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08-14 投稿


broiling 发音

英:[?br??l??]  美:[?br??l??]

英:  美:

broiling 中文意思翻译



broiling 短语词组

1、broiling steak ─── 烤牛排

2、broiling salmon ─── 烤三文鱼

3、broiling pan ─── 烤盘

4、broiling fish ─── 烤鱼

5、broiling brats ─── 烤孩子

broiling 词性/词形变化,broiling变形


broiling 相似词语短语

1、betoiling ─── 贝托林

2、droiling ─── 打捞

3、bemoiling ─── 贝莫林

4、bromising ─── 溴化

5、brailing ─── n.卷帆索;(捕鱼用的)抄网;v.用卷帆索卷

6、roiling ─── vt.搅浑;惹怒;vi.动荡;喧闹;n.小股汹涌的急流

7、embroiling ─── vt.使卷入;使混乱

8、broddling ─── 拉扯

9、boiling ─── adj.沸腾的;激昂的;n.沸腾;煮沸;起泡;adv.沸腾

broiling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I want to smell bacon sizzling, a steak broiling, Thanksgiving dinner and my father's tomato vines. And fresh laundry, hot tar on a parking lot. And the ocean. ─── 我想闻到嘶嘶作响的熏肉,烤鱼片,感恩节大餐以及我父亲的番茄树。还有清爽的衣服的味道,停车场的热油味,还有大海的味道。

2、To score and broil(fish, fowl, or meat). ─── 将(鱼、家禽或肉)划上刀花并炙烤

3、Based on black pepper &tomato, blend with onion &butter to appear flavor of European cuisine, sweet and tasty, suitable for pickle, roast of meat &seafood, or drip and stir after grill and broil, etc. ─── 品高黑胡椒猪排酱是使用上等黑胡椒粒、番茄为主要原料,再加上洋葱、奶油调味呈现欧式黑胡椒猪排酱料理特色。

4、Never anything like these stinking, bleeding bodies broiling under the glaring sun. ─── 像这些在毒热的太阳下烤着的浑身血污和恶臭的身体,她从来没有见过。

5、Recommended preparations include grilling, broiling, braising and pan-roasting. ─── 推荐大家用烤,烧,炖或者煎的方法来制作。

6、Belong to what environment changes to cold, broiling, damp, strong light, thunder, atmospheric pressure waits, can cause the reaction such as frostbite, heatstroke. ─── 属于自然环境变化的有寒冷、酷热、潮湿、强光、雷电、气压等,可以引起冻伤、中暑等反应。

7、It's really broiling today! ─── 今天真热死人!

8、"broil:To cook by direct radiant heat, as over a grill or under an electric element." ─── 烤,炙:由直接辐射热量烹调,如在烤架上或电器件下。

9、To torture or afflict as if by broiling. ─── 折磨象烤东西一样地折磨或让人受苦

10、a broiling hot day ─── 火辣辣的大热天

11、In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame. ─── 在烧烤时,食物都放在火焰上方直接烤。

12、The weather was blisteringly hot, and the man or woman who had to sit on a creeping mule, or in a crawling wagon, and broil in the beating sun, was an object to be pitied. ─── 天气砾石流火,热得人身上都起泡。那些男男女女,有的横在卑躬屈膝的骡背上,有的懒在蜗行牛步的马车中;他们在炎炎烈日下忍煎受熬,真叫人可怜。

13、It is well known that Beijing has three real estate investment broil hand lots Zhongguancun school district, the Olympic values and CBD. ─── 众所周知,北京有三个房地产投资的炙手地段,中关村学区、奥运商圈和CBD。

14、Abstract: The basic contruction of a far infra-red broiling reel was introduced,and the movement of materials inside the reel and design of the machine were analysized. ─── 文摘:介绍了远红外转筒炒籽机的基本结构,并结合物料运动,分析了几个主要设计问题。

15、7. A slice of beef, such as one taken from the loin or the hindquarters, suitable for broiling or frying. ─── 有牛肉片粥,鱼生粥,田鸡片粥,皮蛋瘦肉粥等等。收藏指正

16、It's really broiling tonight. ─── 今晚真热死人了。

17、He had thought everything would be all right, but the broil seemed to have got their love to completely bleed white. ─── 他原以为一切都会好的,但好像酷热已经将他们的爱抽干。

18、They lay broiling in the sun. ─── 他们躺在太阳底下几乎要晒熟了。

19、It's broiling today! ─── 今天太热了!

