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08-14 投稿


expropriate 发音

英:[?ks'pr??pr?e?t; eks-]  美:[?ks'propr?et]

英:  美:

expropriate 中文意思翻译



expropriate 词性/词形变化,expropriate变形

名词: expropriation |动词过去分词: expropriated |形容词: expropriatory |动词现在分词: expropriating |动词第三人称单数: expropriates |动词过去式: expropriated |

expropriate 短语词组

1、expropriate in a sentence ─── 在判决中没收

2、expropriate mean ─── 征收平均数

3、expropriate land ─── 征用土地

4、expropriate assets ─── 征用资产

5、expropriate ypf ─── 征用ypf

6、expropriate tcg ─── 征用tcg

7、expropriate mtg ─── 征用mtg

8、expropriate def ─── 征用财产

expropriate 相似词语短语

1、impropriate ─── v.把圣俸赠予;从教会移交俗人;adj.以此方式移交的

2、expropriating ─── vt.没收,征用;剥夺

3、appropriate ─── adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的;vt.占用,拨出(专款等)

4、exprobrate ─── 膨胀

5、expropriates ─── vt.没收,征用;剥夺

6、expropriable ─── 可解释的

7、expropriator ─── 征用者;没收者

8、expropriated ─── v.(尤指国家)征用;剥夺……的财产(expropriate的过去式及过去分词)

9、to expropriate ─── 剥夺

expropriate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analyses in property rightindicate that dissymmetry between residual claim rights and residual rights of control offers controlling shareholders an opportunity to expropriate minority shareholders. ─── 产权上的分析表明剩余控制权与剩余索取权的不对称安排为大股东的侵害提供了可行空间。

2、In China,the expropriation means that the government expropriate land of rural collective economy organization because of dual system of state ownership and collective ownership. ─── 我国实行土地归国家所有和集体所有的二元结构,因此我国土地征收实际上是指国家对集体所有的土地进行征收。

3、More than a half of listed companies in Taiwan are controlled by the families.The majority shareholders exploit their information superiority to expropriate the minority shareholders. ─── 台湾半数以上的上市、上柜公司为家族所控制,股权集中下大股东利用资讯优势侵害小股东权益,不利于资本市场的长期发展。


5、confiscate; expropriate ─── 没收

6、The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law. ─── 国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。

7、State may, in the interest of the public, lawfully expropriate or requisition land and give compensation accordingly. ─── 国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依法对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。

8、expropriate vt. ─── 没收财产;

9、" shall be modified as "The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law. ─── 修改为:“国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。”

10、The park administration or sub-administrations may expropriate private factory buildings and related structures at market price under any of the following conditions: ─── 前项厂房及其有关建筑物有下列情形之一者,管理局或分局得依市价徵购之:

11、The government can expropriate the private land for the public interest, so the expropriation system is based on the consideration of efficiency. ─── 为了公共利益的实现,国家可以征收私人或团体的土地,因此,土地征收制度本身是基于效率的考量。

12、It is a difficult job and a topic of general interest in the present reform of cultivated land expropriation system to expropriate land according to price of the cultivated land. ─── 摘要按价征地及耕地征用价格是当前土地征用制度改革的热点与难点问题。

13、The State will not nationalize or expropriate any equity joint venture. ─── 国家对合营企业不实行国有化和征收;

14、This paper try to use two methods, agricultural land economical function compensate method and urban construction land criterion price avulse method, to calculate the land expropriate price. ─── 本文突破了原来的产值倍数法测算征地价格,尝试采用农地经济功能价格补偿法和城镇建设用地基准地价剥离法两种方法来综合确定农用地征地区片价格。

15、expropriate sb. from an estate ─── 没收某人的财产

16、deprive; expropriate; strip ─── 剥夺

17、They may have made a big loan to an infrastructure project, which the government might seek to expropriate, for example. ─── 举个例子,某些银行可能向某项基建项目提供巨额贷款,而这些贷款可能被政府强行没收。

18、And then the masses of impoverished workers would finally rebel and expropriate the riches of the wealthy proprietors. ─── 那时候一无所有的工人最终会奋起抗争并剥夺有钱的剥夺者的财富。

19、The central government should raise the cost for the local government to expropriate land. ─── 增加地方政府的征地成本;

20、If they try to stop production he said, I'll expropriate them and pay nothing. ─── 他说,如果这些加工厂试图停止生产,他将无偿没收。

21、Rather, the obliteration of two noughts from the currency seems intended to expropriate corrupt officials or businessmen who have grown rich through trading, mostly with China. ─── 实际上,首都平壤的生活花费并未增加多少。

22、The king chose his minister Heliodorus and sent him with instructions to expropriate the aforesaid wealth. ─── 王遂选派总理大臣赫略多洛,奉命去没收上述的钱财。

23、" and " The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over private property of citizens for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law. ─── “国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对公民的私有财产实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。”

24、Article 4 The State shall not nationalize or expropriate the investment of Taiwan investors. ─── 第四条国家对台湾同胞投资者的投资不实行国有化和征收;

25、Article 5 The State shall not expropriate the investments and income of foreign enterprises that participate in the cooperative exploitation of continental petroleum resources. ─── 第四条 中国政府依法保护参加合作开采陆上石油资源的外国企业的合作开采活动及其投资、利润和其他合法权益。

26、If after 5 years the land owner has not subdivided, used or build on a parcel of land, the municipality can expropriate the land. ─── 如果5年后的土地拥有人没有细分,使用或建立在土地,市政当局可以征用土地的一部分。

27、what’s procedure on expropriate land? ─── 征地需要什么手续?

