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08-14 投稿


solicitously 发音

英:[s??l?s?t?sli]  美:[s??l?s?t?sli]

英:  美:

solicitously 中文意思翻译



solicitously 词性/词形变化,solicitously变形

副词: solicitously |名词: solicitousness |

solicitously 短语词组

1、solicitously examples ─── 关切地举例

2、solicitously mean ─── 关心地刻薄

3、solicitously definition ─── 关切地定义

4、solicitously adverb ─── 关切副词

5、solicitously antonyms ─── 关切地反义词

6、solicitously synonyms ─── 关心同义词

7、solicitously meaning ─── 殷勤的意思

8、solicitously define ─── 谨慎地定义

solicitously 相似词语短语

1、felicitously ─── adv.恰当地;适切地

2、infelicitously ─── 不恰当地

3、declivitously ─── 倾斜的

4、maliciously ─── adv.有敌意地,恶意地

5、deliciously ─── adv.美味地,芬香地

6、solicitors ─── n.律师(solicitor复数)

7、solicitousness ─── 热切期望

8、duplicitously ─── 搞两面派地;奸诈地

9、solicitous ─── adj.热切期望的;热心的;挂念的

solicitously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Trade unions shall solicit and voice the opinions and demands of the workers and staff members, show concern for their everyday life, help them solve their difficulties. ─── 工会应当听取和反映职工的意见和要求,关心职工生活,帮助职工解决困难。

2、Agent is only authorized to solicit orders for Manufacturer's products and the sale thereof within the territories. ─── 代理商只受权在那些地区内为厂商产品招揽订单以及推销其产品。

3、Sue looked solicitously out the window. ─── 琼熙热切地望着窗外。

4、The committee may, from time to time, solicit and take on behalf of the trustee subscriptions and bequests to the fund. ─── 委员会可不时代表受托人征求和接受对基金的认捐及遗赠。

5、The municipal pla ing administrative department, when examining and a roving the controlled detailed pla ing, shall solicit opinio of the SMUTA. ─── 市规划行政管理部门在审批控制性详细规划时,应当征求市交通行政主管部门的意见。

6、"By utilizing NCR's self-service technology, we've been able to consistently increase data accuracy, solicit outstanding patient balances and boost collections. ─── “通过利用NCR的自助服务技术,我们已经能够不断提高数据的准确性,征求优秀病人余额和增加集合。

7、Prepare and solicit competitive bids, quotations, and proposals with pertinent specifications, terms, and conditions. ─── 准备并发出具有竞争性的报价或建议,附有相应的规格要求及条款。

8、Vendors usually solicit strangers for their trade. ─── 小贩通常把货物兜售给外地人。

9、A cost reduction program can be regarded as a continuous campaign to solicit change. ─── 可以把降低成本规划看作是引发改革的一个不断继续的运动。

10、It is mutually agreed that neither party shall solicit the employees of the other for employment or hire unless prior written consent to do so is obtained. ─── 双方同意除非得到事先书面同意,任何一方均不得引诱雇佣或聘用另一方的雇员。

11、He picked up her black fan from the counter and began fanning her solicitously, too solicitously, his face grave but his eyes still dancing. ─── 他从柜台上拿起她的那把黑扇子,开始关切地给她扇起来,也许太关切了,他的面容显得很严肃,但眼睛仍在跳动。

12、When time to change the members came,she talked to me specially to solicit my idea. ─── 一晃就到了换届这个敏感的时候,莹莹专门找我去谈话,征求我的想法。

13、Bausch &Lombs takeover agreement from Warburg Pincus allowed it to solicit other bids for 50 days. ─── 华平创业投资有限公司达成以每股65美元的价格收购要约,但允许博士伦可以在50天之内寻找其他买家。

14、With what to Solicit Advertiser at Time of Thick Newspaper? ─── 厚报时代:报纸告什么吸引广告?

