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concurrency 发音

英:[k?n?k??r?nsi]  美:[k?n?k?r?ns?]

英:  美:

concurrency 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 并发性


concurrency 词性/词形变化,concurrency变形

名词复数: concurrencies |

concurrency 短语词组

1、concurrency operation ─── [计] 并行操作

2、concurrency control mechanism ─── [计] 并发控制机制

3、concurrency relation ─── [计] 并发关系

4、concurrency mode ─── 并行方式

5、concurrency control ─── [计] 并行性控制, 并发控制

6、executive system concurrency ─── [电] 执行系统同作能力

7、concurrency control kernel ─── [计] 并行性控制核心

8、concurrency control policy ─── [计] 并行性控制策略

9、concurrency measure ─── [计] 并行性测量

10、concurrency model ─── 并发模型

11、real-time concurrency operation ─── [计] 实时并行操作

12、concurrency system ─── [计] 并行系统

13、concurrency control protection ─── [计] 并行控制保护

14、concurrency conflict ─── 并发冲突

15、distributed concurrency control ─── [计] 分布式并行控制

16、concurrency chart ─── 共点算图,网络图

17、concurrency control algorithm ─── [计] 并行性控制算法

18、control concurrency ─── [计] 控制并行性

19、concurrency control method ─── [计] 并行性控制方法

concurrency 常用词组

concurrency control ─── 并发控制

concurrency 相似词语短语

1、concurrent ─── adj.并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的;n.[数]共点;同时发生的事件

2、concurringly ─── 一致地

3、concurrents ─── adj.并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的;n.[数]共点;同时发生的事件

4、concurrence ─── n.同时发生;赞同;合作

5、cooccurrence ─── n.共存;同现

6、xenocurrency ─── n.国外货币

7、common currency ─── 统一货币,共同货币

8、concurrently ─── adv.兼;同时发生地

9、concurrences ─── n.同时发生;赞同;合作

concurrency 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Java theory and practice: Concurrency made simple sort of ─── Java理论与实践:并发在一定程度上使一切变得简单

2、distributed concurrency control algorithm ─── 分布式并行控制算法

3、Pessimistic concurrency is also useful for situations where it is detrimental for the record to change during the course of a transaction. ─── 在事务过程中不宜更改记录的情况下,保守式并发也非常有用。

4、Pessimistic concurrency is not a scalable option when users are interacting with data and causing records to be locked for relatively large periods of time. ─── 如果用户与数据进行交互,会使记录锁定相对长的时间,保守式并发并不是可伸缩的选项。

5、And she said there's still latent demand, and if the login servers could handle the load concurrency would be even higher. ─── 她同时说,如果登录服务器可以应付更高的并发性负载的话,市场仍有潜在需求。


7、In the protocol, multiversion optimistic concurrency control method was adopted.Technique of multiversion dynamic adjustment of serialization order was used. ─── 协议采用多版木乐观方法,使用多版本动态调整串行次序技术。

8、In earlier versions of SQL Server, concurrency was based solely on locking, which caused blocking and deadlocking problems for some applications. ─── 在以前版本的SQL Server中,并发性只是基于锁定,这就造成某些应用程序出现阻断和死锁的问题。

9、Therefore, regional version concurrency control strategy by quadtree index was suggested, and its frame and methods for correlative issues were given. ─── 为此提出了基于四叉树索引的区域版本并发控制机制,并给出了基于四叉树索引的区域版本实时协同绘图系统的框架和相关问题的解决方案。

10、The following table shows the concurrency side effects allowed by the different isolation levels. ─── 下表显示了不同隔离级别允许的并发副作用。

11、Copy a delegate to a local variable before publishing to avoid concurrency race condition. ─── 使用前将委托复制到局部变量,以避免并发冲突。

12、Concurrency at many scales. ─── 在许多刻度的同作。

13、Using multiple vertex buffers in round-robin fashion can help with concurrency. ─── 使用多顶点缓存轮流操作能够促进并行性。

14、The various concurrency control algorithms for cache consistency are also studied. ─── 其次讨论了实现缓冲一致性的各种并发控制策略;

