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08-14 投稿


glinting 发音

英:[?ɡl?nt??]  美:[?ɡl?nt??]

英:  美:

glinting 中文意思翻译




glinting 词性/词形变化,glinting变形

动词过去式: glinted |动词过去分词: glinted |动词现在分词: glinting |动词第三人称单数: glints |

glinting 短语词组

1、glinting eye ─── 闪烁的眼睛

2、glinting eyes ─── 闪烁的眼睛

3、glinting off ─── 闪烁关闭

4、glinting silver coins ─── 闪 ─── 闪发光的银币

5、glinting greenly from ─── 绿色闪烁

6、glinting on ─── 闪烁开

7、glinting mud ─── 闪烁的泥浆

8、glinting means ─── 闪烁意味着

9、glinting sword ─── 闪 ─── 闪发光的剑

10、glinting knife ─── 闪光刀

11、glinting silver ─── 闪烁的银色

12、glinting def ─── 闪烁def

13、glinting light ─── 闪光

glinting 相似词语短语

1、dinting ─── n.[矿业]卧底,到底;v.把…击出凹痕;使劲敲入(dint的ing形式)

2、ganting ─── 甘特图

3、flinting ─── n.燧石;打火石;极硬的东西;n.(Flint)人名;(德、英、俄、法、瑞典)弗林特

4、feinting ─── n.声东击西;v.伪装攻击(feint的ing形式)

5、linting ─── n.软麻布;线头;棉绒;vi.飞散出棉线

6、blunting ─── v.(使)减弱;(使尖端、刀等)变钝(blunt的现在分词)

7、splinting ─── v.用夹板固定(断肢)(splint的现在分词)

8、gliding ─── adj.滑行的;流畅的;滑顺的;v.滑翔;消逝;溜走(glide的ing形式)

9、fainting ─── n.昏晕;不省人事;v.[中医]昏厥(faint的ing形式)

glinting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、glint in his eye, ie suggesting mischievousness. ─── 他的眼里闪现着调皮的神情.

2、Depend a glass mirror a glint but become. ─── 原来是靠玻璃镜子反射而成的。

3、It flows slowly, silently, glinting. ─── 多少座岩壁阻它、压它、挤它?

4、There was an ugly glint in Detective Sun's eyes. ─── 孙侦探的眼神非常的难看了。

5、It is mathematically proved that angular glint linear deviations are independent of radar observational range in far-field region. ─── 从数学上证明了远区角闪烁线偏差与雷达距离无关;

6、"Well, Yaxley?" Voldemort called down the table, the firelight glinting strangely in his red eyes. "Will the Ministry have fallen by next Saturday? ─── “好,亚克斯利,”伏地魔对着桌子下方说道,炉火映在他的眼睛中,奇怪的闪烁着,“魔法部会在下周六前垮掉么?

7、I am a thousand winds that blow.I am the diamond glint on snow.I am the sunlight on ripened grain.I am the gentle autumn rain. ─── 可是......实在是喜欢这首诗,我希望将来我也能坚强,乐观的面对我人生的结尾,我希望自己的人生也能留给别人一些什么。

8、She thought the diamond was lost until she saw something glinting on the carpet. ─── 她以为那颗钻石已丢失,後来看见地毯上有东西闪闪发光遂失而复得。

9、Compared with high resolution angle estimation methods available,the novel method performs more conspicuous in angle glint suppression. ─── 与现有的高分辨体制下的角度估计方法相比,本方法具有更强的角闪烁抑制能力.

10、She caught a coolly calculating glint in the other woman's eye. ─── 她看到另一个女人眼中闪现冷厉而有心计的目光。

11、Zhongshan Avenue Road junction with Jubei, Zhongshan Avenue and Wonderland Road junction will glint of the landscape design rays of light. ─── 中山大道与车陂路交叉口、中山大道与大观路交叉口的景观则闪耀着设计光芒。

12、He caught a glint in the shaving mirror. ─── 他看到了剃须镜里边闪出的一片光。

13、Suddenly there was a flash of cold light. Mei had produced from her sleeves two glinting blue daggers. She stabbed them forward, aiming at Zhu's chest. ─── 寒光一闪,梅紫竹双袖之中忽刺出两柄蓝晃晃的短刀,真刺朱炫的胸口。

14、Visual computation of glint error for complex targets ─── 复杂目标可视化角闪烁偏差计算

15、A glint of displeasure shadowed his eyes. ─── 他的眼光微露不悦之色。

16、She was a cold, self-centred woman, with many a thought of her own which never found expression, not even by so much as the glint of an eye. ─── 她是一个冷酷自私的女人,喜欢把许多想法藏在心里,面子上一点不露声色,连眼色也不透露出一点。

