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08-14 投稿


poppies 发音

英:[?p?piz]  美:[?pɑpiz]

英:  美:

poppies 中文意思翻译



poppies 短语词组

1、poppies at argenteuil argenteuil ─── 的罂粟花

2、field of poppies ─── 罂粟田

3、poppies restaurant ─── 罂粟花餐厅

4、poppies veterans day ─── 罂粟花退伍军人节

5、opium poppies n. ─── [毒物] ─── [植]罂粟

6、poppies in a field ─── 田野里的罂粟花

poppies 词性/词形变化,poppies变形

名词复数: poppies |

poppies 相似词语短语

1、loppies ─── adj.无力地下垂的;n.勤杂工;杂货店

2、coppies ─── 夫妻

3、doppies ─── n.中空物体;小杯酒

4、poppits ─── 罂粟花

5、poppier ─── 波皮尔

6、koppies ─── n.丘陵;小山

7、pappies ─── n.爸爸,父亲;adj.糊状的;半流质的;浆状的

8、poppiest ─── 罂粟花

9、poppied ─── adj.多罂粟的;鸦片麻醉的

poppies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"A farm boy in no particular hurry allows his donkey to browse on wild poppies as they shamble along toward field work near Kairouan, a city holy to Muslims." ─── 在凯万近郊,一个悠闲的村童徜徉在去田地的途中,任由他的驴子在野罂粟从中进食。凯万是穆斯林的圣地。

2、I used to cut poppies, from which I can get my own share of opium which is equivalent to currency at that time. ─── 我12岁的时候也曾经割过大烟啊。割了大烟之后我就可以分成啊,拿到这个鸦片就等于我手里面就有了货币了。

3、Funded by the U. S. government, infrastructure projects like this provide jobs and help localfarmers switch to crops other than poppies. ─── 这个项目是由美国政府出资修建的,像这样的基础设施建设项目能提供就业机会,帮助当地农民从种植罂粟转向普通农作物的种植。

4、Some Reflections on the Character in Red Poppies ─── 论傻子视角的现实性平行与边缘性交叉

5、O thou blood-red rose, my poppies of sleep have paled and faded! ─── 哦,血红的玫瑰啊,我熟睡的罂粟花已经苍白凋谢了!

6、Where Have All the Poppies Gone? ─── 罂粟花为谁开放?

7、Poppies Waking from comalike sleep,I saw the poppies, with their limp necks and unregimented beauty. ─── 从昏睡中醒来,我看见了罂粟, 她们有柔软无力的颈项,还有无拘无束的美丽。

8、She wove garlands of poppies, which she placed on her head, and which, crossed and penetrated with sunlight, glowing until they flamed, formed for her rosy face a crown of burning embers. ─── 她把虞美人串成一个花环戴在头上,阳光射来照着它,象火一样红得发紫,成了她那绯红光艳的脸上的一顶炽炭冠。

9、These artificial poppies are already the sign of the first world war tragedy,because there are lots of poppies in the war field of france. ─── 这些人造罂粟花已成为第一次世界大战悲剧的象征,因为许多法国的战场上都开满了罂粟花。

10、"Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep, Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:" ─── 有时候,为罂粟花香所沉迷,你倒卧在收割一半的田垄,让镰刀歇在下一畦的花旁;

11、The poppy has become the symbol of the tragedy of World War I, since many of the battlefields of France bloomed with poppies. ─── 这些人造罂粟花已成为第一次世界大战悲剧的象征,因为在许多法国的战场上都开满了罂粟花。

12、With Afghanistan now growing nearly 200,000 hectares of poppies and supplying a full 93 percent of the world's opium, U. ─── 如今阿富汗有20万公顷的土地种植罂粟,提供世界上93%的鸦片。

13、But our enjoyment of, for instance, the arbitrary abstract patterns in some foliage, or a color field (as with wild poppies, or a sunset) was, according to Kant, absent of such concepts; ─── 但是,比方说,我们对某些植物叶子的那种抽象的纹路或者色彩(如罂粟和落日的)的欣赏,照康德的说法,是没有那种概念的;