15、AML uses the new concurrency model and the restriction facility to address modling concurrencyand nonfunctional characteristics of systems. ─── AML利用一种新的并发模型和限制设施,有效地解决了系统的并发特性和不确定性等非功能特性的描述问题;

16、If row locking is used, all rows in the fetch buffer are locked, so a very large setting for the fetch size can affect concurrency. ─── 如果使用行锁定,则提取缓冲区中的所有行都会被锁定,因此提取大小设置得过大会影响并发性。

17、InfoQ: Rubinius seems to be shipped with a wealth of concurrency ideas and tools - threads, actors, multivm + message passing IPC, etc. ─── Rubinius好像有了很丰富的并发概念和工具——线程、actor、多虚拟机+消息传递IPC等等。

18、A first complication occurs if you are utilizing optimistic concurrency and a concurrency violation is detected (someone else already changed one of the rows you are trying to change). ─── 如果您要利用开放式并发并且检测到并发冲突(其他某个人已经更改了您要尝试更改的某一行),则会发生第一个问题。

19、A New Algorithm for Serializable Concurrency Control of Real Time Transactions ─── 一种新的实时事务并发控制方法

20、On the downside, you need to consider concurrency. ─── 缺点是,您需要考虑并发性。

21、When this happens, the number of the threads that can be run is higher than the concurrency allowed on the IOCP (for example, NumberOfConcurrentThreads). ─── 你可以有很多工作线程,并发线程的数量一般是小于或者等于工作线程数量。

22、In this paper, we classify the approaches for improving scalability of DVE into four categories: communication architecture, interest management, concurrency control, and data replication. ─── 如何提高DVE系统的规模扩展性,需要从通信结构,兴趣管理,数据复制和一致性控制几个方面综合考虑。

23、Specify result set type and concurrency when creating the statement. ─── 在创建语句时指定结果集的类型和并发性。

24、Concurrency Control of Index Structures in DBMS ─── DBMS中索引的并发控制

25、Object Data Model Based Concurrency Control in Fully-Replicated Architecture ─── 全复制结构下基于对象数据模型的并发控制

26、A WCF service can handle concurrency in three different ways. ─── WCF服务可能处理并发用三个不同的方式。

27、But for modern applications which make heavy use of many fine-grained, asynchronous (AJAX) requests, concurrency is a fact of life, and must be supported by the programming model. ─── 但是对于现代应用来说,大量的细粒度和异步请求(AJAX),并发请求是很常见的,需要被编程模型支持。

28、The primary concerns in this kind of application are concurrency and atomicity. ─── 在这种应用程序中,主要的问题是并发性和原子性。

29、Allowing dirty reads can cause higher concurrency, but at the cost of reading data modifications that then are rolled back by other transactions. ─── 允许脏读可能产生较多的并发操作,但其代价是读取以后会被其他事务回滚的数据修改。

30、Synchronization serializes access to an object thereby minimizing potential concurrency. ─── 同步实现了访问的串行化,因此可以降低了并发冲突风险。

31、If there is almost no data contention between applications for a particular resource in the database, permitting multiple applications to access the database improves concurrency. ─── 如果多个应用程序对于数据库中的某个特定资源几乎没有访问冲突,则允许多个应用程序访问数据库就会提高并发能力。

32、Academic literature studies at least a dozen concurrency models important enough to go into production. ─── 学术文献研究了至少十二种很重要的投入到了实际应用的并发模型。

33、Support for Concurrency and Parallelism in MACH ─── MACH操作系统对并发及并行性的支持

34、But again, you'd need to implement code that interprets the updategram syntax in addition to performing the business logic and concurrency checks. ─── 但是,您也需要实现一个代码,该代码除了执行业务逻辑和并发检查,还要解释updategram语法。

35、Perseus - Perseus aims at providing a component-based persistence framework that solves issues such as cache management, concurrency management (even distributed), transaction management, storage management, logging management. ─── Perseus旨在提供一个基于组件的表示层框架,可以解决如缓存管理、同步管理(甚至是分布式),事务管理,存储管理,日志管理。