17、In the remarkable photo, the glinting station also offers a hint of the bluish reflection of earthlight. ─── 在这张引人注目的图片中,国际空间站还映照出地球反射的光线,因此略带蓝色。

18、Far below, silver television aerials were glinting from mud huts: signs of an economic boom that India's four main airlines, at that time, had failed to capitalise on. ─── 从直升机往下望去,安装在泥房上的银色电视天线闪闪发亮,那时正是印度经济突飞猛进的时期,但是印度四大主要航空公司却没有抓住这大好机会及时投资。

19、There was a glint of humor in his eyes. ─── 他的眼里闪出幽默的神情。

20、The dark discs of copper coins closed his laughing eyes,his kind face had becomed livid,and I was terrified by the glint of his set teeth. ─── 他含笑的眼睛紧闭着,就象上面盖着两枚黑色的铜钱;他那慈祥的脸也变成了青紫色。牙向外龇着,把我吓坏了。

21、The sun rose, glinting on the armor and broken weapons of the newly slain. ─── 太阳升起来了。阳光照耀着大屠杀后的丢弃的装甲和损坏的武器闪闪发光。

22、The sun, glinting from the pool, dazzled me. ─── 池水折射的阳光使我目眩。

23、You catch a glint from the bushes and investigate, finding a discarded Shield.You bang it with your fist a couple times still sturdy.And now it's yours. ─── 你在草丛中发现一个闪亮的东西,经过研究,你发现了一个被抛弃的盾牌。你用拳头敲了敲它,发现它依然结实如故。现在它是你的了。

24、Finally all I could see moving in the darkness were her glasses, a glint of them, the clasp of her belt, her socks, her sneakers. ─── 只见她那闪烁发亮的眼镜、皮带扣、袜子和运动鞋在暮霭中晃动。

25、This is the first glint of hope I had since the attack failed, and I owe it you. ─── 吉姆,现在咱们不得不闭着两眼去探宝,我总觉得这样做很危险。

26、the glint of the sun on the water ─── 太阳照在水上的闪光

27、Sun and moon stood still in the heavens at the glint of your flying arrows, at the lightning of your flashing spear. ─── 因你的箭射出发光,你的枪闪出光耀,日月都在本宫停住。

28、He paints with the brush and knife in cadence of cutting and chopping, glinting and flashing, full of enery and grandeur. ─── 他用画笔刮刀,抑扬顿挫,刀削斧砍,刀光剑影,气势磅薄。

29、3. She thought the diamond was lost until she saw something glinting on the carpet. ─── 她以为那颗钻石已丢失,后来看见地毯上有东西闪闪发光遂失而复得.

30、All that savage grandeur , the steely glinting hooves , the eruptions driven from the creature's mighty innards. ─── 所有这些野蛮宏伟,闪闪发光的钢铁般蹄,从动物的内脏强大驱动的爆发。

31、Everywhere it was completely dark, except for the twinkle of the stars or the 12)glint of the fireflies. ─── 四处一片漆黑,除了闪烁的星光或是萤火虫发出的若隐若现的光亮。

32、a murderous glint in her eye ─── 她眼神中闪现的凶残的光芒 [杀气]

33、A perfect match to the bag, it can be neatly tucked in with eyes following its every glint. ─── 对袋子,它的一次完善的比赛可以整洁地卷起与跟随它的每闪闪发光的眼睛。)

34、Then he threw her contemptuously onto the bed. He drank from the bottle of whiskey still on the night table. He seemed very drunk now, his light blue eyes had a crazy glint in them and finally Connie was truly afraid. ─── 后来,他就把她轻蔑地一扔,扔到床上,一边从床头柜上放着的威士忌酒瓶里倒酒喝,这时,他醉得厉害了,他那淡蓝色的眼睛闪烁着一种古怪的光芒,康妮终于怕起来了。

35、Each time the old man was poised to strike, the glinting blade of his opponent's sword forced him away again. ─── 但见吴大鹏忽进忽退,双掌翻飞,茅十八将单刀舞得幻成一片银光,挡在身前。

36、Now, and for the next six weeks, researchers will take turns scanning the horizon for any glint of snout and fin sticking through the water. ─── 从现在起之后的六周,研究者们轮流在地平线上频频眺望,寻找水中白暨豚的蛛丝马迹/踪影。

37、Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twitering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. ─── 他坚持认为,凌晨雄鸡第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟吱喳欢叫,冉冉升起的朝阳染红树木、牧场,此番美景无与伦比。

38、Also, be aware of the danger posed by orangy rays of autumnal sunlight glinting off duck ponds, they can momentarily blind you. ─── 另外,当心秋季阳光的橙色光线在小池塘上反射所带来的危险,它们可能让你暂时失明。

