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08-14 投稿


complaisant 发音


英:  美:

complaisant 中文意思翻译



complaisant 网络释义

adj. 彬彬有礼的;顺从的;殷勤的

complaisant 词性/词形变化,complaisant变形

副词: complaisantly |

complaisant 短语词组

1、complaisant quote ─── 顺从的引述

2、complaisant in a sentence ─── 柔顺的

3、mari complaisant ─── [法语];容忍妻子与人通奸的男人, 乌龟(妻子有外遇的人), “绿帽子”

4、complaisant define ─── 柔顺的定义

5、complaisant defined ─── 满足定义

6、complaisant definition ─── 顺从的定义

7、complaisant antonym ─── 柔顺反义词

8、complaisant syn ─── 顺从的syn

complaisant 相似词语短语

1、complaisance ─── n.殷勤;彬彬有礼;柔顺

2、uncomplaisant ─── 未完成

3、complicant ─── 覆盖的

4、complaisances ─── n.殷勤;彬彬有礼;柔顺

5、complaisantly ─── 沾沾自喜地

6、complainants ─── n.[法]原告;发牢骚的人;抱怨者

7、complainant ─── n.[法]原告;发牢骚的人;抱怨者

8、complaint ─── n.抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈

9、compliant ─── adj.顺从的;服从的;应允的

complaisant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Washing when sending, use moister, protect wash wetly hair fluid and protect hair vegetable, the hair is complaisant, comb easily naturally. ─── 在洗发的时候用比较滋润、保湿的洗发液和护发素,头发柔顺了,自然就轻易梳理。

2、The 5th kind of method is: Put plant ash in birdbath to clarify, with will wash hair, make a hair clean and complaisant. ─── 第五种方法是:把草木灰放在水盆里澄清,用来洗发,使头发干净柔顺。

3、The behaviour of the young colt and foal appeared very modest, and that of the master and mistress extremely cheerful and complaisant to their guest. ─── 看上去它们只不过是普普通通的牲口,可是却证实了我起初的那个想法:一个能把野兽教化成这样的民族,其智力方面一定超过世界上所有的人。


5、to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover; the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave. ─── 像一个妻子有了情人但还是很殷勤的丈夫一样闭上了自己的眼睛;那个有礼貌的服务员并不急于让我们离开。

6、The following day: The captain arranges I and his dinner, he is complaisant, I am true fool. ─── 第二天:船长约我与他晚餐,他彬彬有礼,我真笨蛋。

7、He is complaisant to her . ─── 他对她百依百顺。

8、658. complaisant : trying to please; ─── 658 。殷勤:设法请;

9、After mixing fixature and hair breast, wipe go up in wet hair, can take out hair curls, finalize the design on the gush on the hair after work again water, increase complaisant spend and glossiness. ─── 将发胶和发乳混合后抹在湿发上,能去掉发卷,再在干后的头发上喷上定型水,增加柔顺度和光泽度。

10、Lin Jiaxin belongs to temperament melting model belle, bingle lets her look resemble a false boy, complaisant straight hair can foil more those who give her is melting and comely! ─── 林嘉欣属于气质甜美型的美女,短发让她看上去像个假小子,柔顺的直发更能衬托出她的甜美清秀!

11、I feel optimal hair should resemble silk cloth same complaisant and ablaze. ─── 我觉得最理想的头发应该像丝绸一样的柔顺闪亮。

12、But, after the course attends wholeheartedly, my hair had had very big improvement character now, compared with much more complaisant before, better and better also do. ─── 但是,在经过悉心照料后,现在我的发质已经有了很大的改善,比起以前柔顺多了,也越来越好打理。

13、courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner. ─── 在朝臣服从国王的命令,在殷勤的方式进行。

14、a complaisant husband ─── 殷勤的丈夫.

15、9 see joke: Of sweetness of a pair of sweethearts leaning close in the park, see female hair is so complaisant maly, couldn't help be being felt secretly, female say sweetly: "Alas ah!Be fed up with! ─── 9看笑话: 一对情侣甜蜜的在公园中依偎着,男的看到女的头发如此柔顺,便忍不住偷摸了一下,女的娇滴滴的说:“唉呀!

16、Advertisement, no matter how it is complaisant, how be good at teaching, with respect to its original meaning, be a kind of one-sided bring to bear on. ─── 广告,无论它多么彬彬有礼,多么循循善诱,就其本义来说,都是一种单方面的施加。

17、If the product reachs the designated position with what the method chooses, can make a hair very fast restorable, more more complaisant than before even, shining. ─── 如果产品和方法选的到位,则可以使头发很快恢复原状,甚至比以前更加柔顺、光亮。

18、She was an old - fashioned wife,entirely complaisant to her husband's will. ─── 她是位旧式的妻子,对丈夫百依百顺。

19、in the lucky day, the sun is complaisant to woman as a man wearing birthday suit, the golden rays of light flareing. ─── 在这个吉祥的日子里,太阳就像一个披着盛装向女人献殷勤的男子,闪耀着金灿灿的光芒。

20、International Plaza has comfortable and elegant surrounding, particular and complaisant services, which is your best place for business, travel, holiday, meeting and entertainment. ─── 古镇国贸广场舒适优雅的环境、细致殷勤的服务,是阁下商务、旅游、渡假、会议、娱乐的最佳选择。

21、mari complaisant ─── 奸妇的本夫

22、If hold to,bit of embellish is wiped to deliver syrup on the hair after shampoo everyday, can make namely hair more luster, complaisant and easy comb. ─── 假如坚持天天洗头后在头发上抹点润发露,即能令头发更有光泽、柔顺且易梳理。

23、It is necessary that we should be more than complaisant to the count ─── 我们对伯爵在礼貌上就应该更殷勤一些。