36、Better support for concurrency. ─── 更好地支持并发。

37、These developments in technology rely on communication, concurrency and asynchronous operation within software applications. ─── 以上这些技术的发展都要依靠通信及应用程序内部的同/异步操作。

38、An Optmistic Concurrency Control Algorithm Based on Semantic Serializability ─── 基于语义可串行性的乐观并发控制算法

39、Reduce redundant information to increase the speed of updates and improve concurrency. ─── 减少冗余信息,以加快更新速度并改善并发性。

40、To maximize concurrency in a program, we must minimize the frequency and duration of lock acquisition. ─── 为了使程序中的并发效用最大化,必须最小化锁定获取的频率和时长。

41、multitask concurrency schedule ─── 多任务并发调度

42、Who really needs concurrency? ─── 谁真正需要并行?

43、Consistency, responsiveness and concurrency are three important but mutually exclusive requirements for concurrent manipulation control. ─── 因此,并发操作控制机制的焦点是在保证一致性前提下,以最小响应时间和最大并发程度,解决操作冲突。

44、The most important property of a completion port is the concurrency value. ─── 完成端口最重要的特性就是并发量。

45、Pessimistic concurrency is typically used for two reasons. ─── 保守式并发通常用于两个目的。

46、distributed concurrency control ─── 分布式并发控制

47、ACP Model of Java Concurrency ─── Java并发系统的ACP模型

48、Making additional guarantees about the implementation of existing language facilities in the presence of concurrency will be needed, though. ─── 不过在存在并发的情况下现有语言设施实作需要做出额外的保证。

49、The order in which you reference tables within your transactions can affect concurrency. ─── 在事务内对表的引用顺序可能会影响并发性。

50、Research of Concurrency Control Mechanisms for CSCW Systems ─── CSCW系统中的并发控制机制的研究

51、A Locking-based Concurrency Control Algorithm based on Semantic Serializability ─── 基于语义可串行性的锁协议并发控制算法

52、FIFO has one disadvantage.It does not always allow the maximum concurrency. ─── FIFO有一个缺点,它并不总是允许最大的并发度。

53、Concurrency control is the key technology of consistency control in CSCW, people have done lots of studies and got much achievement. But most research works can hardly satisfy the requirements of CSCW very well. ─── 在编辑过程中,并发控制是维护数据一致性的关键技术,人们在这方面已经作了很多研究并且取得了一些成效,但是大部山东大学硕士学位论文分的研究仍然不能很好地满足CSCW的需要。

54、On Design Transaction and Concurrency Control in PDM ─── PDM中设计事务及其并发控制的研究

55、The essence of concurrency of international accounting standards is to coordinate the interests among different nations. ─── 会计标准国际趋同的实质是各国的利益协调。

56、real-time concurrency control ─── 实时并发控制

57、Concurrency Correctness of Workflow Based on Resource Constraint Workflow ─── 基于资源限制流图的工作流并发结构的正确性验证

58、The transaction failed to commit due to the failure of optimistic concurrency control in at least one of the resource managers. ─── 该事务没有确认,因为至少一个资源管理器里的乐观并发控制失败。

59、A programmer can derive benefit from a multi-threaded application only if the coding problem requires some concurrency. ─── 只有当要解决的问题需要一定程度的并发性时,程序员才会从多线程应用程序中受益。

60、Muliversion optimistic concurrency control ─── 多版本乐观并发控制

61、The simultaneous access of the same data by multiple users. In database software concurrency requires additional logic to ensure that all users see consistent data and that all changes are made in the proper order. ─── 多个用户同时访问同一数据。在数据库软件中,并发运行需要附加逻辑以保证所有看到的数据是一致的,并且数据的所有修改以适当的顺序进行。

62、Shared (S) locks allow concurrent transactions to read (SELECT) a resource under pessimistic concurrency control. ─── 共享锁(S锁)允许并发事务在封闭式并发控制下读取(SELECT)资源。

63、The business process context is strictly speaking multi-threaded, but in practice concurrency is sufficiently rare that this fact may be disregarded most of the time. ─── 业务流程上下文严格的讲是多线程的,但是实际应用中,并发的情况非常少,大部分情况下都可以忽略。

