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08-14 投稿


dustiness 发音

英:[?d?stin?s]  美:[?d?stin?s]

英:  美:

dustiness 中文意思翻译



dustiness 短语词组

1、dustiness definition ─── 粉尘定义

2、dustiness ro ─── 粉尘反渗透

3、dustiness measurements ─── 粉尘测量

4、dustiness card ─── 灰尘卡片

5、dustiness ford lalatina ─── 多尘的福特拉拉丁娜,

6、degree of dustiness ─── 含尘度

7、dustiness ford ignis ─── 灰尘福特伊格尼斯

8、dustiness testing ─── 粉尘测试

dustiness 相似词语短语

1、lustiness ─── n.精力充沛;活泼

2、bustiness ─── 胸围

3、duskiness ─── n.微暗;微黑

4、fustiness ─── n.霉臭

5、rustiness ─── n.生锈;声音嘶哑

6、trustiness ─── n.诚实,忠实;可信赖

7、mustiness ─── n.陈腐;无力气;霉臭

8、gustiness ─── n.狂风,[气象]阵风性

9、crustiness ─── n.顽固;执拗;硬壳

dustiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、naked-eye dustiness ─── 肉眼可见含尘量

2、Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness. ─── 同样的,因为太阳位于重力的中心,它可能会清除有星际尘埃的区域。

3、seam dustiness ─── 煤层含尘量

4、permissible dustiness ─── 允许含尘量

5、maximum permissible dustiness ─── 最大允许含尘量

6、The Global Times also suggests another reason for this sudden onslaught of dustiness ─── 环球时报给出了灰尘袭城的另一个原因

7、Heat treated boards display a reduced modulus of rupture and an increase in dustiness. ─── 经过热处理后,板材的断裂模数变小,而含尘量增加。

8、Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness . ─── 同样,我们的太阳绕着银河系中心运行,经过星际区域时打扫出一些尘埃。

9、Keywords Turpan city zone;air pollution;TSP;dustiness; ─── 吐鲁番城区;大气污染;TSP;降尘;

10、dustiness degree ─── 含尘度

11、Heat treated boards display a reduced modulus of rupture and an increase in dustiness. ─── 热处理后,板材的断裂模数变小,而含尘量增加。

12、designed for long time working in severe conditions , such as high temperature , humidity and dustiness. ─── 能在高温、潮湿、多尘等恶劣条件下长时间工作;

13、dustiness index ─── 含尘指数

14、We also need to improve the ventilation in our office to help prevent headaches, smells, sore throats, stuffiness and dustiness. ─── 我们也需要改善办公场所的通风来预防头疼、不良的气味、嗓子疼、鼻塞和灰尘。

15、Heat treated boards display a reduced modulus of rupture and an increase in dustiness. ─── 经过热处理后,板材的断裂模数变小,而含尘量增加。

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