15、Shanghai will solicit public opinion on auto plate auction and traffic jam fee , officials from the Shanghai Construction and Traffic Committee said Sunday. ─── 上海市城乡建设和交通委员会官员周日表示,上海将就车牌拍卖、交通拥堵费等政策征询公众意见。

16、However, prior to the submission, they shall solicit opinions of the auditees. ─── 审计报告报送审计机关前,应当征求被审计单位的意见。

17、Not to directly or indirectly solicit and or engage in handrail advertising services outside the Territory except with the written consent of EHC Global. ─── 不能直接或间接的要求或从事超过自己区域范围外的扶手带广告销售服务,除非得到依合斯全球的书面同意。

18、Sue look solicitously out of the window. ─── 苏关切地看了看窗外。

19、Some of them were on crutches and how proud were the girls who solicitously slowed their steps to their escorts' hopping pace! ─── 他们有的拄着拐杖,像单足跳行似地跟在姑娘们后面,这使得姑娘们引为自豪,并十分注意地放慢脚步,以适应这些陪护人的步调。

20、The said civil affairs administrative department shall, if intending to commend a donator in public, solicit this donator's opinions in advance. ─── 对捐赠人进行公开表彰,应当事先征求捐赠人的意见。

21、Because Amazon's sales pages include reader feedback features (like a message board and reviews), Oran is also using the site to solicit and gather thoughts from early readers. ─── 因为亚马逊的销售页面,包括读者的反馈功能(如留言板和评论) ,奥兰,也是使用本网站征求和收集的思考,从早期以飨读者。

22、The Company always regards HR as the most important strategic resources and solicit and train various professionals extensively. ─── 公司绐终将人力资源看作是最重要的战略资源,广泛吸收、培养各种技能的人才。

23、Othello. If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. ─── 奥瑟罗要是你想到在你的一生之中,还有什麽罪恶不曾为上帝所宽宥,赶快恳求他的恩赦吧。

24、We will solicit more financial resources for the Ping Wo Fund for these purposes as and when necessary. ─── 如有需要,我们会为平和基金寻求更多财政资源,以供上述用途。

25、To solicit a judge means to offer him bribes. ─── 引诱法官就是给予贿胳。

26、Two complete strangers could solicit or supply information to each other, and consummate the exchange with money, without the least chance of being traced. ─── 两个陌生人可以彼此索要或提供信息,用钱完成交易,不会有被跟踪的可能。

27、Where a regulation of the Municipal People's Government pla to create a temporary administrative lice e, the drafting unit shall solicit opinio . ─── 市政府规章拟设定临时性行政许可的,起草单位应当听取意见。

28、Taking me by both hands he solicitously led me in. ─── 他激动地拉着我的双手,把我让进屋子。

29、"God knows I have tried to solicit that market," Mr Smyth quips. ─── “上帝知道,我曾试图开发这个市场,”史密斯语带讽刺地说道。

30、"Is your arm bothering you?" he asked solicitously. ─── “你的手臂很疼吗?”他关切地问。

31、In courtroom interaction, it is questioners who control topics, and by doing so, they solicit their desired information. ─── 在法庭会话中,问话人控制话题,并且通过对话题的控制,获取他们所需要的信息。

32、To entreat, solicit, or importune. ─── 恳求恳求、请求或强求

33、the man crouched solicitously by the wheel , and peered at the little engine. ─── 那人留心地蹲伏在车轮边,探视着那小机器。

34、Both 询问and 问are verbs meaning “ to solicit opinions or to ask about”. 询问is used in literary works while 问is more casual. ─── “询问”和“问”都是动词。有征求一件和打听的意思。“询问”多用于书面语,而“问”多用于口语。

35、Packaging is not a Rorschach inkblot, the respondent’s interpretation unknowable in advance, but rather a stimulus designed to solicit a specific interpretation. ─── 包装不是一个罗夏墨迹,被告的解释不可知的提前,而是一个旨在刺激征求一个具体的解释。

36、The punch line is that this method calls tasks that solicit input from the user. ─── 妙处在于该方法调用向用户请求输入的任务。

37、Establishing scientific farming land Solicit system is the key to Protecting lost land peasants' benefit. ─── 保护被征地农民利益,关键是要建立科学的农地征用制度。

38、How will you solicit donations? ─── 你将如何吁请捐款?