64、Graphic Object Based View Aggregation and Concurrency Conflict ─── 基于图形对象的并发冲突与视图聚合

65、Concurrency ControL of DBS in Data Communication ─── 在数据通信中对分布式DBS的并发性控制

66、commitment concurrency and recovery ─── 委托、并发和恢复

67、In a multiuser environment, there are two models for updating data in a database: optimistic concurrency and pessimistic concurrency. ─── 在多用户环境中,有两种用于更新数据库中数据的模型:开放式并发和保守式并发。设计。

68、Evolving Algebra for Periodic Deterministic Real-Time Concurrency ─── 周期性可定实时并行进程的进化代数分析

69、A Relaxed Serializability Concurrency Control Algorithm ─── 一种准串行化并发控制算法

70、One approach to handling concurrency is to write multi-threaded programs that allow data to travel along many paths. ─── 处理同作的方式之一,是撰写多执行绪程式,允许资料透过不同的路径传送。

71、Concurrency is one topic engineers notoriously get wrong, and understandibly so, because the brain does juggle many things at a time and in schools linear thinking is emphasized. ─── 众所周之,并发性是一项工程师们容易搞错并难以理解的议题,因为我们的大脑要挣扎着同时处理很多事情,而在学校却一直在强调线性思考。

72、In this portal system, we use DBCP (Database Connection Pool) to solve the problem of concurrency efficiency. ─── 在系统设计中,充分考虑了一个大型系统需要同时为多个客户端服务的并发性特点,利用数据库连接池技术来解决这一问题。

73、Java with annotated concurrency (JAC) ─── JAC

74、A Basic Thought of Concurrency Controlling Mechanism for CSCW ─── 一种CSCW协同控制机制的基本思路

75、On the other hand, in the field of Native XML Databases (NXD) the research concerning the transaction and the concurrency control mechanism is initiated not long ago. ─── 另一方面,在XML原型数据库(NXD)系统领域,事务和并发控制机制方面的研究刚刚起步。

76、This technique is called pipelining, and is a very effective way of exploiting concurrency in a general-purpose processor. ─── 该技术被称为流水线,是在通用处理器中采用并行算法且非常有效的途径。

77、In optimistic concurrency control, users do not lock data when they read it. ─── 在乐观并发控制中,用户读取数据时不锁定数据。

78、So concurrency is largely an unsolved problem. ─── 因此同作大量地是一个被未解决的问题。

79、concurrency controlling mechanism ─── 协同控制机制

80、concurrency control mechanism ─── [计] 并发控制机制

81、At any time, the concurrency level of a scheduler is equal to the number of virtual processor granted to it by the Resource Manager. ─── 在任何时候,计划程序的并发级别等于通过资源管理器向它授予的虚拟处理器数。

82、A DBMS must therefore provide some form of concurrency control to prevent uncoordinated access to the same data item by more than one transaction. ─── 因此,DBMS必须提供某种并发控制状态以阻止多个事务对于同一数据项的非协调访问。

83、One way to handle concurrency is to update only if value in the WHERE clause matches the value on the record. ─── 处理并发的一种方法是仅当WHERE子句中的值与记录上的值匹配时才进行更新。

84、An ODBMS extends the programming language with transparently persistent data, concurrency control, data recovery, associative queries, and other capabilities. ─── ODBMS使得编程语言能够透明地进行数据持久化、并行控制、数据恢复以及关联查询等操作。

85、Concurrency Control and Recovery in a Client/Server DBMS ─── Client/Server数据库模型下的并发控制与恢复技术

86、You need to strike a balance between batching to reduce state changes and pushing data out to the driver early to help achieve concurrency. ─── 你需要平衡批处理数据量以减少绘制状态改变,并且在早期就把数据发送到驱动中以获得并行性。

87、The cost of placing locks on the data is less than the cost of rolling back changes when concurrency conflicts occur. ─── 在数据上放置锁所费的成本小于发生并发冲突时回滚更改所费的成本。

88、A Theory of Concurrency Control in DDBMS ─── DDBMS中的并发控制理论

89、Lock and serializability are two important methods for concurrency control. ─── 加锁与可串行化是并发控制中采取的2个主要措施。


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