14、NATO troops will not eradicate poppies , out of a reasonable fear that this would undo all their efforts to win local support. ─── 北约部队不会根除鸦片,原因在于,他们担心这么做会使他们赢得当地人支持而做的所有努力化为乌有。

15、People place flowers, flags and artificial poppies on the graves of service men and women. ─── 人们将鲜花、旗帜以及人造罂粟花放在阵亡将士的墓地里。

16、3. Poppies are not allowed to be planted in most countries. ─── 在大多数国家,罂粟被禁止种植。

17、The crab-nourished poppies grew huge and fleshy, a mixture of pinks, reds, and whites that assailed your nostrils with their fragrance. ─── 用蟹酱喂过的罂粟花朵肥硕壮大,粉、红、白三色交杂,香气扑鼻。

18、Opium poppies once covered the hillsides here, and sunflower fields like this one often grow from seeds dumped over the fields in an attempt to eradicate the poppies. ─── 原来这里的山侧长满了罂粟,像这种向日葵田通常来自那些为了杀灭罂粟而撒到田中的种子。

19、The WFP currently provides food aid to three-quarters-of-a-million Burmese, including former growers of opium poppies, refugees returning from Bangladesh, and a growing population of HIV/AIDS victims. ─── 世界粮食计划署目前为75万缅甸人提供食品援助,其中包括以前曾经种植罂粟的人、从孟加拉国返回的难民、以及越来越多的艾滋病患者或是艾滋病毒携带者。

20、It's not only hot and dusty, but as a heartland for the Taliban and the biggest producer of opium poppies in the country, it's also a very dangerous place. ─── 不仅仅是炎热多尘,而且作为塔利班的核心阵地,和阿富汗最大的鸦片产地,这里还十分危险。

21、Western countries, including United States, have contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to help train Afghan police and provide alternative resources for local farmers grow poppies. ─── 西方国家,包括美国,已经捐赠出数亿美元来帮助训练阿富汗警方,为阿富汗种植鸦片的农民提供其他资源。

22、I am very busy gardening now, I have sown scented peas, poppies and daisies ─── 我正在忙于园艺,已经在小花园里播下了有香味的碗豆、罂粟和雏菊

23、Californian poppies are usually seen with a variety of wildflowers in drought-tolerant areas. They reseed so readily that they can become weedy. ─── 译文:加利福尼亚的罂粟花通常表现不同的野花在干旱的地域。这种花再播种很容易就像杂草一样。

24、3.In uncultivated spaces there were sudden red brick camps, offices with burlap at the windows and fans hanging from the ceilings, and a solitary hospital in a field of poppies. ─── 在未开垦的空地里,突兀的竖立着红砖修成的营地,以及那些窗口挂着粗麻布、屋顶悬着电风扇的办公室。

25、An abandoned church looms above a field of poppies in the mountainous region of Abruzzo. ─── 阿布鲁索的山区,一座废弃的教堂在罂粟花中浮现。

26、In the fields of poppies lay the dying soldiers. ─── 罂粟地里躺着奄奄一息的士兵们。

27、The sale of red poppies raises funds to help ex-servicemen - the sale of white poppies does not, but does support peace work and education. ─── 红色人造罂粟的销售款被用来筹集基金以帮助退役军人。白色罂粟花的销售款则不具有这种用途,它成了和平、教育工作的经费。

28、In Helmand Province, part of the Taleban's traditional stronghold, the cultivation of opium poppies has risen more than 160 percent since 2005. ─── 在赫尔曼德省,部分塔利班的传统据点,从2005年开始,鸦片罂粟的种植增长了超过160%。