39、But whenever I hear that familiar song, I remember the day its notes rang most true: in the soft tones of my mother's voice, the glint in a boy's eyes and the taste of the sweetest cupcake. ─── 但每当我听到那首熟悉的歌曲,就会记起那一天:在母亲柔和的歌声中,在一个男孩闪烁的目光中,在那最甜美的蛋糕滋味中,那支歌所唱出的快乐是最真实的。

40、In order to suppress angle glint in monopulse radars system,a maximum entropy method for angle estimation in wideband monopulse tracking radar is presented. ─── 为抑制单脉冲雷达的测角闪烁,本文提出宽带单脉冲跟踪雷达的最大熵测角新方法。

41、"The glint in the eye and the lilt in the voice are familiar to us all. ─── “我们都熟悉他那明亮的双眼和欢快的语调。

42、As clear as crystal, its colour is pale golden yellow and displays a very light amber glint. ─── 如同水晶般清澈,其色泽为浅金色并带有一丝琥珀的光泽。气泡非常细腻丰富。

43、The cat had two sharp ears and two large eyes glinting with green light. It's face was small. So, I thought it was a mother cat. ─── 这只猫有两只又高又尖的耳朵,两只大眼睛发出幽幽的绿光。它的脸比较小,所以我推断它是一只母猫。

44、St.Paul police said Friday there have been at least five similar home invasions involving one or two Hmong men on the lookout for the glint of gold. ─── 圣保罗警方说,周五已经有至少5个类似的入室涉及一个或两个苗族男子寻找的闪烁的黄金。

45、Glinting in the sun, it drew their eyes as they swigged their bottles of juice. ─── 它在阳光下闪闪发亮,正在痛饮南瓜汁的罗恩和赫敏被吸引住了。

46、Nothing is compared with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. ─── 凌晨雄鸡初鸣,黎明鸟儿欢唱,以及旭日东升,照耀在林间和牧场,此番美景无以伦比。

47、The electric azure glint spend long, dilapidated years renovating beginning to be pretty aluminum alloy framework and glass curtain wall covering. ─── 久违的电焊花簇簇闪耀,残破多年的墙体开始被漂亮的铝合金框架和幕墙玻璃覆盖。

48、So every day when the cock crow,they got up and practied sword playing,the cold steel of the swords glinting and flashing. ─── 于是他们每天鸡叫后就起床练剑,剑光飞舞,剑声铿锵。

49、Do you have sleepless nights, tossing on the hot pillow, and watching for the first glint of dawn? ─── 你是不是睡不著,在枕上翻来翻去等待天亮呢?

50、He remembered the glint of ice crystals blowing through the tumbled ruins on the low hills near the Time Tombs and the colder gleam of steel on the Shrike's impossible tree of metal thorns. ─── 他仍记得光阴冢附近的小山上,闪烁的冰晶排山倒海般吹向废墟的情景,还有伯劳鸟那长满金属荆棘的不可思议之树泛着的钢铁寒光。

51、He had a wicked glint in his eye, ie suggesting mischievousness. ─── 他的眼里 闪现着调皮的神情.

52、Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face short, her upper lip short, showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight. ─── 她的黑发蓬蓬松松地飘拂在宽阔的前额上,脸是短短的,上唇也是短短的,露出一排闪亮的牙齿,眉毛又直又黑,睫毛又长又黑,鼻子笔直。

53、A dainty, self-conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the glint of rare wine to a toper. ─── 对他来说,一个女人风骚巧妙地摆动臀部的姿势就像美酒的色泽对酒徒那样具有吸引力。

54、He answered me carelessly with a glint from the corners of his eyes. ─── 他漫不经心地回答我,眼角透出得意的目光。

55、She thought the diamond was lost until she saw something glint on the carpet. ─── 她以为那颗钻石已丢失,后来看见地毯上有东西闪闪发光遂失而复得。

56、Suppressing the angular glint of polarimetric radar ─── 一种极化测量雷达的角闪烁抑制方法

57、There was a glint of anger in his eyes. ─── 他的眼睛闪着愤怒的光。

58、She saw a glint of silver in the grass. ─── 她看到草地上银光闪亮。

59、I knew the boss was annoyed by the glint in his eye. ─── (喻)"根据老板眼中的闪光,我知道他生气了。"

60、The fabulous, careful beat balances a glinting series of keyboard puffs against what sounds like a gun cocking. ─── 在演出中,她使用了声音中较为舒服的部分,大概一半的力度,坦诚说她“没有办法从消沉中振作起来”。

61、You catch a glint from the bushes and investigate, finding a discarded Shield. You bang it with your fist a couple times still sturdy. And now it's yours. ─── 你在草丛中发现一个闪亮的东西,经过研究,你发现了一个被抛弃的盾牌。你用拳头敲了敲它,发现它依然结实如故。现在它是你的了。

62、Then the very water of that pool gleams beautifully, as though with moonlight, by the glinting light of that gem. ─── 接着那个湖里的所有的水都泛着美丽的光,尽管在月光下,由于这个宝石闪闪发光。