20、As a chef, one should manipulate cooking techniques such as frying, pan-frying, braising and broiling. ─── 一名厨师,烹饪技术应该出色,炒、煎、炖、烤样样拿手。

21、"broiler:One that broils, especially a small oven or the part of a stove used for broiling food. ─── 烘烤用具:用来烤焙食物的用具,尤指小烤炉或一个炉子的部分。

22、Their faces shiny with perspiration in the broiling sun, they swarmed noisily up and down, fearless and excited. ─── 太阳光好像把她们全身的油都晒到脸上来了,可是她们不怕,很兴奋地到处跑,到处嚷。

23、The A-FABP mRNA expression had an insignificantly effect on the IMF of Beijingyou chicken and White Leghorn chicken and Acre Arbor broil, but had a significantly effect on the carcass weight and eviscerate percentage. ─── 北京油鸡、白莱航鸡、AA 鸡A-FABP 基因表达量对IMF 沉积影响不显著,而对其屠体重(R=0.27)、净膛率(R=0.27)存在显著的相关性。

24、I'm broiling in this hot sun. ─── 大太阳下,我快烤焦了。

25、Broil 3 inches from heat for 3 minutes. ─── 烤3英寸从热量为3分钟。

26、They lay broiling in the sun. ─── 他们躺在太阳底下几乎要晒熟了。

27、Tell me about it! It's like the whole world is broiling. ─── 跟我说说吧!整个世界好像在火上烤一样。

28、Oh, my! The whole world is broiling. ─── 查看完整版本:天哪!整个世界都在燃烧。

29、Cook protein foods in low fat ways: broil, grill, stir-fry, roast, steam, boil or stew. ─── 改蛋蛋你當心由澱如於少少烹改烹依如:烤、炆烤,炒、烘烤、蒸、水改政炆。

30、to broil a chicken ─── 烤一只鸡

31、If asked, chefs will usually prepare vegetables without butter, sour cream or cheese sauces and will broil your chicken instead of frying it. ─── 如果你对厨师提出要求,他通常就不会再用黄油,酸奶油或干酪调味酱准备蔬菜;做烤鸡,而不是炸鸡。

32、The Factor Affecting the Artificial Insemination for Yellow Broil and the Measures Increasing Fertility ─── 影响种鸡人工授精效果的因素和提高受精率的措施

33、A small skewer or spit used to broil or roast meat,fish,or vegetables. ─── 小炙叉焙烤肉、鱼或蔬菜的小杆或小叉。

34、Had the woods, have sand blown by wind no longer, also have no longer broiling, the cloudburst that connects a seaside also becomes tender. ─── 有了树林,就不再有风沙,也不再有酷热,连海边的豪雨也变得温柔。

35、Rather than frying meat, try baking, grilling or broiling. ─── 肉,与其炸着吃,不如烤着吃。

36、Broil a medium steak. ─── 烤一块不老不嫩的牛排

37、Lei Gong's Treatise on Preparation and Broiling of Materia Medica ─── 《雷公炮炙论》

38、They worked in the broiling sun. ─── 他们在酷日下干活。

39、We use most special formula, the best quality ingredients and professional broiling skills to produce the choicest products. ─── 我们以独特的配方和上等的材料以及专业的烘焙制造出品质优良的产品。

40、Primarily used for the broil system porcelain the board, metalloporphyrin the board. ─── 主要用于烤制瓷板、金属板。