24、The product brings unprecedented complaisant sense, the feeling of drying He Min that caresses you hair is qualitative. ─── 产品带来前所未有的柔顺感,呵护你的干性和敏感型发质。

25、Tell you to let beautiful hair arrange slippery 3 big principles, teach you to make a taper of a running fire divide very complaisant bright Li Xiufa! ─── 同时也能让自己有份焕然一新的好心情。

26、Eyebrow is fond of middle school moment to wear flat bottom shoe only, finely neat eyebrow bang, complaisant horsetail plait, countenance is insipid and; ─── 眉喜中学时候只穿平底鞋,细碎的齐眉刘海儿,柔顺的马尾辫,面容平淡而清朗;

27、The legislature has been criticized for being too complaisant , agreeing everything the administration wanted . ─── 由于过分讨好行政当局,有求必应,立法机构一直受到批评。

28、He is complaisant to her. ─── 他对她百依百顺。

29、complaisant a. ─── 殷勤的;

30、I am to come for the first time here, look decorate very luxuriously, the clerk young lady of total stage is complaisant, look well-trained. ─── 这里我是第一次来,看上去装修得很豪华,总台的服务员小姐彬彬有礼,一看就练习有素。

31、" Nai outstanding just spend 30 years old of their birthday with Sang Dedou, they are complaisant, be full of sense of humor, pay attention to actual. ─── 奈杰和桑德都刚刚度过他们30岁生日,他们彬彬有礼,富有幽默感,注重实际。

32、9 see joke: Somebody asks Laochen: "Hearing you are in a company is a tiger, a complaisant kitten Mi is however in the home. ─── 9看笑话:有人问老陈:“听说你在公司是老虎,在家里却是一只柔顺的小猫咪。

33、Eager to please; complaisant. ─── 期望取悦的;殷勤的.

34、The figure of complaisant bashfully can let a man show strong one side really, but pretend to be missish also can let his desire all be broken. ─── 柔顺含羞的形象的确可以让男人展示强势的一面,但故作矜持也会让他欲望尽失。

35、The truth is pretty good, but also have different, nurse skin is to make skin more firm, and nurse the hair is to make a hair more complaisant. ─── 道理倒是不错,但也有不同,护理肌肤是为了让肌肤更加坚强,而护理头发则是为了让头发更加柔顺。

36、On the other hand, a person who is complaisant but without loyalty is a person without principles. ─── 而反过来,一个人太随和,没有忠诚,这个人就失去原则。

37、The legislature has been criticized for being too complaisant, agreeing everything the administration wanted. ─── 由于过分讨好行政当局,有求必应,立法机构一直受到批评。

38、Ears as if funneled streams, as if the leaves of her complaisant, immigrant moist Dawn was turned into my mind space Lane CHARMS sunshine. ─── 耳畔仿佛有溪流涓涓,仿佛有笛声婉娩,笑靥在潮湿的晨曦瞬间变成了我心空里的妩媚阳光。

39、" Zi Gong said, "Our master isbenign, upright, courteous, temperate, and complaisant and thus he getshis information. ─── 子贡说:“老师凭著温和、善良、恭敬、节俭、谦让的品德得来的。

40、Ears as if funneled streams, as if the leaves of her complaisant, immigrant moist Dawn was turned into my mind space Lane CHARMS sunshine. ─── 耳畔仿佛有溪流涓涓,仿佛有笛声婉娩,笑靥在潮湿的晨曦瞬间变成了我心空里的妩媚阳光。

41、The dress that washs, simple sense whether more complaisant and life whether keep long; ─── 洗完的衣服,质感是否更加柔顺并且寿命能否保持长久;

42、Under the complaisant eye of Mr Ahmadinejad, a former guardsman, it has won a big, even dominant, place in the economy. ─── 内贾德也曾是一个卫兵,在他听之任之的眼皮底下,卫队占领了大片重要的经济领域。

43、's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover; the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave. ─── 像一个妻子有了情人但还是很殷勤的丈夫一样闭上了自己的眼睛;那个有礼貌的服务员并不急于让我们离开。

44、When she thinks this gent makes love, be complaisant certainly, show consideration for softly, but did not think of, be opposite suddenly after go to bed of the other side her shout abuse. ─── 她以为这位绅士做爱时一定是彬彬有礼的,温柔体贴的,但没有想到,对方上床后忽然对她破口大骂。

45、See me, when although receiving a visitor,they can see you, be complaisant, cautious and considerate. ─── 看到我,他们就可以看出你即使在招待客人的时候都是彬彬有礼,持重而周到的。”

46、And you can knock the door of communication when you treat other people with complaisant and enthusiastically attitude. ─── 以谦恭热情的态度去对待对方,一定能叩开交际的大门。


48、complaisant grasping ─── 柔顺抓取

49、She's always helpful and complaisant. ─── 她总是又殷勤,又乐于助人。

50、Under the complaisant eye of Mr Ahmadinejad, a former guardsman, it has won a big, even dominant, place in the economy. ─── 内贾德也曾是一个卫兵,在他听之任之的眼皮底下,卫队占领了大片重要的经济领域。

51、Washing when sending, use moister, protect wash well hair fluid and protect hair vegetable, the hair is complaisant , comb easily naturally. ─── 在洗发的时候用比较滋润、保湿的洗发液和护发素,头发柔顺了,自然就轻易梳理。

52、For the season, the ration of complaisant of cool season is significantly higher than warm and hot season (P<0.05); ─── 在季节之中,凉季的分娩率有显著比温、热季为高(P<0.05);

53、* The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner. ─── *在朝臣服从国王的命令,在殷勤的方式进行。

54、complaisant; obliging ─── 婉顺

55、A good servant should be complaisant but not servile. ─── 一个好的仆人应该是殷勤的,而不是卑屈的。

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