28、The large shareholders may expropriate interests of small shareholders through various methods. ─── 大股东利用控制权可以通过多种手段掠夺中小股东利益。

29、Expropriate the land ─── 土地出让

30、Faced with persistent food shortages, the government of Venezuela last week warned it could expropriate any food company necessary to ensure the nations food security and sovereignty. ─── 面对持续不断的食品短缺,委内瑞拉政府上周警告说,政府可能会在必要时没收食品公司的财产,以确保国家的食品安全和主权。

31、It is programmed to finish the project’s approval this year, expropriate the land of 360 mu and start the construction of back base. ─── 计划今年完成项目立项,征用土地360亩,启动后方基地建设。

32、Propertyrights is a fundamental civil rights,for the common interests,public power can expropriate and limit it by law,but it should be given administrative compensation. ─── 财产权是公民的一项基本权利,为了公共利益,公权力可依法对其进行剥夺和限制,但应有适当的行政补偿。

33、In order to let students grasp teaching conception, let them have better theory knowledge and practise ability, I expropriate exert message technology in teaching and have better effect. ─── 在近几年的教学实践中,我将信息技术充分应用到教学中,取得了较好的效果。

34、Land expropriate ─── 土地征用

35、The king chose his minister Heliodorusand sent him with instructions to expropriate the aforesaid wealth. ─── 王遂选派总理大臣赫略多洛,奉命去没收上述的钱财。

36、expropriate v. ─── 没收;征用;

37、Previous papers argue that cash flow rights serve as the incentives of a controlling shareholder to expropriate outside investors, and document that cash flow rights increase firm value. ─── 在近几年的研究中发现,控制股东的现金权是影响控制股东是否剥削小股东的重要因素;

38、Parliamentarians in South Africa have shelved legislation designed to speed up a land reform program by allowing the government to expropriate white-owned farms. ─── 南非的国会议员近期废止了一项关于将原本属于白人的土地充公的计划。

39、Supreme Courts in several American states have ruled that governments cannot expropriate land for private development, but Kolkata's High Court has judged differently. ─── 美国一些州的高等法院规定政府是无权为了私人的发展而征用土地的,但是加尔各答高等法院却有不同的判定。

40、To expropriate more private benefit, they always separate control from cash flow rights by cross - ownership and stock pyramids. ─── 为最大化获取的私人收益,他们往往通过金字塔结构等分离现金流所有权和控制权的形式对公司实施控制。

41、It discusses the cause of the problems in the land expropriate process on the point of Policy.Finally,it makes some suggestions to th... ─── 针对我国土地征用政策存在的缺陷,借鉴国内外成功的经验,提出一些政策性建议。

42、Article 5.The Municipal Government may, in line with public interest requirements, expropriate land in accordance with legal provisions. ─── 第五条市政府为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征用。

43、The people's governments at county level and above may, in line with public interest and construction requirements, expropriate land under collective ownership in accordance with the law. ─── 县级以上人民政府根据公共利益和开发建设需要,依法对集体所有的土地实行征用。

44、This has smashed the illusion that agrarian reform can be carried out peacefully following the campaign to eliminate banditry, expropriate local despots, reduce rent rates and obtain the return of security money. ─── 那种认为经过清匪反霸减租退押就可以和平土改的想法,已为事实所粉碎。

45、Larger shareholders can then expropriate resources at the expense of the rest. ─── 因此,大股东可能会剥夺资源,牺牲其他股东的利益。

46、In this case, the Sellers have the right to expropriate the deposit and re-sell the goods to a third party. ─── 卖方不再受本合同约束,并可没收买方定金。同时有权将货物转售。

47、Land Pre - Expropriate Behaviors of the Government under the Background of Acceleration in Urbanization ─── 城市化进程加速背景下的政府预征土地行为

48、Furthermore, in the weakly-protected law countries, large shareholders may tunnel resources from their controlling listed firms by possible ways and expropriate minority shareholders’ interests. ─── 在监督弱化的条件下,大股东在股份制改制中,是否将其作为掠夺中小股东权益,增加自身控制权的手段?

49、The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law. ─── 国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。

50、On the Currant Land Expropriate Policy in China ─── 浅析我国现行土地征用政策

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