41、Boil, broil, poach, steam or roast your foods. ─── 你可以水煮、烘焙、煎煮、蒸或烤你的食物。

42、a protest march that degenerated into a general broil between the demonstrators and the police; ─── 一次升级成示威者与警察全体对骂的示威游行;

43、Thai Broil Processing Exporters Association ─── 中文泰国国际航空货运商协会

44、If a person diurnal heart is very calm also, can discover cordate telosma, sweet-scented osmanthus, 7 lis sweet, connect broiling midday also is sweet. ─── 假如一个人白天的心也很沉静,就会发现夜来香、桂花、七 里香,连酷热的中午也是香的。

45、Never mind if the sun was broiling, if he made this trip without mishap it would prove he was still fit; ─── 他不管太阳下是怎样的热了:假若拉完一趟而并不怎样呢,那就证明自己的身子并没坏;

46、broiler: One that broils, especially a small oven OR the part of a stove used fOR broiling food. ─── 烘烤用具:用来烤焙食物的用具,尤指小烤炉或一个炉子的部分。

47、Broil 3 to 4 inches from heat (do not turn) until browned and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes. ─── 烤8-10分钟直至变成棕色。厨师提示:肉丸可以事先做成球串好,但不做熟。提前一天做好冷冻。

48、6. It's like the whole world is broiling. ─── 好像整个世界要煮沸了(太热了)。

49、A flat framework of parallel metal bars used for broiling meat or fish. ─── 烤架用平行的金属条构成的用来烤鱼或肉的平面构架。

50、If asked chefs will usually prepare vegetables without butter sour cream or cheese sauces and will broil your chicken instead of frying it. ─── 如果你对厨师提出要求他通常就不会再用黄油,酸奶油或干酪调味酱准备蔬菜;做烤鸡,而不是炸鸡。

51、A small skewer or spit used to broil or roast meat, fish, or vegetables. ─── 小炙叉焙烤肉、鱼或蔬菜的小杆或小叉

52、He says: Stop Tun ? enlighten broil ? falls mu of ?? attack? of Qian ? border people is OK and online memory is all information, in get these information through the network anyplace. ─── 他说:“这将实现所谓的动态计算机技术,人们可以在线存储所有信息,在任何地方通过网络获取这些信息。”

53、broil | roast | grill | barbecue ─── 烤|炙

54、It's like the whole world is broiling. ─── 好像整个世界要煮沸了(太热了).

55、When Joe smells a rib broiling or sees deliciouslooking pastries in a bakeshop , I go into action. ─── 当乔嗅到煎猪排的香味,或在食品店里见到可口的点心时,我就开始活动。

56、broil a medium steak.See Synonyms at average ─── 中等的,中间的:在程度、数量、质量上中间的;居于中间的:

57、We're going to broil them. ─── 我們要用烤的。

58、to toast or broil ─── 炙

59、All along broiling and long summer, the girl that always is Rangaimei does not know this how to match, ability already relaxed tide; ─── 一向酷热冗长的夏天,总是让爱美的女孩不晓得该如何搭配,才能既清爽又潮流;

60、Allen: What shall we broil first? ─── 我们先烤什么?

61、broil vt. ─── 烤(焙,煅烧;

62、Keywords Turpan;sand broil;scorching;drought;wildwood;closing the desert for forest;shelter forest;ecological security; ─── 吐鲁番;风沙;酷热;干旱;天然林;荒漠封育;防护林;生态安全;

63、Broil until cheese bubbles, about 3 minutes. ─── 放入锅里煎至芝士起泡,约需3分钟。

64、One that broils, especially a small oven or the part of a stove used for broiling food. ─── 烘烤用具用来烤焙食物的用具,尤指小烤炉或一个炉子的部分

65、His success made his opponent broil with envy. ─── 他的成功使他的对手妒火中烧。

66、If it’s broiling outside, shorts all the way. ─── 如果外头酷热难耐, 就穿短打吧。

67、London broil ─── 伦敦杂扒[英]

