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08-14 投稿


gradation 发音

英:[gr?'de??(?)n]  美:[gr?'de??n]

英:  美:

gradation 中文意思翻译



gradation 网络释义

n. (色彩、颜色、次序、音调等的)渐变;分等级;(各种状态、性质等的)分阶段渐变;元音交替

gradation 词性/词形变化,gradation变形

形容词: gradational |副词: gradationally |

gradation 短语词组

1、mechanical gradation ─── 机械级配

2、colour gradation ─── 颜色渐变

3、concentration gradation ─── 浓度分级

4、gradation of aggregate ─── 骨料级配

5、gradation of color ─── 色阶

6、optimum gradation ─── 最佳级配

7、coefficient of gradation ─── 级配系数

8、lateral gradation ─── 侧夷酌

9、gradation of crime ─── [法] 罪的等差, 罪行的等级, 犯罪的阶段

10、continuous gradation ─── 连续级配

11、aggregate gradation ─── 骨料级配

12、chemical gradation ─── 化学分级

13、gradation thesis ─── 分级论文

14、gradation curve excel ─── 级配曲线excel

15、gradation ceremony ─── 分级仪式

16、vowel gradation ─── 元音递变[交替,等次]

17、hard gradation ─── 硬级配

18、gradation ferociter ─── 肥力梯度

19、tonal gradation ─── 色调梯级, ─── 色调等级;灰调层次

gradation 相似词语短语

1、eradiation ─── n.发射

2、gradations ─── n.[摄]层次(gradation的复数);分级;渐变

3、degradation ─── n.退化;降格,降级;堕落

4、graduations ─── n.毕业典礼(graduation的复数)

5、aggradation ─── n.沉积

6、graduation ─── n.毕业;毕业典礼;刻度,分度;分等级

7、gradational ─── adj.有等级的;渐次的

8、gradatim ─── adv.渐渐地,逐步地

9、upgradation ─── n.升级,更新,提高

gradation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then the comprehensive evaluation and gradation of drilling machines are carried out on the basis of the detection data analysis and expert experiences. ─── 依据检测数据分析和专家经验,对钻机等级进行综合评判和分级。

2、Civil legal interest is characterized with obscurity and gradation. ─── 民事法益具有不明确性、层级性的特点。

3、firstly , aggregate particles of various sizes were generated for a given aggregate gradation curve and aggregate area fraction. ─── 首先,按照骨料级配曲线和面积百分比,生成各种尺寸的骨料颗粒。

4、For the simon-pure culture could exceed era, politics, nation, phyle, national boundaries, gradation, religion and link with the hearts of everybody. ─── 因为真正的文化可以超越时代、政治、民族、种族、国界、阶级、宗教连接起每一颗精纯的心。

5、Evaluation and gradation of hidden dangers are important criteria in risk control, which are methods for risk assessment generally used. ─── 对隐患的评价分级是治理的重要依据,作业条件危险评价方法是常用的一种危险评价方法。

6、The gradation of sound absorption property for absorbent products ─── GB/T16731-1997建筑吸声产品的吸声性能分级

7、In the strict sense of Western philosophy, there are levels or gradation to the nature and conception of reality. ─── 在严格的西方哲学理解中,针对自然和实相观念存在层级或阶级。

8、It is hard to understand all the minute gradation of their bureaucracy. ─── 很难弄清楚他们那套官僚体制全部细微的等级分别。

9、Computation of bed-load gradation composition in natural river ─── 天然河流床沙级配的计算

10、The test methods of VCA(subscript DRF) and VCA(subscript AC) were introduced in the light of the application of gradation design for SAC13 in an actual project. ─── 摘要结合将在实际工程中应用的SAC13级配的设计过程对VCA(下标DRF)和VCA(下标AC)矿料级配检验方法进行了具体介绍。

11、I have noticed the subtle gradation in colour in this painting. ─── 我已经注意到这幅画中色彩的渐变。

12、The creepage of the concrete of natural gradation and the creepage of the concrete of wet-screened second gradation are proportional to related mortar rate. ─── 原级配和湿筛二级配混凝土的徐变比与相应的灰浆率比成正比;

