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08-14 投稿


excerption 发音

英:[[ek's?:p??n]]  美:[[ek's?:p??n]]

英:  美:

excerption 中文意思翻译



excerption 词性/词形变化,excerption变形

动词第三人称单数: excerpts |动词过去分词: excerpted |动词过去式: excerpted |动词现在分词: excerpting |

excerption 短语词组

1、excerption excerpt ─── 摘录

2、excerption def ─── 摘录定义

3、excerption by manuel l quezon ─── 摘自曼努埃尔·奎松

4、excerption meaning ─── 摘录意义

excerption 相似词语短语

1、exceptional ─── adj.异常的,例外的;n.超常的学生

2、exemption ─── n.免除,豁免;免税

3、excretion ─── n.排泄,排泄物;分泌,分泌物

4、excerpting ─── n.摘录,引用;vt.引用,摘录;vi.摘录,引用

5、excerptor ─── n.摘录者

6、discerption ─── n.断片;分裂

7、excarnation ─── n.脱离肉体,肌肉的剔除

8、exception ─── n.例外;异议

9、exceptions ─── n.免责条款(exception的复数形式)

excerption 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The following excerpt from the Machine. Config file defines the configuration section handler for the authentication element of the system. Web section. ─── 下面的内容摘自Machine.config文件,用于定义system.web节中的authentication元素的配置节处理程序。

2、In today's NY Times, the Freakonomists have a nice piece on the economic impact of weather. An excerpt: . ─── 今天的纽约时报刊登:魔鬼经济学家们,有一个有关“天气的经济冲击”的精彩片段。节录:

3、Example: The following code excerpt handles three types of exceptions in an identical fashion. ─── 例如:下面的代码摘录以同样的方式处理三种异常。

4、Germany began to excerpt diplomatic pressure with military threats to annex territories. ─── 德国开始以军事威胁施加外交压力要求吞并领土。

5、A passage from a literary work; an excerpt. ─── 摘录:从文学作品中摘录下来的一段;摘录。

6、Excerpt from president Nixon's remarks at Andrew air force base ─── 尼克松总统在安德鲁空军基地讲话的摘录

7、Excerption and application of antibiotics in critical patient ─── 危重患儿抗生素的选择和应用

8、Excerpt: Based on the elementary knowledge of mathematics, this article proves the Chinese 2009’ (the Year of Ox) Mathematics Theorem. ─── 内容摘要:本文完全用初等数学知识,证明了中国2009牛年数学定律。

9、Book excerpt explores the origins of the XML Query language ─── 书摘:探索XML查询语言的起源

10、excerpt is from a paper by M.W.A.Provis. ─── 下面是M.W.A.普罗维斯的报告中的一段摘录。

11、Law Excerption About Utilization and Management of Sea Area ─── 海域使用管理法规选录

12、He maintains in the following excerpt that there are no objective moral facts which exist independent of human desires. ─── 他在以下选文中强调指出,不存在独立于人类欲望的客观道德事实。

13、Also shown is an excerpt of the configuration file. ─── 对象。还会显示配置文件的一段摘录。

14、The following is a configuration excerpt as used by the previous example. ─── 以下是由前一示例所使用的配置摘录。

15、An excerpt from one of these letters,read as part of a religious service. ─── 使徒书信节选从使徒书信中选取的,作为宗教仪式或活动的一部分来诵读的一段。

16、A passage from a literary work;an excerpt. ─── 摘录从文学作品中摘录下来的一段;摘录

17、The following excerpt is taken from the last Annals of Ghereticus, a noble of some standing before he swore fealty to the Primarch. ─── 下面的纪录是在他宣誓效忠之前从一个贵族那里取得的。

18、If you want to copy, mirror, translate, or excerpt this document, please rsee my copying policy. ─── 如果你想要复制、镜像、翻译或是引用本文,请看我们的扶植政策。

19、The following excerpt of a CREATE TABLE statement shows the definition of the Name column, specifying a UNIQUE constraint on this column to make sure the values are unique. ─── 一个CREATE TABLE语句的以下节选显示Name列的定义,对该列指定了UNIQUE约束,以确保值是唯一的。

20、Excerpt from The Anti-Gravity Handbook ─── 反引力手册

21、In an excerpt from the book, De Becker tells the true story of a young woman who allows a nice looking, friendly young man to help bring some heavy bags of groceries to her apartment door. ─── 在一本书的摘录中,狄贝克告诉了我们一个真实的故事:一个年轻的女子允许一位相貌英俊,看起来友好的年轻男子帮她扛几袋重的杂货到她的公寓门口。

22、Preferring to view an album in its entirety,Cretu regards each song as a "chapter in a book,and therefore only an excerpt from the whole work. ─── 克雷楚更愿意把一张专辑看成一个整体,而把每一首歌看成"书中的一章,因而只是著作的一个选段"。

23、Vanderblue, Homer. " The Florida Land Boom." The Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics, v. 3, no. 2, May 1937, excerpt pp. 120-125. ─── 佛罗里达的土地繁荣〉,《土地与公共效益经济期刊》1937年5月第3期2号摘录120-125页.