68、The fifteenth of June was a broiling hot day. ─── 六月十五那天,天热得发了狂。

69、Or you can broil them, peach them, barbecue them, and even braise them. ─── 或是烘焙,水煮,烧烤,甚至可以炖煮。

70、Mr. Chen appeared to have a very strict routine on the bridge no matter if it was snowing blowing or broiling heat. ─── 不管刮风,下雪,还是大热天,老陈在桥上做的事情几乎一成不变。

71、I eat a bunch of raisins for my breakfast, a piece of the goat's flesh, or of the turtle for my dinner broil'd; for to my great misfortune, I had no vessel to boil or stew any thing; and two or three of the turtle's eggs for my supper. ─── 我的粮食是这样分配的:早餐吃一串葡萄干,中餐吃一块烤羊肉或烤鳖(不幸的是,我没有蒸东西或煮东西的器皿),晚餐吃两三个鳖蛋。

72、When I left, two women were quarreling noisily, when I returned an hour later, they were still broiling. ─── 我离开时,两个妇人吵得很凶,一个小时后我回来了,他们还在吵。

73、One that broils,especially a small oven or the part of a stove used for broiling food. ─── 烘烤用具用来烤焙食物的用具,尤指小烤炉或一个炉子的部分。

74、He is in a broil of indignation. ─── 此刻他正怒气冲冲。

75、Now we put it on this broiling pan, put the pan on the top rack, and set the oven to broil. ─── 現在我們把這個放到烤盤裡,把烤盤放到最上面的烤架上,然後設定烤箱開始烤。

76、broil with anger ─── 气得七窍生烟

77、sit broiling in the sun ─── 坐在阳光下曝晒

78、Oh, my god! The whole world is broiling! ─── 上帝啊!世界就像一个火炉一样!

79、Now we put it on this broiling pan, put the pan on the top rack, and set the oven to broil. ─── 现在我们把这个放到烤盘里,把烤盘放到最上面的烤架上,然后设定烤箱开始烤。

80、Some people like to broil prawns, but I prefer to boil them. ─── 有些人喜欢烤明虾,可是我喜欢用煮的。

81、What could be easier, more filling or healthier for your family than broiling a steak? ─── 难道还有更简单,更能填饱肚子,更有益于家庭健康的方式除了烤牛排?

82、a violent broil over who was at fault ─── 为追究是谁的过错而发生的激烈争吵

83、We live in the world of death and sorrow, we may therefore look for ills as well in the night-watches as beneath the glare of the broiling sun. ─── 我们活在死亡与忧伤的世界中,因此,无论是夜半或黄昏,我们都可预期会有困境来临。

84、But just as we do not burn down our houses to broil our daily chops, there is no reason why the admirer of Marx should go through his historic circuitous detours and redundancies. ─── 但是,就像我们不会烧毁我们的房子来烤我们每天的排骨,马克思的支持者没有理由要遵循他的历史迂回绕弯和冗余。

85、The basic contruction of a far infra-red broiling reel was introduced,and the movement of materials inside the reel and design of the machine were analysized. ─── 介绍了远红外转筒炒籽机的基本结构,并结合物料运动,分析了几个主要设计问题。

86、When you get home, trim off visible fat.Cut fat even more by broiling or roasting meat rather than frying. ─── 回家后,还要把看得到的肥肉切除,甚至可以将肉烤过以去除更多的脂肪,但不要用油炸的。

87、We were broiling in the sun. ─── 我们在炎阳之下挨烤。

88、Broil is baking country like sun resembling burner alley, the dust on the road is downhearted, the corn of sallow and emaciated is crestfallen ground slouch head. ─── 太阳像火炉一样炙烤着乡间小路,路上的尘土无精打采,面黄肌瘦的玉米没精打采地耷拉着脑袋。

89、When the weather's not right for grilling, try broiling instead. ─── 天气不适合架烤时,可以用炉烤来代替。

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