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08-14 投稿


largely 发音

英:['lɑ?d?l?]  美:['lɑrd?li]

英:  美:

largely 中文意思翻译



largely 短语词组

1、monarchies have largely ─── 君主政体在很大程度上

largely 相似词语短语

1、large ─── adj.大的;多数的;广博的;adv.大大地;夸大地;n.大;n.(Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热

2、largens ─── v.扩大

3、gargety ─── 石像鬼

4、larger ─── adj.大的;多量的;大的(large的比较级);大规模的;众多的;(服装、食物、日用品等)大型号的

5、largen ─── v.扩大

6、larges ─── adj.大的;多数的;广博的;adv.大大地;夸大地;n.大;n.(Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热

7、larceny ─── n.盗窃;盗窃罪

8、Margery ─── n.玛杰里(女子名,Margaret的异体)

9、largess ─── n.慷慨的赠予;赠品

largely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Devaluation is still largely taboo in the Baltics. ─── 在波罗的海国家,人们仍然对贬值避而不谈。

2、The farming area is centered largely in the south. ─── 农业区大部分集中在南方。

3、One's upbringing largely determines success in life. ─── 一个人的教养封一生事业的成功具有决定性的影响FF。

4、The aura feels largely unnoticable. ─── 光环感觉非常不明显。

5、His later years were devoted largely to charitable work. ─── 他晚年主要从事慈善工作。

6、He accepted her playing largely on faith. ─── 他主要靠一厢情愿来领会她的演奏。

7、He lied high and expended largely. ─── 他生活奢侈,花销很大。

8、The preceding suggestions largely involve good common sense. ─── 以上建议大体上包含了大量的共同性问题。

9、Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president. ─── 俄罗斯报章大都支持总统。

10、This failure largely reflects the high profits to be gained and the poor state of regulation across the economy. ─── 这样的问题,在很大程度上是对在中国造假所获取的高额利润、以及糟糕的监管状况的反映。

11、His talent was largely self-developed. ─── 他的才能主要是自己培养的。

12、The meeting times printed on our programs were largely theoretical. ─── 印在我们日程表上的会谈时间基本上不算数。

13、Oh, yes, science fiction is also largely read. ─── 哦,是的,科幻小说也很受青睐。

14、It has been argued that the higher energy efficiency, largely as a result of the sudden deceleration of heavy industries, is only temporary. ─── 有人断言说这种高能效在很大程度上是重工业发展突然减速的结果,只是暂时性的。

15、His success is largely due to his own hard work. ─── 他的成功主要是靠他自己的努力。

16、Automation have largely dispense with the need for manual checking. ─── 实行了自动化就在很大程度上不需要人工检验了。

17、But the effort is largely in vain. ─── 不过大多数努力只是徒劳。

18、The dangers it names, however, are largely illusory. ─── 事实上,它说的危险性在很大程度上是欺骗性的。

19、Largely because China is not quite ready to dismantle labor-intensive industries that still provide much-needed jobs at home. ─── 这很大程度上是因为中国没有做好准备,放弃仍在提供急需的国内就业岗位的劳动密集型产业。

20、As in the past, the call went largely unheeded. ─── 像过去一样,此项呼吁被人们忽视。

21、Other processes largely died out. ─── 其它方法大都已被淘汰。

22、Their research was based largely on anecdotal evidence. ─── 他们的研究主要以趣闻为基础。

23、His failure resulted largely from his laziness. ─── 他的失败主要是懒惰所致。

24、Our viewpoint is largely the same. ─── 例)我们的看法大体相同。

25、Their efforts over the past years have been largely misdirected. ─── 他们过去几年的努力大都白费了。

26、Indeed, it had largely replaced moral judgements. ─── 事实上它已大致取代了道德上概念。

27、The accomplishment of the task depends largely on the solution of this key problem. ─── 任务能否完成在很大程度上取决于这个关键问题的解决。

28、Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. ─── 他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。

29、He resigned largely because of the stories in the press. ─── 他的辞职多半是因为新闻界的一些报道。

30、He is largely engaged in writing. ─── 他主要是从事写作。

31、The area is largely uninhabited. ─── 这个地区大部分是无人居住的。

32、He largely passed over the government's record. ─── 他对政府的相关记录基本上是避而不谈。

33、Good English is largely a habit. ─── 好英语大体上是习惯问题。

34、The amount of enjoyment you receive from your career, in fact, will be largely determined by how much commitment you give it. ─── 事实上,你在工作中获得的快乐将很大程度上决定你对它的投入程度。

35、So concurrency is largely an unsolved problem. ─── 因此同作大量地是一个被未解决的问题。

36、Rhinos are largely sedentary animals. ─── 大致说来,犀牛是一种定栖动物。

37、He is worthless and unworthy, but it is largely my fault. ─── 他固然是毫不足取,是个没出息的东西,可是那主要应该怪我自己。

38、Seismic surveying is largely concerned with the primary P waves. ─── 地震勘探主要研究一次纵波。

39、They are also largely undeterred by disapproval. ─── 他们基本上对别人的劝阻无动于衷。

40、She said social class in America was largely decided by celebrity. ─── 她说在美国社会阶层主要由名声决定。