39、For all future WAO Congresses, the WAO Congress Council has recently recommended that WAO solicit proposals from specific world regions on a rotational basis. ─── WAO大会的组委会最近建议,今后所有的WAO大会将采取轮流主办的原则,根据世界的不同区域提出申请。

40、To achieve such effects, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first-rate architects and make an overall plan. ─── 为了要达成如此的效果, 北京将请求意见从第一流的建筑师而且制造一全部的计划。

41、They were planning to solicit funds from a number of organizations. ─── 他们正计划向一些机构募集资金。

42、But we are willing to solicit iews from all sides and our people. ─── 但是我们愿意听取各方面的意见,特别是听取我国人民群众的意见。

43、Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicit some free lance gigs? ─── 你可以利用晚上、周末或是午休时间来阅读一些自由作家的作品吗?

44、We solicit the favour of your commands. ─── 希予惠顾。

45、After going over your resume with a fine-tooth comb, solicit proofreading assistance from trusted friends and colleagues. ─── 在自己仔细检查之后,拜托一位你信任的朋友或同事帮忙再审查一次简历。

46、Second, The international society people from all walks of life to this meet the public utility to solicit donations the subsidization. ─── 二、国际社会各界人士对本会公益事业的募捐资助。

47、We solicit your specific inquiry. ─── 希望接到你们的具体询盘。

48、The board of directors, independent directors and qualified shareholders of a listed company may solicit for the shareholders right to vote in a shareholders meeting. ─── 上市公司董事会、独立董事和符合有关条件的股东可向上市公司股东征集其在股东大会上的投票权。

49、Independent directors shall solicit votes from the holders of tradable shares for the vote on the Separation reform plan. ─── 三)独立董事应当向流通股股东就表决股权分置改革方案征集投票权。

50、The Rushworths were the only addition to his own domestic circle which he could solicit. ─── 他唯一想使他的家庭与之来往的是拉什沃兹一家人。

51、He travels under the auspices of the North Defense Trust, which was set up by his friends to solicit money by mail and through TV and newspaper ads. ─── 他旅行是由诺思辩护信托基金赞助。此项基金系由他的友人经由邮件、电视及报纸广告所募得。

52、We will then issue a fifth report setting out a mainstream proposal to facilitate further public discussion, and to solicit support from the Legislative Council and the public. ─── 届时,我们便会发表第五号报告,提供主流方案,让市民大众讨论,争取立法会及市民的支持。


54、As you know, it is our style to try to solicit suggestions from below. ─── 如你所知,我们的工作作风是设法鼓励下面提出建议。

55、We solicit a continuance of your patronage. ─── 希望能继续惠顾我们。

56、They should not use the threat of violence to solicit vote, as gangsters do to extort money. ─── 他们不能像黑社会分子以威迫手段榨取金钱的方式骗取选票。

57、Using exaggerated publicity or advertising or other improper methods to solicit insurance to a proposer, insured, or a third party. ─── 对要保人、被保险人或第三人以夸大不实之宣传、广告或其他不当之方法为招揽者。

58、Under no circumstances is it acceptable to offer, give, solicit or receive, directly or indirectly, any form of bribe, kickback or any improper or illegal inducement. ─── 在任何情况下中兴决不允许有任何形式的行贿,受贿的行为发生。

59、He had to solicit the assistance of Sir Nicholas Fitzwhiggin and Mr Towers. ─── 他还不得不去要求尼古拉斯·菲茨惠金爵士和托尔斯先生给予他帮助。

60、In this course, tribute receive , military service and taxes is mainly form of taxes and corvee to solicit to ethnic minority all the time. ─── 在这一过程中,贡纳、兵役、赋税始终是政府对少数民族征发赋役的主要形式。

61、He is thus disposed to relieve, it will be easily conjectured he found numbers disposed to solicit. ─── 他既然这样存心好周济,自然就有许多人求他周济。

62、A publishing house that intends to co-operate with a foreign party in publishing a manuscript shall solicit in advance the permission of the author or the original editing unit. ─── 出版社拟同国外合作出版的书稿,应事先征得原作者或原编辑单位的同意。

63、Among other powerful persons to whom he went to solicit aid for his parishioners was M. le Cardinal Fesch. ─── 他代表他教区的信众们向上级有所陈请,曾夹在一群显要人物中去见过费什红衣主教。

64、The first pillar of Basel II capital adequacy requirements, the present capital of commercial banks, the CBRC is to solicit the views of complementary mechanisms. ─── 巴塞尔协议第一支柱就是要求资本充足,目前银监会正在就商业银行资本补充机制广泛征求意见。