13、Then the key research image gradation level revises, and gives each algorithm the MATLAB procedure and the movement result. ─── 接着重点研究图像的灰度级修正,并给出各种算法的MATLAB程序及运行结果。

14、This paper analyzes the influence of mineral aggregate gradation in asphalt mixture on volume of air voids (vv) by utilizing grey connection analysis theory. ─── 摘要利用灰色关联分析原理,分析了沥青混合料矿料级配对空隙率的影响。

15、full responsibility gradation nursing mode ─── 层级全责一体化护理模式

16、gradation of soil erosion potential danger ─── 土壤侵蚀潜在危险度分级

17、More importance has been attached to the grading and land price evaluation of a city than to the gradation of different cities in the present land market. ─── 摘要现行的城市土地市场中,常常只注重对一个城市内部的定级与基准地价评估,而缺乏宏观调控城镇土地价格的分等研究。

18、The gradation of 8 isolates from bigness to smallness in colonydiameter was BL、GL、LJ、Z、YM、PG、PP and XBC at the same level of nitrogen sources. ─── 在对氮源的综合利用上各菌株表现也不一致,各菌株菌落直径由大到小的顺序为BL、GL、LJ、Z、YM、PG、PP、XBC。

19、Keeping the filler-asphalt ratio as constant, the intermediate and the nether gradation make up of skeleton-void structure and the upper gradation makes up of skeleton-close structure. ─── 在粉胶比保持不变的情况下,中值级配和下限级配沥青混合料形成骨架-空隙结构,上限级配的混合料形成骨架-密实结构。

20、Based on laboratory tests, an anlysis is made of the influence of state and degree of gradation segregation on volume parameter, service performance and mechanic performance of asphalt mixture. ─── 摘要通过室内试验,分析混合料级配离析状态和离析程度对沥青混合料体积参数、路用性能和力学性能的影响。

21、CHEN Zhong-da,YUAN Wan-jie,GAO Chun-hai.Research on design method of multilevel dense builtin gradation[J].China Journal of Highway and Transport,2006,19(1):32-37. ─── [7]陈忠达,袁万杰,高春海.多级嵌挤密实级配设计方法研究[J].中国公路学报,2006,19(1):32-37.

22、Methods The fractures of the ribs of 512 patients were suspected in clinic, and those CR images were processed with gradation and spatial frequency technology. ─── 方法对临床怀疑肋骨骨折512例患者的肋骨CR影像应用谐调处理与空间频率处理的方法进行技术处理。

23、The core sand binder can be characterized with higher strength, easy collapsibility, better gradation and l ess cost, hence it is particularly suitably used in non-ferrous metal castings. ─── 它的主要特点是:强度高、散性好、毒、污染、本低,特别适用于低熔点的铝、合金及铸铁件的生产。

24、two steps enzyme gradation digestion ─── 两步酶分层消化法

25、The modification method is an important means of agricultural land gradation. ─── 修正法是农用地定级的重要方法之一。

26、optimum temperature gradation ─── 最佳温度梯度

27、Five jiao fields, the Jinqiao gradation center commerce tectonic plate deal was active. ─── 五角场、金桥等次中心商务板块成交活跃。

28、AA Very Round( less than5% gradation); Good Luster, Good Nacre(.35 of total nacre or better);80-90% Inclusion Free Surface; Good/ Excellent Matching; Top20% of a Pearl Farm's Harvest. ─── AA 非常圆(于5%那部份的等级)良好的光泽,良好的珠层(.35或以上的珠层含量)80%90%表皮光洁度,好/好的匹配,珠农收成中最好的20%份。

29、The cultivated land classification and gradation is virtually an evaluation of the quality of the land, in which the impersonal appraisal is the foundation. ─── 摘要耕地分等定级实质上是对耕地质量的评价,客观的评价是以构建科学的评价模型为基础的。

30、Finally, the paper presents some countermeasures and the gradation not only anti-skid and waterproof but also anti-rutting. ─── 最后给出了若干对策以及既抗水损害也抗车辙的级配。

31、They say gradation ceremonies are a good way to celebrate success in the school. ─── 他们说毕业庆典是一个庆祝学校成功的好方法。