41、Rice has largely entered into their diet. ─── 大米已成为他们的主食之一。

42、It had largely replaced moral judgements. ─── 事实上它已取代了道德上的概念。

43、He was largely detached from foreign and military affairs. ─── 他对国外的事情和军事方面的事情都不大熟悉。

44、Her motivation was largely financial. ─── 她的动机主要是因为钱。

45、Fish features largely in their diet. ─── 他们在食物方面的特色是以鱼为主。

46、Demographers and geographers attribute the slowing largely to the recession, which has hit California particularly hard, leaving its once-robust economy to bring up the rear of the national recovery. ─── 人口学家和地理学家把缓慢的情形都归咎于不景气,加州情形尤为严重,以致加州一度蓬勃的经济竟然在全国复苏中落在各州之后。

47、He left his job largely because he was bored. ─── 他辞职不干主要是因为他厌倦了。

48、In nature, seed dispersal is largely a matter of luck. ─── 事实上,种子的传播多半是一个机会问题。

49、In fact, they are largely vegetarian birds. ─── 事实上,他们基本上属于素食鸟类。

50、The gesture remains largely symbolic for GSK, however. ─── 但对葛兰素史克来说,这一姿态基本上仍只有象征意义。

51、Beach sand and sand dunes are largely quartz. ─── 在火星上,太空船还未找到这类的矿物堆积。

52、The word processor has largely supplanted electric typewriters. ─── word 处理程序已很大程度上取代了电动打字机

53、His failure is largely due to timidity. ─── 他的失败主要是由于胆小。

54、Largely, this is because of his personality. ─── 主要地,这是由于他的个性。

55、Cab drivers largely depend on tips. ─── 出租车司机主要靠小费。

56、Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis, or at least an untestable one. ─── 今日的科学家已抛弃造物主的观念,认为这样的假说毫无必要,至少是无法验证的。

57、The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings. ─── 威尼斯的美很大程度上在于它那古代建筑的风格。

58、The plight of rainforests has largely been ignored by the media. ─── 媒体在很大程度上忽视了热带雨林所面临的困境。

59、Don't submit sites consisting largely of affiliate links. ─── 别提交主要由成员连接组成的地点。

60、Because the carbon content of steel largely determine its usefulness for specific application. ─── 因为钢的含碳量在很大程度上决定了钢在具体应用时的范围。

61、He left his job largely because he was homesick. ─── 他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。

62、Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange. ─── 作为交易方式,支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。

63、The house was largely filled with paper. ─── 场内免费来宾拥挤不堪。

64、The inquest has been largely farcical anyway. ─── 不管怎么说,这次审讯基本上是场闹剧。

65、A light-colored volcanic rock composed largely of feldspars. ─── 响石,响岩大部分由长岩组成的淡色的火山岩

66、The American courts have largely upheld this view. ─── 不幸的是,美国法庭也支持这种看法。

67、But his zeal went largely ignored. ─── 他们苦心孤诣的呐喊,有如“更残漏尽,孤雁两三声”。

68、Kids have a natural sense of industry that goes largely untapped. ─── 孩子们身上有一种在很大程度上未被开发的勤奋天赋。

69、The land around it was largely desert, and largely empty. ─── 大部分陆地是沙漠,大部门是空地。

70、Taxonomy is very largely subjective and intuitive. ─── 分类学大体上是很主观和直观的。

71、But in the town itself things were largely at a standstill. ─── 但是,在这个城镇里,所有的一切在很大程度上都出于停滞状态。

72、Subject is largely managed by students. ─── 主题主要由学生来安排。

73、It is largely about people and human endeavour. ─── 它主要是对人民和人类努力的。

74、Their conclusions were largely founded on guesswork. ─── 他们的结论大部份基于猜测。

75、But the system remained largely intact. ─── 但是法律制度基本没什么改变。

76、Gone, largely, are China's fears of encirclement. ─── 中国对被包围的担心已大部褪去。

77、Zollinger says.’They largely run themselves. ─── 他们在很大程度上是自我管理。

78、Dutch painter whose largely religious works are characterized by grotesque, fantastic creatures mingling with human figures. ─── 博希,卡尔1874-1940德国化学家,因发展了化学高压处理方法而获1931年诺贝尔奖

79、He lived high and expended largely. ─── 他生活讲究,花费很大。

80、Painting in her spare time features largely in her life. ─── 业余时间内画画成为她生活中的一大特色。

81、His success was largely due to his diligence. ─── 他的成功大半由于努力。

82、This is largely due to chronically stimulated insulin levels. ─── 主因是长期地刺激胰岛素的浓度。

83、His eight sons largely inherited his fortune. ─── 他的八个儿子继承了他的大部分遗产。

84、The size of a woman's stomach depend largely on her surroundings. ─── 女性的胃口有多大,主要看她所处的环境而定。

85、His success was largely due to luck. ─── 他的成功主要靠运气。

86、Their life was largely made up of love stories. ─── 他们的生活主要是由爱情轶事组成的。

87、I feel that it largely depends on the situation. ─── 依我看应该视情况而定。

88、But Japan's public is not ready to support greater spending on defence that has, since the war, largely been outsourced to the US, he says. ─── 但杜加里克表示,日本公众并没有准备好支持增加国防开支。自二战结束以来,日本的国防主要外包给美国了。

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