65、Next he plans to solicit landowners and communities for plots of at least five acres where the clones will be planted and, ideally, interbreed. ─── 下一步,他打算恳求土地所有者和社区给他一块地,至少有5英亩,以便让他种植克隆无性系;并且最好能在这块地上进行杂交实验。

66、If the formulation can become public, it shall solicit the public opinions. ─── 可以公开的,应当公开征求社会各界意见。

67、According to refunding the tax rate, solicit, refunding tax rate bad size not to influence one refunding execution result, tax of management method directly. ─── 从退税率方面来看,征、退税率差的大小直接影响一种退(免)税管理办法的执行效果。

68、NIAC was created in 1998 to solicit revolutionary concepts from people and organizations outside NASA. ─── 夜间,气温将降低到冰点一下。

69、But just now's knowing i've got a prize for that solicit article makes me confident again. ─── 但是得知我的征文得了奖,我重拾信心。

70、Submitted within the prescribed time planning programme in the first phase, the architectural design of the programme to solicit bids person may enter the second phase. ─── 在规定时间内提交规划?建筑设计方案参加第一阶段方案征集的竞买人均可进入第二阶段。

71、"Almost all product positioning finalized, what is most disturbing is the name of our final decision to solicit money. ─── “产品定位差不多都敲定了,最困扰我们的就是叫什么名字,最后决定用重金征集。”

72、In conducting the study, we frequently approach the concerned parties to solicit their views. ─── 在研究期间,我们经常主动和有关人士进行磋商,听取他们的意见。

73、He always enquires most solicitously about your health. ─── 他总是极为关切地问起你的健康状况.

74、Zhang Boxi leans solicitously toward the old woman weeping softly as she speaks. From time to time, he offers her a few encouraging words. ─── 张伯希(音)把身子侧向这位柔声哭泣的老年妇女,不时插上几句鼓励的话语。

75、WIPO should make an effort to actively solicit the views of different public interest groups working in the developing world, in its various policy-making bodies. ─── WIPO应该努力主动征求发展中国家各公共利益团体对其不同政策制定机构的意见。

76、They send representatives abroad to solicit business. ─── 他们派代表出国寻求商机。

77、Identify, solicit and obtain sales orders, meeting or exceeding sales goals for CEP Chengdu. ─── 寻找并最终获得销售订单,会谈机会,达到公司销售目标。

78、Promote semiconductor solutions to corporate customers & solicit customer design-in activities. ─── 促进公司客户的半导体解决方案,并寻求来自客户的新的设计需求。

79、RFP.A description of work to be done that is used to solicit bids from potential service providers. ─── 对需要完成的工作进行描述,以便潜在的服务提供商为其投标。

80、Do not solicit contributions or donations, unless special approval has been obtained from the Office of Student Affairs. ─── 任何人仕未获得学生事务处特别安排,均不得在宿舍内进行募捐事宜。

81、To solicit customers, votes, or patronage, especially in a brazen way. ─── 兜售、招徕、拉生意诱惑以得到顾客、选票或帮助,尤指以一种厚颜无耻的方法

82、He picked up her black fan from the counter and began fanning her solicitously, too solicitously, his face grave but his eyes still dancing. ─── 这时他从柜台上拿起她的那把黑扇子,开始关切地给她扇起来,也许太关切了,他的面容显得很严肃,但眼睛仍在跳动。

83、To solicit voters, orders, or opinions. ─── 争取获得选票的定单或意见

84、We respectfully solicit your continuous patronage . ─── 恭请继续光顾。

85、Don't ever solicit me for money again. ─── 不要再向我要钱了。

86、The CAA of PRC shall, when approving the business scope of sports service certification of a certification body, solicit the opinions of the State Administration of Sports. ─── 国家认证认可监督管理委员会批准认证机构的体育服务认证业务范围时,应当征求国家体育总局的意见。

87、Xiannongtan adjacent to the "land to the world that" open to the community to solicit tenders "enjoyed luxury" indoor refined decoration programme. ─── 与先农坛毗邻的“耕天下”公开向社会招标征集“京味豪宅”室内精装修设计方案。

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