32、Introduces the three methods of water measurement on concrete mixing stations, determination of water-content coefficient of sand and rock and revision of gradation ratio, and puts forward effective scheme to control the lump of concrete. ─── 介绍混凝土拌合站水计量所采用的三种方法,砂石含水率的测定及配合比的修订,为混凝土坍落度的控制提供了有效解决方案。

33、Based on tests of aggregates and asphalt materials, study on the gradation of asphalt mixture of high performance was performed and recommends to gradation wee given. ─── 在矿料、沥青材料试验研究的基础上开展沥青混合料组成设计试验研究,提出了供工程使用的高性能沥青混合料级配组成设计建议范围。

34、A Design of Gradation Mould for Engine Cover Edges ─── 发动机罩边框级进模的设计

35、Abbot H. Thayer has suggested that this gradation obliterates the appearance of solidity, which is due to shadow. ─── Abbot H。 Thayer 曾提出,这种渐变抹杀了因为影子而导致的实体性的外观。

36、In the flat tempera painting of medieval art, the gradation of values that produces a three-dimensional effect was almost impossible to achieve. ─── 在中世纪平面的蛋彩画中,几乎不可能由细致的明暗变化来表现出立体感。

37、During Superpave mixture gradation design, Bailey method is very useful in gradation selection and evaluation. ─── 在进行 Superpave混合料级配设计时 ,贝雷方法可以作为重要的级配选择和评价工具。

38、Color Image Input Index Influence Reproduction of Gradation ─── 彩色图像的输入指标对层次再现的影响

39、Effect of particle size and gradation of HMX on the shock sensitivity and the output of explosive composition based on HMX[J].Journal of Chinese Safety Science,2000,10(3):71-74. ─── HMX粒度、粒度级配对混合传爆药的性能影响的研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2000,10(3):71-74.

40、As a result, to reduce the incidence of backfill-induced wall deformations, gradation limits were made more restrictive;these limits remain in force today. ─── 因此,为了减少因填料变形引起的墙变形,等级极限有了更多的限制,这些限制在今天仍然有效。

41、The gradation of the space character is so clear , just like affacting music blowing in the air which is full of arousing and rhythm. ─── 层次分明的空间本质,就像动人的乐音在空气中流转扩散,纯净中充满诗意的感动与韵律。

42、Based on this model, a 3-D random convex polyhedron aggregate model considering the actual aggregate content, gradation and shape of aggregate is established. ─── 同时,研究了细观单元属性判别方法,编制了对含有凸多面体骨料的细观区域进行结构性有限元网格剖分程序。

43、After I affirm that the relations of Sino-Japan should develop ahead to an amicable gradation,I expound the the conflict between China and Japan ,the reason and the infuence of the confict. ─── 在肯定中日关系应友好向前发展的前提下,主要通过对中日矛盾及争端的概述,简明的分析了其产生原因及影响。

44、The gradation is: Hippophae rhamnoides + Leymus chinensis > Hippophae rhamnoides > Populus simonii + Salix matsudana+Hippophae rhamnoides > Populus simonii + Hippophae rhamnoides. ─── 土壤养分含量大致顺序为:沙棘+羊草>沙棘>杨树+柳树+沙棘>杨+沙棘;

45、The Cockatoo Ridge reserve shiraz1999 has a strong flavour of acinus, complexity, gradation and perfect subtle oak. ─── 充满成熟浆果香,复杂,极有层次,有完美的橡木味。

46、Using road-related performance as an evaluation criterion, different kinds of materials and gradation anti-slide asphalt mixtures were studied by means of gyratory test machine (GTM). ─── 摘要用技术性能作为评价依据,以旋转试验机(GTM)为手段,研究了不同性质的原材料、不同级配的抗滑型沥青混合料的性能和施工技术。

47、So, it"s very important to study the theory, the method and the procedure of farmland gradation and evaluation at present. ─── 所以,对农用地分等定级估价的理论、方法、程序进行研究探索,具有十分重要的现实意义。

48、Gradation of coarse aggregate of dam concrete ─── 大坝混凝土的粗骨料级配

49、Gradation Design of Andesite Aggregate ─── 安山岩集料级配设计

50、The character shuenn light quadrochromatic faclial color gradation wateriness, lack of contrast. ─── 人物逆平草稿面部阶调凡庸,色彩差比充足力度。

