisdictions may need to be able to rationalize matters concerning dual criminality; others may be bound by their domestic laws not to extradite their own nationals. ─── 某些司法管辖区或要将涉及双重刑事罪行的事宜合理化,有些则可能受到不对其国民进行引渡的国内法例所规限。

52、In the high rise of criminality the police of one of the cities gave laborers permission to carry and use weapon as they couldn't ensure due protection of citizens. ─── 在犯罪率居高不下的情况下,由于警察无法保证市民们能得到应有的保护,在其中一个城市,警方允许工人们携带并使用武器。

53、Berlusconi said the affair was the result of "media criminality" . ─── 贝鲁斯科尼说这一事件是“媒体作恶”的结果。

54、And this version does succeed in bringing all the remaining instances of criminality,not otherwise excusable,within the category of sickness. ─── 并且这种定论在疾病的种类内真的包括了所有的犯罪行为除了可以原谅的行为。

55、persistent criminality ─── 持久犯罪性

56、speciality of criminality ─── [法] 特定罪行

57、In order to encourages the citizen to struggle well with the illegal criminality, also in order to meet the reality social need, our country regulations special defense system in criminal law in 1997. ─── 为了更好地鼓励公民与违法犯罪行为作斗争,也为了适应现实的社会需要,我国在1997年刑法中明文规定了特殊防卫制度。

58、The crime is the social reality product, also the social phenomenon which displayed by the individual concrete criminality. ─── 犯罪是社会现实的产物,是通过个体的具体犯罪行为表现出来的社会现象。

59、We had to be prepared to intervene literally family by family and at an early stage, even before any criminality had occurred. ─── 我们必须准备在初期就逐一介入各个问题家庭,甚至早在任何犯罪行为发生之前。

60、rampant criminality ─── 猖獗的犯罪现象

61、Discovery involves public safety and the doubtful information of other illegal criminality, report in time to public security mechanism. ─── 发现涉及公共安全和其他违法犯罪行为的可疑信息,及时向公安机关报告。

62、petty criminality ─── [法] 轻罪, 微罪

63、The criminality ─── 犯罪行为

64、congenital criminality ─── 生来犯罪性

65、Based on above-mentioned characters, the thesis talks about the jural consequence and criminality essence of gathered offense. ─── 从集合犯的定义中,引申出集合犯最主要的两大特征,即主观的犯意倾向和客观的行为反复。

66、RAMZI JABBOUR: It's become quite evident to us that we are dealing with organised criminality in sending people to Australia for trafficking purposes. ─── 我们已经十分明确,我们要处理的是把人口贩卖到澳大利亚用于贸易为目的的犯罪集团。

67、We have enough evdiences to testify his criminality. ─── 我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。

68、However, in practice, it was even more simple than that, as what people wanted was to get rid of poverty, shortage of products, criminality and despair. ─── 但是,具体的实践似乎更简单直接。人们想要的仅仅是脱离这个物资很匮乏、犯罪却很多的贫穷绝望的境地。

69、degree of criminality ─── 犯罪的等差

70、male criminality ─── 男性犯罪

71、It is the ultimate mark of criminality and cowardice to condemn women to relentless and systemic rape. ─── 使妇女遭受残酷和蓄意强暴,是彻头彻尾的犯罪和懦夫行为标志。

72、This paper aims at analyzing the relativity between network and juvenile criminality, and making a contribution to the research on the causes of juvenile criminality. ─── 本文拟从网络与未成年人犯罪相关性的分析入手,试图能对未成年人犯罪原因的一般研究作出贡献。

73、labour illegality and criminality ─── 劳动用工违法犯罪

74、born criminality ─── 生来犯罪

75、adult criminality ─── 成人犯罪

76、exemption from petty criminality prosecution ─── 微罪不起诉

77、individual criminality ─── 个体犯罪

78、if there are criminality or security problems; ─── 如果有犯罪或者安全背景方面的问题;

79、sociological school of criminality ─── 犯罪社会学派

80、The feminine criminality is a society's mirror. ─── 女性犯罪行为是社会的一面镜子。

81、limitation of criminality ─── 刑法谦抑性

82、With the help of such a system, taxi related criminality and handing time is then anticipated to be reduced. ─── 本研究之目的系规划利用先进定位通讯科技建立计程车营运安全管理系统,期能预防计程车犯罪行为的发生以及缩短犯罪案件处理的时间;

83、And, virus can time whether the process that examines his is moving in, if did not move to establish process of a virus afresh, in order to make sure oneself criminality can undertake continuously. ─── 并且,病毒会定时检查自己的进程是否在运行中,若未运行便重新创建一个病毒进程,以保证自己的犯罪行为能持续进行。

84、Social Prevention and Control of Women Criminality ─── 女性犯罪的社会预防和控制

85、The prevention of female criminality in the university should set about in many ways. ─── 摘要预防女大学生违法犯罪,应从多方面着手。

86、primary criminality ─── 原发型犯罪

87、Mr Glenny is gripping on the interplay between state power and criminality. ─── 格兰捏先生将本书的重点放在描述国家权力与犯罪行为的相互影响上。

88、Criminality is actively under study, but extremely controversial. There are arguments that in some environments criminal behavior might be adaptive. ─── 对犯罪行为的研究正在活跃地进行,但极具争议。有些意见认为,在某些环境中犯罪行为可能是适应性的。

89、The penalty is not retribution of the criminality, but is to protect the society and is to resort or to educate and reform the criminal. ─── 刑罚不是对犯罪行为的报应,而是出于防卫社会的目的,为防止犯罪对犯罪人所适用的教育、改造措施。

all the修饰比较级?

all the 后面加可数名词复数和不可数名词(自然没有单复数了),all the+名词单数的情况估计是集体名词了,如people,classi。

all the修饰比较级?

all the常用来修饰名词。much/even/a little/a lot/still/far等常用修饰比较级

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