29、From 1931 to 1942, "Qingma" warlord stationed huge forces in Hexi Corridor, and forced the masses to cultivate opium poppies to collect taxes.Therefore drug spread in Hexi Corridor. ─── 摘要1931-1942年,“青马”军阀在甘肃河西走廊驻扎大量军队,为筹措军费,强迫民众种植鸦片,征收巨额烟亩罚款和摊款,河西烟毒由此泛滥,成为甘肃省第一大鸦片产区。

30、And when he told them of the blue periwinkles, the red poppies in the yellow wheat, and the green leaves of the berry bush, they saw the colours as clearly as if they had been painted in their minds. ─── 于是当他向他们描述蓝色的长春花,长满嫩绿叶子的灌木丛,开放在金黄麦田里的绛红色罂粟花时,他们见到的色彩犹如刻画在自己头脑里那般鲜明。

31、The fields around the house blazed with poppies. ─── 那座房屋周围的原野上的罂粟花五彩缤纷。

32、NATO troops will not eradicate poppies, out of a reasonable fear that this would undo all their efforts to win local support. ─── 北约部队不会根除鸦片,原因在于,他们担心这么做会使他们赢得当地人支持而做的所有努力化为乌有。

33、"Maybe he needs to get in that poppy field for a while," Jackson said jokingly, referring to a scene in the movie in which Dorothy falls asleep in a field of poisonous poppies. ─── “也许他需要在罂粟花田里呆一会,”菲尔开玩笑说,他是指电影中多罗西在一片有毒罂粟花田中睡着了的场景。

34、Airports and ports in Egypt had been told to look out for this painting of a Vase of Poppies to make sure it wasn't smuggled abroad. ─── 埃及机场和港口均接到命令,严密查找这幅名为《罂粟花》的油画,确保不能走私出国。

35、Between vineyards and ricotta farms, a field of bright red poppies dazzles those lucky enough to drive along the undulating hills of Tuscany. ─── 有幸沿著托斯卡纳区波澜起伏的山间行使的人们会发现在葡萄园和乳酪农场之间遍布鲜红樱粟。

36、Some people choose to wear white poppies, which emphasises a desire for peaceful alternatives to military action. ─── 有些人选择佩带白色的人造罂粟,白色的人造罂粟突出了大家对“和平替代战争的”渴望;

37、The opium trade continues, however, with poppies grown in neighboring Myanmar( Burma) and elsewhere. ─── 然而,因为邻国缅甸和其他地方的罂粟种植,鸦片贸易仍然在继续。

38、Sometimes called black tar, mud, smack, China white, or Mexican brown , heroin is derived from opium poppies. ─── 有时呼叫了黑色的焦油,泥,风味,中国白色的,或墨西哥人褐色,海洛英起源于鸦片罂粟。

39、Poppies do not transplant well. ─── 罂粟不宜移植。

40、These are the true and open votaries of Idleness, for whom she weaves the garlands of poppies, and into whose cup she pours the waters of oblivion; ─── 这些人是懒散女神真正公开的崇拜者,女神为他们佩戴罂粟花环,在他们的杯子里倾倒忘却之水;

41、Along the way I made out a patch of opium poppies waiting to be harvested. ─── 沿路我还辨认出一片等待收割的罂粟田。

42、Another was that Nad Ali, as a government-held area, was the only part of Helmand where large-scale eradication of opium poppies took place, helping to turn the population against the government. ─── 另外一个因素是,作为政府控制的阿里河畔是赫尔曼德省中唯一一块儿展开大规模根除罂粟行动的地区,促使人民反对政府。

43、In Flanders fields the poppies blow ─── 在佛兰德斯战场上,罂粟花随风飘荡

44、fields of poppies bending in the wind ─── 一畦畦随风摇摆的罂粟

45、a big bunch of poppies ─── 一大束罂粟花

46、Our initial encounter,Poppies in full bloom in the long dark night. ─── 我们的初次相遇,在罂粟花盛开下的漫长黑夜。