24、The following is an excerpt from the service description for the SOAP request for the DocumentWrappedLiteral Web service method. ─── 下面是DocumentWrappedLiteral Web服务方法SOAP请求的服务描述中的一段摘录。

25、You can excerpt passages from a book ─── 你可以从一本书中摘引几段。

26、The following is an excerpt from "UFOs and Nukes": ─── 以下是摘自“不明飞行物和核武器” :

27、Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion. ─── 把这一段倒回到开头部分,然后用慢镜头重放。

28、excerpt a passage from a book ─── 从书中摘录一段

29、Here is an excerpt from a Chinese mediator: ─── 一名华族调解人说道:

30、Again, an excerpt from text written by one of the witnesses of this event will capture its spirit better than the dry language of a textbook. ─── 同样,和干巴巴的教科书语言相比,用一段这一事件见证者的摘录能够更好地让我们理解当时的氛围。

31、(Excerpt from a talk with Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe.) ─── (这是邓小平同志会见津巴布韦总理穆加贝时谈话的一部分。)


33、An excerpt from Sightline's book about using taxes to get what more of what we want. ─── 您没有找到您希望查找的内容?请使用高级搜索进行更精确的搜索。

34、Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Excerpt ─── 夏洛特勃朗特简爱节录四

35、In chapter four, I talked about how do we collect and collate the data used in sedan marketing system, studied the discrimination and the excerption of primary data and secondary data problem. ─── 在第四章,主要是研究在轿车营销数据库系统中,所需数据的分类以及收集、整理等方面的内容,研究了初级数据、次级数据的甄别选录等问题。

36、You can excerpt passages from a book. ─── 你可以从一本书中摘录几段。

37、This is an excerpt of an article published in the July issue of The Alumnus. ─── 原文刊于国大7月出版的《毕业生》期刊。

38、Aristotle. Excerpt from Nichomachean Ethics. ─── 6亚里斯多德。节录自《尼可马古伦理学》。

39、The following example is an excerpt of the configuration file that contains the custom section used by the previous sample. ─── 下面的示例摘自包含上一示例中所用的自定义节的配置文件。

40、The following excerpt is from an article first published by the Jewish Journal newspaper. ─── 如果想要发表回应,请先登入或注册。

41、Prospects of Data Broadcasting in China--An Excerption of the Speech Made on the Third China Data Broadcasting Summit Forum Conference ─── 我国数据广播展望--在第三届中国数据广播高峰论坛会议上的讲话节录

42、In the following excerpt, James describes the pragmatic theory of truth. ─── 在下面选文中,詹姆士阐述了实用主义的真理理论。

43、The following excerpt from the book brings you new insight into the world of the Beatles. ─── 以下是从该书中摘录的一个片段,它将使你对披头士的世界有一个全新的了解:

44、Get a taste of what awaits you in print from this compelling excerpt. ─── 从这段引人注目的摘录中,先领略一番即将出版的正式刊物。

45、I've seen a short excerpt from the film on television. ─── 我在电视上看过这部影片的片段。

46、An Excerpt From An Early Film of M. Night Shyamalan ─── 从早期电影寻找灵感

47、To remove for separate consideration or publication; excerpt. ─── 摘录,引用:为单独论述或出版而摘抄;摘录。

48、The borrowing, excerption, carrying and replication of file data shall be governed by the relevant provisions of laws and regulations and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. ─── 借阅、抄录、携带、复制档案资料的,依照法律、法规及国家工商行政管理总局有关规定执行。

49、The movement of Learning “Chairmen Mao’s excerption “in the initial stages of 1960 is comparably a great commonalty political movement after the state was established. ─── 1960年代初期开展的学“毛选”运动,是建国后所发生的一场较大规模的群众性政治运动。

50、Discussion on excerpt norm of reference literature ─── 参考文献著录规范浅议

51、The following account is an excerpt from the descriptions of Chaplain Lestrallio himself,recorded by a Blood Servitor in 2432053. ─── 下面的报告引自战团牧师雷斯塔里欧的叙述,日期2432053.