63、His gold ring was glinting in the sunlight. ─── 他的金戒指在阳光下闪闪发光。

64、He saw the lordly oaks before the house, the flower beds, the garden and the arbor, and farther off, the glint of rails. ─── 他看到了那屋前高大的橡树,那花坛,那菜园和葡萄棚,再远,那铁轨的闪光。

65、9. No sign of sail or of glinting oars could they discern . ─── 他们看不到船帆的影子,也看不到发光的船浆的影子。

66、There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun. ─── 在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

67、” Princess looked up, eyes glinting with mischief. ─── 公主看在,上面以伤害闪耀的眼睛。

68、There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun. ─── 在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

69、His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild,tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair. ─── 他的脸几乎完全掩盖在了长而杂乱的鬓发以及缠杂的胡须下,但是你可以看到他的眼睛,在头发下像黑色甲虫般闪烁。

70、The glinting blue-grey panels are fixed on top of mausoleums, which in Spain hold five layers of coffins. ─── "这些闪闪发光的蓝灰色电池板安放在摆放了5层棺材的西班牙陵墓的顶部.

71、My friend, who has a food stall in the caravanserai, is no exception and grins at me with an entire set of glinting gold. ─── 我的一位朋友也不例外,他在商队旅馆里有一食品摊位,正朝我咧嘴微笑,露出一排金色的牙齿。

72、He arrived with a tremendous smile and a glint in his eyes. ─── 他来的时候,脸上绽放着笑容,眼睛闪闪发光。

73、He had a wicked glint in his eye. ─── 他眼睛里闪着坏坏的神色。

74、There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry. ─── 她的眼睛里闪烁着愤怒的目光。

75、My grandmother did not reply, but there was a glint in her eye and a grim set to her jaw that signaled she was not going to be thwarted. ─── 外婆没有回答,但她眼睛冒光,下巴僵直,流露出一副不甘心挫败的神情。

76、And in his dreams, a boy with dark hair and green eyes steps out from the shadows by the four-poster, the moonlight glinting off his prefect's badge. ─── 在他的那些梦里,有一个黑发绿眼的男孩从那阴影之中走了出来,站在他的大卧床旁,月光在那男孩的级长徽章上闪动着。

77、Her eyes had the same imperious glint as her brother's had when he was making a decision. ─── 她这眼光也就有几分很像吴荪甫下了决心时的眼光那么威棱四射。

78、For the first time in the Total War series each troop is an individual, garbed with the rich heraldic colours and glinting arms and armour of the period. ─── 你是选择委曲求全迎合主教的兴趣从而避免被逐出教会呢?还是密谋策划搞掉教皇,并暗中操作另一个人选作你的傀儡呢?

79、The glint computer radiates, and become in the face a clear dry, well ventilated aegis layer. ─── 反射电脑辐射,在面部形成一个清爽、透气的保护层。

80、Huck was already upon his watch when the ferryboat's lights went glinting past the wharf. ─── 的灯光一闪一闪地从码头边经过时,哈克已经在守夜了。

81、He caught a glint in the shaving mirror. “Yellow,” he thought and stomped on to the bedroom. ─── “黄色的”他一边想着一边跺着脚走进了卧室。

82、a mephistophelian glint in his eye. ─── 他眼中恶魔似的光芒。

83、The element of dizzying wave, disk style, glinting metal flake, net-eye bead flake and deep marine blue clash in this scheme with each other, and result into a particular harmony. ─── 令人目眩的海涛,迪斯科风格,以及金属亮片、网眼珠片及其金属的深蓝色在这一期的主题中相互碰撞,并形成一种特殊的和谐。

84、Re-discussion about angular glint of the extended target ─── 再论扩展目标的角闪烁

85、I knew the boss was annoyed by the glint in his eye ─── (喻)根据老板眼中的闪光,我知道他生气了。

86、She only glanced at the paper; glint is archaic; I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting. ─── 她只是扫视了一下论文;我只是扫视了一下。

87、In this paper, we propose a way to suppress the angular glint by utilizing the crosscorrelation between RCS and angular glint. ─── 介绍了一种利用RCS和角闪烁之间的相关性抑制角闪烁的RCS加权方法。

88、A customized lighting installation of tiny glass lanterns stretches right across the ceiling, reflected in the mother of pearl dressers and glint of the finest crystal and silverware. ─── 在悬挂的玻璃蜡烛灯的照耀下珍珠母餐具柜、晶莹剔透的水晶及银器熠熠生辉。

89、I remember one farmer, the light of large profits glinting in his eyes, enthusing about the long term future of the crop. ─── 我记得一位农民,他对黄豆种植的前景非常乐观,眼睛里闪着巨大收益带来的光彩。

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