47、Poppies grow on Bornholm Island in Denmark. ─── 丹麦的博恩荷姆岛位于在波罗的海上,在岛上生长着很多的罂粟。

48、The warm water circulates under the floor of the greenhouses or runs through growing tables.It keeps the geraniums, pansies and poppies happy.And the grower, too. ─── 佩蒂说:“我们可以保持水的循环使用,不会浪费,这的确是一大突破。

49、They even forced Chinese farmers to grow poppies. ─── 他们甚至还强迫中国老百姓种植罂粟。

50、It has become one of the most treacherous parts of Afghanistan, producing more than half of the world's opium poppies. ─── 这里已经成为阿富汗最危险的区域之一,还出产世界上一半以上的罂粟。

51、A splendid field of poppies ─── 一片亮丽色彩的罂粟花田

52、drowsed with the fume of poppies(bJohn Keats) ─── 被鸦片烟弄得昏昏欲睡(b约翰 济慈)

53、The poppy emblem was chosen because of the poppies that bloomed years after the war across some of the worst battlefields where thousands of solders lost their life. ─── 佩戴罂粟花是因为在战争期间,有无数个战士为了保卫祖国而献出了生命。到了第二年的春天,一大片的红罂粟花到处盛开从而覆盖了整个战士的墓地。

54、In my bleakest moments, I often look at flowers, at the fragile poppies that grow through the cracks in the unfriendly concrete, surviving in a seemingly impossible environment. ─── 在我最凄凉的时候,我常常会凝视那些花儿,那些从坚固的混凝土缝隙中生长出的娇嫩的罂粟花,它们生存在一个似乎不可能存活的环境里。

55、drowsed with the fume of poppies(John Keats) ─── 被鸦片烟弄得昏昏欲睡(约翰 济慈)

56、Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook ─── 你倒卧在收割一半的田垄,

57、3. Western countries, including the United States, have contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to help train Afghan police and provide alternative resources for local farmers growing poppies. ─── 美国在内的西方国家已捐助了数以亿计的美元以帮助阿富汗训练警察以及为当地种植罂粟的农民提供等值的补偿。

58、In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop. ─── 在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙跑过了罂粟花:一个人为的背景。

59、We 've planted lots of different flowers, such as roses, carnations, and poppies. ─── 我们种植了许多鲜花,例如玫瑰、康乃馨和罂粟花。

60、In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop. ─── 在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙就给这里带来了一些人为的背景色彩。

61、She chose her colours with the greatest care.She adjusted her petals one by one.She did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled, like the field poppies. ─── 她精心选择着她将来的颜色,慢慢腾腾地妆饰着,一片片地搭配着她的花瓣,她不愿象虞美人那样一出世就满脸皱纹。

62、a splendid field of poppies. ─── 开得绚丽多姿的一片罂粟花

63、There's a lot of mignonette and poppies," he said. ─── 有许多木犀草和罂粟花。”他说。

64、The folds of her scarlet silk gown gave off the enervating smell of poppies ─── 她那件大红绸袍的衣褶里发出销魂蚀骨的罂粟花香。

65、Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies. ─── 另一扇车窗中,灰绿色草原绵延不绝,四处是凌乱的罂粟。

66、We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. ─── 即使罂粟花开满了佛兰德斯,我们也不会安息。

67、"drowsed with the fume of poppies" (John Keats) ─── “被鸦片烟弄得昏昏欲睡”(约翰·济慈)

68、Make it rich as a draught of poppies to intoxicate me. ─── 你的信像一束盛开的罂粟使我麻醉。

69、opium poppies ─── 罂粟

70、Poppies bloom next to a lichen-covered seawall in the handsome and civilized country of Denmark. ─── 在优雅文明的国度丹麦,罂粟花灿然绽放在满覆青苔的海堤旁。

71、In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses. row on row.That mark our place, ─── 在佛兰德的田野上.罂粟花一排一排的在十字架之间摆动着.这是我们这座城镇的标记

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