52、You should clarify where the words come from, if you excerpt them. ─── 如果写作时引用了他人的话,应当注明出处。

53、Excerpt passages from a book. ─── 从一本书中摘引几段。

54、Write the outline in detail; check the main arguments and references, excerpt the bibliography. ─── 六详细提炼论文大纲,明确主要论点。确定主要参考书目。对参考书目进行摘录。

55、Some of the feedback on this excerpt suggested that I was confusing the issue or was altogether wrong about it. ─── 对此节选的某些反馈意见认为,我把这一问题搞糊涂了,或者将它完全搞错了。

56、An Excerpt from "American Scholar" ─── 《美国学者》节译

57、An excerpt from one of these letters, read as part of a religious service. ─── 使徒书信节选从使徒书信中选取的,作为宗教仪式或活动的一部分来诵读的一段

58、I've never downloaded anything. I dont know how to. I'll listen to the excerpt and then go and find the record. ─── 我从不下载东西,也不知道怎么下。一般我都是先听一小段,觉得不错就去买专辑。

59、The following code is an excerpt from the DBML file created from the Northwind sample database. ─── 下面的代码摘自从Northwind示例数据库创建的DBML文件。

60、02 。Dvorak: Excerpt from Symphony no. ─── 德沃夏克:摘自交响曲。

61、Shoot a live action diary or documentary excerpt - taking place in the everyday world - of an exchange of dialogue or action between two or more people (unscripted and un-self-conscious). ─── 拍摄一段发生在现实生活中的真实片段,类似日记或纪录片,可以是一段对话,也可以是两个或多人之间的行为(没有脚本且无意识的拍摄)。

62、Consequently, Jin Si Lu is a quotation of the four theorists as well as an excerpt of the common thought of the six people mentioned above. ─── 它既是一部四子的语录,也是一部反映著六人的共同思想的精华录。

63、copyright of the words, pictures and video documentation on this website belongs to Yu Changren. Excerption is welcome and please note the derivation! ─── 本网站文字、图象及视频资料版权归属于长仁本人。欢迎转载,请注明出处!

64、How to Excerpt Objects in VFP Program Design ─── VFP程序设计中对象的引用

65、Thomas Hobbes. Excerpt from Leviathan. ─── 14霍布斯。节录自《利维坦》。

66、On cheeseburger day, I play an excerpt of Jimmy Buffet's song "Cheeseburger in Paradise. ─── 在奶油面包的节日,我用伯福特的歌曲“奶油面包是天堂”,把其中的一个乐章演奏出来。

67、Excerption and application of antibiotics in critical patient ─── 危重患儿抗生素的选择和应用

68、Evidence shows that China will enter an era of "wage increase and tax reduction", says a signed article in the Beijing News. The following is an excerpt. ─── 据北京日报的一条头条新闻报导,有关证据显示,中国将进入工资增长且税收减少的时代。下面是一则摘录。

69、Section 2.4 on Liabilities (excerpt from Model Agreement for the Purchase of a Business); pp. 98-102 of the bound handout. ─── 企业收购模?契约第二点四条关于法律责任部分(节录自企业收购模?契约),请参见讲义资料第九十八至第一零二页。

70、Arthur and the Forbidden City(Excerpt) ─── 亚瑟和禁忌城(节选)

71、Three years down such a small excerpt of this I have several of this. ─── 三年下来,这样的小小摘录本我已有好几本了。

72、to excerpt a passage from a book ─── 从一本书中摘录一段

73、Can you excerpt something from the newspaper? ─── 你能从报纸上选录些东西吗?

74、Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion ─── 把录像片倒到头,然后慢放。

75、How do I show an excerpt or teaser for an article on the weblog homepage? ─── 我怎样在博客主页上显示文章摘录或者文章内容摘要?

76、Material and methods: Select8 documents about acupuncture that representative different dynasties of China history, modern four documents inquire into acupuncture's accidental monograph, excerpt relative to document and collation. ─── 另随机选定51具新群尸体,进行局部解剖,探讨穴位安全针刺深度与危险深度。

77、Criminal Procedure Law of German Federal Republic (excerpt) ─── 德意志联邦共和国刑事诉讼法(节录)

78、Silbey." Maigret's Law." Weber's Concept of Understanding. Excerpt. ─── 〈马格丽特法则〉韦伯理解的概念》节录。

79、The above is a few words which I excerpt arrive, savors carefully, really said makes sense very much. ─── 以上是我摘抄的到的一句话,细细品味,说得真的很有道理。

80、In this excerpt, the author delicately alludes to the political strife caused by the dispute in re-ligion throughout the 16th and the 17th England. ─── 在所选的这一节中,作者微妙地暗指16世纪和17世纪英国境内由宗教而起的政治争端。

81、Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion . ─── 把录像片倒到头,然后慢放。

82、The following excerpt is from a paper by M.W.A.Provis. ─── 下面是M.W.A.普罗维斯的报告中的一段摘录。

83、Cao Wen is a Chinese student studying in Manchester. This excerpt is from one of her letters to her sister. ─── 今天的天气糟透了。先是风雨交加,现在则是白雪纷飞,狂风依旧。

84、an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine. ─── 从报纸或杂志上剪下的摘录。








There is no exception for every guest, we have to write down our names, except the host of the night. 每个客人都不例外,我们必须写下我们的名字,除了当晚的主人。

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