51、However, the brushwork is stiff and the ink gradation lacks layering and variation, suggesting the work of a later artist to which Wang's name was added. ─── 可是全作的笔法板滞,墨色缺乏层次变化,应是一件后人伪讬王蒙之名的作品。

52、The paper has put forward and testified four utilizable aggregate gradation. ─── 提出并验证了四种具有实用价值的集料级配组成。

53、every gradation of feeling from joy to grief ─── 从喜悦到悲伤程度上有差异的感情

54、Scientific division of factors index areas is the premise and foundation for the accuracy of farmland gradation. ─── 摘要分等因素指标区的科学划分是保证农用地分等结果准确的前提和基础。

55、According to gradation of tailings,the knowledge bank model can predict the strengths of cemented tailings in different contents of cement or consistence,and guide filling design in mine. ─── 应用知识库模型可以根据尾砂的级配特性,预测不同水泥含量、不同浓度下的尾砂胶结充填体强度,指导矿山充填设计。

56、For small gravel particles should not result in sand mud wrapped Micronesia and the blocking phenomenon in cold pipelines gravel gradation strict control strict admission related raw materials. ─── 对于因碎石颗粒偏小,宜造成砂子泥浆包裹不密,且堵寒管道的现象,严格控制碎石级配,严把原材料入场关。

57、In earlier epochs of ceramic history in China, we find a complicated arrangement of art making into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. ─── 在中国过去的陶瓷历史的各个时代,我们会发现社会完全被划分为各个不同的等级,艺术也被划分为不同的等级。

58、The percentage passing of(0.075 mm) on Bailey method was as a test index,which perfected the evaluation to critical sieve percentage passing of design gradation. ─── 在贝雷法级配设计的基础上,提出将混合料中0.075 mm筛孔通过率也作为检验指标,从而使贝雷法的控制指标更趋于完善;

59、Abstract: Spatial construction of Modern City should be attached to influence of spatial perception gradation on the function, scale and landscape of urban space. ─── 文摘:现代城市空间建构,应重视空间形态内涵对空间功能、尺度、层次、景观等的影响。

60、In traditional families the relations of daily contact not only have fundamental characteristics,such as gradation,parochialism,human sympathy and complexity and so on,but also have many complicated relations relevant to them. ─── 传统家庭中的日常交往关系不仅具有等级性、狭隘性、人情化及复杂性等基本特征,还具有与之相应的复杂关系。

61、Based on the review of the existing specifications home and abroad, rubber gradation is decided, which obtained by mixing two types of crumb rubber in a certain proportion. ─── 文中通过对国内、外现有规范的总结,首先确定出试验胶粉的级配,并选用两种规格的胶粉按比例掺配得到试验所用的废轮胎胶粉改性剂。

62、Abstract: The characteristics,features,classification,gradation and technical requirements of building sealants are described.The function for sealing building joints is briefly analyzed,and new standards are also introduced. ─── 文摘:概述建筑密封剂的特征、特性、分类、分级和技术要求,对建筑接缝密封设定功能进行简要分析并介绍最新标准的情况。

63、Such a tabulation cannot represent adequately the complex gradation relationships between the types. ─── 图表不能充分代表各类型之间的复杂级配关系。

64、For Video, The LX-91 has better colour gradation, contrast, sharpness and noise reduction. ─── 对于视频,该中心LX - 91具有更好的色彩层次,对比度,清晰度和降低噪声。The biggest difference was the 3D aspect of the LX-91. 最大的不同是三维方面的中心LX - 91 。

65、Grain gradation, from coarser below to finer above in repeated, truncated sequences within the Ellerslie Sandstone is also evident. ─── 在埃勒斯莱砂岩层段内,重复出现的截顶层序中,自下而上,由粗变细的粒级递变也是明显的。

66、full responsibility gradation nursing ─── 层级全责护理

67、Remarks: The products can be adjusted in grain gradation, color, density according to the concrete requirements of clients. ─── 备注:以上产品颜色可根据客户具体要求进行调整。

68、Time as an inexorable investment in competitive gymnastic training produces the gradation and fixed number of years of contribution. ─── 时间作为竞技性体操运动训练活动中的一种必然的成本投入,其产出的效益就是贡献层次及其保持的年限。

69、This article puts forward the concepts of the gradation and the family network of senior-citizen support. ─── 摘要本文提出养老的层次性和养老家庭网概念。

70、Based on this model, a3- D random convex polyhedron aggregate model considering the actual aggregate content, gradation and shape of aggregate is established. ─── 并在随机球骨料模型的基础上,形成随机凸多面体骨料模型。

71、According to the teaching requirements issued by the Ministry of Education, adopting the gradation teaching for fundamental English is the necessity of reforming traditional teaching methods and conforming to the social development. ─── 按照《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,实行基础英语分级教学是改革传统基础英语教学模式,顺应时代发展的必然要求。

72、Combined with the practice,the paper introduced mix design,mixing,transportation,rolling and quality control of expressway cement gradation macadam. ─── 介绍了湖北随岳高速公路水泥稳定级配碎石的配比设计、拌和、运输、碾压的施工工艺及质量控制。

73、Abstract: After the gradation of recyled aggregate was adjusted, then the mechanical preformance of basic mixture material under different adulterate amounts was studied. ─── 摘要 :在对再生骨料混合料级配进行调整的基础之上,研究再生骨料不同掺量下基层混合料的力学性能。

74、In the former approach, based on gary image, the layered gradation segmentation is adopted and the analysis range is diminished gradually in the image. ─── 前者是一种基于灰度图像的车牌定位方法,该方法将图像进行分层次分割,不断减少分析的范围。

75、So there is a gradation, it's a matter of degree or how good an inductive argument is. ─── 这里有一个分级,这是程度的事,一个归纳论点有多好。

76、They are in fact remarkably discerning in color gradation. ─── 事实上,人眼对颜色梯度具有非凡的分辨能力。

77、Use from the lightest shade to the darkest towards the lash line in a gradation effect. ─── 如何打造:由浅至深顺次使用四个眼影,以晕染的方法向睫毛根部层层加深。

78、"I will name to you several sums which will increase by gradation; ─── “我向您提几个数目,然后逐渐增加。

79、RE-analysis of the rockburst mechanism and discussion on the gradation of the rockburst intensity. ─── 岩爆机理再分析及其烈度级别的划分。

80、control of fragmentation and gradation ─── 块度级配控制

81、Gradation of roof waterproofing into 4 levels and that of roof waterproofing material into 4 levels for 3 kinds were proposed. ─── 提出了屋面防水分为4个等级和屋面防水材料分为3类4个等级,介绍了设防层次的选择和多道设防的具体作法。

82、In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. ─── 在过去的各个历史时代,我们几乎到处都可以看到社会完全划分为各个不同的等级,看到社会地位分成的多种多样的层次。

83、In this paper,the basic configuration,development source,evolution gradation,production and market demand, current situation and so on for quinolone antibacterial agents were summarized in detail. ─── 介绍了喹诺酮类药物基本结构、发展渊源、演变阶段、生产和市场近况,对该药物的最新发展、新品种、应用前景以及有望作为抗癌和抗真菌方面的药物也予简单论述。

84、Methods Carrying out gradation practice under the model of taking up post according professional titles. ─── 方法实施按职上岗模式下的分层次实习模式。

85、The extent to which according to the dot gain, usually only can show up to 90%-95% the following hierarchical gradation. ─── 根据网不背放不小的火平,凡是仅能表示90%-95%以上的条理阶调。

86、The gradation teaching is superior to the traditional methods by obeying the principle of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. ─── 分级教学遵循了分类指导、因材施教的原则,在教学手段、教学内容及教学效果上都比传统的教学模式具有更大的优势。

87、A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief. ─── 一名好演员能够表现出由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。

88、It sparkles in a breath-taking gradation of crystal shades, from deep indigo to turquoise, and adds instant glamour to any outfit. ─── 作品闪现令人惊艳,从深靛蓝色到翠蓝色的渐变水晶色调,可为任何装扮瞬间注入非凡魅力。

89、The authors analyzed the effects of thickness, gradation, maximum nominal (dimension) and percent air voids on the rut. ─── 分析了大粒径沥青混合料的级配、最大粒径、空隙率和不同厚度对车辙的影响。

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